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Robyn Hitchcock — Television
Album: Spooked
Avg rating:

Your rating:
Total ratings: 192

Released: 2004
Length: 6:18
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (77)add comment
 pkimbrel wrote:
fretman wrote: That bears the question, then... if the comments and ratings don't effect the playlist, then why have them? I think the ratings go beyond just determining a playlist. You have to expect that when you let people say anything they want, a few are going to say, "I don't like this." And when they don't like it, they'll say so. Especially on the Internet. Get used to it... That said, even though I don't like the song, it's not because it's "different" or "eclectic." That's as much a generalization as saying something not good because it's "mainstream." I just don't like it. Different or not. Such as it is with a subjective rating. Eclectic != Good. Eclectic != Bad. Eclectic == Different (Yea - I'm C++ programmer). I've learned several bands I would have never have heard had I not been listening to RP. That's why it's on my computer 24/7... That's why I drop a few bucks to 'em when I can. But that doesn't change my opinion of the songs I don't like. And don't get your britches in a bind because you like a song and other don't. If we're not supposed to criticize the songs we don't like, then Bill should just shut the comments and ratings off. Period.

Your ratings determine what you have on your "My Mix" playlist- listen to only your 9's and 10's if you want. Curating your own station from your favorites. 
Negative comments are just self indulgent, lonely people who want everyone to know how they feel, and the pains they're undergoing listening to music they could skip if they used the >I button. 
But then who would know their anguish? 
Sweet. Endless. A bit WTF?
 fretman wrote:
Keep playing this tune. It isn't that much out of synch, musically with what you have going 80-90% of the time.
Okay, its not exactly the most up-beat tune, and there is a hint of silliness with the ping-pong game going on there, and yeah, its a "deep track" from a non-really-huge star, but its well-crafted, well done tune.
But then again, apparently the ratings have little effect on what gets in rotation, as a 3.8 shouldn't even be played, but then again, my guess is this is eclectic, intelligent radio, and as such, somebody's gonna get their noses tweaked (or have to resort to such dastardly techniques as muting the station) when something new, different, odd, controversial, or off the beaten track comes on the playlist.
Personally, this is how I've expanded my musical tastes: I don't ever turn you guys off. Just let 'er rip, damn the torpedoes. If there is something that just affronts my ear, I figure worst case, it will last 2 or three minutes, and guess what? Somebody cool will come on and I will enjoy that. Like some kid playing While my Ukulele Gently Weeps. Corporate music can take a leap, as far as I'm concerned. The complainers can always revert to the safety of what they're comfortable with. The "hate" comments just get awfully tedious, I don't see how you can read them all. Except for PhysicsGenius- he rocks.

"You're the devil's fishbowl".  Wow.
Have to confess, the amount of "sucko-barfo" ratings made me laugh. I've never seen one that high before. {#Eek}
Is this the lowest rated song on RP? 3.8 is pretty unkind.
fretman wrote:
But then again, apparently the ratings have little effect on what gets in rotation, as a 3.8 shouldn't even be played, but then again, my guess is this is eclectic, intelligent radio, and as such, somebody's gonna get their noses tweaked (or have to resort to such dastardly techniques as muting the station) when something new, different, odd, controversial, or off the beaten track comes on the playlist.
That bears the question, then... if the comments and ratings don't effect the playlist, then why have them? I think the ratings go beyond just determining a playlist. You have to expect that when you let people say anything they want, a few are going to say, "I don't like this." And when they don't like it, they'll say so. Especially on the Internet. Get used to it... That said, even though I don't like the song, it's not because it's "different" or "eclectic." That's as much a generalization as saying something not good because it's "mainstream." I just don't like it. Different or not. Such as it is with a subjective rating. Eclectic != Good. Eclectic != Bad. Eclectic == Different (Yea - I'm C++ programmer). I've learned several bands I would have never have heard had I not been listening to RP. That's why it's on my computer 24/7... That's why I drop a few bucks to 'em when I can. But that doesn't change my opinion of the songs I don't like. And don't get your britches in a bind because you like a song and other don't. If we're not supposed to criticize the songs we don't like, then Bill should just shut the comments and ratings off. Period.
