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Jenny Lewis — Pretty Bird
Album: Acid Tongue
Avg rating:

Your rating:
Total ratings: 2950

Released: 2008
Length: 3:43
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Pretty bird, pretty bird
Why you so still?
Pretty bird, pretty bird
We've been waiting on you

You go west for the black setting sun
You go south to the white spirit world
You go east for those real green eyes
You go north walk the good red road
Pretty bird

There's a mirror in heaven
Pretty bird, pretty bird
There's a window on earth

You go west for the black setting sun
You go south to the white spirit world
You go east for those real green eyes
You go north, walk the good red road
Pretty bird

Some pity me, yeah
Oh, pity me, yeah
Stars pity me
For the blood of the pretty
The blood of the pretty
The blood of the pretty bird

Pretty bird, pretty bird
Who's starving you still?

You go west for the black setting sun
You go south to the white spirit world
You go east for those real green eyes
You go north, walk the good red road

Pretty bird
Comments (168)add comment
This one feels overplayed, even though I see the 30-day number is pretty average.  I wouldn't miss it if another Jenny Lewis song was chosen for awhile... she is great.
love hearing this right after petty's shadow people. very nice.

jenny is amazing.
 Stefen wrote:

Didn't Jean-Paul Sartre imply that there are no mirrors in hell?

I've always suspected that Life imitates Sartre...
Didn't Jean-Paul Sartre imply that there are no mirrors in hell?
 Edweirdo wrote:

You're teaching English with RP on as "background music"?  Much as I like RP I'm glad you're not teaching my children.

Yeah I seriously doubt the Chinese have music running in the background in their classrooms and their kids can run circles around ours (U.S.) academically.

But wouldn't it be really cool, dude?  LOL

Also, screw all the Jenny haters.

greetings, so many wonderful words for this wonderful music by so many wonderful musicians from all parts of our beloved planet,
I love the music, and in deepest gratitude to Bill and Rebecca,
BUT, I am always blown away and love to watch the slideshow with each and every tune - incomparable visual candy . . .
how on this earth to you do this? Jedi mind tricks?

 Grammarcop wrote:

Ha! I was looking at a photo of a Long-billed Thrasher on Twitter when this came on. 

I can see that being used as an excuse in the UK House of Commons shortly...
See her live if you can. She quite a show(wo)man!
Ha! I was looking at a photo of a Long-billed Thrasher on Twitter when this came on. 
 Edweirdo wrote:

You're teaching English with RP on as "background music"?  Much as I like RP I'm glad you're not teaching my children.

Care to elaborate on why that makes you glad?  I find it puzzling.
Is this from the Dumb and Dumber soundtrack? 😉
 Edweirdo wrote:

You're teaching English with RP on as "background music"?  Much as I like RP I'm glad you're not teaching my children.

After this, they're going to a kick-ass Battle of the Bands to perform a song written by their very own Zack "Zack-Attack" Mooneyham!
 On_The_Beach wrote:
Well, I liked the slinky guitar break.
Well, I liked slinky's.
 Edweirdo wrote:

You're teaching English with RP on as "background music"?  Much as I like RP I'm glad you're not teaching my children.
Wow. I wish he WOULD teach my children. At least he would get them listening to some good music! Music in the background is often an aid to calm anxiety so for students who are working remotely or sitting at a desk with a mask on their face I am sure this is helpful to them navigating this difficult time in education. 
Tweety bird, tweety bird, I thought I saw a tweety bird
 d-don wrote:
I'm in the middle of a long-term subbing job at a high school in southern Oregon, and as my students are working quietly in a sophomore English class, I have this on as background music. I look up to see a few heads nodding, and one young lady says, "This music rocks."

Kudos to RP. The youth of America are swinging your way.
You're teaching English with RP on as "background music"?  Much as I like RP I'm glad you're not teaching my children.
Too short, still a 8 might go 9.
I think what I like most about this track is the sound of the guitar.  Well played and very well recorded.
 Boxie wrote:
Nice melody. Whats with the guitar feedback in the middle.

For angst and tension, sometimes a conflicted, dirty guitar will assert itself and try to crap all over a pretty song. Often times, I like it, –like here!
Nice melody. Whats with the guitar feedback in the middle.
 Proclivities wrote:

About 3 minutes and 45 seconds.

