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Length: 4:54
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We're so sorry if we caused you any pain
We're so sorry Uncle Albert
But there's no one left at home
And I believe I'm gonna rain
We're so sorry but we haven't heard a thing all day
We're so Sorry Uncle Albert
But if anything should happen we'll be sure to give a ring
We're so sorry Uncle Albert
But we haven't done a bloody thing all day
We're so sorry Uncle Albert
But the kettle's on the boil and we're so easily called away
Hand across the water (water)
Heads across the sky
Hand across the water (water)
Heads across the sky
Admiral Halsey notified me
He had to have a berth or he couldn't get to sea
I had another look and i had a cup of tea and butter pie
(the butter wouldn't melt so i put it in the pie)
Hand across the water (water)
Heads across the sky
Hand across the water (water)
Heads across the sky
Live a little be a gypsy, get around(get around)
Get your feet up off the ground
Live a little, get around
Live a little be a gypsy, get around(get around)
Get your feet up off the ground
Live a little, get around
Hand across the water (water)
Heads across the sky
Hand across the water (water)
Heads across the sky

For the record, I am a fan of both albums.

I love this, but then, I remember being a little kid, running around and playing with the rest of the kids while this was on the oldies radio station, and stopping and wondering what the hell they were talking about. We more or less shrugged and kept on playing. Good times.
Ha! I remember the week it was released my brother and me getting a super-crappy recording of it off AM radio using a Lloyd's cassette recorder, with its POS microphone held up to one speaker of our parents' "Hi-Fi" (what a joke -- a single-unit console with record player [not a turntable] and AM/FM, made in maybe 1962?)
"Oldies" ain't just in reference to radio stations....

But let's be fair, this guy is only 68 so one can only guess what he might look like when he turns 80 ...
Don't confuse these creeps with giants of music history, even if it was supposed to be funny.

But let's be fair, this guy is only 68 so one can only guess what he might look like when he turns 80 ...
I love this, but then, I remember being a little kid, running around and playing with the rest of the kids while this was on the oldies radio station, and stopping and wondering what the hell they were talking about. We more or less shrugged and kept on playing. Good times.
Kids being kids... a good thing.

Finally, old lyrics cleared up: I always thought that Admiral Halsey notified me that "he had to have a bath or he couldn't get to sleep..." Does that make more sense anyway?
I thought the same... ;-)
I don't think I've heard this song in 50 years, and I still remember every note, every word.
Live a little, be a gypsy, get around! (get around)
Butter pie?

Melodic, fun, complicated like prog rock. And I can never EVER pass up the telephone purring noise.
But, BillG, I petition to have it paired with Smile Away. They belong together!

"I thought it [Ram] was awful! McCartney was better because at least there were some tunes on it, like Junk. I liked the beginning of Ram On, the beginning of Uncle Albert and I liked some of My Dog's Got Three Legs. I liked the little bit about 'Hands across the water', but it just tripped off all the time. I didn't like that a bit!"
-John Lennon
Equally surprised at the respectable ratings from my fellow RP listeners...
I give it a '1' because '0' isn't an option.
...he says, with pinky finger extended.
Let's hope so. ; )
Oops, sounds like a first world problem...
Should be at least an 8.
You mean Linda, don't you?
Should be at least an 8.
GeorgeMWoods wrote:
I love the dichotomy of these two posts. It's all subjective people!
Catalytic wrote:
I was 11.
You nailed it for me, Catalytic. Thanx.

Should be at least an 8.
me too,
Barry: Rob, top five musical crimes perpetuated by Stevie Wonder in the '80s and '90s. Go. Sub-question: is it in fact unfair to criticize a formerly great artist for his latter day sins, is it better to burn out or fade away?
I still can't believe that the same guy that brought us hey jude, let it be and the golden slumbers medley, brought us the shit that he trolled out in the '70s and '80s - yes including this, silly love songs and every atrocity he committed with michael jackson and/or stevie wonder
this song (and most of his solo stuff) sucks ass.....im sorry
wow - I've found you. after all these years. You, you're, you're... MAX!!!!!

