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Length: 3:37
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I'm caught up in the pages of my mind
And it's not so clear
But it seems the hurt is way too much this time
Cause I see a vaine look in your eyes
Tell me, do you see the same, same look in mine
Sandpapper kisses, papercut bliss
Don't know what this is, but it all leads to this
You're gonna leave, her
You have deceived, her
Ooh just a girl
Now here I go again
She said I'll break her heart again
She plays the fool again
She said I'll break the rules again
Though I disagree
She thinks she knows me more than me
It's so hard to see
What this voice keeps telling me
Ooh just a girl with featherweight curls
To expose all she knows you play like tease
Just a Girl with featherweight curls
To expose all she knows you play like tease
You're gonna leave, her
You have decieved, her
Ooh just a girl
So so good.

I can't wait to hear your vocals! Please sing the RP audience something, I'll bet your voice is sick.
You do know one can know they suxxor at singing and still know good or not so good singing?
I think I'd dig this a whole bunch more if the lead vocals were done by a dude that could actually sing...not to dig at Stephen, but really, as a vocalist he leaves something to desire. But the lounge track and the female vocals are excellent...
I can't wait to hear your vocals! Please sing the RP audience something, I'll bet your voice is sick.
It won a Grammy, so take that, haterz :)
So good. An original, subtle blend and flow of genres.
I love this song. I introduced this to my 19 year old kid. He loves it too.
He quickly figured out that this song is actually largely sampled from a song called "Sandpaper Kisses" by Martina Topley-Bird.
Also, to the folks who called this "generic reggae"... either you've never heard reggae or you say that because the artist has dreads and his last name is Marley. This song is hardly "generic" and there's almost nothing "reggae" about it.
I would like to have been in the room while they recorded this. Mellow.
Guessing it was a little smoky in there. Might have been hard to seem him.
Stephen experiments with some cool styles like in 'Rockstone' , Damian's lyrics, Ziggy, Julian, Ky-Mani. Collectively, and then adding in their patriarch, they have a very impressive discography.
For the comments that see the repetitiveness of Reggae as a diminishment of musical quality or worthiness, you have to see reggae from the point of view of the island from where it originated. Rhythm, repetition as mantra and meditation has its origins in African traditions brought along during the brutal Middle Passage, and then intertwined with the trappings of Christianity and revivalism in the churches throughout the island. The Island sound systems and selectors of the 60's and 70's which paved the way for rap and hip hop also favored this almost trance inducing style that 'mashed up' the dancehalls and the airwaves. When you are on the island, it's 30 C out, the wind is blowing in your hair, the waves wash the shoreline, and you have a cold red stripe in one hand, spliff in the other and you hear the music in context with the peoples and place from which it was born, its the perfect fit. .
I agree, only the great musicians can make something better with an old recipe.
I assume Fixing a hole = 1 and Stephen Marley = 10!
I tried to submit the song sampled in this song (Sandpaper Kisses), but it got insta-denied. Too bad. :(
PSDed Fleetwood Mac, oh Well
kcar wrote:
I PSDed to Thelonious Monk's "Straight, No Chaser" so we both lucked out.
Is Stephen Marley into downers or painkillers? There is absolutely no pep or sunniness to his stuff as far as I've heard.
I PSDed to Thelonious Monk's "Straight, No Chaser" so we both lucked out.
Is Stephen Marley into downers or painkillers? There is absolutely no pep or sunniness to his stuff as far as I've heard.
Is it Reggae or Ganja? I don't know -- by the end of it, I'm so stoned I can't tell any more.
It's worth it for, "Sandpaper kisses, papercut bliss"
Folks, if you dig Massive Attack, listen to the sample source (Sandpaper Kisses) some time, it's brilliant!
seriously y'all - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw5sJOoiFlw
Well, I play this cd quite often and was also surprised to hear it here. I agree Stephen M has some serious talent and I'd love to see him at a gig.
Another thanks RP from me too!
Try listening on some other night....grab a little relaxation and stop worrying. Music doesn't always affect us the same way every time we hear it. Maybe you were just too tense (two tents). Or maybe buy some better speakers?
Sampling from Martina Topley-Bird
Folks, if you dig Massive Attack, listen to the sample source (Sandpaper Kisses) some time, it's brilliant!
I agree, with your in-depth analysis.

