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Total ratings: 3590
Length: 5:58
Plays (last 30 days): 2
We are jealous..!!
Reaching higher
To walk as one people
One color
One earth
Lets bring down
The fire in everyone
Bring down the fire
And walk as one
Tear down the borders
And walk as one land
Unite the colors
And walk as one sight
Represent the planet
We're all one
We don't need
Your lost religions
To tell us
Who we are
Bring down the fire
And walk as one
Tear down the borders
And walk as one land
Unite the colors
And walk as one sight
Represent the planet
We're all one

What a waste of pixels.

Hell, yeah! Last Saturday, May 27, 2023, at the annual Boulder Creekfest, we were treated to great live music and beer at the Bandshell, but the highlight of the night was the closing set by the incredible Tierro Band with Bridget Law (of local Elephant Revival). When we heard Tierro and his band begin to play THIS AMAZING SONG of his., and Bridget brought it to the next level with her violin, we danced even more madly, in appropriate celebratory frenzy...it was such a primal jam, such an eternal groove, on such an unforgettable night!
We are jealous..!!
This thing has about the same body shape as me...fortunately I'm 72 and don't give a fuck!
You have your freak flag and you are flying it our friend!!

This thing has about the same body shape as me...fortunately I'm 72 and don't give a fuck!
The album art, this song, just perfect
I Agree!
Bought this album (CD) when it first came out after reading a review in a local undergroundish newspaper. The review gave it high marks but did say at times it was repetitive. First time I played it on an all-in-one small stereo system, we listened for fifteen to twenty minutes before I commented that the review was correct - rather repetitive. It was suggested that I check the settings on the stereo and the first track was on constant repeat. After correcting that problem, we thoroughly enjoyed the entire album, finding it not in the least repetitive. Always enjoy hearing a track from it on RP!

So bloody good!!!!!

This number would go down a treat at a greenie festival. I'd dance to it!
Not quite! You need to check your sources. Perhaps you (or your "blind subjects' studies) have never gotten a true Sativa pot strain to compare the effects (sadly, there are not that many "true" available anymore...) Have you heard Sativa can bring mild hallucinations and paranoia (besides the big clean long energy-high, with no downer-munchies effect)?
Rick Simpson Oil contains all the giggle juice. Period.
No double-blind study has ever shown a difference. Pot is like speaker wire.
Not quite! You need to check your sources. Perhaps you (or your "blind subjects' studies) have never gotten a true Sativa pot strain to compare the effects (sadly, there are not that many "true" available anymore...) Have you heard Sativa can bring mild hallucinations and paranoia (besides the big clean long energy-high, with no downer-munchies effect)?

Holy crap this is awesome
Change out "awesome" with "crap" in your sentence and I would be more inclined to agree.

this rocks
it makes me dizzy
twirling top
I Agree!!

it makes me dizzy
twirling top

Oh no, broken jpg! And with such a high rating too, what a shame.
perhaps try switching from Indica to Sativa?
No double-blind study has ever shown a difference. Pot is like speaker wire.
perhaps try switching from Indica to Sativa?
solid 9. thanks RP.

Not sure about the dandruff...
WTH did I just watch?

Great sound and this guy dances perfectly to the music!!

WTH did I just watch?

Don't be pigeonholing now...bad boy! If you want to get your dancing bananas out...go ahead!

I get a strong sense of north african sound, Morrocan, Berber, etc.
But never look a GIF-horse in the mouth!
Long live RP

Amazing group

HA HA. I have a new kitten and he is doing just this. He's tough to get under control when Radio Paradise is on.

Yes! But where is ISIL? They are in Syria, they are in Libya, they are in Somalia, they are in Iraq, they are in Lebanon, they are in Gaza. Hey now, they are in your bath tub. Bombs Away....

OceanBlue wrote:

OceanBlue wrote:

Funny, I was thinking the same thing.
Long live the Bill!
Yes sure hitting the spots in this session.
Long live the Bill!
Again today, I wasn't sure about Raggle Taggle following Pretty Woman, but the rest of the progression is spot on.
Exactly my thought ^^. Bill, you've heard :
Kan'Nal — Gypsy
= Awesome !
You just need to find another song to make the transition between Pretty woman and this sequence ;)
Some gringos just don't get it ...
Sorry, don't get what?
Why this would be a highly inspirational song for a low-level bombing run, followed by a 6-g pull-up at the Initial Position, roll inverted, hoooold it, now - pull through the horizon, roll upright with a 45-degree dive angle to the release point and another 6-g pull-out, and another jinking sanddune-top high-speed egress?
(Or, if you are in the USAF, some guy in a flight suit and ascot with a joystick in an air conditioned room near Las Vegas pushes a button)...
The Waterboys — The Raggle Taggle Gypsy (Live)
Donovan — The Enchanted Gypsy
just what my Monday needed!
Again today, I wasn't sure about Raggle Taggle following Pretty Woman, but the rest of the progression is spot on.

Some gringos just don't get it ...

Love Kan'Nal!!!!

The Waterboys — The Raggle Taggle Gypsy (Live)
Donovan — The Enchanted Gypsy
just what my Monday needed!

Funny, my first thought was "this guy sounds like the guy who, when crossing the border, would say 'let me do the talking,' and then subsequently get everybody killed."

roulleau wrote:
My response to the song itself is similar:
realsleep wrote:
My response to the song itself is similar:

realsleep wrote:
(she's got rhythm.... she can't help herself)

But do you triple dog dare me??

I think that's why I like it!!!

Man, this is the kinda stuff I love! Great percussion, got me boogying!!
If you know what I mean.
And I think you do.
Nice song for this kind of headphones.
If you know what I mean.
And I think you do.

I like the sound.

It's bred for its magic and skills.
Actually, this version is from a sampler CD they were giving away for donations at Earthdance 2005 in Laytonville, CA. They do put on a great live show and I recommend you see them live if possible. Info at www.kannal.org