Bill, Keep playing this tune. It isn't that much out of synch, musically with what you have going 80-90% of the time. Okay, its not exactly the most up-beat tune, and there is a hint of silliness with the ping-pong game going on there, and yeah, its a "deep track" from a non-really-huge star, but its well-crafted, well done tune. But then again, apparently the ratings have little effect on what gets in rotation, as a 3.8 shouldn't even be played, but then again, my guess is this is eclectic, intelligent radio, and as such, somebody's gonna get their noses tweaked (or have to resort to such dastardly techniques as muting the station) when something new, different, odd, controversial, or off the beaten track comes on the playlist. Personally, this is how I've expanded my musical tastes: I don't ever turn you guys off. Just let 'er rip, damn the torpedoes. If there is something that just affronts my ear, I figure worst case, it will last 2 or three minutes, and guess what? Somebody cool will come on and I will enjoy that. Like some kid playing While my Ukulele Gently Weeps. Corporate music can take a leap, as far as I'm concerned. The complainers can always revert to the safety of what they're comfortable with. The "hate" comments just get awfully tedious, I don't see how you can read them all. Except for PhysicsGenius- he rocks.
I suppose if playing and singing out of tune makes it eclectic... then I need to change my definition of eclectic. I've heard better stuff at the local coffee shop...
Jesus Christ people. Just put the 5 "classic rock" CDs in your collection on shuffle play and crank it up. Why in God's name are you listening to "eclectic online rock radio" anyway? Don't you have an approved clearchannel classic rock station in your area you could be listening to?
What this song needs is some intermittant flatulence to really put it over the top and distract people from the bing a bongs.
Roverfish wrote:
Though I strain to understand why. It's not THAT bad...
Something to with "Bing-a-Bong-a-Bing...Bong", I'd wager...
Please stop playing this song!!!!!
me likes it. a lot
Dietrich wrote:
Saddened to say, looks like the majority can not deal with something different.... Interesting and thought provocing at the very least.
Again, "different" does not necessarily equal "quality," or "good," or "accomplished" or even "interesting."
Saddened to say, looks like the majority can not deal with something different.... Interesting and thought provocing at the very least.
Bill, please take Roverfish's suggestions and get rid of this ridiculous song!
Bill, I think you need to add a list for lowest rated songs with over 100 votes. This one has to be near the bottom. Though I strain to understand why. It's not THAT bad...
Most of what I've heard from this album is pretty wretched, but this is...listenable. Seems like it belongs on some soundtrack.
Wow... very low rating on this one. This really isn't a spectacular song, but Robyn Hitchcock & The Egyptians were pretty damn good back in the day. Bummer.
I keep waiting for Michael Palin to jump in and break into something from the Holy Grail. As in "We are now the knights who say "bing bong bing bong bing!" Yech.
I do believe that Frank would have approved of this, and so do I
This guy is kidding, right? Bing a Bong a Bing Bong Bing Bong? Nuts.
The whole bing bong routine ruins the song for me. Otherwise, it's somewhat of an enjoyable song, but the binging and bonging bothers me so much that I can't give this song anythin ghigh than a 3.
Saw him in Austin many, many years ago and all I can remember about that night is that the opening band put him to shame.... ummm can't remember their name either.... hmmmm
Its not fantastic, but I think this song is pretty interesting. Just thought there ought to be one semi-positive comment for this song.
Well, this is the first time I have given a low rating, at least this low. What more can I say? I want to turn the channel on this "artist".
Golly. I hate to be negative, but the bingy bongy bits are just about as annoying as that "oing"s in Elvis Costello's "When I Was Cruel #2": (click here)
Social commentary? Tongue in cheek? More like head up his own arse. This guy takes himself far too seriously, even his comedy is pretentious and unbareable.
I have been thinking about this song since I heard the opening cords playing through the RP stream. But a few songs have had a similar effect on me. I thought the lyrics provided an interesting social commentary on how TV seems to occupy a large part of the "typical" person's life. I thought the soft tones were stunningly beautiful. Seriously. Again, I heard this song but once, and I thank Bill and Rebecca for introducing me to a piece of music I otherwise would never have heard. Perhaps what surprises me most is the large number of negative listener comments posted about the song, and the very low user rating. Are my musical tastes so ecclectic to be outside any "norm", or are the vast majority of RP listeners so longing for the mainstream garbage broadcast by ClearChannelCommunications? A rhetorical question of course, but I am mystified why this song has a rating below 7.0.
psycholynx wrote:
Come on everyone sing along: Sing a song with Bing Bong, Bing Bong. Play a Game of Ping Pong, Ping Pong. Smoke weed in a Green Bong, Green Bong. The Bing and Bongs are Too Long, Too Long.
Hey I know you're just a few miles away (pretty much literally since I'm in the South Bay), but how did you know what we were singing and doing?! Amazing... is it psychiclynx? :) Guess it's a majority vote. This song is mellow and all --but way too much so, and way too long. Even if one is completely Iried-out. <-(
I walk into my office and sucky song is on. I walk out of my office, do dishes, walk back in and sucky song is STILL on. Mommy make it stop.
Ichthyologist wrote:
What is this crap??
its just that..... crap.
mmmmm... Ding-Dongs
What is this crap?? :grumpy.gif:
crowhog2000 wrote:
you have to listen to Robyn for a while to get him. This ain't his best, but not bad either. People didn't get Nick Drake while he was alive either.
