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Telepopmusik — Breathe
Album: Genetic World
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Total ratings: 949

Released: 2001
Length: 4:36
Plays (last 30 days): 1
I brought you something close to me
And left for something new
See through your head
You haunt my dreams
There's nothing to do but believe
Just believe
Just breathe

Another day
Just believe
Another day
Just breathe
Another day
Just believe
Another day
Just breathe

I'm used to it by now
Another day
Just believe
Just breathe
Just believe
Just breathe

Lying in my bed
Another day
Staring at the ceiling

Just breathe
Another day

Another day
Just believe
Another day
I'm used to it by now
I'm used to it by now

Just breathe
Just believe
Just breathe
Just believe

Just believe
Just breathe
Just believe
Another day
Just believe
Another day
Another day
Just believe
Another day
Just breathe
Another day
I do believe
Another day
So hard to breathe
Another day
Not so hard to believe
Another day
Another day
Comments (150)add comment
Too much TechNo, too less Air in it.
 aspalathin wrote:

Used for some commercial that aired in Croatia, some cosmetics hm?

Car commercial here
Some songs explode into your life  and it’s love at first listen. This however has gone from being ‘a quite like’ to an ‘adore’ with more listening, making me wonder if 8 rating is high enough?
Suddenly, the urge to go to the mall
Oh my goodness, I haven't heard this song in ages. I have always LOVED it. Thank you, RP.
 coloradojohn wrote:
Reminds me of the vocalist of Chicane in Autumn Tactics... Breathy, effortlessly sensual, soothing and exciting at the same time. Cool!
The vocalist is Angela McCluskey, you've likely heard her on many things over the years. 
 t0m5k1 wrote:
Loved this since I first heard it in the height of summer on the Lizard Coast, Cornwall wasted in the middle of an after party @1pm 

Wonderful memories and feelings from 2001
Sounds like that was the after-after-after party to me!  Still....great memories (intact?) are hard to make in those "early" hours, eh?  Long Live RP!!
Loved this since I first heard it in the height of summer on the Lizard Coast, Cornwall wasted in the middle of an after party @1pm 

Wonderful memories and feelings from 2001
Reminds me of the vocalist of Chicane in "Autumn Tactics"... Breathy, effortlessly sensual, soothing and exciting at the same time. Cool!
Used for some commercial that aired in Croatia, some cosmetics hm?
 blotto wrote:
new to me (thanks RP)
diggin it.

You and me both!
This hasn't been played in over 7 years?  Pretty cool - sounds more like something I'd hear on Groove Salad.
new to me (thanks RP)
diggin it.

just noticed, that was the first comment in 7 years.

Last play: Feb 18, 2010
Yep, gracefully done.

greyfin10 wrote:
The whole album is interesting... with sound bytes interspersed in it from a documentary on Einstein's brain.  Love Angela McCluskey's vocals, and they are even better on Yesterday is a Lie.  The way they open it is very much the way Pearl Jam opens Black... they go lo-fi, meant to sound like its a torch-song out of an old black and white movie... and then it kicks in full stereo.  Cheap trick, but it works for me every time ;)

I find this quite an upbeat track. I have it on a playlist of songs to ride my bicycle with and it's just right for that. Light, airy and warm sounding. Ace!
I have 4 CDs by this band and I love them all.

Vive la France! {#Daisy}


A solid 7 8 in my ears...

 auburntigerrich wrote:
The album art fits the song well. Hypnotic and soaring.

Quite likable, at the very least.

the band name fits it pretty well too.
for what it is, it hits the nail on the head.  I had to move it up to an 8 for being good telepopmusik

