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Length: 4:36
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Was it in a dream, was it just a dream?
I know, yes I know
Seemed so very real, it seemed so real to me
Took a walk down the street
Thru the heat whispered trees
I thought I could hear (hear, hear, hear)
Somebody call out my name as it started to rain
Two spirits dancing so strange
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Dream, dream away
Magic in the air, was magic in the air?
I believe, yes I believe
More I cannot say, what more can I say?
On a river of sound
Thru the mirror go round, round
I thought I could feel (feel, feel, feel)
Music touching my soul, something warm, sudden cold
The spirit dance was unfolding
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Fantastic segue from Handle with care into #9 Dream. Old school radio!
And again today, three years later. BG knows how to raise a smile from a pair of smiles! :) :)
Fantastic segue from Handle with care into #9 Dream. Old school radio!
Same segue 3 years later. Still good.
I LOVED Lennon's music and vocals when he was with the Beatles. In his solo career he became a pontificating, fatuous ass. This tune is OK, but "Imagine" is the worst: a billionaire and his daughter-of-a-Japanese-industrialist, artist-wannabe wife, living in the most exclusive apartment building in Manhattan and writing "...imagine no possessions, it's easy if you try ...". It don't get no mo' fatuous than that.
couldn't have said it better.
If you think about that general question of how liked a piece of music is when it first comes out and what happens to it over the course of time, this one seems like it will outlive it's appearance (1974), when it seemed a bit typical, and be remembered as much more important. Of course that's from the rep. Lenin got with the Beatles, but it's also because of the orchestration, the brilliant melody (even for a Beatle), the intensity of the writing, and the genuine feel of the lyrics. Then again, I could easily be wrong. History is the final judge.
Although this is somewhat dependent on political/sociological perspectives, I think Lenin's reputation is mixed, at best. Sure, Stalin was a monstrous person, but Lenin was willing to sacrifice many others. As for their status as musicians, I know nothing about them. History can be cruel.
From Wiki:
"Pang also states that the phrase repeated in the chorus, "Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé", came to Lennon in a dream and has no specific meaning. Pang added that Al Coury of Capitol Records initially protested against the use of the word "pussy" in the chorus, but after Lori Burton, the wife of studio engineer Roy Cicala, suggested that it should be sung as "poussé," as if in a foreign language, the lyrics were kept."
I think that:
1. It's hilarious
2. Ms. Cardi B was listening
More I cannot say, what more can I say?
This is a good example of a stupid comment.
Imagine was released in 1971. The Lennons moved to the Dakota in 1973. When he died in 1980, his net worth was $800 million. He wasn't born with a silver spoon, so your take on him doesn't really land with me. Your take on Ono seems quite judgmental and narrow.
To imagine is just that, to imagine... it doesn't mean he claims he's living his ideals. As a person Lennon has been very heavily idealized in spite of often being a cruel wanker, but the music stands on its own. Maybe you don't like it, that's fine, but please at least try using some facts when you cut into someone.
Ah! böwakawa pushed, pushed
14 times too!
14 times too!
Despite his fame and fortune (and regardless of who he was married to) Lennon was still on a quest for finding peace, not only for himself, but for all those who loved his music. There's nothing fatuous here. Maybe contradictory for some judgemental folks, but certainly not fatuous. He was, up until he was killed, an artist doing his best to enlighten and to raise consciousness for his generation and those to come.
It all changes when you consider the possibility that he was talking to himself, doesn't it? :)

Actually Jesse Ed Davis is on guitar

joelbb wrote:
Thank you for saying that. That "gutslamming" record is not an easy listen, but It's brilliant.
It's a favorite game for some to trash the post-Beatles work. It's also easy pickings. They all did some great stuff after but the alchemy of the 4 of them was impossible to top. John and Paul would have needed to find equally strong songwriting partners to push them to achieve the same heights. McCartney came closest when he wrote with Elvis C.
All Things Must Pass is my favorite of post breakup albums but to be fair, a good chunk of it was written in the Beatles years. McCartney's best solo song was also written pre-breakup ("Maybe I'm Amazed", along with "Junk").
I have always thought that "Imagine" was Lennon's reaction to what he has seen in the world not what he has accumulated,
besides who did you want to get the money, his management team? So let's not shoot the piano player.
But I agree about a lot of his solo stuff, I attibute that to him being notoriously lazy
joelbb wrote:
Not being sarcastic - that's a good critique.
And then, what about the art he produced? The song, "Imagine."
Impossible to argue that it's not well written and performed and inspiring in its own way.
So the art - amazing
the artist - a dick
This isn't the first time we've seen this problem, but it's pretty easy to point out with Lennon. (How he treated Julian, and then goes on to write "Beautiful Boy" for Sean. Dick move.)
How do we reconcile brilliant art with the unworthy artist?
¡Ah Chupacabra, olé olé!
ahhh ziggytrix! you may have watched too many episodes of X-files ; )
Click on the "lyrics" link below the "average rating" area and you get this:
"Ah! böwakawa poussè, poussè"
I'm sure it meant something to John...
IIRC, he heard it in his sleep.
I often shout this phrase to my wife!
Now is that during or shortly after the mind-bending ayahuasca high?

