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kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 9:22pm

 R_P wrote:

yeah, yeah, yeah ...
You can call Trump anything you like and it isn't hate or hateful ... yep ... carrion ...


R_P Avatar

Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 8:51pm

 kurtster wrote:
(...) I would say that those doing the accusing are guilty of what they are accusing others of.  Who are the real haters, the real fascists ?  It sure isn't Trump.

(...) Who are the real sheep here ?
As Trump said during a rally about a protester: "These are the people destroying the country..."

And as Limpdick below repeats (must be another habit):
The enemy is the left, the Democrat Party, the American left. They are the most destructive force in this country today.
Nope, no hating there at all, except for the immigrants, the Muslims and of course "The Left"...

Sheep is probably too kind. Maybe lemmings is more appropriate.

islander Avatar

Location: West coast somewhere
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Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 8:40pm

 kurtster wrote:

And endless comparisons to Hitler are over the top.  I would say that those doing the accusing are guilty of what they are accusing others of.  Who are the real haters, the real fascists ?  It sure isn't Trump.

Go ahead, he's Hitler.  That is all y'all see and think.  He must be stopped at all costs.  Killing is allowed if it stops Trump.  That is where we are headed.  Those who would burn flags under the guise of free speech won't let others speak freely.  Its all upside down and backwards here.  Everyone can speak but Trump.  Who are the real fascists, huh ?

Who are the real sheep here ?  

< / old man yells at cloud >

This would be comical if not for your years of selective outrage and hypocrisy. 


kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 8:37pm

 ScottFromWyoming wrote:
Long post quoting Rush can't be replied to but suffice it to say it's one of the shittiest possible rebuttals to Lazy's succinct post. Adding "bite me" was the push it needed to get it over the top.

And endless comparisons to Hitler are over the top.  I would say that those doing the accusing are guilty of what they are accusing others of.  Who are the real haters, the real fascists ?  It sure isn't Trump.

Go ahead, he's Hitler.  That is all y'all see and think.  He must be stopped at all costs.  Killing is allowed if it stops Trump.  That is where we are headed.  Those who would burn flags under the guise of free speech won't let others speak freely.  Its all upside down and backwards here.  Everyone can speak but Trump.  Who are the real fascists, huh ?

Who are the real sheep here ?  

ScottFromWyoming Avatar

Location: Powell
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 8:25pm

Long post quoting Rush can't be replied to but suffice it to say it's one of the shittiest possible rebuttals to Lazy's succinct post. Adding "bite me" was the push it needed to get it over the top.

kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 8:03pm

 Lazy8 wrote:

The comparison may be overblown, in part because it's been overused, but we have the lesson of the 20th century before us. We are fools not to heed it.

Trump may not have plans for gas chambers, but I don't need to tread the path he wants to lead us down far enough to find out. He is making the same noises countless tin horns have made already: blame The Other. Present himself as the savior; build a personality cult. Demonize enemies. Silence dissenters.

Heed this ...


I said, "Do you think these are Trump people protesting? Trump is responsible for this?"

"Well, yes, isn't that —"

"No, it's not." See, this is how this works. Because Trump has an attitude about these protesters, and because he says he's not gonna tolerate it and because he doesn't tolerate it, you have a bunch of people who, because the Drive-Bys want you to think this — I mean, it's understandable. The Drive-Bys want you to think that it's Trump responsible for all this, that Trump and his very existence, Trump and his speeches, Trump and his rallies are causing otherwise normal and sane people to lose their minds and start protesting and shutting things down.

And, folks, this is the point I was trying to make on Friday on this program. We get caught up in this Republican campaign, but I told you on Friday that's what's happening in this campaign is tiddlywinks compared to what's going to happen when we get to the general. It doesn't matter who our nominee is, this is tiddlywinks compared to what's gonna happen. The left, they got their guy, they got Obama for two terms.

