I went to your utube page and watched a couple of yer vids (which were pretty cool btw). So what pops up in the list of other vids to watch ? Model trains is what. So I watched this vid and a 3 hour time suck started. Its all your fault ...
Then I started watching more and more and before I knew it dinner was ready and I was looking at train sets to buy an all. Then i saw the prices and decided I better eat something, STAT. After dinner I was thinking about this model train museum place in Emeryville and started looking for it on the innertubes. My Dad used to take me there when I was a good kid back in the 50's and 60's. I've long ago wondered if it was still there and stuff. Well its not. They got tossed out in 1984 or something and moved to Richmond, but they have a website an all and I found it and spent another two hours looking at it and going shit howdy this is it.
Pictures, proof that it happened ... the entrance ...
Well because of you I now remember where I was and what I did on April 20, 1958. I walked with my Mom from our house on Modoc St. to Solano Ave which was only one block long in the first place and then walked three more blocks up Solano to The Alameda and hopped on the F Train and took it all the way to San Francisco across the Bay Bridge on the very last day the trains ran across the bridge down on the lower level. I was 5 years and 7 months old and because we got on where the train started, I got to sit in the front seat all the way over.
It cost 20 cents for me and 50 cent for my Mom. That left me with 5 sents out of my 25cents a week allowence. It was really scary cuz the front seat on these trains were the real front with the conductor on the side so we could look out the front window and see everything.
You could also see that the tracks dint have any concrete under them and you could look all the way down and see the water in the bay. The way back was sad cuz I could never do it again cuz they were gonna fix the brideg and make everyone ride busses. bastids. Now they went and put that stupid BART thing to replace theperfectly good train they tore down. And ya wonder why california is going broke. I dont, I know why.
Its'a ll your fault, frendo, yer wlcome very much.
Humans. Tch. What's up with all that? Wiggling, facial contortions and all. And the OMG, the noise they make. A couple weeks ago my "doctor" stuck his face into mine, waaaaay past the that's not ok zone and was screaming at me. I thought about filing a complaint but what's the point. You can't smart stupid.
Humans. Tch. What's up with all that? Wiggling, facial contortions and all. And the OMG, the noise they make. A couple weeks ago my "doctor" stuck his face into mine, waaaaay past the that's not ok zone and was screaming at me. I thought about filing a complaint but what's the point. You can't smart stupid.