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Total ratings: 3258
Length: 3:39
Plays (last 30 days): 4
Take a drink just to give me some weight
Some Uber-Man I'd make
I'm barely a vapor
They shone a chlorine light on a host individual sins
Let's carve my aging face off
Fetch us a knife, start with my eyes
Down so the lines form a grimacing smile
Close your eyes to corral a virtue
Is this fooling anyone else?
Never worked so long and hard
To cement a failure
We can blow on our thumbs and posture
But the lonely are such delicate things
The wind from a wasp could blow them into the sea with stones on their feet
Lost to the light and the loving we need
Still to come
The worst part and you know it
There is a numbness
In your heart and it's growing
With burnt sage and a forest of bygones
I click my heels, get the devils in line
A list of things I could lay the blame on
Might give me a way out
But with each turn it's this front and center
Like a dart stuck square in your eye
Every post you can hitch your faith on is a pie in the sky, chock full of lies
A tool we devise to make sinking stones fly
And still to come
The worst part and you know it
There is a numbness
In your heart and it's growing
I try not to listen to the lyrics of this song and then it sounds like when we were kids and we would lay on our backs on the swings of the swing set and spend a minute or two rocking back and forth upside-down, with everything that made sense hanging like stalactites and the sky as the floor.
That is very groovy and very sweet! Thank you.
And still to come
The worst part and you know it
There is a numbness
In your heart and it's growing
Chlorine light sounds like a cross between U.V light and injecting bleach. Who knew the Shins were so prescient?
Shins are top notch
Anyways, enjoy if you are so inclined...I'll be in the kitchen getting some raisin bread toast. Come get me when it's over...
Gee thanks. Maybe just stay in the kitchen.
Rolling Stones - Salt of the Earth?
Reminds me of "A Spaceman came travelling"
I don't mind incomprehensible. But these lyrics sound to me so self-absorbed and willfully precious that I can barely listen. New Slang is a great song, though.
Perhaps it was my experiences in church as a child that permit me to see clearly what James Mercer is painting with his lyrics of a 'chlorine light on individual sins ' here.
Anyways, enjoy if you are so inclined...I'll be in the kitchen getting some raisin bread toast. Come get me when it's over...
In my opinion....the best song ever from The Shins!!…..I never tire of this classic!!….Fabulous lyrics!!
Those To Come and Australia are competition for that distinction, but apart from that I wholeheartedly agree!
A masterful album… love every track on it.
Yep.. one of the few albums you say that about.
Brilliant, delicate, devastating.
Love the space between the words and the movements.
Really first-rate, and probably not by accident. A 9 for me.
Every post you can hitch your faith on is a pie
in the sky, chock full of lies
A tool we devise to make sinking stones fly
A "chorine light"? As ever, The Shins win the Most Gnomic Lyrics in Pop award hands down - completely incomprehensible, yet such nice music that you can't help but be captivated. 8 from the befuddled Nottingham jury.
I don't mind incomprehensible. But these lyrics sound to me so self-absorbed and willfully precious that I can barely listen. New Slang is a great song, though.
If you like The Shins, you should try the band Why?
WHY? - Sanddollars
>Yes, Why?
No, why?
>Yes! Why?
No! Why?
>Yes. Why?
Rolling Stones - Salt of the Earth?
This is channeling someone....something....... Chris de Burgh a la Spanish Train album?
Anyone else get this?
Proclivities wrote:
I didn't think anyone else bought that album.
LOL. Thanks for that. Comments that are funny and not mean are top notch.
You are my new RP hero. Don't blow this.
Anyone else get this?
I didn't think anyone else bought that album.
Been a year. Hope you're doing OK or better.
Really hope things work out OK, LizK...

Well, the lyric is actually "chlorine light" implying a stark white light being shown on the host of individual sins. Seems pretty comprehensible to me.

Awesome. Thanks.
Agreed. I'm glad someone else thinks that they can become rather tedious at times due to the lyrics but I rarely have the same issue with the music itself.

How did you do that?

That's just cool!

A big fat 10 nonetheless...

So damn thoughtful, lyrical and quite beautiful.
Stingray wrote:
If this set will be followed by Cowded House, I agree Bill is a wizzard!
This song is another CLEAR 10!
Nearly unbelievably good!

Hate to say it, but I thought they were pretty bad, especially the second song. : (
With only one band member remaining from the pre-2011 line up - it's pretty much a new group.
James Mercer has nearly gone solo.
Agreed. I have the same interpretation. Amazing Song.
Hate to say it, but I thought they were pretty bad, especially the second song. : (
The dumbest comment in years!
"Especially the second song...." tzzzzzz...
Some people are just out of their minds!
If this set will be followed by Cowded House, I agree Bill is a wizzard!
This song is another CLEAR 10!
Nearly unbelievably good!
"It is rare that I listen to one song by any band these days in anxious anticipation of the next song after because the first is just too good, yet not close to over. Yes kids, I have 50 years of music in my ears, my heart and my soul — not to mention garbage cans full of the worst and I can honestly say to you that this band is melodically, lyrically, and very genuinely, the best to consistently improve and put out exceptional contemporary music. Long live Shins."
Hate to say it, but I thought they were pretty bad, especially the second song. : (
Aren't they cute little turtles with palms trees on their backs? Am I missing something?!?!

