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Johann Sebastian Bach — Prelude #1 In C
Album: Hélène Grimaud - Bach
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Total ratings: 2229

Released: 1722
Length: 2:33
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Comments (102)add comment
This Bach guy is pretty good, Hopefully we'll hear some more tracks from him soon, maybe a new album?
giovanni sebastiano ruscello...maestro!!
21 people took the time to rate this as only a 1?  
prelude: (n)

c:  a separate concert piece usually for piano or orchestra and based entirely on a short motif. 
Only one thing to say about this piece.  Regardless of culture or social group this one is a timeless example of a human being at their creative best.  Tapped directly in to the source that blesses us all.  
I like Gabrielle Montero's cover better
 heatoncreek823 wrote:

I hate it when people compare Bach to God...I mean sure,
he's great but he's no Bach.

Very true!
 Ipse_Dixit wrote:

I remember when this came out in 1722 - all the geezers thought it was "noise" and it "won't last" - we showed 'em J.S.!!!

Yeah, if I remember correctly they were calling it "punk".
Someone once asked Joni Mitchell who her musical interests were, her influences. And she said Miles Davis and Bach.
Try this version by Maurane
 ExpatLarry wrote:

Thank you very much for playing that. I turned it up and enjoyed the shit out of it. 

I Agree. Same here.
 heatoncreek823 wrote:
Ha, good one. God's no Bach, indeed, but I've bet he might be able to play this piece, if he practices every day.

I hate it when people compare Bach to God...I mean sure,
he's great but he's no Bach.
Ha, came here to see the release date on this, 1722  
Ah, the hundreds of times I've played this and (on violin) the Ave Maria that uses this as the accompaniment....
Thank you very much for playing that. I turned it up and enjoyed the shit out of it. 
There is strange tremelo on this track even on High Quality
 jimtyrrell wrote:

more Bach please 

Bring him Bach
I remember when this came out in 1722 - all the geezers thought it was "noise" and it "won't last" - we showed 'em J.S.!!!
My son played this at a piano recital on Saturday.  Good memories.
SUPERB!!!  Thanx RP!
 talexb wrote:

I really don't now why, but Bach music seems to connect with me at a deep level. Every note seems to be perfectly placed and timed. This piece is fairly simple, I could probably learn it (Grade 7 Piano), but my goodness, how gorgeous it sounds.
I just love classical piano.

I believe his music has a very mathematical sense to it. It appeals to my engineering mind. It just seems to move the way it needs to.
300 years later and it is still sending shivers down people's backs, and probably will be in 2122. that is art.
 timmus wrote:

This song is exactly 300 years old this year.  Written in 1722.

Isn't that totally crazy? Listening to music that old? And I believe hardly anyone doesn't enjoy it deeply. Thumbs up, Joe, well done! ;-)
 aelfheld wrote:

Rarely does Bach sound best on piano.

J. S. is  one of those composers that loved to use different instruments for his compositions. I'm confident if the grand piano existed at his (clavecimbel) era he would've loved to experiment with it....
This song is exactly 300 years old this year.  Written in 1722.
Rarely does Bach sound best on piano.
 talexb wrote:

I really don't now why, but Bach music seems to connect with me at a deep level. Every note seems to be perfectly placed and timed. This piece is fairly simple, I could probably learn it (Grade 7 Piano), but my goodness, how gorgeous it sounds.
I just love classical piano.

This piece is about Grade 4.  Nothing challenging technically; musically is a different matter. 

EDIT.  Two people who know nothing about playing the piano voted my comment down.  I wasn't dissing either Bach (the G.O.A.T.) or Ms Grimaud - only pointing out that, technically, this is quite a simple piece to play.  To make it sound lovely and fresh - well, that's a whole different matter.
"Ah Bach" 

Radar O'Reilly
now THIS is Godlike . . .
I just stood in my hallway, mesmerized until the end.

Thanks for that one 🙂
Bach progressions are always incredible.
This is refreshing and calming , like a glass of cold water in a hot summer day...
Thank you Bill ...
So soothing
I really don't now why, but Bach music seems to connect with me at a deep level. Every note seems to be perfectly placed and timed. This piece is fairly simple, I could probably learn it (Grade 7 Piano), but my goodness, how gorgeous it sounds.
I just love classical piano.
 kcar wrote:

Ackshully, Bach and bock together are an even better. You might prefer JS with your fave, the smoky single malt and nice steak.