Ayahuasca Visitationby Alex Grey2001, Colored Pencil and Acrylic on Black Paper, 11.75 x 16.25 In.
Drug hallucinations look real in the brain
The visions induced by an Amazonian brew used by shamans may be as real as anything the eyes actually see, according to brain scans of frequent users of the drug.
Draulio de Araujo of the Brain Institute at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Natal, Brazil, and colleagues recruited 10 frequent users of the brew – called ayahuasca. They asked the volunteers to look at images of people or animals while their brains were scanned using functional MRI, then asked the volunteers to close their eyes and imagine they were still viewing the image. Unsurprisingly, the researchers found that neural activity in the primary visual cortex dropped off when volunteers imagined seeing the image rather than actually viewing it.
But when the team then gave the volunteers a dose of ayahuasca and repeated the experiment, they found that the level of activity in the primary visual cortex was virtually indistinguishable when the volunteers were really viewing an image and when they were imagining it. This means visions seen have a real, neurological basis, says de Araujo – they are not made up or imagined.
Michael Brammer, head of the brain imaging unit at King’s College London, says the study’s statistics appear to indicate something relatively robust. However, he says it’s difficult to pin down whether the eyes-closed responses on the drug are quantitatively the same as normal, eyes-open neural activity. “Functional MRI is not a one-to-one mapping of cerebral activity. If it were, things would be easier,” he says.
Click on the "lyrics" link below the "average rating" area and you get this:
"Ah! böwakawa poussè, poussè"
I'm sure it meant something to John...
I often shout this phrase to my wife!

Absolutely. Beautiful stuff. The phrase "average rating" should not appear on this page.
Click on the "lyrics" link below the "average rating" area and you get this:
"Ah! böwakawa poussè, poussè"
I'm sure it meant something to John...
And again...!
PSTArtist - SongAlbumRating4:57 amJohn Lennon
#9 Dream

10538 Overture

This can't be a coincidence imo.
Need I say more...?
BTW, in former days I always wondered if this song was sung bij ELO or by John Lennon.
glad I'm not the only one: does anyone know what he's really saying?
¡Ah Chupacabra, olé olé!

Everybody in my mushrooming multitude of churches be dancing buck ass naked all around the world like bowlegged gypsy muleskinners... love this song soooo much... love sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll...

75% of this comment gets a WTF, I just don't like the little change in your post
Mr Lennon knows what he's doing with changes in his tempo. Cut him a little slack
Wow, tough crowd!

glad I'm not the only one: does anyone know what he's really saying?
See wikipedia on this, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_9_Dream
I agree... love this song...
At least that's what I heard when I was a kid.
glad I'm not the only one: does anyone know what he's really saying?
Love this song...
“I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?”
â John Lennon
“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”
â John Lennon
"We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life, is rounded with a sleep."
—William Shakespeare, The Tempest Act IV, sc.i
“And people who don’t dream, who don’t have any kind of imaginative life, they must… they must go nuts. I can’t imagine that.”
â Stephen King
still love this song as much as ever...
Everybody in my church loves this song...
And again...!
This song is really great: takes me back to my lucky childhoodtime!
And again...!
PST | Artist - Song | Album | Rating |
4:57 am | John Lennon #9 Dream | ![]() ![]() | 7.6 |
4:52 am | Electric Light Orchestra 10538 Overture | ![]() ![]() | 6.1 |
This can't be a coincidence imo.
At least that's what I heard when I was a kid.
That's what I still hear, and I have no idea if it means anything other than la la la la.
At least that's what I heard when I was a kid.
here's today an other coincidence : Jl after ELO. Bill ?
And again...!
This song is really great: takes me back to my lucky childhoodtime!
75% of this comment gets a WTF, I just don't like the little change in your post
Mr Lennon knows what he's doing with changes in his tempo. Cut him a little slack
here's today an other coincidence : Jl after ELO. Bill ?
And again?
Great song!!!
U funny! I like you!

Yes, also this time!!

John Lennon by ~JSaurer
©2008-2010 ~JSaurer
This tribute to John I've started to paint in the evening of the day he died. I was so shocked and couldn't find another way for my sadness... it's one of my last works in oil.
Over Yoko's dead body ! (Paul would have shot her.)
John Lennon was an adult who made his own decisions. It's much easier to blame Yoko, an artist, a woman, and a 'foreigner' for the Beatles' demise. It's ignorant thinking.
This is one of John's very best. Woulda made it on to a Beatles album, in my estimation the acid test, yes?
Over Yoko's dead body ! (Paul would have shot her.)
This is as succinct and IMHO dead on description of the pre- and post-Beatles Lennon and McCartney as I've read—and, bub, I've read almost all of 'em. I prefer John's post-Beatles output over Paul's, but that's a matter of taste. This is one of John's very best. Woulda made it on to a Beatles album, in my estimation the acid test, yes?
Too funny, bub. John Lennon was a far superior talent to Paul. You never heard any "Jet", "Silly Love Songs" or that other drivel from Lennon. He made mistakes, and some of his songs were better than others. But he always was, and always will be, a better songwriter than Paul McCartney.
So he made mistakes and some of his songs were better than others but not drivel like Macca's? I would say that The Ballad of John and Yoko is every bit a piece of throw away drivel as Jet or Silly Love Songs. But music is in the ear of the belistener.
Ah! bwakawa pouss, pouss
ah! bwakawa pouss, pouss
ah! bwakawa pouss, pouss
Pousser I think. The french for push. However I think that Lennon himself admitted it was essentially a nonsense-stream of consciousness lyric. Anyway, I think it's a ravishingly beautiful piece. Love it.
Ah! bwakawa pouss, pouss
ah! bwakawa pouss, pouss
ah! bwakawa pouss, pouss
ick wrote:
I remember exactly where I was when I heard the news that day — oh, boy!
The world was cheated from all of the amazing contributions and music he would have made…. So utterly devastated that some miserable POS took his life… wtAF? It’s still upsetting to me.
There simply isn’t punishment severe enough for robbing the world of John Lennon.