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Total ratings: 3624
Length: 4:33
Plays (last 30 days): 1
I can't close my eyes and make it go away.
How long, how long must we sing this song?
How long, how long?
'Cause tonight
We can be as one, tonight.
Broken bottles under children's feet
Bodies strewn across the dead-end street.
But I won't heed the battle call
It puts my back up, puts my back up against the wall.
Sunday, bloody Sunday.
Sunday, bloody Sunday.
Sunday, bloody Sunday.
Sunday, bloody Sunday.
Oh, let's go.
And the battle's just begun
There's many lost, but tell me who has won?
The trenches dug within our hearts
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters
Torn apart.
Sunday, bloody Sunday.
Sunday, bloody Sunday.
How long, how long must we sing this song?
How long, how long?
'Cause tonight
We can be as one, tonight.
Sunday, bloody Sunday.
Sunday, bloody Sunday.
Wipe the tears from your eyes
Wipe your tears away.
I'll wipe your tears away.
I'll wipe your tears away.
I'll wipe your bloodshot eyes.
Sunday, bloody Sunday.
Sunday, bloody Sunday.
Sunday, bloody Sunday
Sunday, bloody Sunday
Sunday, bloody Sunday
Yeah, let's go!
And it's true we are immune
When fact is fiction and TV reality.
And today the millions cry
We eat and drink while tomorrow they die.
The real battle just begun
To claim the victory Jesus won
Sunday, bloody Sunday
Sunday, bloody Sunday.

The whold U@ US Festival show is out on YouTube.

Ahhh, this just brings backtmemories of the days of newly minted sobriety. Dancing out the demons in church halls with a bunch of crazy people all clinging to a new life without drugs and alcohol.
Hope you made it back to shore our friend.
Should we tell 'em there's a PSD button or should we just let them keep banging their head?
Should we tell 'em there's a PSD button or should we just let them keep banging their head?
LOL! Too funny! ...let them keep banging their head!

Should we tell 'em there's a PSD button or should we just let them keep banging their head?
Segue Bloody Segue genius, Bill, perfect follow up to The Cranberries Zombie. RIP Dolores
Today it is followed by "Listening Wind" by Peter Gabriel, once again proving your segue comment as true.

And now it's 2020, and the same segue. Still good.
who knows I skipped it after about 1 min.
Gave it a 10 just for you.
Yes, in that intolerance and irrational violence will never end.
What is that supposed to mean? I fail to see the analogy as it relates to this discussion.

Yes, in that intolerance and irrational violence will never end.
who knows I skipped it after about 1 min.

Yes, in that intolerance and irrational violence will never end.
CoJo - I'll go +1 to 9 to highlight how true you comment is. LLRP!! Hope you're well wherever you roam (back in Japan?)
It's easy to forget that U2 had talent once and released some of the greatest rock ever created. Brilliant tune.
i think it was always kinda rough around the edges
Rating to me is only 7
I remember buying this album. I should probabally listen to it again just to remind myself just how good a band they were.
"A palla!!!" ;)

The same can be said of the whiners.
And those that categorize people that disagree with your opinion as whiners
"A palla!!!" ;)
Last year I flew to NYC to see their final show of their North American Innocence Tour at Madison Square Garden. This tune was prominent in the show. Amazing.
And one of the most abusively overplayed FM tracks in the history of the planet.
If I never heard the *&^%&*! thing again, it would be too soon.
The same can be said of the whiners.
And one of the most abusively overplayed FM tracks in the history of the planet.
If I never heard the *&^%&*! thing again, it would be too soon.
It would be so easy to criticize it as derivative and repetitive, but that would be ignoring its emotional impact. Just listen!

Even Gerry Adams must be sick of hearing this.
How relevant is this song 30 years later? Like it or not, it is still here and as a testimony still being played. This song was good in 83 and is great 2014.
I agree that it is a great song, but its being played is not really a "testimony" to its present-day relevance. That would mean that every song on the playlist is still (if ever) relevant - such as this other popular ditty.
How relevant is this song 30 years later? Like it or not, it is still here and as a testimony still being played. This song was good in 83 and is great 2014.
..... can't argue with that one
I've read lots of rediculous posts here over the past 10+ years and did not hesitate myself to post quite a bit of bullshit now and then (on groups I had to change my opinion about later - Porcupine is one such example, a group I did not know first and disliked, while I hold them in highest esteem today).
That said I can nothing but laugh about your foolish-childish and outright dumb remarks. I am not going to refer about the musical qualities of U2 - everybody knows they are not great musicians (maybe with the exception of Bono's voice and songwriting in sveral, certainly not all cases). To compare Neil Young with Bono alone is so stupid and tells so much about you (for example that you do not play any instrument, though you might possibly blow on your comb now and then, if nothing else is availble to blow) and your limited knowledge of music, that one does not know to simply ignore you, or inform you what a little musical creature you are. Leave alone NEIL YOUNG is a social hero for at least two generations, what counts here now is that he is a masterful musician, an incredible songwriter with a catalogue 20 times bigger than U2's and a spaced-out guitar player of the rare kind (in his own style) Bono and the 2-and-a-half other musical amateurs cannot touch Young in his sleep. When young is still touring and writing great music, Bono will already sit on his island with Bill Gates discussing how to save the world.
You are simply not knowing what you are talking about. I looked shortly through you ratings, what you like and dislike! That told me where you are coming from - musically, while your choice of words seem to proof that you grew up in one of the million trailor-parks Congo, Guinea-Bissau and USA are so well-known for.
You are without ANY credibility, Miss Horstman!
I love it when you get up on your hobby horse and give us a good old fashion rant. But I do not agree. You place a lot of value on musicianship, which is your right to do. I personally don't give two shits in a bucket how well someone drums or sings or plays guitar. That's old fart grandpa bullshit. Play me a fucking melody -- that is all I care about. Your "opinion" is about as worthless as the toilet paper I flushed down the toilet when I took a shit this morning. U2 is MUCH better than Squeal Young. GET OUT.

