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hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
Gender: Female

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 8:55am

 winter wrote:

I don't think that's true at all. I think you're reducing everyone not like you ('the Right has one basic ideology, whereas the people on the Left are basically, everyone else") to a caricature.

And I think it's disappointing that the community here keeps having to point out how wrong and offensive it is for you to keep demonizing, belittling, and denigrating those you disagree with. Considering that you supported Obama in part because he doesn't do those things, it's more than a little puzzling that you keep doing them.

I'd call myself a moderate liberal. I don't agree with those on the right very often. Sometimes I do, because my own upbringing and sensibilities are fairly conservative. Sometimes I think they have good points but are missing the bigger picture. Sometimes I think they're miles off base. But I don't think they're all the same any more than I think all left-wingers or all skateboarders or all vegetarians are the same. No one is so small and simple they can be wholly defined by a single characteristic. 

So, you deny that Republicans are mostly white and Christian? Did you watch the convention? Skateboarders and vegetarians do not tend to be Republicans, although I do know one.

I think that people read into what I write with their own views, and misunderstand what I am saying. I don't make this stuff up, I read polls, I watch the news, not just msnbc, and sometimes even Fox, for as long as I can stand it, and I do not follow anyone's ideology.


winter Avatar

Location: in exile, as always
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 8:50am

 cc_rider wrote:

As a Left-leaning type, I have to take exception to your characterization of my brethren. Peace love and inclusion are not automatically part of the Left's platform, unfortunately. Leftist organizations such as Unions were notorious for violence, intimidation and exclusion. We might also remind everyone that the current Communist regimes are not exactly singing Kumbaya either. To be fair, Communism is, in my opinion, just Fascism with a better PR campaign. Not my original idea or words, but I'm not sure who to attribute them to.

There are PLENTY of Left Wing Nuts. PLENTY. Plenty of people who think they should have all the luxuries and niceties they see other people with, but without the hard work and sacrifices those people made to have those things. I see it all the time, and it really pisses me off. Worse yet, our wonderful capitalists have figured out these people can be easy prey. Witness the proliferation of 'payday loan' outfits: you want your bling? no problem! put your car up for collateral, and we'll only charge 30% interest on your loan. Anybody seen those 'rent-a-tire' places? Incredible. You can actually RENT 20" chrome wheels and tires. All the bling, for just $100 a month. Idiotic. Instead of, oh I don't know, SAVING some money like responsible Right Wing types might, just SPEND it all, every penny of your paycheck, every month.

It's true, I have a good job and I make good money. I have a nice house and cars that run well. But you know what? My newest car is eleven years old. I have not had a car payment for eight years, and don't intend to ever have one again. I have no qualms about buying clothes at Goodwill: I'm wearing a great pair of hiking shoes I bought for ten bucks. My (one) TV is a 27" CRT, my stereo is at least fifteen years old. I don't have an iPhone, or a laptop, or a cell phone with a camera. People see my house and say 'man, you sure are lucky. I wish I had a house like that'. Luck? How about, oh I don't know, WORK?

But no matter. There are plenty of irresponsible Right Wingers too. The point is, the political spectrum is home to all manner of personalities. There are jerks and a$$holes in every single political party, ever. Characterizing one as the party of peace love and inclusion is disingenuous at best.


winter Avatar

Location: in exile, as always
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 8:49am

 hippiechick wrote:
Everybody likes to believe that they are right (not as in right wing) and nobody wants to be wrong. It's human nature. Even if you admit that you are wrong, then you immediately become right again.

People have different realities, depending on all the different aspects of their lives. The point I was trying to make is that the people on the Right are much less diverse than the people on the Left, because the Right has one basic ideology, where the people on the Left are basically, everyone else. People of color, different religions, etc., whereas the majority of those on the Right are white, Christian, leaning toward fundamentalism, and have the exact same ideology, which is passed to them by the more vocal of those of similar beliefs. So, to those of us on the Left, those on the Right look angry and fearful, and easily manipulated by idiots like Limbaugh and Beck.

And the Right, from what I know from living with one for most of my young life, are sure that the Left is going to give away the farm, take your money and give it to the undeserving poor, and take away their gun.

