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Shocked by the deaths that took place in Beijing
It seems strange that she should be offended
The same orders are given by her
I've said this before now
You said I was childish and you'll say it now
"Remember what I told you
If they hated me they will hate you"
England's not the mythical land of Madame George and roses
It's the home of police who kill black boys on mopeds
And I love my boy and that's why I'm leaving
I don't want him to be aware that there's any such thing as grieving
Young mother down at Smithfield
5 am, looking for food for her kids
In her arms she holds three cold babies
And the first word that they learned was "please"
These are dangerous days
To say what you feel is to dig your own grave
"Remember what I told you
If you were of the world they would love you"
England's not the mythical land of Madame George and roses
It's the home of police who kill blacks boys on mopeds
And I love my boy and that's why I'm leaving
I don't want him to be aware that there's any such thing as grieving
No, she compares the methods of the authoritarian and violent Thatcher regime to that of the Chinese totalitarian State which Thatcher so condemned at the time. The hypocrisy of Thatcher condemning the Tianenmen repression whilst her State killed folk on UK streets was plain then, and is still plain. Similarly her praising of the Polish trade unionists whilst actively carrying out a class war against UK trades unions, a war that still resonates today.
I remember the 80s well, bitterly and angrily. The Thatcher regime was highly destructive and corrupt, and she personally has the blood of over 3000 men on her hands from the Falklands/Malvinas War. Yes, many in the UK, mainly in the bourgeois and petit-bourgeois, supported her as she was a warrior for her class, and a successful one (albeit with very substantial US backing which she couldn't have done without), and they mourn her passing. I for one will be celebrating on the streets when she finally croaks, and major parts of the UK, especially ex-mining areas in Yorkshire, Wales, Northumbria and Scotland will be doing the same.
My mother shuddered every time anyone mentioned Thatcher.

