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Joseph Arthur — In The Sun
Album: Come To Where I'm From
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Total ratings: 2244

Released: 2000
Length: 5:33
Plays (last 30 days): 1
I picture you in the sun wondering what went wrong
And falling down on your knees asking for sympathy
And being caught in between all you wish for and all you seen
And trying to find anything you can feel that you can believe in

May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you

I know I would apologize if I could see your eyes
'Cause when you showed me myself I became someone else
But I was caught in between all you wish for and all you need
I picture you fast asleep
A nightmare comes
You can't keep awake

May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you

'Cause if I find
If I find my own way
How much will I find
If I find
If I find my own way
How much will I find

I don't know anymore
What it's for
I'm not even sure
If there is anyone who is in the sun
Will you help me to understand
'Cause I been caught in between all I wish for and all I need
Maybe you're not even sure what it's for
Any more than me

May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you
Comments (275)add comment
 tinypriest wrote:

His voice reminds me of Adam Sandler. 

Plus the self-uncertainty and gratuitous "May God's love be with you" is just pitiful. Who is he singing to, anyway? What girl wouldn't find this a turn off eventually.

He also kind of looks like Adam Sandler
Yeah. Get over it. :) It's a song.
 daiv wrote:

If one did this, one would necessarily translate the whole song into Arabic.  Changing one word into another language does not change the meaning of the song. 
For that matter, why Arabic (Allah)? Why not call spanish (Dios)? or French (Dieu)? Or  Punjabi (Raba)? 
Or any other language? God is just a name in English. There is literally no difference between God and Allah, in terms of names. They are LITERALLY the same thing. 

They are not!
Yeah, his Wikipedia page goes into homeopathy and anti vax stuff.  I really have zero patience for all that anti-intellectual garbage nowadays.  It was funny 20 years ago but not anymore, it's just offensive now.  Stupid morons are a big reason we have an out of control pandemic and the resurgence of problems like measles and polio.

Arthur received media attention and controversy during the COVID-19 pandemic due to his belief that the Covid-19 vaccination is a danger to humanity. He released "Stop the Shot," a song which repeats the lyric “We will overcome/what those fools have done" in August 2021

 asusinskas wrote:

I don't normally post comments but I really enjoy perusing them.  Usually the comments are reasonably open minded and often downright entertaining.  When God is mentioned however, the comments seem to turn the other way.  It is a shame that we can tolerate free speech of any sort, as long as it doesn't mention God.  Whether you believe in God or not, you are always free to accept or ignore the message, the song, the lyrics or what have you.

For myself, I really like this song and appreciate the fact that Joseph Arthur isn't afraid of referring to "God" in his music. 

I believe you're correct.
 sfyi2001 wrote:

 Gkp wrote:

Takes everything melodically beautiful about this song... and just flattens it. Please play the original. I beg you.

This is the original, champ.
 intheworks wrote:

As an atheist, I appreciate the expression of faith, who am I to judge. Some of the most beautiful music is rooted in the expression of faith! 

As a believer, I thank you for your thoughtful and kind comment. 

 Edweirdo wrote:

Maybe he's singing to a man?  We're not all cisgender heteronormative.

Touché, true, we're not. But creepy is creepy. I'm doubting that a gay man would necessarily find these maudlin lyrics more pleasing?

Well, I also keep hearing the Fray's song "How To Save A Life" in this, without that song's empathy. But, whatever...
 tinypriest wrote:

Who is he singing to, anyway? What girl wouldn't find this a turn off eventually.

Maybe he's singing to a man?  We're not all cisgender heteronormative.
His voice reminds me of Adam Sandler. 

