Counting Crows — Hard Candy
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Comments (24)add comment
ehhh. not worthy.
To me, this is what a band sounds like when they\'re trying to make money.
Utter shite 

The most overplayed band on the air. Right up there with the Beatles.
I don't understand what all the grumbling is about. If you wanna say that his voice is annoying, fine. If you wanna say that their songs are sounding alike, fine. Your mileage may vary.
BUT to complain that a song is "too pop" is ridiculous! Lyrically and musically, CC compares well with the majority of artists on RP, and extremely well with the vast majority of mainstream musicians.
I would say that a significant percentage of RP's music is power pop to at least some degree, and obviously we like it that way, because we're all still listening. I suspect that simply because CC gets all sorts of airplay on regular FM stations that, with a number of indi-music lovers, there is a negative halo attached to their music. Those people need to get over it.

Originally Posted by Leslie:
Horrid. All their music sounds too much alike since their first album.
Agreed ... it all sounds the same and his voice is so ANOYING

Wow, a Counting Crows song that\'s actually kind-of listenable. All their other stuff is too depressing.
I much prefer this track to \'Good Time\', which has gotten much more play. I would also suggest that \'Miami\' is the best track off this CD - play that one too!
Horrid. All their music sounds too much alike since their first album.
An homage to \"Hard Candy Christmas\", by Dolly Parton?
Wonder of wonders, this one is growing on me. Not bad.
blech!!! too much counting crows today. sounds the same as all their other stuff. will sound the same as their next stuff. :oops:
Good band technically, but the singer is so aggravatingly melodramatic. Maybe it\'s overuse of tremolo?
BTW, Bill, this mp3 skips. 

Originally Posted by laytin1119:
Will everyone please just stop working and typing for a minute or two and enjoy a great band?
As soon as one comes on, I will.
Will everyone please just stop working and typing for a minute or two and enjoy a great band?
Originally Posted by coldwd:
I must agree wholeheartedly with RParidise, there's nothing wrong with playing this song. Granted I'd care for some of the other songs from the new album a bit more, but I'm just happy to hear some stuff from the crows show up on the playlist. Adam Duritz' lyrics are amazing, take a listen sometime, the new album has some greats: Miami, & Holiday in Spain, among others.
Don't get caught up on the one single that happens to get airplay to make your judgement, in my opinion, you'd be making a big mistake.
Please play more crows! :)
Thanks for the support, but please spell the name right. It's PARADISE, as in RADIO ... oh, you know.Pop or not, the guy\'s voice just makes you want to - as someone else noted - jab out your eardrums with an icepick.

I must agree wholeheartedly with RParadise, there's nothing wrong with playing this song. Granted I'd care for some of the other songs from the new album a bit more, but I'm just happy to hear some stuff from the crows show up on the playlist. Adam Duritz' lyrics are amazing, take a listen sometime, the new album has some greats: Miami, & Holiday in Spain, among others.
Don't get caught up on the one single that happens to get airplay to make your judgement, in my opinion, you'd be making a big mistake.
Please play more crows! :)
RParadise, sorry for the typo :)
What is everyone\'s problem with pop craftsmanship? We have heard countless examples on this station, and some of them are the most highly rated songs. Both harmonically and lyrically, I think this song soars.
ZERO Crows! Shoot them all! Get this overly pop crap off Paradise. Stuff like this threatens to make it less than Paradise.