my inner risk manny meter is pegged
crocodogs are highly capable/intelligent
however, they have one of the strongest "bites" in the animal kingdom
edit: if it goes bad, it is likely it will be very bad
@ Lazy: do roosters have natural rights? if not, why not?
Not as classically defined, no—because they do not acknowledge reciprocal rights to others. That doesn't mean those who do have rights don't have responsibilities toward them. Cruelty is a character defect regardless of where it's directed.
Jesus you are such a ranting mess. Talk about tl;dr. Ten hours jail time for aggravated animal cruelty is not a harsh punishment. Nix was charged with a felony but at this point I can't remember whether Nix actually received a felony conviction or not. What sort of punishment would you suggest instead? If you can find evidence that Nix's life was damaged or destroyed by his conviction, post it. The rest of us—including the TV stations and local papers—took it as a funny human interest story. Nix was hamming it up for the camera. He's a natural and could easily fit in with "Trailer Park Boys" or a similar show. It's truly awfully awful but people do laugh at each other for different reasons. I'm going to have a good laugh at your expense tonight btw. Somehow the world will keep turning. Whether you get counseling is up to you. Please try to be less of self-righteous, patronizing nosebleed though. You can be quite interesting and intelligent but you can also come across as a snotty teenaged @$$clown.
@kcar: As a self-righteous patronising nosebleed, I take offence at that.
@ Lazy: do roosters have natural rights? if not, why not?
Jesus you are such a ranting mess. Talk about tl;dr.
Ten hours jail time for aggravated animal cruelty is not a harsh punishment. Nix was charged with a felony but at this point I can't remember whether Nix actually received a felony conviction or not. What sort of punishment would you suggest instead?
If you can find evidence that Nix's life was damaged or destroyed by his conviction, post it. The rest of us—including the TV stations and local papers—took it as a funny human interest story.
Nix was hamming it up for the camera. He's a natural and could easily fit in with "Trailer Park Boys" or a similar show. It's truly awfully awful but people do laugh at each other for different reasons. I'm going to have a good laugh at your expense tonight btw. Somehow the world will keep turning.
Whether you get counseling is up to you. Please try to be less of self-righteous, patronizing nosebleed though. You can be quite interesting and intelligent but you can also come across as a snotty teenaged @$$clown.