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Ryan Adams — Desire
Album: Demolition
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Total ratings: 592

Released: 2002
Length: 3:26
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Two hearts fading, like a flower
And all this waiting, for the power
For some answers, to this fire
Sinking slowly, the waters higher


With no secrets, no obsession
This time I'm speeding, with no direction
Without a reason, what is this fire?
Burning slowly, my one and only


You know me, you know my way
You just can't show me, but God I'm praying
That you'll find me, and that you'll see me
That you'll run and never tire

Comments (65)add comment
Drove through Canada in 2003 for 6 months on a motorbike, this was my soundtrack. Briljant Artist ánd a very funny person. Love that contrast in one man. 
    Desperately Seeking       "Nobody Girl" 
 SECA_Alan wrote:

RA is a genius if our times IMO, and (like others) he has had a tortured and tumultuous journey. I for one, deeply appreciate his continually wearing his heart so publicly upon his sleeve.

He may be a musical genius, but calling his journey tortured only glorifies this abuser. 

thanks Bill
RA is a genius if our times IMO, and (like others) he has had a tortured and tumultuous journey. I for one, deeply appreciate his continually wearing his heart so publicly upon his sleeve.
 papersitter wrote:
Gosh, Ryan Adams has a great NEW record out. Maybe play some of that?

He was excellent on his tour stop at Merriweather Post Pavilion last Friday.  Best I've seen since he was with the Cardinals.

Bonus: Jenny Lewis opening and both of them guesting each other's sets.
Gosh, Ryan Adams has a great NEW record out. Maybe play some of that?
I get why some people may not like this, but I am not one of those people!  I love this song, and have done for a while.  It helps that it is featured so heavily on an episode of the West Wing too.....
 bachbeet wrote:
Not a good cover.  Just doesn't do a thing for me.

Not  a cover.  Ryan Adams wrote and produced this song for the Demolition album. 

 bachbeet wrote:
Not a good cover.  Just doesn't do a thing for me.

Well, it's not a cover; I don't know if that mitigates it in any way for you.
 aaronm wrote:

I'm surprised that this song is rated so low, and I like it quite a bit.

I'm not a Ryan Adams fan but this is the best that I've heard by him
Jars of Clay - Frail
Radiohead - Let Down
Azure Ray - Look To Me
Ryan Adams - Desire

My wife commented that Bill's in a pretty mellow mood today.

I'm surprised that this song is rated so low, and I like it quite a bit.
Not one of his better songs. He's a phenomenal singer and songwriter though. One of my all time favorites. I don't like country, but i like it when Ryan Adams sings country. His voice first sounds very ordinary. Tinny and whiny even. After a few listens though, his voice speaks to me and i feel his words. He's got soul for sure.
NC's Dylan.
What is so funny about peace, love, and understanding?
this is tiresome
Not a good cover.  Just doesn't do a thing for me.
 SirLars wrote:
this song makes me want a hug.
Group hug everyone! {#Group-hug}
A 6 just for the lyrics, not for the rest{#Rolleyes}
this song makes me want a hug.
 superfido wrote:

You must be him or something to write exagerate like that. {#Foot-in-mouth}

It's pretty good - Suicide Handbook, actually. It's basically the early version of Gold. About 1/2 the same songs and 1/2 different and the Gold songs are in more "bare bones" edition than the final album. Good listening if you like this kind of thing at all.

 whtahtefcuk wrote:
Without doubt one of the finest song writer and performers in our time... at least he was for some time.

Check out his "The Suicide Handbook" internet only album. Fantastic!


You must be him or something to write exagerate like that. {#Foot-in-mouth}
Without doubt one of the finest song writer and performers in our time... at least he was for some time.

Check out his "The Suicide Handbook" internet only album. Fantastic!

Captain_D0D00 wrote:
He tries, and he has so many.

He's obviously gone the "quantity" route instead of "quality."

I heard he's releasing a 10-disc compilation this week... the songs' lyrics consist of the ingredients listed on the cereal boxes in his cupboard.