I like this song. I like the technotrance aspects of it, and I actually do need somebody to remind to just breathe once in a while. Otherwise I get all angsty and out of sorts.
The whole album is interesting... with sound bytes interspersed in it from a documentary on Einstein's brain.  Love Angela McCluskey's vocals, and they are even better on Yesterday is a Lie.  The way they open it is very much the way Pearl Jam opens Black... they go lo-fi, meant to sound like its a torch-song out of an old black and white movie... and then it kicks in full stereo.  Cheap trick, but it works for me every time ;)
Should be called Telepopmuzak.
too close to disco for comfort.....I can get my computer to sing this song - I use the Ethel voice
Is this the song that pioneered the stressing of the importance of breathing?  So many followers.
I feel like I'm in a car commercial!  I think it is a luxury model.{#Motor}
Bring it on!!!!!   Top sound for late night groovin...
really nice.  moody but not broody. 
Great segue from Witchcraft... I could get lost in this. Serve chilled with wine and friends.
I've always wondered who made the track of the visa spot ;)
Annoying to say the least, another day, just let it stop, another day, just let me be (without this noise).
major headache music. This belongs on another station.
Krispian wrote:
Dieses ist groß!
At the risk of being a pedant, "groß" means big, not great - at least in all the dialects I know. "großartig" means great. Actually kids moreoften say "fett" these days when they think something is cool. Kind of wierd, but beats the "affengeil" of old.
Overplayed. And for good reason. It's a nice, light ditty.
I've always wondered who did this track...
rKokon wrote:
Agree with Steeler and Jack_Jefferson. Is this "shoegazer" subgenre?
i think this would have been called "trance" at some point in time. "shoegazer" isn't even electronica.
The album art fits the song well. Hypnotic and soaring. Quite likable, at the very least.
Jack_Jefferson wrote:
This is boring and goes nowhere.
so's yer mama
For some reason this song (and the rest of this set for that matter) reminds me of typical Sunday night radio for many stations in America. Lots of long new age dance tracks since they can't sell advertising and don't want to pay a DJ. Thinking back though, maybe the reason I generally don't like sets like this is because they happen on Sunday night, before Monday morning and school or work.
Agree with Steeler and Jack_Jefferson. Is this "shoegazer" subgenre?
Relaxing tune.
Same here! All of the music I buy on itunes (and it's a lot...) comes from stuff I like on Radio Paradise. They are usually all bands that I would never have had a chance to hear otherwise, or new bands that I probably wouldn't buy a full album. Cheers to Radio Paradise for putting great stuff out there. DrDIP wrote:
Regarding the "royalty rates for Internet radio" This song played on RP made me buy the record (CD) and then buy their next album when it came. I wouldn't have came across that group if it wasn't for RP. I like that Telepopmusik doesnt sample others musik; they write jazzy tunes, record them in Bulgaria, edit, cut and paste samples and finish some great songs at home (France).
Regarding the "royalty rates for Internet radio" This song played on RP made me buy the record (CD) and then buy their next album when it came. I wouldn't have came across that group if it wasn't for RP. I like that Telepopmusik doesnt sample others musik; they write jazzy tunes, record them in Bulgaria, edit, cut and paste samples and finish some great songs at home (France).
Jack_Jefferson wrote:
This is boring and goes nowhere. Where's the chorus? All we have is a woman mumbling the same thing over and over.
...and so what? It's still a nice and hypnotic track. Where's the chorus?? I don't necessarily need a chorus to enjoy a song. A too narrow definition of music for my taste...
Just a general accolade. No matter who plays music for me, invariably their musical footprint comes thru and I get a glimpse into what they like and don't like. Not so with Bill here at RP. Still befuddles me. To go from Telepopmusik to Julie Miller in 3 songs completely upsets my detective sense. Is he real?
I feel like doing some E, getting some glow sticks, going to a lame club, and just DANCING!
Jack_Jefferson wrote:
This is boring and goes nowhere. Where's the chorus? All we have is a woman mumbling the same thing over and over.
tnt_thomas wrote:
Visa commercial, methinks...
Mitsubishi cars, here in the states anyway. Its a cool little ditty to throw in once in a while. A 7
