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Kate Bush — Cloudbusting
Album: Hounds Of Love
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Total ratings: 4301

Released: 1985
Length: 5:03
Plays (last 30 days): 0
I still dream of Orgonon
I wake up crying
You're making rain
And you're just in reach
When you and sleep escape me
You're like my yo-yo
That glowed in the dark
What made it special
Made it dangerous
So I bury it
And forget

But every time it rains
You're here in my head
Like the sun coming out
Ooh, I just know that something good is gonna happen.
And I don't know when
But just saying it could even make it happen

On top of the world
Looking over the edge
You could see them coming
You looked too small
In their big black car
To be a threat to the men in power.
I hid my yo-yo
In the garden.
I can't hide you
From the government
Oh, God, Daddy
I won't forget

'Cause every time it rains
You're here in my head
Like the sun coming out
Ooh, I just know that something good is gonna to happen.
And I don't know when
But just saying it could even make it happen

And every time it rains
You're here in my head
Like the sun coming out
Like your son's coming out
Ooh, I just know that something good is going to happen
And I don't know when
But just saying it could even make it happen
Ooh, just saying it could even make it happen

We've been cloudbusting daddy

The sun's coming out
Your son's coming out
Comments (507)add comment
Why no love for "The Dreaming" on RP?
 siqbal wrote:

You're not wrong at all: 

"Taking inspiration from the 1973 Peter Reich memoir A Book of Dreams, which Bush read and found deeply moving,[ the song is about the very close relationship between psychiatrist and philosopher Wilhelm Reich and his young son, Peter, told from the point of view of the mature Peter. It describes the boy's memories of his life with Reich on their family farm, called Organon, where the two spent time "cloudbusting", a rain-making process which involved using a machine designed and built by Reich – a machine called a cloudbuster – to point at the sky. The lyrics further describes the elder Reich's abrupt arrest and imprisonment, the pain of loss the young Peter felt, and his helplessness at being unable to protect his father. In a retrospective review of the single, journalist Amy Hanson wrote: "Safety and danger are threaded through the song, via both a thoughtful lyric and a compulsive cello-driven melody. Even more startling, but hardly surprising, is the ease with which Bush was able to capture the moment when a child first realizes that adults are fallible."

Such is the magic of Kate.

The most interesting idea captured in a song since Queen’s “39”.
This is one of the best stretches of music. I’ve heard on Radio Paradise in a while. Great work!
 siqbal wrote:

You're not wrong at all: 

"Taking inspiration from the 1973 Peter Reich memoir A Book of Dreams, which Bush read and found deeply moving,[ the song is about the very close relationship between psychiatrist and philosopher Wilhelm Reich and his young son, Peter, told from the point of view of the mature Peter. It describes the boy's memories of his life with Reich on their family farm, called Organon, where the two spent time "cloudbusting", a rain-making process which involved using a machine designed and built by Reich – a machine called a cloudbuster – to point at the sky. The lyrics further describes the elder Reich's abrupt arrest and imprisonment, the pain of loss the young Peter felt, and his helplessness at being unable to protect his father. In a retrospective review of the single, journalist Amy Hanson wrote: "Safety and danger are threaded through the song, via both a thoughtful lyric and a compulsive cello-driven melody. Even more startling, but hardly surprising, is the ease with which Bush was able to capture the moment when a child first realizes that adults are fallible."

Such is the magic of Kate.

Your comment gave me goosebumps as I listened to the song. A very solid 10 now!
 snowcone wrote:

Is it just me or does this song simmer with an incredibly ominous unsettling undercurrent? Like its the anthem of an elated cult welcoming overwhelmingly powerful alien invaders bent on wiping us all out?

where do i sign up?

