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Bomb the Bass — Empire (w/ Sinéad O'Connor)
Album: Clear
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Total ratings: 1909

Released: 1995
Length: 5:43
Plays (last 30 days): 3
I'm looking at your soul, your soul, your soul, your soul
I'm looking at your future, your future, future, future
As I look into your eyes, these eyes, these eyes, these eyes
I see another side, side, side, side

Vampire, you feed on the life of a pure heart
Vampire you suck the life of goodness
Vampire, you feed on the life of a pure heart
Vampire you suck the life of goodness

Turn the light on
Let the light shine bright
Turn the light on
Let the light shine bright

You've got to feel yourself and let go
You got to know you reap what you sow
You've got to feel something at sometime

Check the writings on the wall
And look to the sign
You're spending all your money on gear that never work
you're wasting all your energy and everywhere it hurts
God it really hurts
yes it really hurts
you got to know yourself

Vampire, you feed on the life of a pure heart
Vampire, you suck the life of goodness
Vampire, you feed on the life of a pure heart
Vampire you suck the life of goodness

From now on I'll call you England
From now on I'll call you England
From now on I'll call you England
From now on I'll call you England

See if you spit in the sky
It will fall in your eye
You see what goes up must come down
You will die looking up, if you're not looking in
you've got to know yourself

I'm looking at your pastures and they were never green
I'm looking for your justice and it can not be seen
I'm checking where you're coming from and where you're going to
I'm checking out what you have done to see what you can do
I'm looking at your lawbooks and they were never read
I'm looking at your lovesquire and they can not be dread
I'm looking at your empire slipping on the drears
You've got to know yourself

Vampire, you feed on the life of a pure heart
Vampire, you suck the life of goodness
Vampire, you feed on the life of a pure heart
Vampire you suck the life of goodness

From now on I'll call you England
Empire fall man, empire go
From now on I'll call you England
There's a lesson to be learned, by that, you must know
From now on I'll call you England
and the ? is known by the food that is there
From now on I'll call you England
gotta see no love anyway you appear
From now on I'll call you England
you've got to know yourself
from now on I'll call you England
you've got to know yourself
Comments (84)add comment
Always gets a HUGE head bob out of me.
 plaid wrote:

I don't mean this in an offensive way, but when did Sinead become a sister? I mean, I've been hearing Downpressor man all the time lately, and now this. I love RP's sense of humor by following it up with Dar Williams. Non sequitur plus ultra!!

I enjoy the paraphrasing of "I'm not racist, but..." in the opening sentence. A good way to know you're about to be offensive is to say "I don't mean to be offensive." If you preface your statement like that, you know what is about to come next is a total shitshow. 

I highly recommend the documentary on Sinead "Nothing Compares" (you can view on Paramount+ here in the States) for a decent history on her (to answer your query "when did Sinead become a sister?". I've never been a super-fan, but her story is pretty well told in this movie and I grew sadder at her losses and the loss of her.  
Is that hi-hat sound "mouth-made"  ? Cos I can make that exact sound. Bet you can, too.
Great song.
 Motolorax wrote:

I used to assume this was Benjamin Zephaniah's voice but I can't find any reference to him. Anyone know?

OK, just discovered that it is him. Now I love this track even more.
I used to assume this was Benjamin Zephaniah's voice but I can't find any reference to him. Anyone know?
 Kajukenbo wrote:

I really like this song, but I kinda think Sinead is being a little harsh on England. Granted England has quite a history of colonization and so forth, but let's face it, there are a lot worse governments out there. 

There are / were many worse govts you're right - but this song  is specifically  about the British Empire - and it was murderous - literally. (and I say that as a Brit)
 SpinyNorma wrote:
Never mind Sinead o'Connor - I can hear the unmistakable voice of Benjamin Zephania

RIP Ben. A beautiful soul taken far too soon.
RIP Benjamin Zephaniah
I just thought I heard Enya. Time for my yearly ear check.
Now that she's gone, I want to hear her more than ever
I really like this song, but I kinda think Sinead is being a little harsh on England. Granted England has quite a history of colonization and so forth, but let's face it, there are a lot worse governments out there. 
grahamophone wrote:
I don't mean this in an offensive way, but when did Sinead become a sister? I mean, I've been hearing Downpressor man all the time lately, and now this. I love RP's sense of humor by following it up with Dar Williams. Non sequitur plus ultra!!