AmandaMaria wrote:
Wasn't this used in a car commercial?
Visa commercial, methinks...
Wasn't this used in a car commercial?
Any1 no how the rest of the album iz? This iz awl I no from them....
Krispian wrote:
Dieses ist groß!
They're French not German...
Dieses ist groß!
weevilkinevil wrote:
Nice groove. Aaaaaahhhh.
Indeed. Like a aural massage.
prairiedogj wrote:
Nice for ambient. The kind of stuff to do homework too. Great.
Great for work, unless you need to call the client. I guess they will have to wait until the song is over.
Bot it. Luvs it.
prairiedogj wrote:
Nice for ambient. The kind of stuff to do homework too. Great.
I agree...this is helping me cruise through a proposal I'm working on
breathin' and believin' in another day at the end of times... Another day soon, it will be o.k.
Nice for ambient. The kind of stuff to do homework too. Great.
Nice groove. Aaaaaahhhh.
Jack_Jefferson wrote:
This is boring and goes nowhere. Where's the chorus? All we have is a woman mumbling the same thing over and over.
just breathe pal, just believe . . .
canadianbug wrote:
sounds like the moby chickie.. hmm..
Way true on that. Kind of a slightly subdued, gentle and smack-infected voice...
aahh this is what i love about 21st century music
Jack_Jefferson wrote:
This is boring and goes nowhere. Where's the chorus? All we have is a woman mumbling the same thing over and over.
This is boring and goes nowhere. Where's the chorus? All we have is a woman mumbling the same thing over and over.
This is excellent. Perfect for relaxing^^ and gaming WoW.
me again.. and i still think it sounds like the moby chickie!
sounds like the moby chickie.. hmm..
lizardman_tcs wrote:
Okay Major Tom, just take a step back, relax, and...
...just do it, when you want to go to it...
majortom505 wrote:
You have to be reminded to breathe? This Redundant crap is what's wrong with 21st century music.
Okay Major Tom, just take a step back, relax, and...
Steven_G wrote:
Ya know, I hardly ever listen to lyrics, being more into the melody being played and the stylings of the vocalist. (I know, I am missing half the production in some people's eyes.) And though I obviously heard "just breathe" it never really hit me how those two words could be applied to every day life. Good call Helchat! Thanks for pointing that out!
You have to be reminded to breathe? This Redundant crap is what's wrong with 21st century music.
I'm digging this... glad I've never seen the commercial.
Helchat wrote:
This song is okay, kind of cheesy. Luckily, I avoided the car ad overkill. I like the lyrics because it's a good reminder of what to do when two jobs and school and the rest of life start to overwhelm you: just breathe!
Ya know, I hardly ever listen to lyrics, being more into the melody being played and the stylings of the vocalist. Though I obviously heard "just breathe" it never really hit me how those two words could be applied to every day life. Good call Helchat! Thanks for pointing that out!
Seriously you guys, watch less TV! Maybe read a book or something.
Is this song really worth 73 (well, now 74) comments?
Must . . . resist . . . sudden . . . compulsion . . . to buy . . . Mitsubishi . . . SUV! Like the song, though.
This song is okay, kind of cheesy. Luckily, I avoided the car ad overkill. I like the lyrics because it's a good reminder of what to do when two jobs and school and the rest of life start to overwhelm you: just breathe!
Cinimod wrote:
Mitsubishi = break your new track to the public.com
Good or bad, it seems to work.
Anybody seen my keys??
Portishead kills this. =;
cassano18 wrote:
remind me a black bold man driving in SUV. it used to be my fav chill tune, too overplayed for me
Too bad, that. I thought I'd get sick of it too, but the Mitsu commercials subsided. Now it's just good chillout material. Reeee-laxing....
remind me a black bold man driving in SUV. :roll: it used to be my fav chill tune, too overplayed for me
dirtroosters wrote:
I have had a loady day but this song lightened the crap.
Obviously I didn't mean it quite that way, but it WAS what I said. What I had in mind was more along the lines of: My day would be lightened if not for this load of crap.
appst89 wrote:
You could rearrange the order of 'load' and 'crap' in the above sentence and it would say what I think of this.
I have had a loady day but this song lightened the crap.
roadshow wrote:
i upped my rating to an 8. i have had a CRAPPY day but this song lightened the load!
You could rearrange the order of 'load' and 'crap' in the above sentence and it would say what I think of this.