No, she compares the methods of the authoritarian and violent Thatcher regime to that of the Chinese totalitarian State which Thatcher so condemned at the time. The hypocrisy of Thatcher condemning the Tianenmen repression whilst her State killed folk on UK streets was plain then, and is still plain. Similarly her praising of the Polish trade unionists whilst actively carrying out a class war against UK trades unions, a war that still resonates today.
I remember the 80s well, bitterly and angrily. The Thatcher regime was highly destructive and corrupt, and she personally has the blood of over 3000 men on her hands from the Falklands/Malvinas War. Yes, many in the UK, mainly in the bourgeois and petit-bourgeois, supported her as she was a warrior for her class, and a successful one (albeit with very substantial US backing which she couldn't have done without), and they mourn her passing. I for one will be celebrating on the streets when she finally croaks, and major parts of the UK, especially ex-mining areas in Yorkshire, Wales, Northumbria and Scotland will be doing the same.
How much more wrong, hateful and ignorant could your statement be? OUCH!
Ah the tolerant left...
Seems the left in America is about as tolerant as well you'll be happy to hear.
You plainly don't understand UK recent history at all. The Thatcher regime carried out an active class war (sorry, "took on union might") and an active shooting war (Falklands/Malvinas). The former destroyed hundreds of working-class communities and caused immense social dislocation and poverty, the effects of which are still very evident in UK society and economy today; the latter cost the lives of over 2000 men and one woman. I know something about post-war US history so perhaps an equivalent hate figure from your past might be Nixon (with the blood of Cambodians and Vietnamese on his and Kissinger's hands), or maybe Herbert Hoover, your very own Lavrentii Beria. Or, as you're a rightist, perhaps the first Kennedy or even Slick Willy Clinton.
Tolerance does not apply to those with blood and social destruction on their hands. Hence yesterday's justified celebration in your parts over Bin Laden's killing. Thatcher was an avowed enemy of the UK working class, and there will be dancing on the streets when she eventually kicks the bucket.
Love the hate for Thatcher - she should be dead now Thatcher not Sinead
Pretty harsh, but I'm a dork and don't really understand the whole world-politics concept. Here are some lyrics:
Margaret Thatcher on TV
Shocked by the deaths that took place in Beijing
It seems strange that she should be offended
The same orders are given by her
I've said this before now
You said I was childish and you'll say it now
"Remember what I told you
If they hated me they will hate you"
England's not the mythical land of Madame George and roses
It's the home of police who kill black boys on mopeds
And I love my boy and that's why I'm leaving
I don't want him to be aware that there's
Any such thing as grieving
Young mother down at Smithfield
5 am, looking for food for her kids
In her arms she holds three cold babies
And the first word that they learned was "please"
These are dangerous days
To say what you feel is to dig your own grave
"Remember what I told you
If you were of the world they would love you"
England's not the mythical land of Madame George and roses
It's the home of police who kill blacks boys on mopeds
And I love my boy and that's why I'm leaving
I don't want him to be aware that there's
Any such thing as grieving.
I have to say that I admire Ms. O'Connor for her candor, perception, and bravery in speaking out against injustice. I wish we had more people like her here in the U.S. Perhaps then this once-great country wouldn't be in the apathetic, complacent, uncaring state in which it currently wallows. I'm looking into moving to Denmark.
How much more wrong, hateful and ignorant could your statement be? OUCH!
How much more wrong, hateful and ignorant than calling leftist lyrics disgusting?
See the post two above yours for an example.
Love the hate for Thatcher - she should be dead now Thatcher not Sinead
Ah the tolerant left...
Seems the left in America is about as tolerant as well you'll be happy to hear.
Love the hate for Thatcher - she should be dead now Thatcher not Sinead
How much more wrong, hateful and ignorant could your statement be? OUCH!
Tramp The Dirt Down
I saw a newspaper picture from the politicalcampaign
A woman was kissing a child, who was obviously
in pain
She spills with compassion, as that young child's
face in her hands she grips
Can you imagine all that greed and avarice
coming down on that child's lips
Well I hope I don't die too soon
I pray the Lord my soul to save
Oh I'll be a good boy, I'm trying so hard to behave
Because there's one thing I know, I'd like to live
long enough to savour
That's when they finally put you in the ground
I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down
When England was the whore of the world
Margeret was her madam
And the future looked as bright and as clear as
the black tarmacadam
Well I hope that she sleeps well at night, isn't
haunted by every tiny detail
'Cos when she held that lovely face in her hands
all she thought of was betrayal
And now the cynical ones say that it all ends
the same in the long run
Try telling that to the desperate father who just
squeezed the life from his only son
And how it's only voices in your head and
dreams you never dreamt
Try telling him the subtle difference between
justice and contempt
Try telling me she isn't angry with this pitiful
When they flaunt it in your face as you line up
for punishment
And then expect you to say "Thank you"
straighten up, look proud and pleased
Because you've only got the symptoms, you
haven't got the whole disease
Just like a schoolboy, whose head's like a tin-can
filled up with dreams then poured down
the drain
Try telling that to the boys on both sides, being
blown to bits or beaten and maimed
Who takes all the glory and none of the shame
Well I hope you live long now, I pray the Lord
your soul to keep
I think I'll be going before we fold our arms
and start to weep
I never thought for a moment that human life
could be so cheap
'Cos when they finally put you in the ground
They'll stand there laughing and tramp the
dirt down

This is a superb album.

"Bonehead"? We use that on this side of the pond but it's meaning is not very heavy. Its like saying "blockhead" or "stupid," or if I may try one of yours, "daft." A kid could say it and wouldn't get slapped. I'll bear in mind if I find myself in England or Canada to watch my mouth with that one.
Umm, I don't think "bonehead" was the very naughty word. Read Fred's most recent post.
hehe I see what you did there.
... your use of the Very Naughty Word to describer her! Do our cousins across the water use it at all? Never sure which cusses they understand...
"Bonehead"? We use that on this side of the pond but it's meaning is not very heavy. Its like saying "blockhead" or "stupid," or if I may try one of yours, "daft." A kid could say it and wouldn't get slapped. I'll bear in mind if I find myself in England or Canada to watch my mouth with that one.
It is so sad that Michael Foot - a true statesman with more compassion and intellect in his little toe than Thatcher has in her entire body - died and she still remains alive. And she will get a state funeral I bet. With you 100% Fred - even your use of the Very Naughty Word to describer her! Do our cousins across the water use it at all? Never sure which cusses they understand...
Certainly we use it. In my book, it is the lowest word one can use to describe a woman - or a man, I suppose. I reserve such a phrase for those most dispicable. Interestingly, Thatcher's name kind of evokes an image relative to that naughty word so it's no stretch to apply it to her under any circumstances, provocative or not.

