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bokey Avatar

Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 12:03pm

 islander wrote:

Well, "those people" are just strange - who has a steering wheel on the right side of the car?
Just like in Jamaica. I suspect it has something to do with drugs.


(former member)

(former member) Avatar

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 11:56am

 Beaker wrote:


Just marking this post of yours for further attention a bit later.

Your ongoing mistake - the lesson you have never learned in all these years - is in repeatedly making this personal.  And for that, I will continue to allow you no ground. 
No mistake - this is purposefully personal because I (unlike some) am not interested in the ass-kissing facet of your rather limited personality and, so, am immune to it.  I've called you on your behavior, your bigotry, you denegration of people who aren't like you, and you seem to think that your whiny, passive threats are intellectual ballast against your blatant and utter disregard for people who aren't like you.

You & Pam (for somewhat different reasons) are pretty much the only 2 people here I have ever gotten like this with - at least she has the excuse of being a burned-out drunk and drug addict - I don't know what your excuse is, nor do I care - you come here to start trouble, get it rolling, and then lurk while people gnash at each other - that's evil, dude, pure and simple evil.


samiyam Avatar

Location: Moving North

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 11:41am

 cc_rider wrote:
That's harsh, man. Bird. Whatever.

Bad Cop... No Pie!! 


cc_rider Avatar

Location: Bastrop
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 11:37am

 manbirdexperiment wrote:
don't allow him to have any pecan pie after lunch either
  That's harsh, man. Bird. Whatever.


samiyam Avatar

Location: Moving North

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 11:14am

 Coaxial wrote:
All this spewing says much more about the spewer than the spewee.

I've said the same many times... Now, let's spark a number and enjoy BillG's excellent music...eh what? 


winter Avatar

Location: in exile, as always
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 11:05am

 Rod wrote:

If we can't even play nice in a silly little internet thread, (on a great music website) it doesn't bode well for our future. Let it go, people! Name calling, threats? IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER!!


Dance, Domo, dance!

Rod Avatar

Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 11:03am

 islander wrote:
I wrote this about a year ago in the run up to election season:

Islander wrote:
My advice - if you ever find yourself agressively leaning over the keyboard thinking "oh yeah, well...." - then sit back, take a breath, think of something fun you did in meatspace this weekend. If you find yourself talking (or yelling) at the computer - stop immediately, get out of your chair, walk into meatspace (preferably outside) get some fresh air, buy a coffee for the guy in line behind you, don't talk politics or religion with them, make a human connection. Your life will be better for it. I think we all could stand to do this once a month or so anyway.

It was good advice then, it's good advice now. Especially the bolded parts. Read, do. Try interacting with people who are 'different' than you and you'll find out that they are not so different after all.
If we can't even play nice in a silly little internet thread, (on a great music website) it doesn't bode well for our future. Let it go, people! Name calling, threats? IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER!!



winter Avatar

Location: in exile, as always
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 11:03am

 Lazy8 wrote:
As amusing as it might be to watch Hippiechick try and justify her hatred for Republicans, in fairness I have to say that there is another, deeper problem evidenced here. And it's not just her.

We have a problem in the US with one-dimensional political thinking. There is the good guys and the Other Guys. Our media tends to reinforce this, looking at all issues as if there were only two sides and mapping every type of thought onto a left-right axis. The left end is good and wholesome and peace and love, the right end is seething with ethnic and religious intolerance, ignorant savages one AM radio sermon away from lynchings and witch burnings.

I'm on the receiving end of that snide condescension maybe once a day here, and I'm not even a Republican. But I'm not in the left corner of the political universe, and the only label available is "Republican" so I'm automatically a fundamentalist christian, a conservative, and stupid because those are the scary things in the bottom of the box I've been tossed in.

I'd like out, please. But even more I'd like everybody to abandon the idea that there are good and bad guys. Get out more, meet some people who aren't like you. The world will look like a different place!

But it won't be. It'll be the same place it was all along. You'll just see more of it for what it is instead of what you're afraid it is.

Well put. 


Manbird Avatar

Location: La Villa Toscana
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 10:53am

 Beaker wrote:


Just marking this post of yours for further attention a bit later.

Your ongoing mistake - the lesson you have never learned in all these years - is in repeatedly making this personal.  And for that, I will continue to allow you no ground. 
don't allow him to have any pecan pie after lunch either 


MrsHobieJoe Avatar

Location: somewhere in Europe
Gender: Female

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 10:48am

 islander wrote:

Well, "those people" are just strange - who has a steering wheel on the right side of the car?

(former member)

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Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 10:44am

 Beaker wrote:


You are either fucking stupid or a liar.  Which is it?  Twice now you have made the claim that I have defended in some way the actions and attitude seen in the vid you posted.  Twice now, I have called you out for misrepresenting REALITY. What's next?  Will you threaten or attempt to contact my employer and advise them of my hard right extremism, kind of like when you threatened to do similar to another RPeep?

The entire point (not the one on your head) I made in my initial response was that your creation of this thread and continued postings to it are perpetuating the hatred and venom found on the RP forum.  Your incendiary posts, combined with your TOTAL inability to retract your false and defamatory allegations of my own  views from that of your far left fantasy world, suggest clearly that YOU are the instigator here. 

Which came first Brandon?  Your post in this thread or my response to your insistence on continuing to post incendiary crap?  Feel free to call a friend or ask the audience if you have difficulty with this.

Brandon, its time for last call.  Retract your bullshit fabrications of my views and actions or face the consequences.

