Yeah - it's likely Scott and I guessed the same word on our third tries yesterday, obviously we got there differently.
Today I chose what seemed to me the "less common" word and it worked out for me.
Yeah - it's likely Scott and I guessed the same word on our third tries yesterday, obviously we got there differently.
Today I chose what seemed to me the "less common" word and it worked out for me.
I just realized I've been in effect using the hard mode all along by using misplaced letters in subsequent attempts at the word.
Me too, because how would you ever get it in two guesses if you deliberately don't use a letter you know is correct?
You mean me personally? You're right! lol I'm sure I hadn't thought about it that hard. I played about a week and had a 3 but mostly 4s and some 5s My technique has been to just throw a first word up there with a couple of vowels in it and hope for at least 2 misplaced letters and go from there. The other day I used WINCE first and hit the i and c with the c in a position where not many 5 letter words could be spelled and I waved a magic wand and came up with PRICK instead of Trick for some reason. Lucky guess. All this with our discussion about goatheads. Then yesterdays word being WINCE, which took 3 guesses. Kind of eyebrow raising...
Don't feel lonesome, I didn't even see boxes until I came to the new site to post. On the legacy site you see strange characters in weird groupings.
And over here my boxes are solid black as opposed to just images of squares or something like that.
What is actually represented, if I am interpreting them properly is the places where you got a letter correct and incorrect and then in their proper location without revealing the letter itself to others.
The pattern changes as you rearrange the letters and get more correct with the final string having boxes appearing all the same since you have figured out the word.
Yes. I see the same but you described it much better.
That's what I was thinking. Unless it was the day before results. I wondered why it displayed the rows of nothing . I get bemused so easily these days.
Letters aren't supposed to be shown. It would spoil it for everyone yet to play.
That's what I was thinking. Unless it was the day before results. I wondered why it displayed the rows of nothing . I get bemused so easily these days.
? Not sure what you mean there. I know how to play. I have been for a week or so. I began posting results along with everyone else beginning with PRICK yesterday. I just can't read what is posted as letters in boxes when shared here. All I see is the boxes, but no letters within. Maybe Im not supposed to be able to see. I don't understand what I should be seeing. I read a comment about getting clues...
Don't feel lonesome, I didn't even see boxes until I came to the new site to post. On the legacy site you see strange characters in weird groupings.
And over here my boxes are solid black as opposed to just images of squares or something like that.
What is actually represented, if I am interpreting them properly is the places where you got a letter correct and incorrect and then in their proper location without revealing the letter itself to others.
The pattern changes as you rearrange the letters and get more correct with the final string having boxes appearing all the same since you have figured out the word.
Yes that's it. I don't see any letters, just boxes. I get how the game is played lol. I like it. Must be a computer or browser or a jabba java something...
On the old site it's symbols and gibberish sort of. No boxes
Just colors, no letters or it would ruin it for everyone else when the first result was posted.
I see the same but I'm pretty sure it show the words each person played to get the dang old answer. The yellow letters played but not in that position and the green ones are correct.
Yes that's it. I don't see any letters, just boxes. I get how the game is played lol. I like it. Must be a computer or browser or a jabba java something...
On the old site it's symbols and gibberish sort of. No boxes