Neil Young has about as much musical talent as Bono's last fart! This group stood head and shoulders over anything that Neil did either as a solo artist or with CSNY. Easily.
I've read lots of rediculous posts here over the past 10+ years and did not hesitate myself to post quite a bit of bullshit now and then (on groups I had to change my opinion about later - Porcupine is one such example, a group I did not know first and disliked, while I hold them in highest esteem today).
That said I can nothing but laugh about your foolish-childish and outright dumb remarks. I am not going to refer about the musical qualities of U2 - everybody knows they are not great musicians (maybe with the exception of Bono's voice and songwriting in sveral, certainly not all cases). To compare Neil Young with Bono alone is so stupid and tells so much about you (for example that you do not play any instrument, though you might possibly blow on your comb now and then, if nothing else is availble to blow) and your limited knowledge of music, that one does not know to simply ignore you, or inform you what a little musical creature you are. Leave alone NEIL YOUNG is a social hero for at least two generations, what counts here now is that he is a masterful musician, an incredible songwriter with a catalogue 20 times bigger than U2's and a spaced-out guitar player of the rare kind (in his own style) Bono and the 2-and-a-half other musical amateurs cannot touch Young in his sleep. When young is still touring and writing great music, Bono will already sit on his island with Bill Gates discussing how to save the world.
You are simply not knowing what you are talking about. I looked shortly through you ratings, what you like and dislike! That told me where you are coming from - musically, while your choice of words seem to proof that you grew up in one of the million trailor-parks Congo, Guinea-Bissau and USA are so well-known for.
You are without ANY credibility, Miss Horstman!
ditto - i dislike anything after War. they lost all their emotion and starting writing for the record company's sake.
I, too, lost interest in the band after this "War" effort but insist their passion was missing in many efforts after this one.
What a load of crap. First, you compare apples and oranges. U2 and Neil Young are largely different types of music, even though the material and subject matter are not dissimilar. Second, Neil Young is about to end his first half-century in the business. I think if he was talentless, he would long ago have faded and vanished. Not so. Third, some of his music is as iconic and as instantly recognizable as anything U2 has ever done, perhaps more so, as Neil is irrevocably linked with the '60s-70s era that may be the single most shining and memorable years of popular music, with the likes of Ohio, Woodstock, and Southern Man (and in the '90s, Throw Your Hatred Down and Flags of Freedom) being about as steeped in counter-culture anti-war-and-racism as any other artist. Fourth, your hyperbole is crass and knuckle headed. Fifth, it's not just music. You should be aware of Young's efforts, like Bono, to make the world be a better place. https://www.lincvolt.com What, exactly, are YOU doing to that end?
And they captured the essence of war in a far better, more approachable manner than Mr. Young did, any day, any time.
horstman, you disappoint me! Your post is atypically mean-spirited. Nothing against U2, they had their moments (2 great albums and several good ones), but your comments are so laughably off-base that I have to assume they were simply a failed attempt at humour. The lads from U2 would be the first to set you straight on this.
Neil Young has about as much musical talent as Bono's last fart! This group stood head and shoulders over anything that Neil did either as a solo artist or with CSNY. Easily.
And they captured the essence of war in a far better, more approachable manner than Mr. Young did, any day, any time.
Nuff said.
Love U2, Love Neil. Both part of my all-time top 10 artists.
Can't see it any better that On the Beach did.
And they captured the essence of war in a far better, more approachable manner than Mr. Young did, any day, any time.
horstman, you disappoint me! Your post is atypically mean-spirited. Nothing against U2, they had their moments (2 great albums and several good ones), but your comments are so laughably off-base that I have to assume they were simply a failed attempt at humour. The lads from U2 would be the first to set you straight on this.
Neil Young has about as much musical talent as Bono's last fart! This group stood head and shoulders over anything that Neil did either as a solo artist or with CSNY. Easily.
And they captured the essence of war in a far better, more approachable manner than Mr. Young did, any day, any time.
Nuff said.
I agree... well said... love this song...
I'm with you. And the music of the 60's is so far better than most of what has come since.
Can't think of anything from then that is as whiny as this. Even Neil Young's stuff from back then ...
Neil Young has about as much musical talent as Bono's last fart! This group stood head and shoulders over anything that Neil did either as a solo artist or with CSNY. Easily.
And they captured the essence of war in a far better, more approachable manner than Mr. Young did, any day, any time.
Nuff said.
In the 80's with Reagan's Starwars yeah, but.... be a little kid during the Cuban Missile crisis and watching your parents visibly panicing getting that bomb shelter ready.
I'm with you. And the music of the 60's is so far better than most of what has come since.
Can't think of anything from then that is as whiny as this. Even Neil Young's stuff from back then ...
The militaristic drumbeat of war is part of the thematic structure of this song... the lyrics refer directly to a specific historical event on January 30, 1972 in which 26 unarmed civil-rights protesters and bystanders were shot by soldiers of the British Army, but the song expands beyond that one episode to make a general protest against war and murder...
considering the drone strikes by the current USA administration, which is killing civilians, including women and children, this song is as relevant as ever...
ACLU to Obama: ‘We are tired of living in a nation governed by fear’
Under President Obama, the United States is “a nation governed by fear,” the American Civil Liberties Union says in an open letter that echoes the criticisms Obama has made of George W. Bush’s national security policies.
“We say as Americans that we are tired of seeing liberty sacrificed on the altar of security and having a handful of lawmakers decide what we should and should not know,” the ACLU writes in a statement circulated to grassroots supporters and addressed to Obama. “We are tired of living in a nation governed by fear instead of the principles of freedom and liberty that made this nation great.”...

