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Minnie Driver — Wire
Album: Everything I've Got in My Pocket
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Released: 0
Length: 4:58
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Living on a wire, the sight of you could save my skin
And the sun is in my eyes, and the breeze lifts the hair from my neck
So precariously I am inching my way across my life
I could fall if you don't call
a sick safety net appears when I'm with you

Oh, I climb, so high waiting to fall
And then I cry, like a child, on a neverending ride

How does it go down, when you're the biggest kid in your own playground
And how do you see me, how do I fit in your hierarchy?
Oh you tell the girls line up in single file, just gotta rearrange my denial
So I can play with you, and now I see, all the shit that isn't me

I'm too relieved to be mad, relieved and sad

I misplaced my mind, thought it was lost
But now I find, you were just very, very unkind

You know I always found, that my feet were dangling looking for solid ground
Is it maybe worth closing down the Ivory Tower
And coming back down to earth?

(Chorus out)
Comments (154)add comment
Ignore the actress stuff - most vanity projects are woeful.  This one works - have had this CD since 2004 and this is a great track on it -  I love the Eno'esque ambient twiddles that swirl and weave through it.

Needs a decent sound system to do it full justice.  It's a grower.

I couldn't give a toss what her mandibles look like. 

 palphd wrote:
notice how the cover art strategically washes out her extraordinarily square jawline?...

she's a star on this website:



Jawline fetish? Well, you learn something new every day I suppose.

 Drummer4soul wrote:
Unfortunately, when you think of an actor singing you think of Jennifer Lopez or someone equally as mediocre...but this girl can sing!  A true artist.
Ah fuck it, I just can't be bothered.

Wow, first time I've heard this - I like! Reminiscent of Dido, as others have mentioned. Good for her! Minnie is a good actress, AND a good singer - unlike many others in Hollywood who stink at both, but stay in the spotlight where ignoramuses keep consuming their crappy output. Minnie is unconventional and has class (unlike many of the haters who've commented here).
 Drummer4soul wrote:
Unfortunately, when you think of an actor singing you think of Jennifer Lopez or someone equally as mediocre...but this girl can sing!  A true artist.
song's cool too I think

Unfortunately, when you think of an actor singing you think of Jennifer Lopez or someone equally as mediocre...but this girl can sing!  A true artist.
Every time I hear her now...i think of that bit they did on "Family Guy "where they are doing a film shoot with Minnie...and the camera man has to keep backing up to get her enormous head into the frame.  Totally unfair...but really funny!
 jkamm14 wrote:

Wasn't it Winona Ryder who was shoplifting?

Minnie was the get away driver.

 drews wrote:
MD? Didn't she get done for shop lifting a few years back? Did she jump down into the crowd at all? And did you check your wallet was still there afterwards? And I see the album's called "Everything I've Got in My Pocket"...how appropriate


This tune is just plain hot ...


jkamm14 wrote:

Wasn't it Winona Ryder who was shoplifting?


Yawn, didn't measure up so well compared to Dido
Who knew!
Not the strongest track on here, but still a good song.
 drews wrote:
MD? Didn't she get done for shop lifting a few years back? Did she jump down into the crowd at all? And did you check your wallet was still there afterwards? And I see the album's called "Everything I've Got in My Pocket"...how appropriate

Wasn't it Winona Ryder who was shoplifting?

superflyLD wrote:
Minnie Driver is great in concert. See her if you ever have a chance. Beautiful voice. Great song writing. ...and a great actress too! Her most recent album (Seastories) is even better than this one. DEFINITLY check out the song 'Beloved'. Amazingly beautiful
MD? Didn't she get done for shop lifting a few years back? Did she jump down into the crowd at all? And did you check your wallet was still there afterwards? And I see the album's called "Everything I've Got in My Pocket"...how appropriate

 palphd wrote:
notice how the cover art strategically washes out her extraordinarily square jawline?...

she's a star on this website:



get a life!!!
I'd love to driver, McIvor.
notice how the cover art strategically washes out her extraordinarily square jawline?...

she's a star on this website:


Don't get me started with Vacation quotes... OK I can't help myself:

Clark: Real tomato ketchup, Eddie?
Cousin Eddie: Oh, nothing but the best.
 jiml521 wrote:
OMG ... I've heard better singing coming out of cats in heat.  She cannot be seriously considering this as another career.

Come on. It is boring but it isn't that bad!!