9 —> 1.000.000
Aren't they cute little turtles with palms trees on their backs? Am I missing something?!?!
Sad part is I can relate to these lyrics as I age on, the numbness gets stronger. Reminds me of so many lost loves.
Numbness is often preferable to pain. They are very good lyrics.

Sad part is I can relate to these lyrics as I age on, the numbness gets stronger. Reminds me of so many lost loves.
According to an interview published on Pitchfork Media on May 6, 2009, "keyboardist Marty Crandall and drummer Jesse Sandoval had been replaced by Ron Lewis from Grand Archives and Eric D. Johnson of on bass and Joe Plummer of Modest Mouse on drums". In the same interview, Mercer said the next record "is still in its very early stages" and that he's "aiming for a release early next year". Regarding the lineup change, he commented that "I started to have production ideas that basically required some other people", but that he "wouldn't say I'd never work with them again."
On August 10, 2009, in a lengthy interview published in The Portland Mercury, former drummer Jesse Sandoval claimed that his departure from the band was not due to "aesthetic differences", but rather that he was fired, saying, "I understand he's probably doing it out of respect for me reading interviews, it might be hard for him to say it, but... I got fired. There's no other way of looking at it.
On January 18, 2010, The Quietus revealed that Mercer is taking a break from The Shins until at least 2011.
It was announced on July 5th, 2011 that The Shins would perform at the DeLuna Festival in Pensacola,Florida during the weekend of October 13th-16th. wikipedia

Hats off to Huey!

My thanks goes out to Huey

Considering your location, it would be wise to mail it to me... ;-)
Haha, that's awesome.
16 freaks voted "1".
Though they are possible less crazy
than the 74 who voted 3's, 4's and 5's!
I agree with you on this song, but one might say you are a freak (based on what you might have rate "1"), so what does that mean for the 16?
16 freaks voted "1".
Though they are possible less crazy
than the 74 who voted 3's, 4's and 5's!
"Sporadically brilliant" - exactly!
Just that it's more than a "9".
Here here.
Been there, done that. I'm fortunate enough to have moved on, but I see it in my friends and I feel the scars in my new (15 year) relationship.
They do a nice job.

you can see a comet soon - around October 20, Comet Hartley 2 is going to be close, and then the next couple of days the Orionids Meteor Shower (AKA shooting stars) should be occurring. :)

The Portland scene is pretty darned outstanding.
Can someone who in more familiar tell me what this guy Danger Mouse brings to the mix that make it different from the Shins?
I don't know about that since I've never heard of The Shins until I started listening to RP a few months ago, but I just bought this CD and the Broken Bells CD and they are quite different but equally great!
Can someone who in more familiar tell me what this guy Danger Mouse brings to the mix that make it different from the Shins?

The Shins-March 7th-sight four by ~tinysherpa
©2007-2010 ~tinysherpa
The Shins, March 3rd, The Backyard, Great Show.
absolutely, it is.
Just like Simon and Garfunkel's "Bookends" this is beautiful and way too short.
Meh. And wimpy.
This is channeling someone....something....... Chris de Burgh a la Spanish Train album?
Anyone else get this?
rtb wrote:
Maybe a bit of On Every Street by Dire Straits?
Like you, it does this for me. It makes me stop in my tracks and just listen, and I know... I know a perfect song when I hear it. Rare, and true.
Not sure there's anything by The Shins that I don't love.
Anyone else get this?
I've seen the Shins live at Lowlands 2007 and was so happy to have been introduced to them by Radio Paradise. Sang all the songs, moved all the moves, jumped all the jumps! In dutch I would say Happy de Peppy!
Then there's also this more moving song on the album. The singer is a word artist, it's not easy to comprehend at first but through melody you catch on quickly. And difficult the melody is too! Super impressed by the creativity on this album!
Peace peeps
really frustrating when you pour heart out, but then look like a twit!
cheers all.
faneuil wrote:
After my dad's sudden death, the Shins were the first group to catch my ear when I started 'to really listen' to music again.
Ths song still has the ability to bring me to a full stop.
My eyes want to well up and I get a lump in my throat.
Music that can tap into your emotions that deeply is doing something right.
If you use Firefox with the NoScript extension, try disabling that. I had a similar problem a while back with multiple copies of comments being posted (or empty posts before and after the one I submitted). I also was unable to rate songs. Disabling NoScript when I post on RP stopped it from happening.
Sorry about your Dad, btw.
So many people love this album, but personally it just doesn't resonate with me. Everytime I look at the lyrics, it just makes me think of the crappy poetry that we had to write for english composition classes in high school all full of overwrought imagery and flowery emotions. I mean, it's not terrible...but just seems forced to me somehow...
Anyways, enjoy if you are so inclined...I'll be in the kitchen getting some raisin bread toast. Come get me when it's over...
mmmm....raisin bread toast. wait, what was the question?