The shadow of the bomb hanging over us all the time.
In the 80's with Reagan's Starwars yeah, but.... be a little kid during the Cuban Missile crisis and watching your parents visibly panicing getting that bomb shelter ready.
The shadow of the bomb hanging over us all the time.
Everybody in my church loves this song...
I would consider U2 a god Musical Act rather than good Artists as their music never really progressed much beyond this.
max_redonx wrote:
And well it should. So much hate has made so much pain. This song should make your skin crawl.
Nothing pisses some people off more than the success of others.
I agree. I still can't stand Bono though. Sorry. Talk about a publicity whore.
Still crawling!!

ditto - i dislike anything after War. they lost all their emotion and starting writing for the record company's sake.
These would all be opinions on the songs that you are absolutely entitled to have, based as they are on your own subjective tastes. I would disagree with you on all counts but, again, fine.
But - "they lost all emotion and started writing for the record company's sake" - Have you actually ever listened to The Joshua Tree, or Rattle and Hum, or Achtung Baby or All that You ....., No Line..... etc. That is nonsensical opinoin based on nothing.
ditto - i dislike anything after War. they lost all their emotion and starting writing for the record company's sake.
We camped out overnite for tickets behind the music store.
The concert was great. The camping out with friends was even better.......
which actually have some fantastic songs on them
Awful middle of the road over-worthy fake rock, perfect for the shallow consumerist western cultures that feed the bloated corporations Bono and his like suckle at the teat of.
He is an utter prick.
Nothing pisses some people off more than the success of others.
Awful middle of the road over-worthy fake rock, perfect for the shallow consumerist western cultures that feed the bloated corporations Bono and his like suckle at the teat of.
He is an utter prick.
Whether he's a prick sucking at a tit, I don't know....
But I do know I don't enjoy the song. Pretentious crap, in my not-so-humble opinion.

There ya go. Logic, check. Acknowledgment of past greatness, check. Acknowledgement of currenty soullessness, check.
That line has all the making of a valid comment that contributes to the dialogue.
even when they were crap...

the only true ART to come from that generation of Rock.
(WISH the scale went up to ELEVEN)
Yes great song, but I think your evaluation of "true ART to come from that generation of Rock" could be somewhat presumptuous, especially given that you were apparently little more than a toddler during the "era" you refer to. Of course, we're all entitled to our opinions.

Awful middle of the road over-worthy fake rock, perfect for the shallow consumerist western cultures that feed the bloated corporations Bono and his like suckle at the teat of.
He is an utter prick.
Do try to avoid splitting your infinitives.
even when they were crap...

the only true ART to come from that generation of Rock.
(WISH the scale went up to ELEVEN)
Awful middle of the road over-worthy fake rock, perfect for the shallow consumerist western cultures that feed the bloated corporations Bono and his like suckle at the teat of.
He is an utter prick.
We be dancing... love it...
We :)
bloody awful.
I love RP but the amount of this shite they play on here is a nightmare.
Does no-one outside the UK realise how piss poor these jokers are?
I really like only early U2, first three albums.