My father was a RightWingNut, a Nixon Republican who listened to some crazy guy on the radio and sounded every bit like these people at demonstrations. He used to argue hie beliefs with every breath, and even at age 11 I could recognize that his ideas were wrong headed. He wasn't a bad man, he was a 10 gallon blood donor, he volunteered at the VA every Christmas so the Christian peole could be home with his family. But ideas have been proven to be completely off base.
I don't think that's true at all. I think you're reducing everyone not like you ('the Right has one basic ideology, whereas the people on the Left are basically, everyone else") to a caricature.

And I think it's disappointing that the community here keeps having to point out how wrong and offensive it is for you to keep demonizing, belittling, and denigrating those you disagree with. Considering that you supported Obama in part because he doesn't do those things, it's more than a little puzzling that you keep doing them.

I'd call myself a moderate liberal. I don't agree with those on the right very often. Sometimes I do, because my own upbringing and sensibilities are fairly conservative. Sometimes I think they have good points but are missing the bigger picture. Sometimes I think they're miles off base. But I don't think they're all the same any more than I think all left-wingers or all skateboarders or all vegetarians are the same. No one is so small and simple they can be wholly defined by a single characteristic. 

hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
Gender: Female

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 8:48am

 JrzyTmata wrote:

you hate all republicans. you've said so yourself. all of them. your words.
I'm sorry you can't get past your own hate and intolerance of almost half the population, everyday people that happen to be of a different political view.
I have never said that I hate all republicans. I would like to see if I have. But, in most cases, their ideology makes me very uncomfortable. My cousin used to email me all this crazy, right wing, pro Israel stuff, and I had to stop communicating with her, because I just have a hard time understanding how a person could be so hateful, and why would I want to associate with someone like that. That's a lot different from hatred.

But how can you excuse the politicians of the Republican Party, like Bachmann and Grassley, for saying the things they have said? Is it acceptable to you that they make up lies to defeat the healthcare plan? Does the news of the torture committed in your name bother you at all? Does comparing Obama to Hitler look wrong to you?


hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
Gender: Female

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 8:36am

Everybody likes to believe that they are right (not as in right wing) and nobody wants to be wrong. It's human nature. Even if you admit that you are wrong, then you immediately become right again.

People have different realities, depending on all the different aspects of their lives. The point I was trying to make is that the people on the Right are much less diverse than the people on the Left, because the Right has one basic ideology, where the people on the Left are basically, everyone else. People of color, different religions, etc., whereas the majority of those on the Right are white, Christian, leaning toward fundamentalism, and have the exact same ideology, which is passed to them by the more vocal of those of similar beliefs. So, to those of us on the Left, those on the Right look angry and fearful, and easily manipulated by idiots like Limbaugh and Beck.

And the Right, from what I know from living with one for most of my young life, are sure that the Left is going to give away the farm, take your money and give it to the undeserving poor, and take away their gun.

My father was a RightWingNut, a Nixon Republican who listened to some crazy guy on the radio and sounded every bit like these people at demonstrations. He used to argue hie beliefs with every breath, and even at age 11 I could recognize that his ideas were wrong headed. He wasn't a bad man, he was a 10 gallon blood donor, he volunteered at the VA every Christmas so the Christian peole could be home with his family. But ideas have been proven to be completely off base.

cc_rider Avatar

Location: Bastrop
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 8:36am

 hippiechick wrote:

Actually, churches are forbidden from taking political opinions to the pulpit, or they jeopardize their tax exempt status, but it doesn't seem to be enforced. Esp during the Bush administration, it actually was encouraged.

The reason that there are not really any Left Wing nuts is that most of the Left don't have that kind of personality. In general they believe in peace, love and inclusion, not hatred, exclusion and violence, although I am sure there are exceptions, such as Rev Wright.

Never once did I wish anyone in the Bush Administration any harm. For one thing, if something happened to W, the Dick would REALLY be in charge, and that would have been much worse.
As a Left-leaning type, I have to take exception to your characterization of my brethren. Peace love and inclusion are not automatically part of the Left's platform, unfortunately. Leftist organizations such as Unions were notorious for violence, intimidation and exclusion. We might also remind everyone that the current Communist regimes are not exactly singing Kumbaya either. To be fair, Communism is, in my opinion, just Fascism with a better PR campaign. Not my original idea or words, but I'm not sure who to attribute them to.