dig dig diggin it.
i love this song - it's from a soundtrack, but i can't think which one? anybody know?!
ndanger666 wrote:
Why are we listneing to this?
Could it be because you don't have sense enough to hit the mute button?
i upped my rating to an 8. i have had a CRAPPY day but this song lightened the load!
Damn good music :).
This doesn't rise above the level of bad elevator music. Why are we listneing to this?
gaucha wrote:
Do you think this is the singer from Portishead?
Not a chance...far too simplistic for her
drover wrote:
So is it me or is Mitsubishi becoming the official launch vehicle of new downtempo artists? I like this song for now but I suspect I'll grow tired of it after seeing that commercial 1874 more times.
Mitsubishi = break your new track to the public.com
I liked this song. My friend has the album, which is all over the map in terms of musical direction. There is another song that starts off as Billy Holiday-esque old-fashioned then sweeps into a lush contemporary sound. quite nice. Lots of silly rap on the album too.
rulebritannia wrote:
Having resisted the rational desire to get satellite, we have five, count 'em, FIVE TV channels at our UK countryside home. That means that we don't get MTV and all these cool songs on RP sound new, fresh and alive - especially this one! (It also means we get miserable TV programming - but that's another story..........)
Forget TV. With excellent programming from public radio organisations like NPR and PRI, and of course RP for music, there's no time for telly anyway.
Do you think this is the singer from Portishead?
Drunkenlilacwine wrote:
Good song....overplayed on the telly
Having resisted the rational desire to get satellite, we have five, count 'em, FIVE TV channels at our UK countryside home. That means that we don't get MTV and all these cool songs on RP sound new, fresh and alive - especially this one! (It also means we get miserable TV programming - but that's another story..........)
I thought this was Lamb at first. Good stuff!
I find this very dull, especially after the Ozrics & Massive Attack, who know how to do this type of music way better.
Good song....overplayed on the telly
Sorry, can\'t go there. Very forgettable
I still like this. Don\'t just listen as background. Good stuff happening here. Sounds great in this great set of music. Way to go, Bill.
\"overplayed\" just about everywhere. also, there\'s no other good tune on the album.
You play this too often
Just the type of music you need with your first cup of coffee when the sun just rises out of the Øresund. Don\'t worry guys, I\'ll send it your way- the sun that is ;)
what a chill groove! I dig the rain box effect on the vocals also. Perhaps a little over-extended, if they cut it short it would make me want more.
Originally Posted by hobbitt: Disco! With some amphetamines tossed in. And then mescaline to bring 'em down. Picture John Travolta doing his finger-pointing dance move a foot or two off the floor.
i liked where you were going with your description/rave...but the imagery turned scary when you got to travolta and snfever. ok ...now back to the good vibe of this song ...pushing 1978 movie image out of head...better....what were you saying about mescaline... ;)
Originally Posted by BRYNBRYN: I think i will buy me a mitsubishi now!
I just want to ride in one with fashionable people and smile a lot. :D On second thought - NO. I'll just listen to the music. This is enjoyably hypnotic.
Disco! With some amphetamines tossed in. And then mescaline to bring \'em down. Picture John Travolta doing his finger-pointing dance move a foot or two off the floor.
I bought this album and it was a BIG surprise. The other songs was some other \"blip blop\"-songs, nice rap music, a few 40\'s-easy lstenings and some noises. I never thought I would be listening to rap music but the frogs (frenchmen) Telepopmusik know how to do it rihght.
Don\'t yet know why, but I like this song. Even hearing it overplayed in the Mitsubishi commercials hasn\'t ruined the song for me (yet).
what Billie might sound like today. dot
Originally Posted by nate_pitzer: So what would you consider the soundtrack to a GOOD porno film?
You know.. there *IS* either a shoutcast or live365 station out there that *does play* nothing *BUT* porno music! Not that I listen to it or anything.. for more than a quick laugh or to.. ;) :D
It\'s quite effective...and yes, i DO listen ;)
Originally Posted by nate_pitzer: So what would you consider the soundtrack to a GOOD porno film?
Does anyone listen to the music?