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Length: 5:06
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And an apricot tree
And I said to the sailor
On the white quay
Sailor O sailor
Will you bring me
If I give you my penny
And my apricot tree
A fez from Algeria
An Arab drum to beat
A little gilt sword
And a parakeet?'
Well he smiled and he kissed me
As strong as death.
And I saw his red tongue
And I felt his sweet breath.
You may keep your penny
And your apricot tree.
And I'll bring your presents
Back from sea,
From over the sea.
The ship dipped down
On the rim of the sky
And I waited while three
Long summers went by
Three long summers went by.
Then one morning
On the white quay
I saw a grey ship
Come in from sea.
Slowly she came
Across the bay
and her flashing rigging
Was shot away
All round her wake
The seabirds cried
And flew in and out
Of the hole in her side
Slowly she came
In the path of the sun
And I heard the sound
Of a distant gun.
Of a distant gun.
And a stranger came running
Up to me
From the deck of the ship
And he said, said he
O are you the boy
Who would wait on the quay
With the little silver penny
And an apricot tree?
I've a plum-coloured fez
And a drum for thee
And a sword and a parakeet
From over the sea.'
O where is the sailor
With bold red hair?
And what is that volley
On the bright air?
O where are the other
Girls and boys?
And why have you brought me
Children's toys?'
Brought me children's toys?
How did it all work out Anthony?

As you demonstrate

How did it all work out Anthony?

Natalie has more songs than The Who on RP! How? Why?!
This one's tolerable though... no one seems to be hitting her in the throat repeatedly like on her other tunes.
Dug deeply here.

I find I hear much more Tori Amos than Natalie Merchant..

Proclivities wrote:
Natalie Merchant sang back-up vocals on that recording.
Get the album. This is an amazing collection. Hand's down, one of the of the best of the last decade.

Natalie Merchant sang back-up vocals on that recording.
richlister wrote:
You ought to be reported for torturing your family.
Yeah, totally.
The title seems a not-so-subtle nod to William Blake, in my opinion.
This great song deserves a title that doesn't sound like a subtitle, but that's just a quibble. A solid 9.
This album is phenomenal. Incredibly atmospheric songcrafting. My family and I played it for about 6 months straight, and I still love it. Tremendous creative accomplishment from Ms. Merchant. Especially great listening if you have bambini scurrying about.
You ought to be reported for torturing your family.

This great song deserves a title that doesn't sound like a subtitle, but that's just a quibble. A solid 9.
This album is phenomenal. Incredibly atmospheric songcrafting. My family and I played it for about 6 months straight, and I still love it. Tremendous creative accomplishment from Ms. Merchant. Especially great listening if you have bambini scurrying about.
thought she was an actress....
pretty spellbinding song
This great song deserves a title that doesn't sound like a subtitle, but that's just a quibble. A solid 9.
I was thinking it evoked a sense of a storyteller. Your view is just as valid, I suppose. Unless you're seeing it differently from me.
Maybe. Or I just hate her stories..
Seconded with knobs on. I bought the CD, at last, a week ago, and have been absolutely captivated by it. The booklet with it, in which Natalie explains her project, as part of a dialogue with her young daughter about words and language, is essential to understanding the songs on it, all of which are obscure and often silly and funny poems set to music by herself. By far the best CD I've bought this year.
In looking over this, I realize I left out an important detail that my mother never failed to mention. Her family had moved out of Berlin by 1939.
My second generation German grandpa flew bombing missions over Germany. Germans make up the largest ethnic group in the US, so this kind of thing was common.
I was thinking it evoked a sense of a storyteller. Your view is just as valid, I suppose. Unless you're seeing it differently from me.
Some great versions on YouTube (live) as well.
Agreed - Nothing makes repeated click on PSD faster!
This song would be good if the lyrics didn't evoke unsavory images of certain basketball coaches, priests and others...


I'm thinking proclivities might have been waxing ironical in his suggestion of Wagner. I once gave my mother an album of Wagnerian overtures for her birthday. That went over like a lead balloon. Far too much Wagner in my mother's upbringing in 1930's Berlin, you understand.
In looking over this, I realize I left out an important detail that my mother never failed to mention. Her family had moved out of Berlin by 1939.
I`m in a different boat . I used to enjoy her when she played with all them Maniacs I find her newer stuff much less appealing .
Overlooked too. She just fell out of favor it seems.
I'm thinking proclivities might have been waxing ironical in his suggestion of Wagner. I once gave my mother an album of Wagnerian overtures for her birthday. That went over like a lead balloon. Far too much Wagner in my mother's upbringing in 1930's Berlin, you understand.
I'm guessing the Hitler alarm clock is right out as well. (some people are so picky).