I think it's about some sort of this pretty bird
 d-don wrote:
I'm in the middle of a long-term subbing job at a high school in southern Oregon, and as my students are working quietly in a sophomore English class, I have this on as background music. I look up to see a few heads nodding, and one young lady says, "This music rocks."

Kudos to RP. The youth of America are swinging your way.
Kudos to you, d-don - for being a "cool" substitute teacher!  And your neat-o story was all I needed to bump my 7 rating to an 8 - Long Live RP!!
great guitar tone

i hear it as a Gretsch into an Vox AC15.....anyone know for sure?
what a nice switch from People are strange 
I'm in the middle of a long-term subbing job at a high school in southern Oregon, and as my students are working quietly in a sophomore English class, I have this on as background music. I look up to see a few heads nodding, and one young lady says, "This music rocks."

Kudos to RP. The youth of America are swinging your way.
The backing music has weight. The vocals might match it  more an octave lower but are to lite as is. 
 bruceandjenna wrote:
Reminds me of the space western "Firefly."

That was an amazing series and I see your point.... But not sure why...but yes..
Reminds me of the space western "Firefly."
Well, I liked the slinky guitar break.
Great seque from Janis Joplin's "Summertime"
 SECA_Alan wrote:
Great feel on this,  lovely pace and movement. Doesn't seem too hard to like? It may not be profound, but I love what she's doing, and the sparse rhythmic arrangement. 

Nice comment from Southern UK :)

Great feel on this,  lovely pace and movement. Doesn't seem too hard to like? It may not be profound, but I love what she's doing, and the sparse rhythmic arrangement. 
 JanL wrote:
J'aime, sans explications.
Thats what music should be like!
 Kokoloco53 wrote:
Great song. It seems to remind me of another song, perhaps this is a cover from another artist? But, doesn't matter, a nice recording.

Sounds a bit like the underrated and mostly unknown Merrie Amsterburg .
Great song. It seems to remind me of another song, perhaps this is a cover from another artist? But, doesn't matter, a nice recording.
 AbileneTexas wrote:
I like it!  Bumped from 7 to 8 with this listen 
unique and interesting in comparison with many compositions on here!

 jruhnke wrote:
I have no idea what this song is about.

It seems to have something to do with a bird.
Her voice drives me up a wall.  {#Frustrated}
 jruhnke wrote:
I have no idea what this song is about.

It's about 3 minutes and 45 seconds.
Good tune and a nice voice, the words are too cryptic

I like it!  Bumped from 7 to 8 with this listen 
I have no idea what this song is about.
I think I'll go birding this morning. 
This hasn't improved any since you started playing it a few years ago.    

PSD, indeed. 
First time I ever heard anything by her but I like it! Thanks, Bill.
Very good song!
J'aime, sans explications.
Oh, that's a cool song...
i PSD you pretty bird.
Where is the "UGH" button?!?!
 Yes..and it is always nice to communicate with music as a mediator  oldsaxon wrote:

I think this might be your lack of confidence more than our lack of taste. Can Stairway be a ten? I think some might say so, but not everyone, and that is what makes this forum important, interesting and fun. We bicker and snipe but in the end we all just want good music and lots of it. We get that here as someone else said, from Brahms to bee gees... Eclectic and wonderful and all opinions are considered.


 yclept wrote:
 As long as I rarely hear any Eagles on RP, I'll be content.

cohifi wrote:
Nice!  I like birds in general; just not a big ravens fan.  I prefer Hawks.  Falcons, even.  Sweet set of music, regardless

..don't forget the Jayhawks.  
That bridge seemed painful and slightly off pitch.
 villaridge wrote:
This is why I heisitat to comment here at Radio Paradise. For 1, there are no freaking songs rated 10. The best you all seem to muster is a muttering that 8.4 is the shit. That's for stuff like Stairway To Heaven (not to me, but to a bunch of ya), lol, and here in this new realease you gabber on about WTF. why should I comment? what does me rating a song mean when I walk into a comment section of a new song and see the self-centered, myopic, and vapid comments that are here? lol