That beer label is very cool.  

Thank you, RP, for an afternoon of consistently marvelous music. 
Hélène Grimaud is a world class pianist but her phrasing and emphasis here seems all wrong.  Or it would be, if Bach ever directed such things, but he doesn't; instead he leaves it to the performer.  So all I can say is that I prefer other versions (Andras Schiff, for example).

EDIT - a few months later I find her interpretation grabs me, and I'm bumping to a 10.  If Bach and Grimaud don't warrant a 10, then nothing does.
more Bach please 
Yeah, this is good and all, but what has this Bach guy done LATELY?
Sorry but this is just awful. JSB deserves better than this Richard Clayderman treatment. Give us Glenn Gould!
 Zep wrote:
My wife used to play this, as well as a lot of the other fugues and preludes from the first book. There was a nice sequence of them she played that I became really accustomed to.

She's gone now, passed away this summer, and hearing this made me think of her and how much I missed her piano playing. It filled the house with music and it was beautiful. Dearest Beverly, I love you forever and miss you terribly and deeply.

(btw, not so fond of the pianist here ... Murray Perahia is your Bach go-to)
Long Live great memories of your dearest Beverly!!
It's funny, I looked and started to scroll, hoping to read the Wiki info on the pianist, but instead got JSBach.    we can read tons about him anywhere, but usually this space is devoted to the musician or group, yes? 
I'm learning to play this on the piano. I love it.
My wife used to play this, as well as a lot of the other fugues and preludes from the first book. There was a nice sequence of them she played that I became really accustomed to.

She's gone now, passed away this summer, and hearing this made me think of her and how much I missed her piano playing. It filled the house with music and it was beautiful. Dearest Beverly, I love you forever and miss you terribly and deeply.

(btw, not so fond of the pianist here ... Murray Perahia is your Bach go-to)
Brings back memories long ago of concert choir. This piece was incorporated into a beautiful choral piece that we used to sing. Always loved this piece.
Once more, thank you for slipping in the well-chosen classical works Bill. These "seeds" as they are, have the potential to keep today's music evolving; it is a great service.
 EdEastridge wrote:

I was going to say, she looks and sounds pretty damn great for this being a recording that dropped 295 years ago…  

{#Cheesygrin} {#Lol}

 the_jake wrote:
Gotta love the release date ....1722 .... Only seen on a previous version of the RP website 

I was going to say, she looks and sounds pretty damn great for this being a recording that dropped 295 years ago…  

{#Cheesygrin} {#Lol}
I'm giving it a 9, it's just being played a bit slower than I'm used to
 Carl wrote:
 somnium wrote:
It sounds full of compression artifacts to me, and I'm listening on 320kbps AAC so it can't be the bandwidth.

Yes. Totally.

PSD just because of the technical issues.
Awesome segue from Queen, Bill!
I vaguely remember some Bob Fripp version?
 somnium wrote:
It sounds full of compression artifacts to me, and I'm listening on 320kbps AAC so it can't be the bandwidth.

Yes. Totally.
It sounds full of compression artifacts to me, and I'm listening on 320kbps AAC so it can't be the bandwidth.
Ach Bach....always great!{#Clap}{#Clap}{#Clap} Though there are better players, Bach is Bach.
 SineNomine wrote:
Wow, that was terrible.  I actually had a visceral reaction to that protracted monotony.  Should be titled "Prelude to suicide."

Is it about the player or the composition itself? Player is indeed meh, but the composition is very good.
A great follow up for this would be Wicked Little Town.
Wow, that was terrible.  I actually had a visceral reaction to that protracted monotony.  Should be titled "Prelude to suicide."
 Mustangbill wrote:
Love the release date! Accurate, but I'd also like to know when the artist recorded this version! Nicely played. It's a fun piece even for amateurs like me.
2008, according to her site.
Love the release date! Accurate, but I'd also like to know when the artist recorded this version! Nicely played. It's a fun piece even for amateurs like me.
Very pretty. This "Bach" dude could become famous.
Only piece from the WTC I have learned (so far).
 On_The_Beach wrote:
I prefer the beer:


Ackshully, Bach and bock together are an even better. You might prefer JS with your fave, the smoky single malt and nice steak.