You're not wrong at all: 

"Taking inspiration from the 1973 Peter Reich memoir A Book of Dreams, which Bush read and found deeply moving,[ the song is about the very close relationship between psychiatrist and philosopher Wilhelm Reich and his young son, Peter, told from the point of view of the mature Peter. It describes the boy's memories of his life with Reich on their family farm, called Organon, where the two spent time "cloudbusting", a rain-making process which involved using a machine designed and built by Reich – a machine called a cloudbuster – to point at the sky. The lyrics further describes the elder Reich's abrupt arrest and imprisonment, the pain of loss the young Peter felt, and his helplessness at being unable to protect his father. In a retrospective review of the single, journalist Amy Hanson wrote: "Safety and danger are threaded through the song, via both a thoughtful lyric and a compulsive cello-driven melody. Even more startling, but hardly surprising, is the ease with which Bush was able to capture the moment when a child first realizes that adults are fallible."

Such is the magic of Kate.
 RodneyAjax wrote:

With respect, Kate Bush is one of the biggest, boundary-pushing female artists there is. Have you not explored her large and varied back catalogue? She is not limited to a couple of hits that you may have heard! Many artists cite her as a key influence, and she has done so much inventive stuff that really she's a genre all of her own.

It's a little like saying "I don't know why the fuss about David Bowie as I didn't think the Laughing Gnome was that good"!

Spot on! 
 Laptopdog wrote:

Here in 2023 it was announced that Kate Bush will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, which actually surprised me. I mean, she's a fine singer, she's had a few hits, but really?! Rock and Roll Hall of Fame worthy? From reading her bio, it sounds like she might've been a bigger hit in the UK. Also the recent resurgence of popularity from Running Up That Hill being played on the hugely popular Stranger Things series. But honestly, I don't get why she was chosen over so many other female pop singers of the day. I'm not saying this to be mean, just genuinely curious as to why she is being lauded like this.

With respect, Kate Bush is one of the biggest, boundary-pushing female artists there is. Have you not explored her large and varied back catalogue? She is not limited to a couple of hits that you may have heard! Many artists cite her as a key influence, and she has done so much inventive stuff that really she's a genre all of her own.

It's a little like saying "I don't know why the fuss about David Bowie as I didn't think the Laughing Gnome was that good"!
So glad that kate bush has made the RRHOF.
 justin4kick wrote:

love this
 idiot_wind wrote:

rave on john donne

rave on kate bush

huh. I guess I could hear that connection. Too bad the Van Morrison song is not on the playlist

 justin4kick wrote:

Such a great video. In a similiar vein, the video for LCD Soundsystems "Oh Baby" (with Sissy Spacek and David Strathairn) also tells a heartbreaking story
Is it just me or does this song simmer with an incredibly ominous unsettling undercurrent? Like its the anthem of an elated cult welcoming overwhelmingly powerful alien invaders bent on wiping us all out?

where do i sign up?
Kate, you are a total peach.
What an outstanding track from our delightful Kate❤️
A fine example of a perfect song - everything about it is just 10 on 10 - flawless - cheers, Kate! 🙌
Weimaraners for the WIN!
She is so talented. But I cannot bear to hear her song about the lady dying. 
rave on john donne

rave on kate bush
 Mackmoney3000 wrote:

The book this song was inspired by, here:

A Book Of Dreams

Is quite the read if you get a chance. A story of some very fascinating people

I read this a couple of years ago, purely because of this song. Very strange book, and quite sad too. 
The Hounds of Love album is always in heavy rotation in my house and car. I love Kate Bush and this my favorite album of hers. 
In yet another example of RP wit, this beautiful Kate Bush song from album released in 1985 played directly after "Glory of the 80's" by Tori Amos.  

I look for meaning of life inside the RP playlist....
how funny...Bill taunting the Bush/Amos debate crew, playing this just after Glory of  the 80's! 
The book this song was inspired by, here:

A Book Of Dreams

Is quite the read if you get a chance. A story of some very fascinating people
Made me stop what I am doing.