There are PLENTY of Left Wing Nuts. PLENTY. Plenty of people who think they should have all the luxuries and niceties they see other people with, but without the hard work and sacrifices those people made to have those things. I see it all the time, and it really pisses me off. Worse yet, our wonderful capitalists have figured out these people can be easy prey. Witness the proliferation of 'payday loan' outfits: you want your bling? no problem! put your car up for collateral, and we'll only charge 30% interest on your loan. Anybody seen those 'rent-a-tire' places? Incredible. You can actually RENT 20" chrome wheels and tires. All the bling, for just $100 a month. Idiotic. Instead of, oh I don't know, SAVING some money like responsible Right Wing types might, just SPEND it all, every penny of your paycheck, every month.

It's true, I have a good job and I make good money. I have a nice house and cars that run well. But you know what? My newest car is eleven years old. I have not had a car payment for eight years, and don't intend to ever have one again. I have no qualms about buying clothes at Goodwill: I'm wearing a great pair of hiking shoes I bought for ten bucks. My (one) TV is a 27" CRT, my stereo is at least fifteen years old. I don't have an iPhone, or a laptop, or a cell phone with a camera. People see my house and say 'man, you sure are lucky. I wish I had a house like that'. Luck? How about, oh I don't know, WORK?

But no matter. There are plenty of irresponsible Right Wingers too. The point is, the political spectrum is home to all manner of personalities. There are jerks and a$$holes in every single political party, ever. Characterizing one as the party of peace love and inclusion is disingenuous at best.


samiyam Avatar

Location: Moving North

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 8:33am

 JrzyTmata wrote:

you hate all republicans. you've said so yourself. all of them. your words.
I'm sorry you can't get past your own hate and intolerance of almost half the population, everyday people that happen to be of a different political view.
Well... not meaning to defend HC, but Republicans are only about 29% of the population by recent polls.

I think hatred is a bad thing.  I know that there are people who do not love their fellow man and I HATE PEOPLE LIKE THAT!!!


JrzyTmata Avatar

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 8:19am

 hippiechick wrote:

The Bush Admin destroyed this country. Even many of his own staff has turned against him. This was a dangerous man, Cheney more so. There's a difference between hatred and having real concern about what is going on in this country that affects all of us for a long time. Sorry you can't recognize this.
you hate all republicans. you've said so yourself. all of them. your words.
I'm sorry you can't get past your own hate and intolerance of almost half the population, everyday people that happen to be of a different political view.


arsenault Avatar

Location: long beach cali USandA
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 8:13am

 hippiechick wrote:

The reason that there are not really any Left Wing nuts is that most of the Left don't have that kind of personality. In general they believe in peace, love and inclusion, not hatred, exclusion and violence, although I am sure there are exceptions, such as Rev Wright.

Never once did I wish anyone in the Bush Administration any harm. For one thing, if something happened to W, the Dick would REALLY be in charge, and that would have been much worse.


no....really? was it the swine flu?
cancel the security for the next G8 summit..not required now!!



samiyam Avatar

Location: Moving North

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 8:13am

 brandog wrote:

If I did a bonghit my head would explode - Oh, crap I have to go puree another lemon
  One word...  Brownies...

(Hippiechick and Jrzy need to kiss and make up...)


hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
Gender: Female

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 8:12am

 JrzyTmata wrote:

what a load of shit. so much for not hating and inclusion on your part.
The Bush Admin destroyed this country. Even many of his own staff has turned against him. This was a dangerous man, Cheney more so. There's a difference between hatred and having real concern about what is going on in this country that affects all of us for a long time. Sorry you can't recognize this.


MrsHobieJoe Avatar

Location: somewhere in Europe
Gender: Female

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 8:12am

 Beaker wrote:

Does Brandon embarrass you? 

Nope, you on the other hand irritate me but I forbear. 


JrzyTmata Avatar

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 8:09am

 hippiechick wrote:

Actually, churches are forbidden from taking political opinions to the pulpit, or they jeopardize their tax exempt status, but it doesn't seem to be enforced. Esp during the Bush administration, it actually was encouraged.

The reason that there are not really any Left Wing nuts is that most of the Left don't have that kind of personality. In general they believe in peace, love and inclusion, not hatred, exclusion and violence, although I am sure there are exceptions, such as Rev Wright.