I must have an unusual taste in music, because I really like this song. I was suprised to see how many people posted negative comments. I love the soft tones of the song.
So this is...uh...what? I...um...hm. MT
This belongs on Mister Rodgers....oh yeah, he's dead. Bury this song with him!
psycholynx wrote:
Come on everyone sing along: Sing a song with Bing Bong, Bing Bong. Play a Game of Ping Pong, Ping Pong. Smoke weed in a Green Bong, Green Bong. The Bing and Bongs are Too Long, Too Long.
Come on and join in, EVERYONE SING in front of your computer. You know the words.
I'll take some of whatever they're on. Binga bonga bing bong... yeah, baby. (pimp)
That's "binga bonga bing bong, bing bong." And yes, this song does really suck--that stupid intro more than outweighing whatever comes after, which, so far, doesn't incline me to change my mind.
bing bong bingo bongo... man, this song really sucks!
stickittotheman wrote:
this has grown on me. in a good way
How? This has to be one of the worst song played on RP!
Oof. I get the message, but the delivery leaves something to be desired. In the interest of keeping an open mind I was willing to overlook the bing-bongs, but it still fell apart. :P I don't have many low ratings, but this one ended up down there...
I love alternative music of all kinds. But what the hell is this?
Come on everyone sing along: Sing a song with Bing Bong, Bing Bong. Play a Game of Ping Pong, Ping Pong. Smoke weed in a Green Bong, Green Bong. The Bing and Bongs are Too Long, Too Long.
this has grown on me. in a good way
:nodhead: It's taken several hearings, but I finally enjoy this song. The bing-a-bongs stay in my head for a few hours and that's ok. They stir up the goo that the telly leaves behind.
Enough already! This sux real bad. - especially the pinga a pong stuff.
:verysorry: Whyyyyyy?
6 for the song, minus 4 for the bing-bongs.
coding_to_music wrote:
Can this go into the Forum for "Childrens Songs that DO Suck" I get the lyrics and TV is omnipresent etc, great sentiments, but the bing-bong etc gets on my nerves !
Good one!!!
Can this go into the Forum for "Childrens Songs that DO Suck" I get the lyrics and TV is omnipresent etc, great sentiments, but the bing-bong etc gets on my nerves !
Didn't this terrible song just get played the other day? It's got the lowest rating I've ever seen but yet it is insessantly played!!! WHY??!!
imabubblygirl wrote:
This has not improved since the last time it was played..... somewhat recently. I lowered it from a 2 to a 1. If this song's overall rating is 3.4, why the hell do they keep playing it?! It's obvious that it annoys the hell out of a lot of people.
maybe someone needs to "bing bong" Bill.....
not the best, but i didn't think it deserved a 3.2. oh well, let majority rule!
I usually don't write about the music, but this piece of $%^& was played on the local college radio station add nausea and now I do not want to hear it on my beloved RP.
This has not improved since the last time it was played..... somewhat recently. I lowered it from a 2 to a 1. If this song's overall rating is 3.4, why the hell do they keep playing it?! It's obvious that it annoys the hell out of a lot of people.
ouch, I've never seen 27 ratings average out to a 3.2
Somebody needs to do a Belushi on that guitar. Wow that's bad.
tg3k wrote:
Perhaps in another universe some other great songs make use of the phrase "binga-bonga bing! bong!", but in the case of this one, I'm thinkin' no. :headshake:
Actually it's a very deep social commentary on the time wasted in front of the television (hence the song title) playing video games when it could be spent bonding with your children. The lyrics are "Think about the bing bong.", as in that could have been time you could have used to shape the values of the next generation but instead you just sat there playing Pong. Or it's just crap.
Huh. I don't think it's that bad. Yeah, Robyn's weird. That much hasn't changed.
shoot me now
lovebuzz wrote:
tg3k wrote:
Perhaps in another universe some other great songs make use of the phrase "binga-bonga bing! bong!", but in the case of this one, I'm thinkin' no. :headshake:
hey, i had a thought - i think dora the explorer. that's where it came from, the "true princess" segment. yup, that's it.
i thought it was cute.
Hmm, it made me smile. But maybe that's just me. ;)
...comic relief...had to be...
this is Robyn Hitchcock?
Perhaps in another universe some other great songs make use of the phrase "binga-bonga bing! bong!", but in the case of this one, I'm thinkin' no. :headshake:
imabubblygirl wrote:
OK, so that sucked.... what is up with the "bing bong"?
Yeah, that killed it for me. Otherwise, not too terrible.
OK, so that sucked.... what is up with the "bing bong"?
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat TF?