Plus the self-uncertainty and gratuitous "May God's love be with you" is just pitiful. Who is he singing to, anyway? What girl wouldn't find this a turn off eventually.
I actually really like Joseph Arthur, but if I believe that if I saw him out in public wearing that hat I would have a very strong urge to punch him.
 rickf wrote:
omniphiliac wrote:
Without picking sides in the debate one might observe there to be quite as many frothing zealots in the atheist camp as the theist. Clearly freedom to worship must be interpreted to mean also freedom to worship the material universe without acknowledging a divine principle. But it concerns me to see people getting so uptight about what is obviously a personal expression of faith on the part of an artist. That anyone could take offense at this song just baffles me. It's a positive sentiment, no? May God's love be with you. Or for those that prefer, may the apathy of the lifeless impersonal cosmic dust be with you. Seriously, what a ridiculous set of comments.
Amen (I couldn't resist)

As an atheist, I appreciate the expression of faith, who am I to judge. Some of the most beautiful music is rooted in the expression of faith! 
Impressive !!
 Shaggy27 wrote:
It would a huge hit if Joe changed the words to “May Allahs love be with you”.
If one did this, one would necessarily translate the whole song into Arabic.  Changing one word into another language does not change the meaning of the song. 
For that matter, why Arabic (Allah)? Why not call spanish (Dios)? or French (Dieu)? Or  Punjabi (Raba)? 
Or any other language? God is just a name in English. There is literally no difference between God and Allah, in terms of names. They are LITERALLY the same thing. 

It would a huge hit if Joe changed the words to “May Allahs love be with you”.
 vinylbob wrote:
Have noticed a troubling trend that many RP listeners are uncomfortable with any mention of God.  I like the song and the message.  

Takes everything melodically beautiful about this song... and just flattens it. Please play the original. I beg you.
I prefer the versin of Michael Stipe
Thank God for RP..... stay heathy out there, y’all. “May God’s love be with you”
I had a big set of Peter Gabriel bootleg recordings that had a version of this song on it
Another white guy with an acoustic guitar - yawning again.
Sounds like he was an influence for The Fray and/or Switchfoot 
Such a melodyman !!!
Great song Billy!

Why's the rating like that?
I thought it was a cover of Poker Face at the beginning. But the song is older and just parts of it are (surprisingly) similar.
 AhhtheMusic wrote:

That is what makes him so interesting.  In concert he will have some of his loop music playing while he "does his art" for us to watch, and then we can buy it later as a memory.  I loved him when I saw him with my buddy at the Soiled Dove in Denver 4 years ago.  In the small venue you can truly connect with him and his music.  After the show was over he was so kind and tried to see as many people who were still there to thank us for coming.  He wanted to talk and he showed his spirit as a true human and artist.  He is not trying to get rich.  He is connecting..us.all.  

I would have never known about him had it not been for RP.  !!!  Kisses again to RP.  The love of my life.  
Based on your positive review of this artist, I've doubled my 3 rating to a 6....and thanks for giving some perspective to Mr. Arthur.....Long Live RP!!
Thanks RP... I love this song!! Emmanuel from France
Dreadful lazy affectation.  PSD for this one.  My ears aren't happy at all.

the is sucko barrrrrrrfo~!
You're my hero!
Took the words right out of my head!

dragon1952 wrote:
May God's love get the phlegm out of your throat :^ /

 On_The_Beach wrote:
God's love didn't do much for the cover art.  ; )

That is what makes him so interesting.  In concert he will have some of his loop music playing while he "does his art" for us to watch, and then we can buy it later as a memory.  I loved him when I saw him with my buddy at the Soiled Dove in Denver 4 years ago.  In the small venue you can truly connect with him and his music.  After the show was over he was so kind and tried to see as many people who were still there to thank us for coming.  He wanted to talk and he showed his spirit as a true human and artist.  He is not trying to get rich.  He is connecting..us.all.  