Sinead O'Connor by kamenskaya_vasilisa
© All rights reserved.
It is so sad that Michael Foot - a true statesman with more compassion and intellect in his little toe than Thatcher has in her entire body - died and she still remains alive. And she will get a state funeral I bet. With you 100% Fred - even your use of the Very Naughty Word to describer her! Do our cousins across the water use it at all? Never sure which cusses they understand...
Oh it's a Very Naughty Word here too, one of the naughtiest in fact. Appropriate though, in this case.
If you'd lived through the 84-85 Miner's Strike you might think differently. The UK State didn't kill en masse as the Chinese State did, but it did kill and maim, particularly during the strike when the whole might of the State was unleashed against the miners in what was literally a class war. The cops regularly killed civilians and weren't held to account (and indeed still do). And don't forget the Falklands/Malvinas war, which although started by the Argentinian military junta was enthusiastically prosecuted by the Thatcher regime, spurning and sabotaging all attempts to reach a diplomatic solution. 2000 men died in that war, blood that's on the hands of Thatcher and her cronies. The Thatcherite regime was violent and murderous, and if anything the "bonehead" is being restrained. Those of us who lived through that class war remember Thatcher well, and will be holding street parties when she eventually dies a (hopefully prolonged and painful) death.
It is so sad that Michael Foot - a true statesman with more compassion and intellect in his little toe than Thatcher has in her entire body - died and she still remains alive. And she will get a state funeral I bet. With you 100% Fred - even your use of the Very Naughty Word to describer her! Do our cousins across the water use it at all? Never sure which cusses they understand...
A beautiful song.
Yeah. But on the other hand, wenn Pinochet finally got pinned down in London by request of Spanish judges, she had nothing better to do than closing ranks with the fucking prick.
If you'd lived through the 84-85 Miner's Strike you might think differently. The UK State didn't kill en masse as the Chinese State did, but it did kill and maim, particularly during the strike when the whole might of the State was unleashed against the miners in what was literally a class war. The cops regularly killed civilians and weren't held to account (and indeed still do). And don't forget the Falklands/Malvinas war, which although started by the Argentinian military junta was enthusiastically prosecuted by the Thatcher regime, spurning and sabotaging all attempts to reach a diplomatic solution. 2000 men died in that war, blood that's on the hands of Thatcher and her cronies. The Thatcherite regime was violent and murderous, and if anything the "bonehead" is being restrained. Those of us who lived through that class war remember Thatcher well, and will be holding street parties when she eventually dies a (hopefully prolonged and painful) death.
I don't always see eye to eye with you fred, but the idea of a street party sounds a great idea. Here's what I will look like ( if I was 40 years younger)
Me, I just like the music.
'Questionable' actions in the Falklands... ahhh you mean as a European democracy we should just roll over and let other nations decide to f**k over our Sovereignity, in case it offends your sensilbilities: Perhaps if we had asked the Argentinian junta nicely they would have realised the error of their ways and left the Falkland Islands and the people on them. No, on reflection, I really think that the Junta Government, proven to have cold bloodedly murdered thousands of their own citizens would have paid much attention to a nice request.
Look at the map, dumbo, then tell us who the islands should belong to. A tiny revanchist settler population installed by a nation 3000 miles away, or a Latin American country just 200 miles away. The Falkland islanders had even had their rights to settle in the UK withdrawn just before the war by the very same government that deemed their wishes to remain British "paramount" and killed 2000 men for that 'principle' - their "wish to remain British" was worth killing for, but not worth giving them passports to come to the 'mother country. Yeah, right, and I've got a bridge in Brooklyn going cheap. The islanders were a handy pretext for the UK maintaining a last colonial presence in the Southern hemisphere close to the miineral riches of the Antarctic, and handily placed to claim territoriality over undersea oil reserves. A nice militarily strategic position too.
You want to celebrate that murderous c*nt Thatcher, that's your business and your conscience, but you'll be feeling cold and lonely when she finally croaks and the rest of us party on the streets.
If you'd lived through the 84-85 Miner's Strike you might think differently. The UK State didn't kill en masse as the Chinese State did, but it did kill and maim, particularly during the strike when the whole might of the State was unleashed against the miners in what was literally a class war. The cops regularly killed civilians and weren't held to account (and indeed still do). And don't forget the Falklands/Malvinas war, which although started by the Argentinian military junta was enthusiastically prosecuted by the Thatcher regime, spurning and sabotaging all attempts to reach a diplomatic solution. 2000 men died in that war, blood that's on the hands of Thatcher and her cronies. The Thatcherite regime was violent and murderous, and if anything the "bonehead" is being restrained. Those of us who lived through that class war remember Thatcher well, and will be holding street parties when she eventually dies a (hopefully prolonged and painful) death.
'Questionable' actions in the Falklands... ahhh you mean as a European democracy we should just roll over and let other nations decide to f**k over our Sovereignity, in case it offends your sensilbilities: Perhaps if we had asked the Argentinian junta nicely they would have realised the error of their ways and left the Falkland Islands and the people on them. No, on reflection, I really think that the Junta Government, proven to have cold bloodedly murdered thousands of their own citizens would have paid much attention to a nice request.
But for you it's so much easier to follow the herd, blame Thatcher for anything that happened between about 1905 and 2008! After all, I see the Labour Party still blame her for everything they do wrong although they have been in corrupt and brainless Government since 1997, and in that time have committed us to more wars than the previous 25 years! I presume you would have also preferred the old Soviet Union to still be in existence as well....?
Rant over. Nice song. Very poignant. And yes, it is good and very necessary that artists challenge the political order. After all, that is what freedom and democracy mean - free speech for all within the bounds of avoiding the obvious "..isms".
Hear Hear