I think this might be your lack of confidence more than our lack of taste. Can Stairway be a ten? I think some might say so, but not everyone, and that is what makes this forum important, interesting and fun. We bicker and snipe but in the end we all just want good music and lots of it. We get that here as someone else said, from Brahms to bee gees... Eclectic and wonderful and all opinions are considered.
 villaridge wrote:
This is why I heisitat to comment here at Radio Paradise. For 1, there are no freaking songs rated 10. The best you all seem to muster is a muttering that 8.4 is the shit. That's for stuff like Stairway To Heaven (not to me, but to a bunch of ya), lol, and here in this new realease you gabber on about WTF. why should I comment? what does me rating a song mean when I walk into a comment section of a new song and see the self-centered, myopic, and vapid comments that are here? lol


I disagree, most of the folks who have been here are not just neil young fans. (altlho bill is) starirway to hell, cowpie on the gland etc. can go away....Bill & Rebecca play everything from Bo Diddly to Brahms stay awhile and dig it.
this has a flavour of rodriguez about it - like.
Pretty Bird = Pretty Good (rating, that is!)
I like it!
 As long as I rarely hear any Eagles on RP, I'll be content.

cohifi wrote:
Nice!  I like birds in general; just not a big ravens fan.  I prefer Hawks.  Falcons, even.  Sweet set of music, regardless

 Otomi wrote:
 Grammarcop wrote:
Ha! I just happened to be looking at a photo of Catharus fuscescens fuliginosus when this song came on.

Cool. If you look that up on Google Image Search you get pictures of the bird plus Jenny Lewis, thanks to this Radio Paradise page.
Two years after, yes, nice match - love this song for a saturday (very late) morning, in winter, snowing, cold
 villaridge wrote:
This is why I heisitat to comment here at Radio Paradise. For 1, there are no freaking songs rated 10. The best you all seem to muster is a muttering that 8.4 is the shit. That's for stuff like Stairway To Heaven (not to me, but to a bunch of ya), lol, and here in this new realease you gabber on about WTF. why should I comment? what does me rating a song mean when I walk into a comment section of a new song and see the self-centered, myopic, and vapid comments that are here? lol


I think the comments here are often quite good.  If you want to read the corporate rags like Rolling Stone and Spin then be my guest.  Those articles are just big puff pieces for the music industry.  The criticism you read there is more like advertising.  (There is always a large degree of promotion in even the very best music journalism and criticism, same goes for literary and art.)  
Here at RP you get what people really think about songs.  I think this is the only place in the world where you'll get anything like this.  I think it is great.   The discussions that take place here about music do not take place anywhere else - not with the openness and honesty such as we have here.  Also, it is all inclusive here.  Haters are welcome as well as the musicologists, and we have some good-uns here.  It is also very lively and exhilarating.  Jump into the fray!
Nice!  I like birds in general; just not a big ravens fan.  I prefer Hawks.  Falcons, even.  Sweet set of music, regardless
Good timing! I was just in the process of sending out an email about a snowy owl that is being seen in my area. 
Love those humbuckers!

Well, I decided to reproduce here a comment I saw recently published, by the way, of band Jenny and Johnny - song "Committed" from Their album "I'm Having Fun Now", published in 2010, which reads:

" Why is not this on the radio?! Oh yeah, radio would melt from the awesome. Radio today is audio Nerf - synthetic and bland. "- Just in case.

The band consists of duet Jennifer Diane "Jenny" Lewis, 36 years old and Johnathan Rice, 29 years old. Curiosity: when Jenny Lewis participated in the movie The Wizard, was 13 years old.

Ok, that everybody is quiet, no, I'm not saying that this song "Committed" is a masterpiece, but in the face of horrible and low quality of new songs, new bands, and singers that have recently appeared there, I must say that the first time I heard the song it was interesting, well designed, and most importantly, well performed. Note that the final sound is done using as few 2 guitars and duet-voices (Jenny & Johnny) with battery backup.