I'm thinking proclivities might have been waxing ironical in his suggestion of Wagner. I once gave my mother an album of Wagnerian overtures for her birthday. That went over like a lead balloon. Far too much Wagner in my mother's upbringing in 1930's Berlin, you understand.
You can't blame an artist for his fans. You can blame Wagner for being a certifiable loon though.
2 extra points for excellent penny whistle
a la Mark Knophler
The link is dead. Whatever it was, I am glad to see someone talking about Wagner here. I tried to upload some once. Technical errors, as always. It seems that music files that play on every other music player known to mankind somehow are not good enough technically for the RP listener upload forum.
I'm thinking proclivities might have been waxing ironical in his suggestion of Wagner. I once gave my mother an album of Wagnerian overtures for her birthday. That went over like a lead balloon. Far too much Wagner in my mother's upbringing in 1930's Berlin, you understand.
This song would be good if the lyrics didn't evoke unsavory images of certain basketball coaches, priests and others...
Yup, no kidding.
There's always Richard Wagner - many people have found his music inspiring.
The link is dead. Whatever it was, I am glad to see someone talking about Wagner here. I tried to upload some once. Technical errors, as always. It seems that music files that play on every other music player known to mankind somehow are not good enough technically for the RP listener upload forum.
My sentiments exactly. Don't need any "nursery rhyme's".....need something much more inspiring to listen to.
There's always Richard Wagner - many people have found his music inspiring.
*—-video link expired—-*

Jelani wrote:
And no, no one out there need extend their condolences regarding what I may be missing.
Thank you. :)
And he smiled and he kissed me
As strong as death
And I saw his red tongue
And I felt his sweet breath
O are you the boy
Who would wait on the quay
With the silver penny
And the apricot tree?
O where are the other
Girls and boys?
And why have you brought me
Children's toys?
This song would be good if the lyrics didn't evoke unsavory images of certain basketball coaches, priests and others...
We saw her on tour doing many of these songs and a others from her back catalogue, an excellent concert.
She has only recently joined my music scene, I'm enjoying the journey of getting more of her output.
Thank you, Seahunt.
And, thank you, Natalie.
Didn't think of it until I read that and *bingo!* you're right.
My sentiments exactly. Don't need any "nursery rhyme's".....need something much more inspiring to listen to.
And no, no one out there need extend their condolences regarding what I may be missing.
Thank you. :)
Thank you for sharing this. Poignant and, in some respects, sad. Natalie seems to hone in on these things and force us to confront them. Take a listen to Tigerlilly and you'll see what I mean. Alas, I do miss a more upbeat "Narcissistic Natalie".. listen to the tune "Wonder" from that same album. I particularly enjoy some of Natalie & 10k Maniac's sad tunes done in an upbeat tempo.
I may be becoming a new Natalie Merchant fan.

First thing I thought too.

"Nursery Rhyme Of Innocence And Experience"
I had a silver penny
And an apricot tree
And I said to the sailor
On the white quay
Sailor O sailor
Will you bring me
If I give you my penny
And my apricot tree
A fez from Algeria
An Arab drum to beat
A little gilt sword
And a parakeet?
And he smiled and he kissed me
As strong as death
And I saw his red tongue
And I felt his sweet breath
You may keep your penny
And your apricot tree
And I'll bring your presents
Back from sea.
O the ship dipped down
On the rim of the sky
And I waited while three
Long summers went by
Then one steel morning
On the white quay
I saw a grey ship
Come in from sea
Slowly she came
Across the bay
For her flashing rigging
Was shot away
All round her wake
The seabirds cried
And flew in and out
Of the hole in her side
Slowly she came
In the path of the sun
And I heard the sound
Of a distant gun
And a stranger came running
Up to me
From the deck of the ship
And he said, said he
O are you the boy
Who would wait on the quay
With the silver penny
And the apricot tree?
I've a plum-coloured fez
And a drum for thee
And a sword and a parakeet
From over the sea.
O where is the sailor
With bold red hair?
And what is that volley
On the bright air?
O where are the other
Girls and boys?
And why have you brought me
Children's toys?
Liner notes credit Cillian Vallely.

Great stuff!

Wow. What a great, intimate description. And yes - very sad that kids today have NO idea about the past - it's almost as if entire generations have lived and died for nothing. Stories untold, songs unsung... jump-rope? It was a mainstay when I was going to grade-school. Chinese jump-rope, where you had to be very fast on your feet... I still remember "Alamand-left to your corner... right hand round to your own... Go back and swing that corner lady round and round..." Dang - I loved square-dancing! Thanks, Seahunt, for the memories. And for reminding us all of what we stand to lose if we don't remember our past....

No, that would be cruel. What we need is more bare dancing :o)
second comment from me, but I did like the ethos this engenders.
"love it!!! and "found" her just a month ago, never heard of her bevor,god, what have i missed :-) now I know most of her songs an got her music on cd for daily use ;-) " kat33ta33
"Natalie's voice cuts through my soul oh so good... " firefightntx
This song is good for the ears...
"When in London last month, Natalie gave an exclusive interview with Grantas deputy editor Ellah Allfrey. Her album Leave Your Sleep will be released by Nonesuch Records this spring (its title is taken from a Mother Goose rhyme). She calls it the most elaborate project I have ever completed or even imagined: it touches on Cajun music, bluegrass, reggae, chamber music, folk and jazz, as well as folk styles from around the world. She has also used the work of E. E. Cummings, Robert Louis Stevenson, Edward Lear and Gerard Manley Hopkins. "