8 to 9.
Well done Bill - a back to back of Tori & Kate. Both incredible songwriters and musicians - and they are distinctly different.
It remains astounding to me, the manner in which you can feel the emotions in her singing.  It's not just words...like a great actor, you can empathize with the artist.  They can make you feel what they are saying.  Kate is simply sublime....
1 Kate Bush = 10 Tori Amos  

when I made this comment, this song directly followed a Tori Amos song, which I thought was pretty good but there is only one Kate Bush.
I made a particularly odd choice of a first date entertainment by seeing "The Mysteries of the Organism" at the arty movie theater in Seattle's U-district.  It's about Wilhelm Reich's ideas and it was pretty over the top for a pair of twitterpated near virgins..  We could hardly speak to each other for an hour or so, but went on to have a couple of year relationship that set the standard for the rest of my life.
this is delightful

hearing this after tori

we need more of them
 bam23 wrote:

Bumped from 9 to 10 after reading the explanation for the song. Admittedly, I do not always know the lyrics of far too many songs. However, my estimation of Kate Bush went even higher upon reading the words. 

I read Peter Reich's book; it's very strange and definitely worth a read. And throughout the whole thing I had an image in my mind of Peter's father looking exactly like Donald Sutherland.
Kate was one of the earliest artists to use the Fairlight CMI, the worlds first audio sampler. She is indeed an artist who used new technology in such a creative way. 
Bumped from 9 to 10 after reading the explanation for the song. Admittedly, I do not always know the lyrics of far too many songs. However, my estimation of Kate Bush went even higher upon reading the words. 
10 Please
There is nothing else like this. It's simply outstanding.

A 10.
Playing my favourites and the live version was followed by this.
Sheer brilliance!  Oh, if only we had more like her.
Back around when this came out I was house sitting for a friend who has exceptional taste in music and the record collection to back it up. I pulled this album out, not having heard it. Put it on and laid on the floor between the speakers. 35 years later that experience is still clear in my mind and it's renewed every time I hear something from the album.
The incredible and sad story of the genius Wilhelm Reich seen with the eyes of his son (Reich had a male son, Peter, and Kate plays his part as a young boy). Wonderful.
 vstg005 wrote:
Kate Bush >> Tori Amos
I do like Tori. She is kind of a bitchy version of Kate. Kate is a blooming flower. Tori is the thorn 
I just know that something good is going to happen.
Kate Bush >> Tori Amos
Truly love Kate.  Spiritual and true.  Lifts one above the tempest.  
 Grayson wrote:
The hells?! I thought "cloudbusting" was the product of Kate Bush's verdant imagination. Come to find out, from reading some RP comments and then clicking on 
https://www.wilhelmreichtrust.org/biography.html, it was an actual thing, wacko as it could be but warranting this notation on it all: "This destruction of literature constitutes one of the most heinous examples of censorship in United States history." Poor, driven Reich died a prisoner of the US government of heart failure. Reich may have been crazy AF, but he was trying, humanely so, to find answers and solutions to humankind's greatest problems and mysteries. And viciously excoriated for his effort. 

What a tragic tale.
His son Peter's autobigraphy, 'A Book Of Dreams', is a worthwhile read.  It's the book that inspired Kate to write the song.
The hells?! I thought "cloudbusting" was the product of Kate Bush's verdant imagination. Come to find out, from reading some RP comments and then clicking on 
https://www.wilhelmreichtrust.org/biography.html, it was an actual thing, wacko as it could be but warranting this notation on it all: "This destruction of literature constitutes one of the most heinous examples of censorship in United States history." Poor, driven Reich died a prisoner of the US government of heart failure. Reich may have been crazy AF, but he was trying, humanely so, to find answers and solutions to humankind's greatest problems and mysteries. And viciously excoriated for his effort. 

What a tragic tale.
 lizardking wrote:
 photolew wrote:
A very dear friend of mine lost his over a decade long battle with cancer a few months ago...He introduced me to many many musical artists when I was younger...one of those being Kate Bush.  Everytime I hear her voice I remember my friend John.....