We are in the midst of the official, long hoped for, long-awaited transformation of this country from capitalism to socialism by the left and the Democrat Party. They're not just going to abide by the results of an election if they lose it. They're not gonna sit by and let this happen. And they never have. They have always used what is commonly called public protest or dissent or what have you. What it's become now borders on criminal behavior.

Let me give you an analogy to explain what I mean. Let's take protests at abortion clinics. Let's say protests at Planned Parenthood. What are the rules for those? Well, Planned Parenthood's what? It's a private company, whatever you want to call it, organization. It's private. It isn't public. So anybody that wants to protest what goes on in there cannot walk in and start harassing employees and start beating up employees. They have to stay outside the building, in many cases they're required by law to stay a few feet away.

Imagine what you would do, imagine what Obama would do, imagine what anybody would do if anti-abortion protesters stormed Planned Parenthood facilities, actually went inside and started beating up people that work there and trashing the place. Do you think anybody would say, "It's the time-honored art of American dissent. Isn't it wonderful? Look at what these protesters are doing." No. It would properly be called criminal behavior. There would be arrests, and the cops or anybody would go in there and kick them out and get rid of them, forcibly remove them, as should be the case.

Well, it's the same thing at a Trump rally or any of the other rallies. These are private events. They are not rallies held by an American politician open to the public. They are private rallies paid for by the candidates. They rent the arena. They have to provide security. The Secret Service does not go into the crowd and keep order. The only thing the Secret Service does is react to what they think might be a threat to the person that they are assigned to protect. And in this case, it's candidates.

So if somebody storms a stage, yeah, they'll go into gear and they'll get into action. If they hear somebody make a threat against the candidate they'll take action. But if there are fisticuffs out in the crowd, Secret Service doesn't touch that. That's up to local security, local law enforcement and whatever private security the candidates have purchased. And in no instance is a protester allowed to come in there and do what they've been doing without being kicked out and arrested. But that's not how this is portrayed. This is portrayed as normal, everyday American people protesting what they think is the dangerous Donald Trump. These are purposefully planned and executed strategies to disrupt these events.

The people doing this in no way will ever become Trump supporters. They are there to shut down these events. They are there to cause these problems; to make it look like it's Trump and his supporters. And I would say this if it were happening to Cruz. I would say this if it were happening to Kasich. I would say this if it were happening to Hillary. Except it doesn't happen to Democrats because our side abides by the law and doesn't seem to see the benefit in doing this kind of thing. But these groups are the same groups they've always been.

They are climate change groups, global warming groups. They are Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter. Whatever the protest groups over the course of the years are, it's the same people, just with different names, the organizations that have been created that they supposedly are members of or represent. But the people that run the Trump rallies have every right to throw them out of there. They do not have the right to come in and disrupt these things under the guise of peaceful protests.

Look at the blockade of the street in Arizona that happened on Saturday where Trump was supposed to speak. These people block the street. That's not a protest. That's criminal behavior. They were trying to keep people from getting to the Trump rally, and so they shut down the one road that people had to get there. And law enforcement wasn't prepared. It took a while for law enforcement to show up and be able to do anything about it. You had people with vehicles linked across the street, people laying down on the street, making passage impossible.

It was backed up for miles. That one road led to the only hospital in the region. How many people in those cars that were tied up and unable to get to the Trump rally were not even going to the Trump rally? How many of them were doing other things, going other places? How many ambulances might have been in that line trying to get in to the hospital? How many people had their young children in the cars? It's out in the desert here, folks. Miles and miles!

This is not a protest, and it's not Trump people. And if you want to say, "Well, Trump's causing it," you're wrong. This was my whole point on Friday. The enemy is not Trump. The enemy is not Cruz. The enemy is not Kasich. The enemy is not any Republican. The enemy is the left, the Democrat Party, the American left. They are the most destructive force in this country today. And they are doing whatever they can to create havoc and discomfort, and they want the reaction to be you blaming Trump, or you blaming whoever the Republican happens to be.