I enjoy the paraphrasing of "I'm not racist, but..." in the opening sentence. A good way to know you're about to be offensive is to say "I don't mean to be offensive." If you preface your statement like that, you know what is about to come next is a total shitshow. 

grahamophone wrote:
I don't mean this in an offensive way, but when did Sinead become a sister? I mean, I've been hearing Downpressor man all the time lately, and now this. I love RP's sense of humor by following it up with Dar Williams. Non sequitur plus ultra!!

Maybe I'm not following what you mean, but... it sounds like maybe you aren't that familiar with what Sinead was doing from the beginning in the 90s.  A couple hip-hop type tunes sprinkled among her original offerings; sister or not.

(And -- as an aside -- artists of all types should be free to interpret and produce what they like.  It ain't "appropriation" if you haven't taken it away form the originators/owners.)

Thank you for this extended tribute to Sinead. I am grateful she decided to make the significant trip to Womad, New Zealand, in 2015. It was her only visit to our shores. "O'Connor's only New Zealand concert experience was memorably derailed by a duck when she performed her one and only gig at the WOMAD festivalin April, 2015. During 'Nothing Compares 2 U', O'Connor faltered and lost her way midway through the song, forcing her to apologise to the audience at the
Brooklands Bowl that "the duck took over". ...
"There was a tiny lake between the stage and the audience. Just as I
finished singing 'it's been so lonely without you here, like a bird without a song', a duck got to the front of stage and went 'quack quack!'" she wrote."...

Her collaborations were pretty damned good. RIP.
Sinead's double tracking is kind of grating in my opinion, otherwise the track is ok.
The trumpet sounds like Jon Hassell
This song makes an excellent meme

The Prince of Darkness, a little too lubricated at the Little League game. But he's keeping time! 
 moreisnotmore wrote:

Is that Darth Vader I hear?

YES! it is off his first "Solo" ! 
Released in the year 3ABY.  I heard it was/is a real  HIT!
An explosive release! Lots of spin offs.
Is that Darth Vader I hear?
 grahamophone wrote:
I don't mean this in an offensive way, but when did Sinead become a sister? I mean, I've been hearing Downpressor man all the time lately, and now this. I love RP's sense of humor by following it up with Dar Williams. Non sequitur plus ultra!!

It's not like Sinead barged into the BtB recording seession, grabbed the mic and took over. It's a collaberation. So if BtB invite someone to guest sing, say Anita Bryant, it's on them. Who are you to judge? 
It's Sinead again - can never mistake her voice - beautiful soul
 Larrygrrl wrote:


perhaps you've blown a tweeter
or you've watched a bit too much Severance
I didn't know Darth Vader could sing.
Interesting...quite interesting..enjoying it
very nicely produced/recorded
Is this the same Bomb the Bass that's name dropped in Buffalo Stance?
 jmpnbob wrote:

Can't we all just get along

Rodney King, I would guess most do not know who he is...
 SpinyNorma wrote:
Never mind Sinead o'Connor - I can hear the unmistakable voice of Benjamin Zephania

🐨  Me too!
Great album
Never mind Sinead o'Connor - I can hear the unmistakable voice of Benjamin Zephania
 MattRudely wrote:

It's a synth hi-hat from some drum machine I used to have, through a phaser I think. Hideous isn't it, ruins the whole song.

OMG I can't unhear it.  First time an RP comment damaged a song for me 
 RationalB wrote:
ARRRRGGHHH! Sinead is grasping at straws musically here. Go back to the Chieftans my dear! Then again, she's done duets with everyone except the Muppets so why should'nt she go to the 'crap-hop' stuff. Spreading that awesome set a pipes around should not be a means to an end ( as this endeavor was).
The Muppets have been cancelled.
You got to put the lime in thee coconut.
 Larrygrrl wrote:

It's a synth hi-hat from some drum machine I used to have, through a phaser I think. Hideous isn't it, ruins the whole song.
Well this interesting.  I dig it.
Man, hadn't thought of Bomb the Bass since we were living in England in the 80s and “Beat Dis” was getting played all the time. Really enjoying this.  
Sinead's harmonies are tantalizing!
Sinéad is great and finally a guy with a male voice.
excellent - love Sinead O'Connor's voice too
Ooh, I love Ben Zephaniah's voice!  One of my all-time favourite tracks is The Imagined Village's 'Tam Lin Revisited'.