That beer label is very cool.  
Released 1722.
Guess back then  CD  was Choir Diplomatique.
It's just so easy to give Bach a10 rating. I love it when RP blends classical into the mix. This followed Queen's Bohemian Rapsody. For a second I thought, I don't remember this part. Bill is the Blend master! 
 kcar wrote:

Al Franken as Stuart Smalley

Stuart Smalley V/O: I deserve good things. I am entitled to my share of happiness. I refuse to beat myself up. I am attractive person. I am fun to be with. I listen to Radio Paradise. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggonit, people like me!

Announcer: "Daily Affirmation with Stuart Smalley". Stuart Smalley is a caring nurturer, a member of several 12-step programs, but not a licensed therapist. He is, however, a U.S Senator for the state of Minnesota, so suck on that. 

Ahhh, where did you hear that?! On the internet?
Nice save BIll, good segue !. back to the afternoon's river flow. of mindful music
 rascal wrote:
Many years ago, my buddy's mother (an ex piano teacher) would call on a summer's evening  and say "He's practicing!" We would go over to her apartment on St Clair Ave and listen to Mr. Gould play one floor below through the open windows....

It sounds like he practiced more than the 2 minutes a day he wanted to record. Yes, 2 minutes actual.
 thewiseking wrote:
Where's Glenn Gould?!?!

Who cares?  Hélène Grimaud is magical.
Where's Glenn Gould?!?!
I prefer the beer:
How blissful {#Smile}
This guy rocks

Al Franken as Stuart Smalley

Stuart Smalley V/O: I deserve good things. I am entitled to my share of happiness. I refuse to beat myself up. I am attractive person. I am fun to be with. I listen to Radio Paradise. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggonit, people like me!

Announcer: "Daily Affirmation with Stuart Smalley". Stuart Smalley is a caring nurturer, a member of several 12-step programs, but not a licensed therapist. He is, however, a U.S Senator for the state of Minnesota, so suck on that. 
If this could be followed by some Sor, I think I'd be in bliss. 
 rascal wrote:
Many years ago, my buddy's mother (an ex piano teacher) would call on a summer's evening  and say "He's practicing!" We would go over to her apartment on St Clair Ave and listen to Mr. Gould play one floor below through the open windows....

That is very cool...
I smiled hearing Bill pronouncing Bach. It was more like Baggggkh.

Nice suprise hearing Bach on RP. It's the music I grew up hearing it in church on organs and sometimes on a piano.
I had a friend who could play the fuga's very well on a young age. I still have professional musicians in my neighbourhood and occasional I hear a good representation of Bach's music. Often just played to pass time before the sermon starts on sunday. Having that in my mind I don't understand the importance of Glenn's work. Was he really that excellent or also eccentric and just lucky to be on the right spot on the right time to became rather famous?
Bach is wonderful. While we're on the subject of classical music, I think Debussy would fit in really well here at RP.
Another fine Canadian musician. RIP
Many years ago, my buddy's mother (an ex piano teacher) would call on a summer's evening  and say "He's practicing!" We would go over to her apartment on St Clair Ave and listen to Mr. Gould play one floor below through the open windows....
Gotta love the release date ....1722 .... Only seen on a previous version of the RP website 
I have to admit I've never heard this before. Beautiful.
Mr. Gould on RP, a 10 for sure.
From Freddy Mercury to Johann Sebastion Bach !!!
Bach + Gould = Perfection
No one is better than Gould - as eccentric as he was...!
Tesseract wrote:

And now, the morning!  Splendid.  

And now in the wee small hours of the morning...  {#Meditate}
Aaah. That's better!
Smooth segue Bill {#Notworthy}
 toterola wrote:
J.S. Bach in the afternoon. Very nice! {#Clap}

And now, the morning!  Splendid.  

 cambraca wrote:
was it just me or did i hear cd scratches at the beginning?
Hi. I uploaded this one and yes there may be a problem with it.  I will check the original this evening.

The preludes are great, by the way.

was it just me or did i hear cd scratches at the beginning?
 toterola wrote:
J.S. Bach in the afternoon. Very nice! {#Clap}
Or the evening (-5hrs GMT)

Absolutley amazing, this is giving me chills.
J.S. Bach in the afternoon. Very nice! {#Clap}