We're currently fostering a foundling kitten who is now about 5 weeks old. Also, the only feral who comes around on a regular basis dropped 7 kittens in our chimenea on Wednesday. we're feeding her and have placed a canopy over the chimenea to keep it cool. We have an appointment with the Humane Society next Wednesday to turn the lot over to them for fostering and adoption.
UPDATE: Foster kidden went to her furrever home today!
Male and female foxes scream to attract a mate. A female fox will scream during the actual act of mating itself. Male foxes scream to mark their territory and warn off potential competitors for mates. It's also a tool they use to scare off predators and protect their young.
What intrigues me is the contrast between the terrifying noise and a fox's physical beauty. Every time I've seen a red fox I wonder how and why they evolved to have such a large, magnificent tail.
Male and female foxes scream to attract a mate. A female fox will scream during the actual act of mating itself. Male foxes scream to mark their territory and warn off potential competitors for mates. It's also a tool they use to scare off predators and protect their young.
We're currently fostering a foundling kitten who is now about 5 weeks old. Also, the only feral who comes around on a regular basis dropped 7 kittens in our chimenea on Wednesday. we're feeding her and have placed a canopy over the chimenea to keep it cool. We have an appointment with the Humane Society next Wednesday to turn the lot over to them for fostering and adoption.
We see a fox or two in the yard a few times per year and hear them screaming like this occasionally. The screaming seems to happen mostly in the fall...but that's also when we're sleeping with the windows open. Pretty startling to wake up to.
I have heard them screaming/screeching like that on occasion, but I hear them sort of yelping more often - seems like it's usually a mother calling for her kits in the dark. When they yelp or "bark" they sound sort of like small dogs, like terriers or something. That screeching is pretty creepy though.
Question for those of you in more rural areas: can foxes sound like a woman screaming? I've heard such cries in there woods and in movies. Scary as hell.
We see a fox or two in the yard a few times per year and hear them screaming like this occasionally. The screaming seems to happen mostly in the fall...but that's also when we're sleeping with the windows open. Pretty startling to wake up to.
Question for those of you in more rural areas: can foxes sound like a woman screaming? I've heard such cries in there woods and in movies. Scary as hell.
Question for those of you in more rural areas: can foxes sound like a woman screaming? I've heard such cries in there woods and in movies. Scary as hell.
So my dog these days is a cat. Large, white, indifferent, infinite. I think he was abandoned here in the neighborhood some 7 or so years ago. He's not a feral but he is quite independent. He comes in and I feed him and give him a place to chill in the summer and warm up in the winter when he will occasionally stay in all night. Mostly at night he wants to be outside where he violently defends his territory against all usurpers. I do wish he wouldn't, though. His face and ears are a mess and I think his tear ducts are damaged because they ooze a watery blood sometimes. I don't think his opponents have fared very well either. I've been woken up a few times by the sounds of battle in the wee hours. He has other friends with my neighbors but he mostly hangs around here. I call him Whitey, but he will come to pretty much any call. I have a lot of compassion for him. Abandonment is the worst. It carries different scars, man or beast. I do love him though. He can be affectionate but I wouldn't call him cuddly. I wish he would let me help him more but he is not a ready recipient. Someday I hope to get him to a vet but for now he wants things just like they are. I can respect that.
I hate the sound of cats fighting. Out here you never know if it's just cats or if it's a pack of coyotes a bobcat or some other wildness happening. Bizarre shrieking. Cats sound like babies from hell sometimes. Good man for taking care of Whitey.
I know! Years ago I was in Colorado and I kept hearing what I thought was a baby or toddler crying out in an open space. I tracked the sound down and it was an active cat rodeo, which broke up as soon as I appeared. In that same area I often walked with Shiloh and I would hear what sounded like coyote pups, out of sight in the underbrush with their weird little barks.
So my dog these days is a cat. Large, white, indifferent, infinite. I think he was abandoned here in the neighborhood some 7 or so years ago. He's not a feral but he is quite independent. He comes in and I feed him and give him a place to chill in the summer and warm up in the winter when he will occasionally stay in all night. Mostly at night he wants to be outside where he violently defends his territory against all usurpers. I do wish he wouldn't, though. His face and ears are a mess and I think his tear ducts are damaged because they ooze a watery blood sometimes. I don't think his opponents have fared very well either. I've been woken up a few times by the sounds of battle in the wee hours.
