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kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Jun 14, 2011 - 11:25am

 sirdroseph wrote:

Love that song! My point is that our debt crisis is caused by our materialistic lifestyles, credit culture of getting now and paying later and of course overpopulation. Until American, actually all developed cultures address these core issues, the debt crisis will continue. No Democratic or Republican policy decisions will make a signfiicant enough impact either way. It is not even a political issue, I liken it to the difference between a diet and a lifestyle change. A diet is a fad organized eating regimen set to decrease weight to meet a certain fixed goal, a lifestyle change is changing your eating habits to gradually decrease and maintain your desired weight for the rest of your life. Political policies are diets proposed by elected officials, elected by us. Our officials are only doing and saying what we desire them to do to maintain our unmaintainable lifestyles. The military industrial complex exists to coerce other countries to give us their natural resources at a desired rate to keep all of us in our SUVs and air conditioners. Harping on Democratic or Republican elected officials as the cause or savior for our debt crises is only diverting attention away from the true enemies of a balanced budget, the man in the mirror. 
Your continuing sniping at Obama like the debt crises or any other ills of our nation only exist in a vacuum of February 2008 to present is incredibly myopic and short sighted in my opinion and really amounts to nothing in way of actually solving any problems. I am SO over politics!!{#Arghhh} 
I can't disagree with you on the above.

My point was about how a sitting POTUS usually has at least some ability to influence the economy and skew the numbers, although usually only briefly to help their reelection bids.  These actions I refer to are finding ways to drive down the cost of gas at the pump and spur lower mortage rates as something tangeable to ease the negative attention on policy actions.  Its almost predictable.  Its grandstanding as in being tough on crime 6 months before an election, but in off years, crime, what crime ?

I was using this as a yardstick for looking at the economy and Obama's ability to do what his predecesors have done in the past.  My position is to measure Obama's ability in this traditional preelection economy priming to see what he's got left. 

Obama is fair game in this regard.  He just finally admitted that he doesn't really understand government and economics with his remarks about shovel ready projects.  Hell, we have a 3 mile stretch of road widening that is part of the Stimulus Bill.  In fact this road had been prepped before the 2008 election.  Spring 2009 the signs went up at both ends.  It is still unfinished aproaching the Summer of 2011, and the signs disappeared this Spring.  What work has been done so far has been downright shoddy with many parts redone.  I don't see how it will be finished this Summer making it 3, count em, 3 summers and nada.  I wanna know who took the signs down and why.

Who does one hold accountable ?  Biden was supposed to oversee all the Stimulus money.  Who picked Biden ?  We had a Democratic governor, former Congressman Ted Strickland in charge of our state until the end of 2010, so there are no excuses there either.

I share your frustrations.  You're dead on target about your diet vs lifestyle change.  Short of revolution, alls we gots is the ballot box.  It is about the economy and Obama is in over his head.  Food for fuel, yada, yada ...  He's using a corncob the wrong way ...  The Sears Catalogue replaced that function 100 years ago.  Now with the catalogue ancient history, and corn being made into fuel, we will not have the luxury of returning to corncobs either, a real Green solution.  {#Mrgreen}


sirdroseph Avatar

Location: Not here, I tell you wat
Gender: Male

Posted: Jun 14, 2011 - 9:44am

 kurtster wrote:



Love that song! My point is that our debt crisis is caused by our materialistic lifestyles, credit culture of getting now and paying later and of course overpopulation. Until American, actually all developed cultures address these core issues, the debt crisis will continue. No Democratic or Republican policy decisions will make a signfiicant enough impact either way. It is not even a political issue, I liken it to the difference between a diet and a lifestyle change. A diet is a fad organized eating regimen set to decrease weight to meet a certain fixed goal, a lifestyle change is changing your eating habits to gradually decrease and maintain your desired weight for the rest of your life. Political policies are diets proposed by elected officials, elected by us. Our officials are only doing and saying what we desire them to do to maintain our unmaintainable lifestyles. The military industrial complex exists to coerce other countries to give us their natural resources at a desired rate to keep all of us in our SUVs and air conditioners. Harping on Democratic or Republican elected officials as the cause or savior for our debt crises is only diverting attention away from the true enemies of a balanced budget, the man in the mirror. 
Your continuing sniping at Obama like the debt crises or any other ills of our nation only exist in a vacuum of February 2008 to present is incredibly myopic and short sighted in my opinion and really amounts to nothing in way of actually solving any problems. I am SO over politics!!{#Arghhh} 


kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Jun 14, 2011 - 9:18am

 sirdroseph wrote:

{#Lol}Kurt, what are you going to do if Obama doesn't win in 2012? Will you be like the people that still blame Bush for everything, you know how you can't stand that!{#Lol}Do you really think Obama alone is responsible for the debt crisis we find ourselves in?? How bout every President and congress since I don't know 1969 or so?? The debt issue is FAR bigger than such a small thing as a sitting Presidency. It is a systematic, cultural issue with our country sprinkled in with a good portion of overpopulation. If you wish to solely blame Obama's policies for our debt misfortune, go right ahead, but it will not help any of us.




sirdroseph Avatar

Location: Not here, I tell you wat
Gender: Male

Posted: Jun 13, 2011 - 10:49am

 kurtster wrote:

Welcome to the political side of RP.  Thick skin prefered but not needed.  {#Lol}

Your source is a bit optimistic about making it to 2013 I'd say.  We may not last to 2012.  If we don't see encouraging news by Fall, it will likely all crumble.  The sitting POTUS is usually able to temporarily prop up the economy with creativity to help ensure their reelection and most usually succeed at this.  If by the end of Fall, we see no signs of improvement, it would be safe to say the the present POTUS has completely lost control of the economy.  That's the yardstick I have used in the past and will use again.


{#Lol}Kurt, what are you going to do if Obama doesn't win in 2012? Will you be like the people that still blame Bush for everything, you know how you can't stand that!{#Lol}Do you really think Obama alone is responsible for the debt crisis we find ourselves in?? How bout every President and congress since I don't know 1969 or so?? The debt issue is FAR bigger than such a small thing as a sitting Presidency. It is a systematic, cultural issue with our country sprinkled in with a good portion of overpopulation. If you wish to solely blame Obama's policies for our debt misfortune, go right ahead, but it will not help any of us.


kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Jun 13, 2011 - 10:21am

 Pharming wrote:
Quote from Nouriel Roubini 6/12/11, 

"There are already elements of fragility," he said. "Everybody's kicking the can down the road of too much public and private debt. The can is becoming heavier and heavier, and bigger on debt, and all these problems may come to a head by 2013 at the latest."


Welcome to the political side of RP.  Thick skin prefered but not needed.  {#Lol}

Your source is a bit optimistic about making it to 2013 I'd say.  We may not last to 2012.  If we don't see encouraging news by Fall, it will likely all crumble.  The sitting POTUS is usually able to temporarily prop up the economy with creativity to help ensure their reelection and most usually succeed at this.  If by the end of Fall, we see no signs of improvement, it would be safe to say the the present POTUS has completely lost control of the economy.  That's the yardstick I have used in the past and will use again.

Pharming Avatar

Location: Nebraska
Gender: Male

Posted: Jun 12, 2011 - 10:35pm

Quote from Nouriel Roubini 6/12/11, 

"There are already elements of fragility," he said. "Everybody's kicking the can down the road of too much public and private debt. The can is becoming heavier and heavier, and bigger on debt, and all these problems may come to a head by 2013 at the latest."

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