 They want you blaming Trump for it. "If Trump weren't doing what he's doing, this wouldn't be happening." That's what you are supposed to conclude, and then you're to conclude, "Trump should stop. Trump should get out. Trump's a menace. Trump's this and that."  It isn't Trump doing this.  It is not Trump's people doing this.  It is not Trump supporters.  These are people that are gonna vote for Hillary Clinton doing this.  Or Crazy Bernie or whoever ends up with the Democrat nomination.  These are criminal leftists. 

These are not protests.

These are provocations and riots in waiting. 

Shutting down a highway as they did is not lawful.  It's not a protest.  It's not dissent.  It is criminality, and it needs to be dealt with as such.  These are private events.  Protests do not have the right to enter and disrupt them.  In no other circumstance would this be tolerated.  You can come up with any number of analogies in addition to the Planned Parenthood, but that is probably a good one 'cause do you know how many people would tolerate something like that?  Zilch.  Even on our side, zilch, zero, nada. 

That's why even at the Republican convention, Democrat convention, you don't see this.  The protestors are kept away from the arena, away from the venue. They are kept outside. They are not permitted in. They are private events for that specific reason.  The hall has been rented and leased by the candidate. He has total control of the usage.  Of course within the boundaries of the law.  But it struck me. I mean, these are good people that I played golf with. They're fine, and they're up to speed. But it's like everybody else: They react to what they see in the media. 

We're never gonna get around that.  I don't care how many Fox Newses there are or talk radio, there's always gonna be a Drive-By Media.  We're never going to get around the fact that they are supportive of the Democrat Party and everybody else that supports it.  They are tolerant.  They encourage all of this — and not only do they encourage it, they follow along and make it look like the victims of these things are actually the perpetrators.  So the people I was talking to after golf, you should have seen their faces when I told them what I just told you.

Their eyes lit up. "Yeah, yeah. Okay. That makes sense." They don't hear that anywhere in the media that they consume.  And so they... I guarantee you that there are a whole lots of people — pro-Trump, anti-Trump, you name it, but especially anti-Trump people — who are eagerly glomming onto this as just another reason to criticize Trump.  "Yeah, look what he's causing."  I guarantee you, this goes on before Trump.

Didn't you see this in Ferguson? You saw this against Mitt Romney. You see... Folks, the point is, this is standard operating behavior for these people.  It's gonna happen whether Trump's the nominee or not.  If Trump were to drop out of the race (just a wild hypothetical; it's gonna continue to happen), they're going to move on to whoever they fear. Whoever they think poses them the greatest threat is who they are going to act on.  

Bite me ...


Lazy8 Avatar

Location: The Gallatin Valley of Montana
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 7:50pm

 kurtster wrote:
Why don't you get back to me after he's killed 20 million Russians and 6 million Jews ...

then we can talk about it.

Until then, why don't you just stfu ... 

"Shut up" is not an argument. "Shut up" is what you say when you don't have an argument.

And do we have to wait that long? Could we start at, say, the 2 millionth Jew? Sorry, Muslim. Mexican. Whatever. I get so confused!

The comparison may be overblown, in part because it's been overused, but we have the lesson of the 20th century before us. We are fools not to heed it.

Trump may not have plans for gas chambers, but I don't need to tread the path he wants to lead us down far enough to find out. He is making the same noises countless tin horns have made already: blame The Other. Present himself as the savior; build a personality cult. Demonize enemies. Silence dissenters.

Maybe he's not another Hitler, maybe he's only, say, Tito. Or Franco. Or Idi Amin. Don't care. Wrong answer, no matter how loud.

kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 6:55pm

 Red_Dragon wrote:

Why don't you get back to me after he's killed 20 million Russians and 6 million Jews ...

then we can talk about it.

Until then, why don't you just stfu ... 