I would have never known about him had it not been for RP.  !!!  Kisses again to RP.  The love of my life.  
God's love didn't do much for the cover art.  ; )
Over the years, have seen Joseph Arthur twice in concert--that's the way to see him, with his distortion and loop pedals and interesting songs...
Made me stop and listen for a moment...
I sat downest and prefer not to fight around. I dont believe war in paradise.
oh wow! I haven't heard this song in YEARS - took me back.
Gabriel added a lot to this song with his cover - it has a sweetness that this doesn't quite get to. Still a great song - I always assumed it was Peter's. 
Ironically, Letterman loved this guy. Different time though. Seen him live and he’s wonderful.
Always assumed this was David Pirner and/or Soul Asylum.   Not much for religious songs myself, but I always heard this one as more of a colloquial use the expression.
Truly great song, thanks again RP! It's kinda heartwrenching for today's party, but luvin it all the same...
          'Cause when you showed me myself I became someone else
           But I was caught in between all you wish for and all you need
Image result for in the sun

 CHuLoYo wrote:
I don't believe in God but I like this song. 
I also don’t believe in God but I have no problem with those who do (as long as they don’t impose their beliefs on others). I’m also not going to discriminate against a song because it has a religious slant..
Just an awful "SONG" , maybe those who like it are used to bad songs from church?
 vinylbob wrote:
Have noticed a troubling trend that many RP listeners are uncomfortable with any mention of God.  I like the song and the message.  

There are other people who ust must see to the business of making one practice their religion.  Quite off-putting.  I too, like this song.
May God's love get the phlegm out of your throat :^ /
 old_shep wrote:
Sounds like Taylor Swift with a hangover.

Her voice is actually a little more hoarse when she's got a hangover, but at least she still makes pretty good corned beef hash and coffee.
Religious crappy song, put it on the jesus stations
Sounds like Taylor Swift with a hangover.
 kimschoice wrote:
I know we are supposed to comment on the music....but this art work freaks me out.  O.K. song is good.  

You have a point about the artwork. Thanks for making me take a closer look at the artwork. It is a little disturbing, and definitely worthy of attention.

The song sounds worthy of a few more listens too.

I'm sure it made the rounds onto every TV show at the time, but it always reminds me of Scrubs. 
I know we are supposed to comment on the music....but this art work freaks me out.  O.K. song is good.  
I love Donna De Lory's version of this song; this one, not so much!

The song sung by Peter is much more palatable, for me, than this one. I can feel the, "I wish you well" in Gabriel's art. 


So many people, here, site the religious aspects of this conversation as being the root of contention.  For me, it is personal and not associated with the corner "Faith me out of all trouble and responsibility" societies.


When the wish for non-existent love from a non-existent god is issued, all I can think of is the complete lack of integrity it takes to say it.  If there is an ass-hat that created us "Smart enough to destroy the world, and stupid enough to let it happen", I'd much rather raise the finger to the sadistic psychopath.   Do you think psychopaths respect cowardice.


If I ever meet the bitch, if it is sincere, if it confesses it's transgressions, if it professes not to repeat them and if it asks for forgiveness.... 

Nahh,  never trust a psychopath, it is incapable of sincerity.

I follow the evidence, so of course I don't believe in God, but I do like religious songs. For example, I love Joan Osborne's "One of Us", but this song is just poorly constructed , and poorly executed. A dirge.
 vinylbob wrote:
Have noticed a troubling trend that many RP listeners are uncomfortable with any mention of God.  I like the song and the message.  

I don't believe in God but I like this song. 
Have noticed a troubling trend that many RP listeners are uncomfortable with any mention of God.  I like the song and the message.  
Beautiful song!  Thanks for playing it.  Love the Michael Stipe  version (without Coldplay singer) too.
Sounds like a TV car commercial.
 ltbluesoda wrote:
this song is so bad that I went to go rate it a "1" and realized I had done it once already! Almost is bad as "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen where they say the same word 21 times in a row to end the song. WTF? Who enjoys that shit?

If you're going to criticise a song by drawing similarities to another, maybe don't choose one of the most well-loved songs of all time? Just a tip.
what a bad song ..just bad  even Gods love can't save this pile of drivel

One of the few songs that I hit PSD on.  I'm not anti-religious, I just really don't dig this at all.