Excelsior wrote:
There's no such thing as a good Ryan Adams song.
He tries, and he has so many.
There's no such thing as a good Ryan Adams song.
Not as good as U2's Desire, albeit a different song. Still if you make a song called Desire you have to expect it to be compared. His voice lacks, oh I don't know - desire. I desire not to hear this song again.
freeone1 wrote:
Love this. Don't care what others think. One of my favorites from one of my favorite artists.
peaceful.....and maybe way too slow for the office today.
This has been an INCREDIBLE hour and 1/2 of music!!!!!!!THANKS.
Great song.
I desire this song to be over.
The song I want to dance to at my wedding. Now if only I could find the woman I'm going to marry.
greatfulted wrote:
Ryan Adams sounds like a tired Bryan Adams. Not saying that is bad.
Wow, that's saying he's awful! Anything by Bryan Adams since his superb 1984 album Reckless is unbearable and would probably prompt me to rate a song a 1, 2, etc. for the first time here on Radio Paradise. Let's hope Bill never plays anything by post-Reckless Bryan Adams.
I absolutely love to hear anything from this man.
a prolific and consistent songwriter
greatfulted wrote:
Ryan Adams sounds like a tired Bryan Adams. Not saying that is bad. I wonder if they are from the same family? GT
They are NOT! And Ryan Adams fans get REALLY tired of the comparison. There just isn't one to be made. Bryan writes boring mainstream rock and Ryan writes really nice folky heartfelt stuff à la Desire.
Ryan Adams sounds like a tired Bryan Adams. Not saying that is bad. I wonder if they are from the same family? GT
Love this. Don't care what others think. One of my favorites from one of my favorite artists.
Originally Posted by leeminah:
Originally Posted by MaK: Sounds good but I'd prefer to listen to a more popular song from this artist like "Heaven" or the theme from Robin Hood Prince of Theives. Canada Rules Ummm . . . that would be Bryan Adams. Canada does rule, but BRYAN does not deserve to be classed in the same company as RYAN. I would be proud if RYAN was a Canadian, but I will just be happy that I somewhat familiar with his excellent music.
Amazing what havoc dropping one letter causes For the record I don't like either of 'em
Originally Posted by phantastica: This song doesn't "grip" me at all. Some of his other tunes seem to be a lot better than this one.
I agree with you.
Originally Posted by Myrrh: If he could learn that the harmonica has more going for it than just "suck" and "blow" the song would be a lot more pleasant.
It's all Zimmerman's fault.
All I \"Desire\" about this song is that it end.
Sounds good but I\'d prefer to listen to a more popular song from this artist like \"Heaven\" or the theme from Robin Hood Prince of Theives. Canada Rules
Girl Emerges From Coma During Bryan Adams Concert Her first words were "No, I meant RYAN Adams!". RYAN, NOT BRYAN
Its ok..thats all..only ok.
Originally Posted by 1jerry: umm. I was going to write something about the song, which ending just now, but I can't remember it already.
yeah, as someone else said "very uninspiring" not enjoyable - a set-killer.
Originally Posted by oneworld: Ryan makes some very nice songs, but has a bad attitude towards his paying audience. A concert in Stockholm this Sunday was supposed to begin at 20.30, but started at 23.10 Several people, includning me, had no opportunity to stay late, so I missed it. Reports are bad 45 minutes start, but getting better after that. Seems that the "technical problems" was more personal...
Yeah, I saw him in San Francisco when he toured on "Gold" and had some reasons for irritation myself; he did start more or less on time (for bands these days, anyway), but he was ripped out his f00kin mind and seemed to think it was time to recreate the monster jam concerts of the 70s; this resulted in inevitably heroin-addled play, and at first I was concerned that he was going for the rock star/junkie route toward a quick demise, but then it became enough of an interference that I didn't really care, I just wanted to him to get himself together for a few minutes, for his fans; his state and attitude resulted, too, in a tendency to turn every gorgeous mellow tune from Gold into some overamped megajam (would've helped if the mixing was better, perhaps), and to turn every rockin tune into some weird laconic ballad. Despite all this, I still play Gold a fair amount, and am enjoying Demolition now and then, too. But I doubt I'd go see him live again.
Ryan makes some very nice songs, but has a bad attitude towards his paying audience. A concert in Stockholm this Sunday was supposed to begin at 20.30, but started at 23.10 Several people, includning me, had no opportunity to stay late, so I missed it. Reports are bad 45 minutes start, but getting better after that. Seems that the "technical problems" was more personal...
Decent track. There are much better tracks on Demolition and much, much bettter tracks on Heartbreaker!
wow that was very uninspiring.
umm. I was going to write something about the song, which ending just now, but I can\'t remember it already.
I like it.. but I like the non harmonica parts the best. It seems so pretty and flowing, but then the harmonica kicks in and gives me a jump. Overall, a very nice song.