R_P Avatar

Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 6:35pm

 Red_Dragon wrote:

Red_Dragon Avatar

Location: Dumbf*ckistan

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 6:19pm


rotekz Avatar

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 12:32pm

 DaveInVA wrote:

Jeanine really lays it down here, tearing into the establishment. Good on her.

sirdroseph Avatar

Location: Not here, I tell you wat
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 12:24pm

 ScottFromWyoming wrote:

Oh, yes. Got to be fair!
Obviously, he's speaking to big-D Democrats. The overall point, though, is similar to something I said here: That Trump is so bad he makes Cruz look like a stable person. I think they're both so abhorrent that the idea of a brokered convention drafting Paul Ryan is something to shoot for. And I hate Paul Ryan and Paul Ryan hates me.
Instead of saying "this person's a mess, that person's terrible too" I'm sort of ranking everyone on a couple of simple metrics:
Which candidate is likely to:

Get us all killed?
  1. Donald Trump
  2. Ted Cruz
  3. (space held open because those two are way ahead on this one)
  4. Hillary
  5. Bernie/Jill Stein/Gary Johnson
Get me killed specifically?
  1. Ted Cruz
  2. Everyone else
Drive our economy off a cliff?
  1. This takes cooperation of congress, so Ted Cruz and the current makeup of congress are far and away the most dangerous.
  2. Trump
  3. Hillary gets a little bump because even if she has a good idea, it'll be roadblocked by congress
  4. All the rest would be figureheads without much sway except
  5. Gary Johnson's ability to reduce war expenses on his own could free up a huge amount of money. If he does it. I hired Obama to do this and it didn't go so well.


Believe it or not, this is about how I see it as well.


rotekz Avatar

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 12:15pm

This election cycle heralds the dawn of a glorious new era. {#Notworthy} {#Dancingbanana_2}


ScottFromWyoming Avatar

Location: Powell
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 11:50am

 porphyrius wrote:

Have to admit I am fascinated by this election cycle

Absolutely. If it reverts to the norm and we wind up with Cruz vs. Hillary, it's still pretty far out there.

aflanigan Avatar

Location: At Sea
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 10:37am

In America, we have political beliefs of varying stripes. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green, etc. We have people who profess to be independent, and of those, some actually are (i.e. don't habitually vote for an established party).

But if we lump all those people together, we can further divide them into two groups: Those who can hope to be taken seriously regarding politics, and those who take crackpot truthers like Alex Jones and Mike Malloy seriously. 


Kaw Avatar

Location: Just above sea level
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 6:15am

 rotekz wrote:

Trump is a nationalist. Soros and the like are globalists seeking a new world order.

Trump is a billionaire trying to buy his way to the white house to rule the USA. In real life he is known for his relentless trading and dealing. He has the most commercial interest in becoming the next presidents of them all. Still you think he strictly has national interests to make Amerika great again. I think as long he can't make money with it he will have a nationalists opinion, but for every other case he will try make money out of it. I think he is a nationalist in talk but in fact a globalist in commercial behaviour. He will try to protect his interests and he will try to negotiate deals with every party he will encounter if it benefits himself.

rotekz Avatar

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 5:57am

 Kaw wrote:

Trump is a new world globalist that will fail that hard that he will destroy the new world globalists {#Ask} 

Trump is a nationalist. Soros and the like are globalists seeking a new world order.


Kaw Avatar

Location: Just above sea level
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 5:52am

 rotekz wrote:
Trump is going to dismantle the globalist new world order that seeks to destroy nations and their cultural identities. 
Trump is a new world globalist that will fail that hard that he will destroy the new world globalists {#Ask} 

rotekz Avatar

Posted: Mar 21, 2016 - 5:47am

Trump is going to dismantle the globalist new world order that seeks to destroy nations and their cultural identities. Globalist elites are terrified of him. Every party, politician, lobby group and media outlet they own are running flat out to stop him before they lose control of the reins. 


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