Someone asked me the other day if I believe in conspiracies. Well, sure. Here’s one. It is called the political system. It is nothing if not a giant conspiracy to rob, trick and subjugate the population.
People participate in the hope of making our lives better, or at least curbing the damage government does. Yet look at the results: exactly the opposite. No matter who is selected as temporary front men to “reform” the system, the regime thrives and the population withers.
It should be obvious by now that reform doesn’t happen by drawing ever more people into the ranks of the oppressor class. But somehow, people keep getting pulled in. What’s more, the regime is fully aware of this, even if the population is not. So, yes, I would call it a conspiracy.
The word conspiracy comes from the Latin roots con and spiro, meaning to breathe together. It implies a shared interest and an understanding between people that doesn’t always need to be openly stated. In the normal use of the term, the purpose of a conspiracy is always negative or destructive — a deceptive plot to do something bad.
This is why the government is always accusing other people of conspiring — terrorists cells, armed resistance at home and abroad, rebellious and plotting sectors of society — but exempts itself completely. The regime regards itself as unimpeachably fantastic, never destructive, never nefarious. Therefore, it is incapable of conspiracy.
It all depends on how you look at it. You don’t have to work yourself into a fever over the Bilderbergers or the Trilateralists to see real conspiracy. Take a look at any government bureaucracy. Everyone there knows the goal: more power, more money and less work. The bureaucratic class “breathes together” toward the same nefarious goal of making itself safer and richer, while making normal life difficult for those who are subject to its dictates. And it all comes at the expense of everyone else
The more dependencies government creates, the more people it can convince to go along with the conspiracy, and the better off it is. This is why Frederic Bastiat once described the political system as follows: “Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.”
The fiction part is the deception. It works only so long as the social consensus is there to support it. The task of anyone who opposes the great conspiracy, then, is to reveal and expose the reality that is being covered up by all the stories of all the wonderful things that government does. The fiction is unsustainable in light of logic and evidence. The curtain must be pulled back.
This one's for you Kurt evidently my wife is interested in this too, she just sent it to me over at FB!
much obliged ... Just reinforces what I have come to conclude long ago. Your wife and mine have much in common, including guns
I'm going to save this and post it in the Fake Clouds thread later for a footnote. It answers many questions put out to try and claim that chem trails persistent contrails are pure bunk and nothing more than paranoia and imagination run wild.
Hands free are permitted. Our safety body discourages hands free though on the basis you are distracted. The police will sometimes stop you for eating iwhilst driving the car here too! It's not strictly illegal but they say that you can't drive properly whilst eating.
Ah! Our NTSB would ban even the use of hands free, unless the device is built into the car.
I agree about the distractions, but there are so many things that distract. Car radio, passengers' conversations, GPS, pretty girl in the car ahead.
Hands free are permitted. Our safety body discourages hands free though on the basis you are distracted. The police will sometimes stop you for eating iwhilst driving the car here too! It's not strictly illegal but they say that you can't drive properly whilst eating.
That's just another of those giant DUHS that seem so obvious to me that I am still amazed at the stupidity of those who do such things. Seriously: wtf.
Hands free are permitted. Our safety body discourages hands free though on the basis you are distracted. The police will sometimes stop you for eating iwhilst driving the car here too! It's not strictly illegal but they say that you can't drive properly whilst eating.
I can actually drive without touching the steering wheel with my hands. I drive with my knee. So I can eat burritos and such. But I won't talk on the phone while I drive.
Really? Not even with hands-free devices? This proposal would except phones built into the car.
Hands free are permitted.
Our safety body discourages hands free though on the basis you are distracted. The police will sometimes stop you for eating iwhilst driving the car here too! It's not strictly illegal but they say that you can't drive properly whilst eating.