Yep, I started this thread - you can't make me un-start it - the articles and links I have posted demonstrate that, even though the sickness is shrinking in the world, those like you, who think that people with disabilities, people of color, women, etc., are less valuable than your narrow-minded white supremicist ass to this world, is still prevalent.

If you you want to spew your hate, if you want to threaten me, fine, go ahead - you are a mean little man with nothing to do but start fights and piss in everybody's cheerios - stay out of the topics you don't agree with if it bothers you that much to get called on your behavior.


JrzyTmata Avatar

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 10:34am

 hippiechick wrote:

The Repugs I refer to are the members of the Republican Party, not the public in general.

I'm going to do things irl now, so peace and harmony can now return to the valley.
Huh? that would be all republicans.
have a nice real life experience.


jadewahoo Avatar

Location: Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 10:31am

 romeotuma wrote:

A spunky elite nihilist reaches out to a libertarian anarchist...

Some, herein, romeo, are seeking rapproachment, while others, it would seem, are content to perpetuating name calling labels to further stuff us into boxes of their own making.


hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
Gender: Female

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 10:23am

 JrzyTmata wrote:

you stated it. I asked if you meant all republicans and you said yes. all republicans. repugs you call them. You've typed repugs so many times, finding that quote is a needle in a haystack. but I remember it distinctly. It left me speechless.

I'm not excusing anyone. my beef is with intolerance and hate on both sides. you don't seem to recognize when it's coming from the left or yourself. seriously. step out of yourself and look at what you're saying. It's hardly peace and love.
Comparing Hitler to anyone looks wrong to me. it was wrong when it was done to Bush as well.
The Repugs I refer to are the members of the Republican Party, not the public in general.

I'm going to do things irl now, so peace and harmony can now return to the valley.


jadewahoo Avatar

Location: Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 10:22am

 Lazy8 wrote:
As amusing as it might be to watch Hippiechick try and justify her hatred for Republicans, in fairness I have to say that there is another, deeper problem evidenced here. And it's not just her.

We have a problem in the US with one-dimensional political thinking. There is the good guys and the Other Guys. Our media tends to reinforce this, looking at all issues as if there were only two sides and mapping every type of thought onto a left-right axis. The left end is good and wholesome and peace and love, the right end is seething with ethnic and religious intolerance, ignorant savages one AM radio sermon away from lynchings and witch burnings.

I'm on the receiving end of that snide condescension maybe once a day here, and I'm not even a Republican. But I'm not in the left corner of the political universe, and the only label available is "Republican" so I'm automatically a fundamentalist christian, a conservative, and stupid because those are the scary things in the bottom of the box I've been tossed in.

I'd like out, please. But even more I'd like everybody to abandon the idea that there are good and bad guys. Get out more, meet some people who aren't like you. The world will look like a different place!

But it won't be. It'll be the same place it was all along. You'll just see more of it for what it is instead of what you're afraid it is.

Hmmm... I, personally, have never seen you as being a conservative, let alone, Republican. But then, I am not of either persuasion, left nor right, either, so maybe that doesn't rigidify my perceptions of you. So, let this be a hand extended to assist you in removing yourself from that box. Whether the dog house or the cat box, they are pretty nasty places to be forced into.

(former member)

(former member) Avatar

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 10:20am

 islander wrote:

Well, "those people" are just strange - who has a steering wheel on the right side of the car?
My postmistress is scary - the dog won't even bark at her.


islander Avatar

Location: West coast somewhere
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 10:19am

 JustineFromWyoming wrote:

And, if all that doesn't work, write a postcard and walk down to the post office...

Well, "those people" are just strange - who has a steering wheel on the right side of the car?

(former member)

(former member) Avatar

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 10:17am

 romeotuma wrote:

Holder has named John H. Durham, a career Justice Department prosecutor, to lead the inquiry into whether the CIA broke anti-torture laws...  Durham, a registered Republican, "is known for seeking maximum sentences, shunning plea bargains and avoiding the spotlight..."  there's a Republican I like...

Good deal - he's done a lot around here.


JustineFromWyoming Avatar

Location: Teetering on the edge of Avenue D
Gender: Female

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 10:16am

 islander wrote:
I wrote this about a year ago in the run up to election season:

Islander wrote:
My advice - if you ever find yourself agressively leaning over the keyboard thinking "oh yeah, well...." - then sit back, take a breath, think of something fun you did in meatspace this weekend. If you find yourself talking (or yelling) at the computer - stop immediately, get out of your chair, walk into meatspace (preferably outside) get some fresh air, buy a coffee for the guy in line behind you, don't talk politics or religion with them, make a human connection. Your life will be better for it. I think we all could stand to do this once a month or so anyway.

It was good advice then, it's good advice now. Especially the bolded parts. Read, do. Try interacting with people who are 'different' than you and you'll find out that they are not so different after all.
And, if all that doesn't work, write a postcard and walk down to the post office...

islander Avatar

Location: West coast somewhere
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 25, 2009 - 10:13am

I wrote this about a year ago in the run up to election season:

Islander wrote:
My advice - if you ever find yourself agressively leaning over the keyboard thinking "oh yeah, well...." - then sit back, take a breath, think of something fun you did in meatspace this weekend. If you find yourself talking (or yelling) at the computer - stop immediately, get out of your chair, walk into meatspace (preferably outside) get some fresh air, buy a coffee for the guy in line behind you, don't talk politics or religion with them, make a human connection. Your life will be better for it. I think we all could stand to do this once a month or so anyway.

It was good advice then, it's good advice now. Especially the bolded parts. Read, do. Try interacting with people who are 'different' than you and you'll find out that they are not so different after all.

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