Lesser than the sum of the parts that were Lennon and McCartney, but this song still resonates a bit with the magic dust of their colaborations.
More blue meanies, blue meanies everywhere

NOOOO - it's Bill Gates

you are MAX ... M

Is that Paul sitting next to Warren Buffett? You have one helluva spaceship!
Yup, that is Warren alright!
I just assumed that was Laz sittin' beside Sir Paul.

I did not think Lazaus was a pre-pubecent boy, but look who he is hanging with.....

What next, 'Frog Chorus'? 'Jumping Waterfalls'? or some of Maccas other best work? please please me not!
just my tupence worth as usual . . .
Is that Paul sitting next to Warren Buffett? You have one helluva spaceship!

Is that Paul sitting next to Warren Buffett? You have one helluva spaceship!

OH Belly... much more interesting!

You know what's weird...they've probably each had multiple "cosmetic procedures" performed on them from the time that photo was taken in the early 80's until Mike checked out in 2009, but Paul went the "just a touch" route each time, while Jacko went "full transformation" to a completely different (and frightening) person.
“I had another look and I had a cup of tea
and a butter pie
the butter wouldn't melt so I put it in the pie
Well Alright . . .”
Enjoyed his first solo album and Ram, after that he really went commercial and leaned toward John and George’s solo work.
nuf' ced
Wow!! Thanks for posting that photo, as I've seen a gazillion John Lennon photos, BUT NEVER THAT ONE! That guy's still cracking me up in new ways 33+ years after he unfortunately left us.
They worked on "The Girl is Mine" and "Say Say Say" together.

gjr wrote:
Barry: Rob, top five musical crimes perpetuated by Stevie Wonder in the '80s and '90s. Go. Sub-question: is it in fact unfair to criticize a formerly great artist for his latter day sins, is it better to burn out or fade away?
I still can't believe that the same guy that brought us hey jude, let it be and the golden slumbers medley, brought us the shit that he trolled out in the '70s and '80s - yes including this, silly love songs and every atrocity he committed with michael jackson and/or stevie wonder
this song (and most of his solo stuff) sucks ass.....im sorry

nuf' ced
Everybody in my mushrooming multitude of churches loves this song... what a great classic album...
here's something much more recent... the music is cheesy, but the lyrics and the video make up for it—
Lesser than the sum of the parts that were Lennon and McCartney, but this song still resonates a bit with the magic dust of their colaborations.
Barry: Rob, top five musical crimes perpetuated by Stevie Wonder in the '80s and '90s. Go. Sub-question: is it in fact unfair to criticize a formerly great artist for his latter day sins, is it better to burn out or fade away?
I still can't believe that the same guy that brought us hey jude, let it be and the golden slumbers medley, brought us the shit that he trolled out in the '70s and '80s - yes including this, silly love songs and every atrocity he committed with michael jackson and/or stevie wonder
this song (and most of his solo stuff) sucks ass.....im sorry
A little too poppy for some but great transitions.
Nicely done Paul!

Even back then, at the tender age of 16, I thought this song was tripe!
Just to be perfectly clear, I still think it's shallow. But I sure do like it, too. My life is full of contradictions like that.
Renostve: "My life is full of contradictions like that."
Ha! And here I was thinking that's the very definition of life. Heh! And about the time you get it all figured out, and then resolve all the contradictions you.....die? As Kurt Vonnegut would say....so it goes.
American Net'Zen
We're so sorry, Unlce Emiliano. It's a shame that you have to feel that way.

Even back then, at the tender age of 16, I thought this song was tripe!
Just to be perfectly clear, I still think it's shallow. But I sure do like it, too. My life is full of contradictions like that.
What was Seinfeld about? Ziakut has it right re: the lyrics, but I still love it. I also love Bowie and many of his lyrics defy any sense of logic.
— Paul McCartney
"Yeah, well, 'sorry' don't feed the bulldog."
— Uncle Albert

Well it´s up to you what to sing but actually it is:
Hands across the water. Heads across the sky.
Love the sonic qualities — they sure knew how to make recordings back-in-the-day...
Jack Black in "High Fidelity"
most of mccartney's solo stuff is as john lennon said "granny shit"
me too. me too. as a very young child of 4 yrs old, i always felt joy when this came on the AM radio station in pittsburgh.