Thank you RP for playing Kate

See...this right here is why I don't like to post negative shit about songs I don't like...and while I did come to post a comment about how I'm not a fan of this song (and K Bush in general) I have this rated a 2 because I almost find myself looking forward to when it comes on (or the live version) because it's one of my quickest 'skip it now' songs. 

And the first few comments I peaked at were similar to my views, giving me strength to smack the track a bit more.  And then I see your comment, and all I can think to say is:  RIP John!! And just for that I'll go 2 → 3

See....this Bush is growing on me already


And a continued appreciation to RP for opening ears, if sometimes slowly, to music/musicians not in my wheelhouse and expanding what I consider "good" music to listen to - as always:  LONG LIVE RP!!

Although, if you do come on and bash Bush, it doesn't really matter to me. It's still a 10 in my book.
Just saying it could even make it happen.
 chyk5 wrote:

On the Orgone Accumulator

Over the years the FDA interviewed physicians, Reich's students and his patients, asking about the Orgone accumulators. A professor at the University of Oregon who bought an accumulator told an FDA inspector that he knew the device was phony, but found it helpful because his wife sat quietly in it for four hours every day

 LOL. Once again science helps us cope!

She is a musical genius.
A special request - could we please hear "This woman's work" 
One of our greatest living artists. Wish I could have been in London for her series of sold out shows a couple of years ago.
 Katherine_Feiel wrote:
Katherine, imagine to have cup of tea with Kate, at her countryside house garden ! how cool that would be !
Came in to see if Bill had added a button to vote occasional songs an 11. 

Sadly not. 

Because this deserves it.
 Creat wrote:

I like to have have radio paradise open on my second monitor while working. having this nonsense flashed at me is just obnoxious. guess I'll use some other radio instead.
I thought I was the only one with both that configuration and that reaction to the animated GIFs  (though I'm not going anywhere).
 Creat wrote:

I like to have have radio paradise open on my second monitor while working. having this nonsense flashed at me is just obnoxious. guess I'll use some other radio instead.
use slideshow then
and this nonsense is from masterpiece video of this song 
Wilhelm Reich as subject matter? Leave it to Kate!
Great song that has been sampled for so many dance records Kate must be making a fortune off the royalties from this.
 justin4kick wrote:

I like to have have radio paradise open on my second monitor while working. having this nonsense flashed at me is just obnoxious. guess I'll use some other radio instead.
One of the very best videos of all time!

One of my favorite albums. I love cranking it up.
The first time I had really listened to her was after catching her on SNL in the 1970's. From that point on I wanted to marry her, hell, I still do!
I've rated this a 10, and it's probably my least favorite song on this brilliant album. I love that she wrote a song about Reich! She gets points just for that alone. 
A unique voice and a lot of talent, what else do we listen for.
Kate's best album (by far, IMO).
She was a true original and no other female artist was making music like this in 1985.
Side 2 was as impressive a piece of prog as any of the boys were turning out.
She is a master of art rock.
 Steely_D wrote:

I recommend The Dreaming. I picked it up after reading an accurate review: "...the art of Art Rock..."
I remember that album was tough for some to warm up to, but i completely agree. It's a stunning record. 
 Katherine_Feiel wrote:
This music fills my heart with joy ohh how i would kill to meet good ol kate 

So ... it fills your heart with a killing joy?  I wonder if that's what Kate imagined this song would do.  {#Wink}
 Wilfrue wrote:
I have yet to hear a Kate Bush song I like. This is one of those. Hello PSD!

I recommend The Dreaming. I picked it up after reading an accurate review: "...the art of Art Rock..."
This is giving me a headache. When will it end?
 photolew wrote:
A very dear friend of mine lost his over a decade long battle with cancer a few months ago...He introduced me to many many musical artists when I was younger...one of those being Kate Bush.  Everytime I hear her voice I remember my friend John.....

Thank you RP for playing Kate

See...this right here is why I don't like to post negative shit about songs I don't like...and while I did come to post a comment about how I'm not a fan of this song (and K Bush in general) I have this rated a 2 because I almost find myself looking forward to when it comes on (or the live version) because it's one of my quickest 'skip it now' songs. 

