H.B.A. — Everything is Byte Size (The Sunray Estate mix)
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Comments (27)add comment
A sweet song, wonderful harmonies, charming back ground singing, and it flows nicely.
HighHorse wrote:
Easy to swallow.
HighHorse wrote:
True enough. In one ear and out the other leaving no trace of its passing.
Easy to swallow.
True enough. In one ear and out the other leaving no trace of its passing.
Easy to swallow.
Laptopdog wrote:
Regardless of the controversy, this song bytes.
Regardless of the controversy, this song bytes.
anduinrosebud wrote:
Censorship can only occur in the public sphere by a public entity.
So I guess when I say that I "censor" myself by not using certain words in front of children, my act of not using those words is not censorship? Why? Because I'm not a public entity? Hmmmm. I guess we tend to have a looser definition than what you espouse.
If you take a crap on your bosses desk, and get fired for it, this is not censorship.
I agree, but that is a poor example.
Similarly, if you had a Velvet Elvis in your cubicle, and your boss asked you to remove it because it clashed with the rest of the decor of the office, this would not be censorship.
These are matters of taste, and Bill certainly has the right to be the arbiter of that on his own radio station.
Obviously I didn't articulate my point very well. My take is that it would be better to simply remove something than to alter it for purposes of acceptability. I had a similiar beef when Bill changed the name of The Cherry Poppin' Daddies to "The Daddies." If the band's name is such a problem, I feel it is better to just eliminate it/them from the playlist. The artist didn't intend or mandate these alterations, so they're not acceptable, imo.
So, your taking me to task on the details of the definition of "censorship" is well stated, but either way, I felt the asterisks were an alteration that was unnecessary, whatever you want to call it.
Ugh. People make this mistake a lot. While I applaud Bill for printing the actual name, had he decided to keep the asterisks, it would not remotely have been censorship.
Censorship can only occur in the public sphere by a public entity.
If you take a crap on your bosses desk, and get fired for it, this is not censorship.
Similarly, if you had a Velvet Elvis in your cubicle, and your boss asked you to remove it because it clashed with the rest of the decor of the office, this would not be censorship.
These are matters of taste, and Bill certainly has the right to be the arbiter of that on his own radio station.
If a store refuses to carry certain artists, that's not censorship. That's a matter of taste.
If the government prevents distribution of certain artists, so that no one can hear them, that is indeed censorship.
It is also censorship if someone prevents you from speaking your mind in a public park, on government airwaves, etc.
I just think people get confused about the nature of rights, and it gets us into trouble. As artists, we do not have the right to be played on radioparadise, nor can we keep Bill from selecting the tracks he wants vs. the ones we want. And finally, if he wants to put asterisks in the middle of a band name that might get his listeners into trouble at work, we can question his judgment, we can question his taste, but we can't call it censorship. Not if that word is to have any meaning.
redeyespy wrote:
Think on it.
Exactly. It doesn't make any sense. The artist's name has been altered in the name of "safety for the workplace." The rule of law is ultimately, B & R, which is their choice. But, it's still censorship.
In this case, this round of censorship is for the f****** bosses who peer over the worker bee shoulders, ya know.
UPDATE (5/26/08) - Asterisks are gone. Well done. Censorship's a real bee-otch.
sdn wrote:
It's hardly censorship if Bill voluntarily chooses to blank out part of the name.
Censorship... Guess that's why the Stones "Cocksucker Blues" never gets played
what a great band name!
Jimmy Cliff - I Can See Clearly Now
ScottFromWyoming wrote:
I didn't even know I was supposed to be assigning it to songs. I better get busy.
I'll start with the Porcupine Tree catalog all are denied SFW Status.

I supposed that needing to censor the word "Bitch" merely indicates how lost our culture has become. Glad to see that decision has been reversed.
Because god help us all if Revolting Cocks or Butthole Surfers get on the playlist...oh wait, the latter are (click here), uncensored.
Nice tune, by the way.
sdn wrote:
It's hardly censorship if Bill voluntarily chooses to blank out part of the name.
First, look up the word censorship.
the changing or the suppression or prohibition of speech or writing that is condemned as subversive of the common good. It occurs in all manifestations of authority to some degree, but in modern times it has been of special importance in its relation to government and the rule of law.
With that in mind, read your post out loud.
It's hardly censorship if Bill voluntarily chooses to blank out part of the name.
Think on it.
Exactly. It doesn't make any sense. The artist's name has been altered in the name of "safety for the workplace." The rule of law is ultimately, B & R, which is their choice. But, it's still censorship.
In this case, this round of censorship is for the f****** bosses who peer over the worker bee shoulders, ya know.
UPDATE (5/26/08) - Asterisks are gone. Well done. Censorship's a real bee-otch.
lingchih wrote:
Censorship. I would never have thought to see it from RP.
It's hardly censorship if Bill voluntarily chooses to blank out part of the name.
CafeRacer wrote:
Why would anyone censor the word birch? it's just the name of a tree after all.
Don't be silly. It's Hot BATH Arsenal. I guess the reference to soccer players in the tub is a bit risqué, even by Northern California standards.
Censorship. I would never have thought to see it from RP.
Why would anyone censor the word birch? it's just the name of a tree after all.
Ok, I guess I missed most of the threads. All I know is I think it was Arthea Franklin and I really liked the song. What's up?
ScottFromWyoming wrote:
I didn't even know I was supposed to be assigning it to songs. I better get busy.
I'll start with the Porcupine Tree catalog all are denied SFW Status.

AliGator wrote:
I didn't even know I was supposed to be assigning it to songs. I better get busy.
I'll start with the Porcupine Tree catalog all are denied SFW Status.
I'm surprised you didn't complain about the SFW status.

ScottFromWyoming wrote:
Plenty of astrisksks too!
I'm surprised you didn't complain about the SFW status.
None of the links work with the name censored.
BillG wrote:
Yes, we censored the band name to preserve our site's SFW (Safe For Work) status. For info (& pay-what-you-want downloads) go to
Plenty of astrisksks too!
lophrequa wrote:
thanks for answering everyone's question before we asked it Bill! what a great band name!
thanks for answering everyone's question before we asked it Bill! what a great band name!
Yes, we censored the band name to preserve our site's SFW (Safe For Work) status. For info (& pay-what-you-want downloads) go to