Wow, she can sing too!
OMG ... I've heard better singing coming out of cats in heat.  She cannot be seriously considering this as another career.
They couldn't fit her whole head on the album cover.
MojoJojo wrote:
Cousin Eddie: I haven't seen a beatin' like that since somebody stuck a banana in my pants and turned a monkey loose. Clark Griswold: Thanks for the pick me up Eddie.
My favourite :- Cousin Eddie: You surprised to see us, Clark? Clark: Oh, Eddie... If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn't be more surprised than I am now.
bokey wrote:
I forgot about this and looked again to see who it was.She is good.Again I'm surprised. Now I know why she broke off her engagement with Streisands step son.I wouldn't want that hanging around my neck every time I went on stage. "Sing that sawng about New Yawk that Babs sings"
MojoJojo wrote:
Cousin Eddie: I haven't seen a beatin' like that since somebody stuck a banana in my pants and turned a monkey loose. Clark Griswold: Thanks for the pick me up Eddie.
7 8
On_The_Beach wrote:
What's next: Milla Jovovich?!
Minnie Driver is great in concert. See her if you ever have a chance. Beautiful voice. Great song writing. ...and a great actress too! Her most recent album (Seastories) is even better than this one. DEFINITLY check out the song 'Beloved'. Amazingly beautiful
Jimi_the_Saint wrote:
Are you serious, Clark?
Cousin Eddie: I haven't seen a beatin' like that since somebody stuck a banana in my pants and turned a monkey loose. Clark Griswold: Thanks for the pick me up Eddie.
Anyone know where to find this song? limewire and Itunes dont have it. Free is better....
Are you serious, Clark?
mefrombrazil wrote:
i am mickey passenger
i am mickey passenger
beautiful, smart, talented, and interesting . . . right, helene? shockedmonkey wrote:
She is sooo beautiful!! One of my favourite actresses!
Surprisingly enjoyable. Much better than Russle Crow or Bruce Willis's musical mis-steps.....
ambliance wrote:
She could put even Norah Jones to sleep.
(reminds me of Aimee Mann a little bit)
She could put even Norah Jones to sleep.
WOW! I just logged into RP to see who was singing this. I'm completely shocked that this is Minnie Driver. Just gained a whole new level of respect for her. More please!
jenakle wrote:
YES! BIll, PLEASE upload these/her stuff! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puscifer
I have her CD, it's good. BUT Bill already has a couple of tracks off it, only one of which was ever played, and it's been a while.
healyf52 wrote:
This song needs a little more cow-bell.
haha, yes, everything's better with more cowbell good song, I'm surprised she's branched out into song when I recall her presence in the more recent 'Phantom of the Opera' movie, she said in sidelines that she was embarassed/scared to sing in front of people. I guess she got over it! :)
shockedmonkey wrote:
She is sooo beautiful!! One of my favourite actresses!
She is sooo beautiful!! One of my favourite actresses!
On_The_Beach wrote:
What's next: Milla Jovovich?!
YES! BIll, PLEASE upload these/her stuff! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puscifer
Raechel wrote:
Minnie Driver sings ?!? who knew... :)
What's next: Milla Jovovich?!
supremo wrote:
I'll second it!
me three
kcar wrote:
Any chance of other Minnie songs, Bill? I like this and now you've got me wondering what else she's done...
I'll second it!
Any chance of other Minnie songs, Bill? I like this and now you've got me wondering what else she's done...
Minnie cools and soothes on a hot summer's day
shakitten wrote:
Hmmm...pretty voice, but odd little song...
...But odd little songs are why I tune in.
musical xanax. not necessarily a bad thing, but could become habit forming... upping my rating to a 4.
Minnie Driver sings ?!? who knew... :)
Hmmm...pretty voice, but odd little song...
A little lovely Minnnie Driver
Made it to my "Best of RP" mix. Came in handy last Tuesday during the blackout!
This song needs a little more cow-bell.
sorry I missed this. I know she was a singer before ever being an actress so I'd been curious.
Lotus_Miata wrote:
Would her middle name happen to be... Cooper?
Ah, you've done this before!
the organs sounds great in this.
Who knew?
very nice indeed!! not that surprising, as i have always thought of her as a very talented performer. thanks again RP for exposing us to her beautiful singing voice.
starfishNcoffee wrote:
Is it me or does she sound like Dido?
Yes, I checked to see if it was Dido. Pleasant surprise.
THANK YOU for playing Minnie she has a beautiful voice
Is it me or does she sound like Dido?
Argh, no more puns, please!!!
Scary that I find myself actually liking this.
Lotus_Miata wrote:
Would her middle name happen to be... Cooper?
Would her middle name happen to be... Cooper?
I love the tune. Does Bill think she has anything else to offer? If so I am missing it.
Hey, Minnie--wire you making good music? There's gotta be a good producer and/or songwriter involved . . . gotta go check the co-conspirators involved. This is totally unfair.
SHOCKER! no idea it was Minnie until I saw the artist. Not too bad at all. Good looking and can sing to boot, nice!!
I like her voice, but the music itself is somewhat lacking. Sounds a bit mechanical.
I'm still amazed that this doesn't suck.
gotta be some other tunes on the album - somebody wanna upload 'em?