And the first few comments I peeked at were similar to my views, giving me strength to smack the track a bit more.  And then I see your comment, and all I can think to say is:  RIP John!! And just for that I'll go 2 → 3

See....this Bush is growing on me already {#Hug}  

And a continued appreciation to RP for opening ears, if sometimes slowly, to music/musicians not in my wheelhouse and expanding what I consider "good" music to listen to - as always:  LONG LIVE RP!!

This music fills my heart with joy ohh how i would kill to meet good ol kate 
I will double my annual contribution if you halve the amount of Kate Bush you play. I can't help it. I hate it all so viscerally. And you play it so, so much. Maybe only U2 gets more play.
And about U2... 
 CompassRose wrote:
Can not share the love here just gotta skip each and every time RP plays it.

and it SEEMS like its playing all the time.....
Can not share the love here just gotta skip each and every time RP plays it.
She has absolutely shaped my taste of music! Thank you verry much Kate!
Kate Bush's Cloudbusting + Katie Perry's California GirlsNeil Cicierega's - Orgonon Gurlz

This works better than it has any right to.
It took me a few months but I believe I finally 'get' Kate Bush.  Otherwise, it is easy to understand why she is a musician's musician.
Can we add 11 to the rate scale? For this song at least?
Read this and then the lyrics will start to make sense...

 Ahnyer_Keester wrote:

I dunno. I can take Kate in small doses regularly spaced apart. There is something appealing about her music. Just not a lot of it. I guess that's the definition of "pop" right? Toe tapping.

the ONLY dose I can take is her part in Peter Gabriel's "Don't give up"..... the rest...

 no thanks 
A very dear friend of mine lost his over a decade long battle with cancer a few months ago...He introduced me to many many musical artists when I was younger...one of those being Kate Bush.  Everytime I hear her voice I remember my friend John.....

Thank you RP for playing Kate
I love the fact that her older work is getting a welcome resurgence due to her amazing recent live album. She is such a treasure!
Like the sun comin' out
 Wilfrue wrote:
I have yet to hear a Kate Bush song I like. This is one of those. Hello PSD!

  Have you checked out The Kick Inside by Kate - no sane human can dislike that album.

This song is such ear porn!!

BIG 10
 SquiddlyDiddly wrote:

If you have never heard of Wilhelm Reich it is well worth taking the time to research.  

This song is about him and refers that the American Government shut down his research into Orgone Energy and dictated all his research was destroyed to stop the public knowing about it. 

They then imprisoned him for no good reason and he died while incarcerated. 

chyk5 wrote:
On the Orgone Accumulator

Over the years the FDA interviewed physicians, Reich's students and his patients, asking about the Orgone accumulators. A professor at the University of Oregon who bought an accumulator told an FDA inspector that he knew the device was phony, but found it helpful because his wife sat quietly in it for four hours every day

Ha ha. A classic case of how the scientific community buries research or information. Like Teslar and others, if the facts oppose the current paradigm then it is ridiculed and often banned to stop anyone looking at it. 

Don't read the FDA reports, they have every reason to want to bury the research. Read about the actual results obtained from those who carried it out and then draw your conclusions.


Something good is gonna happen! Kate will be releasing a live album in November, of her 2014 Before the Dawn shows.

Image result for before the dawn album image

my favourite Kate Bush Album.  
History repeats, The Secret Life of Water of dr. Emoto.
The long arms of growment has some phantom limbs now
   and in some places they filling their own coup
 ckcotton wrote:
God AWEFUL is every way
I dunno. I can take Kate in small doses regularly spaced apart. There is something appealing about her music. Just not a lot of it. I guess that's the definition of "pop" right? Toe tapping.
 eroz wrote:

When Kate performed this in her live show a couple of years ago, she was visibly moved when the audience sang along with 'yea yea yea yo.' I was moved as well, being lucky enough to be in the audience.