He has other friends with my neighbors but he mostly hangs around here. I call him Whitey, but he will come to pretty much any call. I have a lot of compassion for him. Abandonment is the worst. It carries different scars, man or beast. I do love him though. He can be affectionate but I wouldn't call him cuddly. I wish he would let me help him more but he is not a ready recipient. Someday I hope to get him to a vet but for now he wants things just like they are. I can respect that.
I hate the sound of cats fighting. Out here you never know if it's just cats or if it's
a pack of coyotes a bobcat or some other wildness happening. Bizarre shrieking.
Cats sound like babies from hell sometimes. Good man for taking care of Whitey.
So my dog these days is a cat. Large, white, indifferent, infinite. I think he was abandoned here in the neighborhood some 7 or so years ago. He's not a feral but he is quite independent. He comes in and I feed him and give him a place to chill in the summer and warm up in the winter when he will occasionally stay in all night. Mostly at night he wants to be outside where he violently defends his territory against all usurpers. I do wish he wouldn't, though. His face and ears are a mess and I think his tear ducts are damaged because they ooze a watery blood sometimes. I don't think his opponents have fared very well either. I've been woken up a few times by the sounds of battle in the wee hours. He has other friends with my neighbors but he mostly hangs around here. I call him Whitey, but he will come to pretty much any call. I have a lot of compassion for him. Abandonment is the worst. It carries different scars, man or beast. I do love him though. He can be affectionate but I wouldn't call him cuddly. I wish he would let me help him more but he is not a ready recipient. Someday I hope to get him to a vet but for now he wants things just like they are. I can respect that.
awww. he adopted you. if you get him neutered, he will chill out a bit. We have a "feral" recovering from dental surgery in our basement. Her name is Momma She lives in our yard and has become quite friendly with me. she will follow me all around the yard while I garden. or we'll take a break and cuddle on the bench. I love her to bits.
Yes that's the plan as soon as I can afford it. I am hoping it will curb that fighting impulse. I'm not really sure how old he is but he's up there. He deserves a little peace and fatness.
So my dog these days is a cat. Large, white, indifferent, infinite. I think he was abandoned here in the neighborhood some 7 or so years ago. He's not a feral but he is quite independent. He comes in and I feed him and give him a place to chill in the summer and warm up in the winter when he will occasionally stay in all night. Mostly at night he wants to be outside where he violently defends his territory against all usurpers. I do wish he wouldn't, though. His face and ears are a mess and I think his tear ducts are damaged because they ooze a watery blood sometimes. I don't think his opponents have fared very well either. I've been woken up a few times by the sounds of battle in the wee hours.
He has other friends with my neighbors but he mostly hangs around here. I call him Whitey, but he will come to pretty much any call. I have a lot of compassion for him. Abandonment is the worst. It carries different scars, man or beast. I do love him though. He can be affectionate but I wouldn't call him cuddly. I wish he would let me help him more but he is not a ready recipient. Someday I hope to get him to a vet but for now he wants things just like they are. I can respect that.
awww. he adopted you.
if you get him neutered, he will chill out a bit.
We have a "feral" recovering from dental surgery in our basement. Her name is Momma She lives in our yard and has become quite friendly with me. she will follow me all around the yard while I garden. or we'll take a break and cuddle on the bench. I love her to bits.
So my dog these days is a cat. Large, white, indifferent, infinite. I think he was abandoned here in the neighborhood some 7 or so years ago. He's not a feral but he is quite independent. He comes in and I feed him and give him a place to chill in the summer and warm up in the winter when he will occasionally stay in all night. Mostly at night he wants to be outside where he violently defends his territory against all usurpers. I do wish he wouldn't, though. His face and ears are a mess and I think his tear ducts are damaged because they ooze a watery blood sometimes. I don't think his opponents have fared very well either. I've been woken up a few times by the sounds of battle in the wee hours. He has other friends with my neighbors but he mostly hangs around here. I call him Whitey, but he will come to pretty much any call. I have a lot of compassion for him. Abandonment is the worst. It carries different scars, man or beast. I do love him though. He can be affectionate but I wouldn't call him cuddly. I wish he would let me help him more but he is not a ready recipient. Someday I hope to get him to a vet but for now he wants things just like they are. I can respect that.