Committed, committed
I need to be committed
I need to be locked away
I need a straighter jacket on my crooked frame
I need to be admitted today

Excited, excited
I need to get excited
and reconnect with nature, babe
I need to focus on the sunshine, focus on my goal
Truth in every grain of sand

I put my back into, put my back into my work
I will receive what I, will see what I deserve


You have to be patient
This new administration is doing the very best it can
But there's armies in the banks who tried all of the skanks
Attorneys for the Ku Klux Klan

For god and for country, for Michael Jackson's monkey
Just take another on the chin
I was a singer in a band, yeah, had sex in my van
and filling it with mexicans

Who put their back into, put their back into their work
They will see what they, they will receive all they deserve

It's a beautiful life
we lay sleeping
With my beautiful wife and me

We'll hold each other closer till the end of days
I made my decision
I will go back to prison
I will survive the end of my bed
The writing is in the hall, the markings on the wall
that say "dead man walking"
I put my back into, put my back into my work
I will receive what I, will see what I deserve

Make the commitment

 villaridge wrote:
This is why I heisitat to comment here at Radio Paradise. For 1, there are no freaking songs rated 10. The best you all seem to muster is a muttering that 8.4 is the shit. That's for stuff like Stairway To Heaven (not to me, but to a bunch of ya), lol, and here in this new realease you gabber on about WTF. why should I comment? what does me rating a song mean when I walk into a comment section of a new song and see the self-centered, myopic, and vapid comments that are here? lol

What difference does it make if there are no songs rated "10"?  What would one be?  Which song would all of the thousands of members all agree on?  It's not possible.  There are several of the tunes on the playlist which are rated over 9.0 which I could do without hearing for a long time.  I generally don't care what other people like, but I do like this song and most of Jenny Lewis' material that I've heard.
I think it's the nature of the song comments to be self-centered, myopic, and vapid - except mine, of course.  
This is nice but Bird Song (Hunter, Garcia) would have been sublime after Joplin.
Nope. Can't get into it.
I quite like it.

Beautiful. Why don't more RP listeners like it?

nothing like a crunchy humbucker - except a crunchy hollow-body humbucker! go M. Ward!
The Weather Channel is now using an instrumental version of this during the Local on the 8's segment. 
And, yet, I like this song in a way!
This is why I heisitat to comment here at Radio Paradise. For 1, there are no freaking songs rated 10. The best you all seem to muster is a muttering that 8.4 is the shit. That's for stuff like Stairway To Heaven (not to me, but to a bunch of ya), lol, and here in this new realease you gabber on about WTF. why should I comment? what does me rating a song mean when I walk into a comment section of a new song and see the self-centered, myopic, and vapid comments that are here? lol

 coy wrote:
donovan and jenny lewis
that would be a match !!
Don´t you know? It´s a match. :)
donovan and jenny lewis
that would be a match !!
 j7 wrote:
The visual fuss regarding that picture for me is........."Maybe Jenny should lay off the fried chicken sandwiches with mayo."
Pudgie bird...pudgie biiiirrrrd......lalalalalaaaa.
oy... body dysmorphic disorder is a tough one; thoroughly entrenched. Good luck to you. :/ 
 rabbi_phil wrote:

"Petey" says  'hi'          where's that blind kid? I'm selling my stuffed cat.


I am goig to start a pet store. We are going to specialize in Worm Farms...you know, like an Ant Farm, but with worms.

We are going to call it "I got Worms"
 coccyx wrote:
Another Dumb and Dumber moment.  Officianados with a truly sophisticated talent for remembering meaningless details of low-brow humour will know what I'm talking about.

"Petey" says  'hi'          where's that blind kid? I'm selling my stuffed cat.

 calypsus_1 wrote:
who remembers The Wizard?!?


Cought that movie on cable a couple months ago. While watching it the young girl was so familiar but I couldn't quite pin down who she was... Hopped on IMDB and was shocked to see it was Jenny, but it did make sense (the red hair, bad as the do was...). I knew she'd been a child actor, but I was thinking she was in in Salute Your Shorts or some such Nickelodeon show...
Soothing, but with an edge. Ahh, Jenny...
 Propayne wrote:
Zen Archer by Todd Rundgren would be soooo cool after this.

Zen Archer and Todd Rundgren are brilliant!  However, this Pretty Bird song make my ears bleed!
 Nadine wrote:
like it—-

 Randomax wrote:

 Grammarcop wrote:
Ha! I just happened to be looking at a photo of Catharus fuscescens fuliginosus when this song came on.
Cool. If you look that up on Google Image Search you get pictures of the bird plus Jenny Lewis, thanks to this Radio Paradise page.
like it—-

reminds me a lot of "carina round"... 
love that Guitar Solo.  Comes at you like some sort of rabid animal....
Zen Archer by Todd Rundgren would be soooo cool after this.
Ha! I just happened to be looking at a photo of Catharus fuscescens fuliginosus when this song came on.