Mr Bush gave the opinion that if ya didn't agree with him you were unpatriotic ....
And the more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?
Various. N.I. as already mentioned is probably uppermost in her mind, but we can also add the very questionable actions in the Faulkland islands; the gunning down of IRA suspects in Gibraltar; and all the generally supportive actions in favour of the bellicose USA administrations. (Just to mention the tip of the iceburg)
'Questionable' actions in the Falklands... ahhh you mean as a European democracy we should just roll over and let other nations decide to f**k over our Sovereignity, in case it offends your sensilbilities: Perhaps if we had asked the Argentinian junta nicely they would have realised the error of their ways and left the Falkland Islands and the people on them. No, on reflection, I really think that the Junta Government, proven to have cold bloodedly murdered thousands of their own citizens would have paid much attention to a nice request.
But for you it's so much easier to follow the herd, blame Thatcher for anything that happened between about 1905 and 2008! After all, I see the Labour Party still blame her for everything they do wrong although they have been in corrupt and brainless Government since 1997, and in that time have committed us to more wars than the previous 25 years! I presume you would have also preferred the old Soviet Union to still be in existence as well....?
Rant over. Nice song. Very poignant. And yes, it is good and very necessary that artists challenge the political order. After all, that is what freedom and democracy mean - free speech for all within the bounds of avoiding the obvious "..isms".
Is this really her? Golly gee!
Yes, she now looks like some bloke in dress. Just an observation.
Is this really her? Golly gee!