(I got Depeche Mode - Halo, excellent sidetrack!)
Thanks for playing this Bill.  I needed this today.  {#Roflol}
 ScottishWillie wrote:
 ltbluesoda wrote:
this song is so bad that I went to go rate it a "1" and realized I had done it once already! Almost is bad as "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen where they say the same word 21 times in a row to end the song. WTF? Who enjoys that shit?


  Me too!

Love this song.
......."the minority report"
 ltbluesoda wrote:
this song is so bad that I went to go rate it a "1" and realized I had done it once already! Almost is bad as "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen where they say the same word 21 times in a row to end the song. WTF? Who enjoys that shit?


Yuch, a 2.  Not bothered by the message like some, I just really don't dig this song.
I'm not a God music guy, but this song gives me great memories of Scrubs so it gets a good rating.
 pixeli wrote:
Let the church stay in the church ... this song does touch
 Telling church where to be is one thing. But as for where God belongs, where is God and where is not God? 

For that matter, where is Yoda?  (Just kidding) 
I agree that the song does touch.
 pixeli wrote:
Let the church stay in the church ... this song does touch
What does that mean, pixeli?
this song is so bad that I went to go rate it a "1" and realized I had done it once already! Almost is bad as "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen where they say the same word 21 times in a row to end the song. WTF? Who enjoys that shit?
Let the church stay in the church ... this song does touch
Next time this song comes on, I'm hitting "mute".
Horrid voice. RP is for many different tastes, but this is a pitifully awful combination of voice and lyrics.
Good Lord! Is he singing with rocks in his mouth? 
many times I'll hear something on RP and stop what I'm doing because I love what I'm hearing. THIS WAS NOT ONE OF THE TIMES. I had to look and see if a frickin CHRISTIAN ROCK station took over my favorite station. That was terrible!!!!!
painful to listen to.. not in the emotional way
I can see that others disagree, but I quite like this song. I went to look up the Coldplay/Stipe cover and that seemed sort of devoid of emotion to me.
So sick of these guys (and girls sometimes) who love to sing meanwhile they just can't do it and have nothing new to say... 1 with no doubt.
This is funny…I just sent my monthly donation and this came on, which I'd earlier rated a 7 (must have been having an exceptional day) but today if I never heard it again that would be fine. Just hope B&R don't correlate donations with what's up ("Oh, I see Carl really likes this!"—not).
Worst song I have heard all month - utter crap
 asusinskas wrote:
 It is a shame that we can tolerate free speech of any sort, as long as it doesn't mention God.  Whether you believe in God or not, you are always free to accept or ignore the message, the song, the lyrics or what have you.

Aren't the commenters just exercising their free speech to dislike the song? Or is it just allowable free speech when they agree with you? 

If someone can make reference to a god in a song and not have the song be a banal annoyance they're welcome to try. This guy doesn't manage it. To paraphrase Hank Hill, he's not making his god better, he's just making music worse.
hate this. 


love that.

Definitely not a good song.  Don't like his voice or the lyrics.  He sounds like a wuss.
I don't normally post comments but I really enjoy perusing them.  Usually the comments are reasonably open minded and often downright entertaining.  When God is mentioned however, the comments seem to turn the other way.  It is a shame that we can tolerate free speech of any sort, as long as it doesn't mention God.  Whether you believe in God or not, you are always free to accept or ignore the message, the song, the lyrics or what have you.

For myself, I really like this song and appreciate the fact that Joseph Arthur isn't afraid of referring to "God" in his music. 
 drife wrote:
Sorry, like the cover by Coldplay and Stipe better.

Oh, yes! Love that version!
This is really awful. 2 —> 1
Dude, do something about that sore throat.
 Dangerpussy wrote:
Not into the xtian rock, not even a little. Bleh

I don't believe X was mentioned in the lyrics. Perhaps he was signing about Thor. 
Great song! 8 ->9{#Clap}
 drife wrote:
Sorry, like the cover by Coldplay and Stipe better.