This is as good as two pigs smoking reefer...nice in my book
Bin richtig enttäuscht von dem Auftritt ( afrika-festival ). Behäbig und sonst nix ! Kein Funke.
Nun dann werden halt die alten charismatischen Platten rausgekramt, von BOB !
Also R P bitte öfter B. Marley laufen lassen. DANKE!!
Well followed by the doos.
There! That's better!
If you are going to change my words then perhaps you should take a few trips to Jamaica and see for yourself!
I have been to many bluegrass fests and while I love and enjoy it very much, it mostly sounds the same. While much of reggae is samish there is a ton of really great, creative stuff out there. Jamaicans LIVE for music. They will always be on the cutting edge of reggae and taking it to new heights.
He has a very special way of saying "UH".

Oh dear just seen my previous comment but it still stands.. G.A.R.B.A.G.E. sucko barfoo . His Dad will turn in his grave God Bless Him.
Sampling from Martina Topley-Bird

Did you ever have to work on a regular basis with a drummer? Machines are often preferable. (I'm joking, actually)

*in case it is a real drummer mimicking a Casio organ drum track
Did you ever have to work on a regular basis with a drummer? Machines are often preferable. (I'm joking, actually)
I agree with you and BusinessGypsy - cashing in on daddy's name is just in poor taste. Although, I have to admit that Ziggy's "Tomorrow People" always coaxed a smile out of me...
I would like to concur with this assessment.

There! That's better!
Cynaera wrote:
I'd forgotten, or I never really fathomed, how powerful a movie Blade Runner was. Rutger Hauer's performance, and his character's death in the movie, had never made me cry until I just watched the scene you provided. "All those things will be lost... in time..." I guess when it comes down to it, we'll all be lost in time... in time.
Great. Now I'm depressed. And Southern Culture on the Skids really didn't help much.

Can't say I agree with the Blade Runner similarity but your self-deprecating humour made me laugh.

All joking aside, Blade Runner is one damn fine film!
I'd forgotten, or I never really fathomed, how powerful a movie Blade Runner was. Rutger Hauer's performance, and his character's death in the movie, had never made me cry until I just watched the scene you provided. "All those things will be lost... in time..." I guess when it comes down to it, we'll all be lost in time... in time.
Great. Now I'm depressed. And Southern Culture on the Skids really didn't help much.
Oh, where is rdo with his patented "drivel" comment??

I'm certain I was subconsciously replaying an old Miami Vice episode in my head while listening to this.
I'm picturing a slow-motion scene in a darkly lite club with a couple of scantly clad women dancing seductively for some kingpin while he slowly draws on a big fat joint and slowly lets the smoke rise up the profile of his poc-marked face up around the rim of his white wide-rimmed fedora.
I can't be the only one!?
Oh, where is rdo with his patented "drivel" comment??

*in case it is a real drummer mimicking a Casio organ drum track
yes, I be chillin'.........

I'm picturing a slow-motion scene in a darkly lite club with a couple of scantly clad women dancing seductively for some kingpin while he slowly draws on a big fat joint and slowly lets the smoke rise up the profile of his poc-marked face up around the rim of his white wide-rimmed fedora.
I can't be the only one!?
He doesn't need to. Sounds fine, just who he is. :)
Very cool.
Exactly! And there are not many games where you can play a female police officer, taking a shower and walking around in underwear. :)
Martina was a former singer for Tricky. @bill: Put this one in your Playlist! My favourite MTB-Song.

The force is strong with this one.
Not enough dude. If Bill plays this song in the evening around here, there's a good chance someone's getting lucky...
How east coast condo of you.
"Give me a hard copy right there"
I sound like a sad loser.I know.
(At least it wasn't Star Trek)
Can't say I agree with the Blade Runner similarity but your self-deprecating humour made me laugh.

All joking aside, Blade Runner is one damn fine film!
crockydile wrote:
Can you say "Coattails?"

eddief wrote:

can you say blood?
"Give me a hard copy right there"
I sound like a sad loser.I know.
(At least it wasn't Star Trek)

ROFL - too funny :)