Don' be sceered...
This is really cool!  Why is the rating so low?  Straightup 8 on my first listen.
 JCEntMan wrote:
Anyone else think the guy sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger?

I've never heard of Benjamin Zephaniah and Arnie being confused with each other before.
 kazoo wrote:

Because Empires suck the blood out of their colonies? What's the point in having a colony if you can't exploit it?

Maybe not, but more importantly, how bomb is this song? First time. Thanks again Bill and Rebecca.
 MsJudi wrote:
Why do you suppose this song is called "Empire" when she's clearly saying, "Vampire"? I just can't get behind reggae-hop.

Because Empires suck the blood out of their colonies? What's the point in having a colony if you can't exploit it?
Sinead elevates just about every collaboration.  This is cool.
Huuh. Bomb the bass. Thx for playing. Nearly forgot this. Loved it back then. I think its part of what got me in to electronic music :)
A friend of mine from Uni many years ago worked with this band.  He was talented and a great character.  I wish him well.  Hi, Carlton xx
I just realized how much Bat For Lashes sounds like Sinéad!
 linden wrote:
When did Led Zepplin become bluesmen?
A long time ago!!  
Always liked Bomb the Bass
When did Led Zepplin become bluesmen?
 Proclivities wrote:

I'm not so sure artists should have their choices of material dictated by their race or ethnicity.

Well said
 grahamophone wrote:
I don't mean this in an offensive way, but when did Sinead become a sister? I mean, I've been hearing Downpressor man all the time lately, and now this. I love RP's sense of humor by following it up with Dar Williams. Non sequitur plus ultra!!
I'm not so sure artists should have their choices of material dictated by their race or ethnicity.
Bomb The Bass on RP?  Blimey.....   
 joavonlady wrote:
Hmm, it seems this song is not popular with the listeners!  I don't care, I love it, love Sinead!

No, I love it more than you
Hmm, it seems this song is not popular with the listeners!  I don't care, I love it, love Sinead!
I like it
Cool groove - really enjoyed this
Can't we all just get along
grahamophone wrote:
I don't mean this in an offensive way, but when did Sinead become a sister?
The same day she was born. She's the youngest of Mr. and Mrs O'connor's four children. *ducks*
ARRRRGGHHH! Sinead is grasping at straws musically here. Go back to the Chieftans my dear! Then again, she's done duets with everyone except the Muppets so why should'nt she go to the 'crap-hop' stuff. Spreading that awesome set a pipes around should not be a means to an end ( as this endeavor was).
Kinda drives you nuts, doesn it? The worst part is that for some weird reason I just cant turn it off, on the other hand all I want is this guy to shut up!
I don't mean this in an offensive way, but when did Sinead become a sister? I mean, I've been hearing Downpressor man all the time lately, and now this. I love RP's sense of humor by following it up with Dar Williams. Non sequitur plus ultra!!
Not sure about this one.
Monotonous and annoying.
uggh! please...stop...this...hurting...me
UltraNurd wrote:
An Austrian with an African accent? (Of course, by "African" I really mean "Bantu language family", but that would be the dominant non-IE language group of Subsaharan Africa. Admittedly, I don't think I've heard a native speaker of a Khoi-San language speak English with an accent, but I'm just guessing.)
Really livin' up to your screen name, aren't you?
So this is a love song then?
Bomb the Bass......Coolness
bkrontz wrote:
Jeez... I could hear that high hat of doom 3 rooms away.
Yes that pretty much kills this song for me.
Good groove!
Jeez... I could hear that high hat of doom 3 rooms away. Chugga Chugga Ah-Nold.
Good tune this. I like the groove.
JCEntMan wrote:
Anyone else think the guy sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger?
JCEntMan wrote:
Anyone else think the guy sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger?
An Austrian with an African accent? (Of course, by "African" I really mean "Bantu language family", but that would be the dominant non-IE language group of Subsaharan Africa. Admittedly, I don't think I've heard a native speaker of a Khoi-San language speak English with an accent, but I'm just guessing.)
A little strange and 'out there' but still likeable. Without Sinead this wouldn't be as interesting.
Why do you suppose this song is called "Empire" when she's clearly saying, "Vampire"? I just can't get behind reggae-hop.
Anyone else think the guy sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger?