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Length: 2:52
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Get on up and dance to the fonky music!
[All:] Dance to the Music, Dance to the Music
[Freddie:] Hey Greg!
[Greg:] What?
[Freddie:] All we need is a drummer,
for people who only need a beat
I'm gonna add a little guitar
and make it easy to move your feet
[Larry:] I'm gonna add some bottom,
so that the dancers just won't hide
[Sly:] You might like to hear my organ
playing "Ride Sally Ride"
You might like to hear the horns blowin',
Cynthia on the throne, yeah!
Cynthia & Jerry got a message they're sayin':
[Cynthia:] All the squares, go home!
[All:] Dance to the Music, Dance to the Music

At the beginning when she asks us "get up and dance to the music", I'd be scared not to. That was an order, not a request.

I stood up and danced to the music cause they suggested it very convincingly!
Me too!!

Nice job by Sly selling this song for inclusion in the first "Shrek" movie. His music will live on forever as kids discover it from here on it.
My daughter (now in her late twenties) had no idea who he was, but does now and this song has now become a party anthem for Millenials
IMO, selling out is letting commercials and advertising use the songs. Licensing them to games, tv shows, movies, and the like is ok.
(Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jon Densmore, for keeping Doors music out of commercials!!)
Shrek had Monkee's "I'm a Believer" as well.
Nice job by Sly selling this song for inclusion in the first "Shrek" movie. His music will live on forever as kids discover it from here on it.
My daughter (now in her late twenties) had no idea who he was, but does now and this song has now become a party anthem for Millenials
Mugro wrote:
This used to be called “selling out.” However, it is actually a clever way to introduce new generations to great music in this age without radio stations and millions of choices on Spotify and other platforms. My son is introduced to most music by hearing it in commercials and movies.
IMO, selling out is letting commercials and advertising use the songs. Licensing them to games, tv shows, movies, and the like is ok.
(Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jon Densmore, for keeping Doors music out of commercials!!)
My daughter (now in her late twenties) had no idea who he was, but does now and this song has now become a party anthem for Millenials
This used to be called “selling out.” However, it is actually a clever way to introduce new generations to great music in this age without radio stations and millions of choices on Spotify and other platforms. My son is introduced to most music by hearing it in commercials and movies.
RE Sly: There is a fine line between genius and madness.
Yes - that's the legendary Larry Graham - the innovator of the "slap" style of bass playing - adding "some bottom".
Saw Larry Graham and Graham Central Station in Helopen DE a few years ago. What a FAB-u-lous show! He still has the moves. Told the audiance that sampling is fine and is grateful for sampling his music, but the key is to make your own music....and pull up your pants!

I'm almost afraid of what gif you'd share that would have anything like "you might like to hear my organ."
Well here it is :)
You might want to hear my organ

I'm almost afraid of what gif you'd share that would have anything like "you might like to hear my organ."

Not to worry, they're all down at the tractor pull, polishing their guns.
I have a clean gun and a tractor yet I did not vote for trump....so.....yeah.....Dance to this Music like Sly says!! Long Live RP and all HUMAN BEINGS!!

Not to worry, they're all down at the tractor pull, polishing their guns.
Yeah, we're looking at you, Trump voters!
Ironic, considering that Sly et al were by far the most accepted funk/soul/rock group among the white bread SUV latte sipping cracker crowd. Much more popular among that crowd than, say, James Brown.
"add some bottom" (bass). Killer bass kicks in right there, yes?
Yeah, tears up the speakers! Love it.
and referencing other songs .... like Wilson Pickett's version of "Mustang Sally"!
...."All we need is a drummer
For people who only need a beat...
I'm gonna add a little guitar
And make it easy to move your feet
I'm gonna add some bottom
So that the dancers just won't hide
I said ride Sally ride..."

Great point! It does seem more "fun" that way...kinda reminds me of James Brown too. Great stuff

from the look of things we think it might have been raw sewage

My daughter (now in her late twenties) had no idea who he was, but does now and this song has now become a party anthem for Millenials
and referencing other songs .... like Wilson Pickett's version of "Mustang Sally"!
...."All we need is a drummer
For people who only need a beat...
I'm gonna add a little guitar
And make it easy to move your feet
I'm gonna add some bottom
So that the dancers just won't hide
I said ride Sally ride..."


Everybody in my hotel room loves this song... we be cage dancing...
Clearly, Hulk is a committed member, thriving on the prayers and vitamins...

Check this out - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsJ9K7lUteQ
Examples? For my money, Sly was about as cutting edge as it got in the late 60s, particularly live. I saw him at the Isle of Wight in 1970 and he was fully in his downward spiral by then: sloppy, cutting shows short... just generally not giving a shit. To bad as he was a massively talented band leader.
Once again--don't you ever weary of this?--Stingy distinguishes himself with his utter lack of musical knowledge. That's Sly's brother, Freddie, on guitar.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh Yesssssssssssssssssssssss!

You talkin' to me?

"add some bottom" (bass). Killer bass kicks in right there, yes?
Yes - that's the legendary Larry Graham - the innovator of the "slap" style of bass playing - adding "some bottom".

"add some bottom" (bass). Killer bass kicks in right there, yes?
I thought he was saying BARITONE.
"I'm gonna add some (??);
so the dancers just won't stop"
What does he say?
"add some bottom" (bass). Killer bass kicks in right there, yes?

If this song doesn't get you up out of your chair you must be dead.
Thank you for adding it to the playlist.......a great antidote to the tedious cassio electronic dance music of today!

"I'm gonna add some (??);
so the dancers just won't stop"
What does he say?
I always heard that to be (bottom) - it is a baritone voicing, after all, no?
"I'm gonna add some (??);
so the dancers just won't stop"
What does he say?
I just read that as well, he's living in his car in LA.
Here's the story: https://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/the_rise_and_fall_of_sly_stone_qijyKoYzmAqer1PA0YogSJ/2
On Bootsy Collins' Facebook it was recently posted that Sly now had an apartment, that people in the neighbourhood were looking after him, and that he was doing better. However the subtext was that he was somehow mentally ill. Send him your thoughts and prayers... and kindly remember Jim Morrison would have been 68 this year. And you'll get old and stupid too, if you're lucky.
We were deeply bummed when he didn't show for his set at Coachella 2010; it was a farce- the whole band is there tuning, sounding really hot, and then walked off. The little 16-year old stonies were weeping which I saw as kind of a tribute to the Man. I sorta was weeping too. I did see Sly in Madison Square Garden in about '71, what a KICKASS show- one of the best big-arena shows I've ever seen.
I just read that as well, he's living in his car in LA.
Dave_Mack wrote:
I was thinking just the opposite — jolting transition for me....

Yaaaa Dance to the music
I'm with you on this one!
Heck of a dance tune
Good sound on the 45 as well .
Brag much? How cliche'.

Ace Ventura arrives on the RP comments pages: "Asshole - o - mio".

The ass crack is pretty cliche too.
Try Viagra, far less noisy....

Check. Big Time.....gotta go and dance NOWWWWWWWW

White - check.
SUV - X5.
Latte sipping - cappucino, actually.
Brag much? How cliche'.

The Who played right after...
ooo, I do believe that this is a racial slur.
Agreed. I personally rate LOTS of songs 1 or 2, but that's not because I'm racist, it's because I'm a music snob. If it doesn't appeal to my sensibilities, I rate it as such. One of the (many) beautiful things about RP is that songs are rated by everyone who cares to. We arrive at a kind of consensus. I end up often in the minority, but that's fine with me. I have my opinion and you have yours.
This white, southern man happens to like Sly.
p.s. My momma IS a racist.

I'm up for the downstroke!
ooo, I do believe that this is a racial slur. I'm white, drive a Murano, brew my own latte at home and danced my butt off to Sly. If I had said something filled with this kind of bigotry about any ethnic group other than mine, I'd get kicked off RP faster than you can say White Bread Cracker. I might suggest that you return to your Mama's lap so that she can teach you some manners. By the way: 9
You have a point there.
ooo, I do believe that this is a racial slur. I'm white, drive a Murano, brew my own latte at home and danced my butt off to Sly. If I had said something filled with this kind of bigotry about any ethnic group other than mine, I'd get kicked off RP faster than you can say White Bread Cracker. I might suggest that you return to your Mama's lap so that she can teach you some manners. By the way: 9
White - check.
SUV - X5.
Latte sipping - cappucino, actually.
Gave it an 8.
Whew. Dodged a bullet there.
Hey Brother! I know lots of white folks that are dancing their white bread asses OFFFFFFF when Sly get's his groove thing going!!!! That includes most of my high school, and college classmates. (but hey, i went to school in nyc, where even the lame folks are cool)

Hey, most of my classmates, too. And I went to school in western PA—accurately described by James Carville as part of the "Alabama in the middle" (of PA)—and WV—'nuff said. And us lilly white boys and girls, though definitely NOT cool, STILL get up...or down...to Sly!
Boogie on!!!

Brings back memories of high school marching band!
CHOCOLATE CITY-After months of ceaseless debate, including last week's record 76-hour filibuster slap-bass solo from Senate Rubber Band Minority Leader Bootsy Collins (D-OH), the National Funk Congress is no closer to resolving its deadlock over the controversial "get up/get down" issue, insiders reported Monday.
"Get up-uh, get on up! Get up-uh, get on up!" shouted Getuplican Party supporters on the steps of the Capitol as the debate, as well as a massive 14-piece instrumental jam, raged within. The pro-up-getting demonstrators' chants were nearly drowned out by those of a nearby group of jungle-boogie Downocrats, who called upon all citizens to "Get down, get down!"
The bitter "get up/get down" battle, which has polarized the nation's funk community, is part of a long-running battle between the two factions, rooted in more than 35 years of conflict over the direction in which the American people should shake it.
"The time has come to face facts: To move forward, we've got to get on up, and stay on the scene, like a sex machine," said Brick House Majority Leader James Brown (G-GA), one of getting on up's most vocal supporters. "Say it loud: Only when we have gotten up offa that thing will we, as a nation, finally get back on the good foot."
Upon learning of Brown's remarks, Downocratic leaders openly questioned his commitment to getting up. Said Robert "Kool" Bell, a top-ranking Brick House Downocrat: "It is a well-known fact that Brown has, on many past occasions, urged his supporters to get down with they bad selves. In response to his inconsistent voting record and history of waffling on this crucial issue, we will not rest until every American, as is their birthright, has gotten down."
"You got to get down," Bell added. "Hyuh!"
The disagreement, which has paralyzed all efforts of the National Funk Congress to get it together and get funky for one and all, has reached crisis proportions, experts say.
"Until our country's funky leaders can resolve this deadlock, U.S. funk leadership, and the booties of all Americans, will remain immobilized," said Gregory Tate, domestic motorbooty-affairs reporter for The Washington Funkenquarterly. "Unless a compromise can be reached soon, the entire nation's thang could be in serious jeopardy."
"Our leaders' refusal to budge, let alone move it from front to back, has crippled the move-your-body politic," said current U.S. Mothership Ambassador George Clinton, one of the most outspoken critics of the deadlock. "These legislators must keep it real and understand that no matter what party policy may dictate, they cannot fake the funk. What the partisan people in the House need to realize is this: If they ain't gon' get along, the time has come for them to take they dead ass home."
But despite such pleas for bipartisan compromise, the two parties remain at odds. This week, a Getuplican high-treble scratch-guitar initiative called for all Downocrats to "give it up and turn it loose," sparking an angry war of words on the Senate dance floor. In response, the Downocratic members of the Grooves & Booties Subcommittee drafted a bass-heavy resolution demanding that the initiative be voted "down, down, all the way down."
The Getuplican-Downocratic rift has been further complicated by confusing rhetoric from both sides. A call from Parliamentary leaders to "get up for the down stroke" was interpreted by members of both parties as a statement of support. Equally unclear was a statement made earlier this week by Funky Chinatown Big Boss-Elect Carl Douglas, who baffled observers with the assertion that Funky Chinamen were "chopping men up and chopping men down."
For all the confusion and divisiveness, there are signs of hope. A bipartisan coalition of funky drummers is gaining strength, urging Downocrats and Getuplicans to find common ground by "getting together, on the one." Also on the rise is a small grass-roots campaign calling upon party people not to get up or down, but simply to get it on.
Whether any of these fledgling reform movements will have a genuine impact on the entrenched groove machine is uncertain. One thing, however, is not: A growing number of citizens are fed up with the nation's current leadership for putting party politics before the need of the people to turn this mother out.
"Big government has lost sight of the fact that we should not be divided along Getuplican and Downocratic lines, but should be one nation under a groove, getting down-or up-just for the funk of it," said Clinton at a recent Mothership rally calling for an end to the deadlock. "The point is not that we must get up or down, but rather that, working together, we've got to get over."
(From The Onion, obviously)
Let's see: whole wheat or sourdough; pickup, usually with a work trailer in tow; black drip coffee . . . nope, it still sucks.
Hey Brother! I know lots of white folks that are dancing their white bread asses OFFFFFFF when Sly get's his groove thing going!!!! That includes most of my high school, and college classmates. (but hey, i went to school in nyc, where even the lame folks are cool)

Damn! This is the Shit!!!!!

edit: there really is no other suitable emoticon choice for this than the dancing banana

Yeah, I spent a fair amount of time dancing to this in college, too!