OMG shoot me in the head
This song is profound... and soooo good for the ears...
is there anything not good for the ears romeo?
A beautiful song.
Pinko has an angry, almost genetic loathing for privilege, greed, social exploitation, racism, sexism, homophobia, pro-lifers, the religious right, environmental degradation, the NRA, US imperialism, multinational corporations, big business, Republicans in general and George Bush in particular. Pinko openly admires ****** Stone, Noam Chomsky and Michael Moore and anyone else who is critical of the US government and bourgeois culture. She ardently believes there is no enormity of which the United States is incapable and regards its entire history as an unbroken legacy of avarice, deceit and injustice. Her extremely predictable and tedious attacks eventually exhaust even those inclined to support her. Joan of Arc.... pffft. Give us a break. So as not to get too far off topic- the song is just OK, the singer drags it down.
stkman wrote:
OK so privilege, greed, social exploitation, racism, sexism, homophobia, pro-lifers, the religious right, environmental degradation, the NRA, US imperialism, multinational corporations, big business, Republicans in general and George Bush in particular are all acceptable? Are you Rush Limbaugh? So anyone critical of the US gov is bad? I was born and raised here and know what we are capable of and what dictators or puppet governments we have installed and supported including Saddam. I don't even follow her views, don't have any of her records, do think she has a great voice but read you comment and you seem to represent everything wrong with this country which is alot. Greed, US imperialism, Corporate irresponsibility, Bush, government(both republican and democrat) all have helped get us into this mess. Quite frankly sir there has not been enough protesting and peacefull demonstrations in the past forty years. We have become a apathetic crowd that has allowed this to happen. Mr Bush gave the opinion that if ya didn't agree with him you were unpatriotic which couldn't be further from the truth. There is allways room for constructive critisism, pointing out any imperfections is a way to grow into a better nation. You know its funny that I'm a "proud" Texan but I didn't have a choice in where I was born or what color or sex I would be but these are things nobody has a choice in but once we are here we not only have the choice but the obligation to try and make this place a better place to live no matter what state or country we are in. Unfortunately we seem to be failing right now.
Cool it down!!!
For Christ's sake, both of you!
OK so privilege, greed, social exploitation, racism, sexism, homophobia, pro-lifers, the religious right, environmental degradation, the NRA, US imperialism, multinational corporations, big business, Republicans in general and George Bush in particular are all acceptable? Are you Rush Limbaugh? So anyone critical of the US gov is bad? I was born and raised here and know what we are capable of and what dictators or puppet governments we have installed and supported including Saddam. I don't even follow her views, don't have any of her records, do think she has a great voice but read you comment and you seem to represent everything wrong with this country which is alot. Greed, US imperialism, Corporate irresponsibility, Bush, government(both republican and democrat) all have helped get us into this mess. Quite frankly sir there has not been enough protesting and peacefull demonstrations in the past forty years. We have become a apathetic crowd that has allowed this to happen. Mr Bush gave the opinion that if ya didn't agree with him you were unpatriotic which couldn't be further from the truth. There is allways room for constructive critisism, pointing out any imperfections is a way to grow into a better nation. You know its funny that I'm a "proud" Texan but I didn't have a choice in where I was born or what color or sex I would be but these are things nobody has a choice in but once we are here we not only have the choice but the obligation to try and make this place a better place to live no matter what state or country we are in. Unfortunately we seem to be failing right now.
Glad that the "free voice" can also be heard in the USA.... Good on ya...

OK so privilege, greed, social exploitation, racism, sexism, homophobia, pro-lifers, the religious right, environmental degradation, the NRA, US imperialism, multinational corporations, big business, Republicans in general and George Bush in particular are all acceptable? Are you Rush Limbaugh? So anyone critical of the US gov is bad? I was born and raised here and know what we are capable of and what dictators or puppet governments we have installed and supported including Saddam. I don't even follow her views, don't have any of her records, do think she has a great voice but read you comment and you seem to represent everything wrong with this country which is alot. Greed, US imperialism, Corporate irresponsibility, Bush, government(both republican and democrat) all have helped get us into this mess. Quite frankly sir there has not been enough protesting and peacefull demonstrations in the past forty years. We have become a apathetic crowd that has allowed this to happen. Mr Bush gave the opinion that if ya didn't agree with him you were unpatriotic which couldn't be further from the truth. There is allways room for constructive critisism, pointing out any imperfections is a way to grow into a better nation. You know its funny that I'm a "proud" Texan but I didn't have a choice in where I was born or what color or sex I would be but these are things nobody has a choice in but once we are here we not only have the choice but the obligation to try and make this place a better place to live no matter what state or country we are in. Unfortunately we seem to be failing right now.

I agree. My mother is from Britain and I'm always shocked and appalled when I go there. Such a shame.
Great tune from Sinead, it's great to see someone speak what they believe.

This Lady-Singer congregates all the predicates and parchments that a singer can have, including your strong personality. For everything and because i like of hearing and appreciate your work, Tankyou Ms. Sinéad Marie Bernadette O' Connor. God Bless You! -
** 9 **
Have to strongly disagree with you on that one - she may be a bit reactionary but I certainly wouldn't characterize all of her music in that way, especially not this song. So many of us often find it much easier to criticize a foreign government's policies than our own governments'; how many of us actually ever write a song about it?
Moreover, I don't see how this song demonstrates any lack of "critical thinking skills": critical thought and emotion are not necessarily mutually exclusive. I think that the emotion conveyed through her lyrics is as much a part of what makes this song so beautifully powerful as the lyrics themselves - whether you believe in them or not. I rate this a 10 (!!)

Her cover of "Downpressor Man" gets some airplay on here.