I like her new album... "Jenny and Johnny"...

I find this song annoying for some reason.

 Randomax wrote:
You sure got that right!

 j7 wrote:
The visual fuss regarding that picture for me is........."Maybe Jenny should lay off the fried chicken sandwiches with mayo."
Pudgie bird...pudgie biiiirrrrd......lalalalalaaaa.
Calories are energy. Energy gives a person BRAIN POWER to create things such as this song.  If you want anorexic, try listening to Paris Hilton's album. She has one. She does. I'm sure you'd enjoy it.
 j7 wrote:
The visual fuss regarding that picture for me is........."Maybe Jenny should lay off the fried chicken sandwiches with mayo."
Pudgie bird...pudgie biiiirrrrd......lalalalalaaaa.
Pudgie (sic)?  Curvy - yes, pudgy - no.  Maybe she should develop a nice, trendy, eating disorder like bulimia or anorexia to conform to your standards of beauty.  Good song.

love this song!  it made it on Vol 1 of my RP Favorites mixed cd's  {#Wink}
 ScottishWillie wrote:

The guitar on this reminds me of a Zeppelin track and I just cant put my finger on which one it is?


Makes me think of Robbie Robertson.  That one song.. nearly exactly.. "Unbound"
 maxgruv wrote:
Hauntingly beautiful.

Both the song and the singer.
Hauntingly beautiful.

jenny by ~reganr
©2007-2010 ~reganr

who remembers The Wizard?!?

anyway, Jenny Lweis of Rilo Kiley fame.

 ScottishWillie wrote:

The guitar on this reminds me of a Zeppelin track and I just cant put my finger on which one it is?


My bird really sings and sings to it. Not sure of his rating scale tho.
{#Daisy} Jenny Lewis!

I just think she is fantastic!! What a talent!{#Notworthy} Though in all honesty, this is not one of my fav tunes from her.

Pretty nice—-quite likeable.
 coccyx wrote:
Another Dumb and Dumber moment.  Officianados with a truly sophisticated talent for remembering meaningless details of low-brow humour will know what I'm talking about.

We recently had a quality movie night at the house —- Will Ferrell's You're Welcome America - A Final Evening with George W. Bush, followed by the Director's Cut of Dumb and Dumber.

A total home lobotomy kit.
The visual fuss regarding that picture for me is........."Maybe Jenny should lay off the fried chicken sandwiches with mayo."
Pudgie bird...pudgie biiiirrrrd......lalalalalaaaa.


The guitar on this reminds me of a Zeppelin track and I just cant put my finger on which one it is?

 WayUpNorth wrote:

I think the fuss is about what a great musician and singer she is, primarily.  If it's visual "fuss" you're looking for, maybe you could sign up for Maxim's newsletter or something...{#Rolleyes}

 Stave wrote:

So THAT'S what all the fuss is about.  Interesting...

I think the fuss is about what a great musician and singer she is, primarily.  If it's visual "fuss" you're looking for, maybe you could sign up for Maxim's newsletter or something...{#Rolleyes}
 Darkmatter wrote:
Saw Jenny Lewis perform this song on the Elvis Costello Show on tv yesterday.

Man, is that a great show or what? Where else can you see Jenny Lewis, M Ward, Zooey Deschanel and Jakob Dylan talk and perform songs (sometimes with Elvis Costello himself) within the same hour? Jakob and Elvis did an incredible version of "Straight to hell". Amazing.
I love that show.  It's sometimes a free download provided by my cable system.  I saw that episode and the one with the Police.  He interviewed all three seperately with some songs thrown in then interviewed all three then had a jam session with Elvis joining the Police.
Saw Jenny Lewis perform this song on the Elvis Costello Show on tv yesterday.

Man, is that a great show or what? Where else can you see Jenny Lewis, M Ward, Zooey Deschanel and Jakob Dylan talk and perform songs (sometimes with Elvis Costello himself) within the same hour? Jakob and Elvis did an incredible version of "Straight to hell". Amazing.