I saw her as well, and had the same feeling. Every time I hear this it brings me right back to that night. Awesome feeling!
 SquiddlyDiddly wrote:

If you have never heard of Wilhelm Reich it is well worth taking the time to research.  

This song is about him and refers that the American Government shut down his research into Orgone Energy and dictated all his research was destroyed to stop the public knowing about it. 

They then imprisoned him for no good reason and he died while incarcerated. 

On the Orgone Accumulator

Over the years the FDA interviewed physicians, Reich's students and his patients, asking about the Orgone accumulators. A professor at the University of Oregon who bought an accumulator told an FDA inspector that he knew the device was phony, but found it helpful because his wife sat quietly in it for four hours every day


If you have never heard of Wilhelm Reich it is well worth taking the time to research.  

This song is about him and refers that the American Government shut down his research into Orgone Energy and dictated all his research was destroyed to stop the public knowing about it. 

They then imprisoned him for no good reason and he died while incarcerated. 
 ckcotton wrote:
God AWEFUL is every way

Or, brilliant in so many ways.
Not my "flavor" of music typically, but you'd have to be daft not to appreciate Kate Bush's creativity, voice and obvious influence on a sea of performers that came after her.
God AWEFUL is every way

When Kate performed this in her live show a couple of years ago, she was visibly moved when the audience sang along with 'yea yea yea yo.' I was moved as well, being lucky enough to be in the audience.

 amb599 wrote:
A brilliant song I am almost never ever NOT in the mood for.  Next.

Geez that was a long time ago! Still good!{#Clap}
 amb599 wrote:
A brilliant song I am almost never ever in the mood for.  Next.

I gotta remember to use that line,...but I like this song
Wow, Elbow, Beethoven, and then Kate Bush.  What a fantastic combination of music and that's why I subscribe to Radio Paradise!!  Worth the money and worth the time for this unique range of quality music - well done and always a surprise.
Still my (late middle aged) Munchkin.
A brilliant song I am almost never ever in the mood for.  Next.
 Wilfrue wrote:
I have yet to hear a Kate Bush song I like. This is one of those. Hello PSD!

Hello Mr Minority.
This is a link to a brilliant BBC documentary first shown  in 2014 and repeated the other night  (it is still in the BBC iplayer for those with access).  WOT an incredible talent! {#Notworthy}

 Grammarcop wrote:
There's something incredibly compelling about this song. 


There is something incredibly compelling about Kate.
There's something incredibly compelling about this song. 
 aspicer wrote:
Recently learned that David Gilmour is the one who funded her early demo tape and opened the doors to get it heard by record companies when she was 15 yo!!!  So we have David to thank for revealing her greatness for us all to enjoy...  {#Cheers}

The truth is hat Gilmour was searching new young talent to simply help someone beginning. Gilmour was a friend of the Bush family since a while. It's Kate's brother who let him hear his sister and Gilmour invited her to record some demos in a studio. When the techs heared her they  thought : or she's going to crash very soon or she'll be famous. Guess what happened ?
 Gilbie1972 wrote:
Lazurus, your comments are sometimes predictabe but never fail to make me laugh. Thankyou. 
Excellent song, child hood memories o9  from me.
Everybody in my galactic presidential campaigns loves this song...  we love sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll...  hope life is grand for you right now, Gilbie1972...
Recently learned that David Gilmour is the one who funded her early demo tape and opened the doors to get it heard by record companies when she was 15 yo!!!  So we have David to thank for revealing her greatness for us all to enjoy...  {#Cheers}
I have yet to hear a Kate Bush song I like. This is one of those. Hello PSD!
      Kiss goodbye Las Vegas drive thru weddings
  My Shrink Jack Donaghy  & Aunt Phatso control freak
         Enter The Fast Lane. how pleasant !
          A note is pinned on  Phatso's bib 
         Come and see me tonight Mr.Spark.
God how I hate this woman's voice
Good mid 80's tune
Glorious music.