Never once did I wish anyone in the Bush Administration any harm. For one thing, if something happened to W, the Dick would REALLY be in charge, and that would have been much worse.
what a load of shit. so much for not hating and inclusion on your part.


MrsHobieJoe Avatar

Location: somewhere in Europe
Gender: Female

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 8:02am

Could we please just let this thread die? 

Brandog- would you be an angel and just change the thread title to a space or a full stop or something and then let it drop off the thread? 


hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
Gender: Female

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 8:00am

 Beaker wrote:

Politics doesn't belong on the pulpit — ever.  IMO.  And death threats against a POTUS should be dealt with appropriately, no matter what the source.  If you are going to hold pastors to a higher standard, then what say you about Rev. Jeremiah Wright and your POTUS who sat in his congregation for YEARS, yet claims he had no idea what that guy was preaching from his pulpit. 

Whup, did I just unearth another double standard?  Say it ain't so.
Actually, churches are forbidden from taking political opinions to the pulpit, or they jeopardize their tax exempt status, but it doesn't seem to be enforced. Esp during the Bush administration, it actually was encouraged.

The reason that there are not really any Left Wing nuts is that most of the Left don't have that kind of personality. In general they believe in peace, love and inclusion, not hatred, exclusion and violence, although I am sure there are exceptions, such as Rev Wright.

Never once did I wish anyone in the Bush Administration any harm. For one thing, if something happened to W, the Dick would REALLY be in charge, and that would have been much worse.

(former member)

(former member) Avatar

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 7:55am

 samiyam wrote:
Can't we all just get a bong?

If I did a bonghit my head would explode - Oh, crap I have to go puree another lemon


samiyam Avatar

Location: Moving North

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 7:53am

Can't we all just get a bong?
(former member)

(former member) Avatar

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 7:29am

 Beaker wrote:

So who is rushing to his defense ShamWow?  Anyone here?  Do tell.
OH, there's you, and probably the KKK, you know, people like you.

And, I can say the above without even feeling a little bit bad about it  - you've been around here long enough - I've read your opinions on race, disability, gender, immigration, etc., - IMO you are one of the most inhumane, heartless people I never ever want to meet.

Expression of opinion is a good thing - differing opinions create new matrices of ideas BUT, when you start supporting terrorism, Trevor, you become a terrorist.  But, in your case, that's sort of OK; at least we know you're sitting on your ass somewhere making useless noise, and not actually killing people.

Defending that man by saying "Well, people threatened The Shrub so, it's OK to pray for Obama to die and go to Hell."  is fallacious - how do you think Jesus would consider your attitude?  I don't even care that he prays to some nonexistent God to kill somebody - it's that he's using a satellite soapbox and trying to activate some knucklehead(s) out there to "Do God's Work."  Same as it ever was...


arsenault Avatar

Location: long beach cali USandA
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 12:13am

 winter wrote:

That said, it's a little storefront church. Send ten reporters and you've probably doubled their attendance. Doesn't justify hateful behavior, but even here they're getting more attention than they deserve.

You can walk down the street in any major city and hear whackaloons preaching about the Illuminati or the CFR or the leprechaun-unicorn cabal controlling the world. We don't make a big deal about it. We don't pretend they're any part of the political process. They have a right to their free speech, however irrational or ridiculous or offensive. And we have every right to ignore them as irrelevant crackpots.
thank you..

i was making a ref to the rev wright thing..

if you want to get attention....say something outrageous....no matter how rural or provincial...
tempe ain't chicago...

way to go msnbc....dropped the ball a bit on rev wright.


jadewahoo Avatar

Location: Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 24, 2009 - 11:41pm

 Beaker wrote:

Hey speaking your hypocrisy, tell me, because I'm too lazy to look, have you been weighing in one the health care debate here?  Yes? No?

If yes, could you explain your trips to Mexico seeking medical care?  After explaining away that, which I'm sure I already have your answer on, please confirm that you would avow to use only the new, much more affordable public health system proposed under ObamaCare - and that you would affirm you would never again travel to Mexico in search of lower cost providers - even if you know they are there.

If no, explain why not.
Translation: Let's see if I can divert the topic by pointing fingers at the person who brought up my own hypocrisy.

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