Oh no you don't, just stop it.
marc1980 wrote:

Funny I was thinking the same.


 Rafter101 wrote:
Is this still Radio Paradise?  Sounds like Radio Purgatory to me, having to endure this song. Seriously—I can hear this on any pop station.
Funny I was thinking the same.

This guy is amazing. Saw him at Fletcher's in B'more. He had so many different playbacks going it sounded like half a dozen musicians - but it was only him.
I was also thrown off by the "Christian Rock" misnomer.
Sorry, like the cover by Coldplay and Stipe better.
Is this still Radio Paradise?  Sounds like Radio Purgatory to me, having to endure this song. Seriously—I can hear this on any pop station.
Peter Gabriel performed this Joseph Arthur song for the 1997 Princess Diana tribute album, three years before Arthur's own version was released on this album. Joseph Arthur was one of many artists "discovered" by Gabriel for his label. And BTW, not Christian Rock, despite what many have written. Just one guy's emotional/spiritual description of how he's feeling. Not at all meant to be preaching to anyone. If you listen to it knowing that, it's really quite touching. I understand how the mere mention of G-d sets some people off. No worries. There are a lot of other songs out there to listen to!
 johnsf wrote:
The singing and the repetition is difficult to listen to. This is a song where I'll turn the volume down all the way and take a 5 minute break until it's over.

It's not bad but would benefit by being at least 2 minutes shorter.
There are some songs, mercifully few, which you just know are going to be a snorefest from the moment the singer starts droning, and this is surely one of them. Aural Mogadon in a pure form. 3 from the narcoleptic Nottingham jury {#Sleep}
 jules44 wrote:
Thought it was Pete Yorn at first....nice!

Believe me, that is always a good thing! I have always loved this song!{#Hearteyes}
Thought it was Pete Yorn at first....nice!
Not into the xtian rock, not even a little. Bleh
The singing and the repetition is difficult to listen to. This is a song where I'll turn the volume down all the way and take a 5 minute break until it's over.
I really like this song in a totally nonreligious way. {#Mrgreen}
This is one of those songs that is so deeply personal to me, and I love hearing it {#High-five} here but I don't want to look at anyone's comments {#Eyes} lest they take it out of its sacred realm and smear profanity all over it.  Thanks for playing it.{#Roflol}
 treehugger wrote:

May Dog's love be with you. 
That's good enough for me!

Great pic. Thanks.

If I find my own way
How much will I find?

 treehugger wrote:

May Dog's love be with you. 
I bought "Big City Secrets" several years ago, and used to listen to it almost everyday. Then I moved and didn't have much time for music for a long time. Then a friend of mine told me about Radioparadise "Listener supported" with no ads, and since then I am an avid listener because of such surprises. I love this song and I am glad that brings me back to an artist I like so much. Thank you Bill and Rebecca, I wish you long life.
 sdn wrote:
Is the singer drunk?
I think it was from going through nothing but religious debate before I came across this comment, but you still owe me a new keyboard.

 treehugger wrote:

May Dog's love be with you. 
LOL!! {#Roflol}
 RabbitEars wrote:
who wrote this?  i have a beautiful boot version by peter gabriel.  this, not so good.
joseph arthur

 RabbitEars wrote:
who wrote this?  i have a beautiful boot version by peter gabriel.  this, not so good.
Agree!  I like the Gabriel and Micheal Stipe versions better.

this song is featured in the movie "saved", with Macaulay Kulkin, Mandy Moore... its actually a pretty awesome movie. so its kind of fun to hear to be reminded of it. that said, if it weren't for the movie, my feelings would be lukewarm....
 treehugger wrote:

May Dog's love be with you. 

Awwwww. That's lovely - both the dog and the feeling the photo gives me.

May Dog's love be with you.