Wow.. she sounds even better than she acts! Beautiful woman, beautiful voice.
brighthue wrote:
That would be cruel and unusual.
I see physicsgenius has left our community. I have to admit I miss his ridiculous comments.
amandamustdance wrote:
Woah!~ I didn't know she had an album. I guess it goes better when actors/actresses do albums, rather than some musicians trying to act. Sometimes...
It's been long enough since hearing this that I couldn't remember who it was. I liked it enough to check and see who it was. It's funny, but thinking that I liked it and not remembering it was her let me be a bit more objective. The first time I heard it I was more critical of it, since it was Minnie. It's not that I dislike her acting, on the contrary, I do like the work she has done. Just funny how the mind works. At least mine.
Smoothe well produced
krg123 wrote:
you regularly make offensive comments. beter watch it or people will start to lump you in a group with physicsgenius....
That would be cruel and unusual.
I've heard waaay too much great music here. I'm just thankful I live somewhere the urban and all the suburban public libraries share resources. I can look up the good stuff and have it shipped to my nearest library for free. Yay!
smilestoomuch wrote:
I like it! I should put it on my list...my very LONG list of CDs I want.
Yeah, I have one of those too - mostly the result of too much RP!
Shesdifferent wrote:
The Minnie Driver?
Not to be confused with The Minne-Ha-Ha ...
I actually wouldn't mind seeing her sing "Stand By Your Man" in her current incarnation, not as Irina. I saw her in a coffee shop in Soho a while back; she can drive me wherever she wants.
ThePoose wrote:
I'd like to driver.
you regularly make offensive comments. beter watch it or people will start to lump you in a group with physicsgenius....
Pleasant enough. Her turn as Irina, the Russian soloist in this movie is more entertaining, though.
ThePoose wrote:
I'd like to driver.
Driver? Out of all the chicks out there,wire?(why her?)
She sounds like any other decent female vocalist. Smooth and pleasant, but I'm not getting any real feeling.
I'd like to driver.
I like it! I should put it on my list...my very LONG list of CDs I want.
bokey wrote:
Not me .I thought it was one of the other ones.
meh...surprised didnt know she could sing too good song
she was a singer before she broke into acting.
SpamNRice wrote:
Still blows me away that this is THAT Minnie Driver. . . Who'da thunk. . . ?
Not me . I thought it was one of the other ones.
Still blows me away that this is THAT Minnie Driver... Who'da thunk...?
OK, it's pretty decent. I still can't make myself like her...
that minnie song's quite cool.
philbertr wrote:
You can say that again!
The wankers come out of the woodwork. You got a real pretty mouth.
go_ski_mully wrote:
yum yum
You can say that again!
im50something wrote:
Is this Minnie Driver, the actress!?
Yeah. She won a mocking award here at SXSW a couple of years ago for the most pandering use of a beat-up straw cowboy hat.
im50something wrote:
Is this Minnie Driver, the actress!?
Been gone long? ;)
yum yum
Say woord!.. Minnie Driver??..i'm impressed.. it fits one of those pissy cold winter nights where one is not motivated to go outdoors but chill inside and read a book in the tub.
Is this Minnie Driver, the actress!?
Minnie Driver doesn't have a speck of ugly on her entire body. And she can sing too!
I forgot about this and looked again to see who it was. She is good. Again I'm surprised. Now I know why she broke off her engagement with Streisands step son. I wouldn't want that hanging around my neck every time I went on stage. "Sing that sawng about New Yawk that Babs sings"
mfassett wrote:
I know I'm in the minority, but I've always had a "thing" for Minnie Driver. I don't have the CD, but was surprised when it came out, the songs I've heard were decent, if not great.
If I'm a part of that minority will it become a majority? 'Cause I'm there!
Woah!~ I didn't know she had an album. I guess it goes better when actors/actresses do albums, rather than some musicians trying to act. Sometimes...
TonyBear wrote:
Minnie Driver, aka Tiny Motorist
Oh, damn. Just when I'd managed to stop humming Simon & Garfunkel's "Baby Driver" every time I saw her ...
dionysius wrote:
Damn! At first, reading the Now Playing list, I thought that the band Wire had written a song called "Minnie Driver"--now that would have been interesting.
me too!
Bit of a conundrum (not really, but I like the word): who came first Minnie Driver, Dido or Suzanne Vega? The latter come to mind listening to this track. A pleasant song all the same.
mfassett wrote:
I know I'm in the minority, but I've always had a "thing" for Minnie Driver. I don't have the CD, but was surprised when it came out, the songs I've heard were decent, if not great.
Add me to that minority. I've had a thing for Minnie Driver for some time now. Good work, Minnie!
The Minnie Driver? I think I enjoy her music better than her acting. Nice
This is really nice.
I just looked to see who the band was as she's got a great voice. I echo other sentiments here when I say I was quite shocked to see it was Minnie Driver. Who knew?
Really never connected with her acting and on screen persona, but this cd is actually worth a listen or more. I have a copy from the library and its gone 'round 3 or 4 times so far. Pretty darn catchy.