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Length: 3:57
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Secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames
And what do I get, for my pain
Betrayed desires, and a piece of the game
Even though I know
I suppose I'll show
All my cool and cold
Like old Job
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Now I'm naked, nothing but an animal
But can you fake it, for just one more show
And what do you want, I want to change
And what have you got
When you feel the same
Even though I know
I suppose I'll show
All my cool and cold
Like old job
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Tell me I'm the only one
Tell me there's no other one
Jesus was an only son
Tell me I'm the chosen one
Jesus was an only son
For you
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
What the hell are you talking about? This is a well done cover song. Maybe you don't really like eclectic music.
the comment makes perfect sense. A good cover offers some sort of intriguing variation on the original…. Not just some watered down whisper…. This is lame and uninspiring
I'm probably the only Gen X'er to not understand the appeal of Smashing Pumpkins... just sounds like a lot of whiny noise.
Meh (to be clear - ref your comment... -
Still gets a "7" so its on my Favourites <yep!> playlist
No, you don't need screaming guitars, but I don't hear a slow boil here, she sings the beginning exactly the same as the end, and the ooh aah background choir doesn't really help either.
So maybe you do your own cover of this and everyone here can tell you what we think about your cover. Or you can hit the skip button.
It is disappointing when hearing other artists cover classic songs, misread the tone, not have the personal history, emotion and journey as a song writer and musician that created the original work. It is irritating and not helpful to do justice for the classic songs I've heard this happen on, whether it's Leonard Cohen or Pink Floyd. One of the reasons Elton John gets pissed off about music nowadays is because the artistry is replaced with just ghost writers and their puppet performers that lack all soul and genuine connection to the music.
What the hell are you talking about? This is a well done cover song. Maybe you don't really like eclectic music.
No, you don't need screaming guitars, but I don't hear a slow boil here, she sings the beginning exactly the same as the end, and the ooh aah background choir doesn't really help either.
I get it. You don't like the cover. But instead of appreciate the talent it took to perform the song, you find it lacking. I suggest this approach almost certainly results in a lack of enjoyment in new music.
Funny. So many comments about the her not selling the rage... This actually sounds more outraged than the original to me. One does not need distorted guitars, yelling or fast playing to communicate rage. There's a slow boil going on here .
No, you don't need screaming guitars, but I don't hear a slow boil here, she sings the beginning exactly the same as the end, and the ooh aah background choir doesn't really help either.
Funny. So many comments about the her not selling the rage... This actually sounds more outraged than the original to me. One does not need distorted guitars, yelling or fast playing to communicate rage. There's a slow boil going on here .
I agree - it's almost like a woman isn't allowed to express her rage in the way that a man can, so it has to be contained in order to be palatable.
It is disappointing when hearing other artists cover classic songs, misread the tone, not have the personal history, emotion and journey as a song writer and musician that created the original work. It is irritating and not helpful to do justice for the classic songs I've heard this happen on, whether it's Leonard Cohen or Pink Floyd. One of the reasons Elton John gets pissed off about music nowadays is because the artistry is replaced with just ghost writers and their puppet performers that lack all soul and genuine connection to the music.
A classic is only classic if it can continue to inspire more art.
Artistry isn't replaced in the case of this song. it's extended and re-worked with a different emotional perspective.
Whatever Elton John was actually saying, I doubt he would be dissing someone for a different take on a "classic", whatever that means in rock anyway, if it brought out something genuine from the song that hadn't been shown before. Elton was fine covering Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, which he re-worked into his own artistic personality. Frida Snell does at least that with her version of this Smashing Pumpkins song.
I prefer her version, from a feminine voice, for the feeling of sad recognition that she evokes, as opposed to the resigned anger of the original.
Where is this notion "commonly accepted"? Are you just making arbitrary rules of what "musical treatment should accord"? Are you even a musician? There are creative notions like contrast or deliberate irony; those concepts are not unique to Brecht and Weill, nor should they be. I don't think this recording is an outstanding performance but the best creative output is often work which avoided or defied "commonly accepted" conventions.
I've known some rage-filled women —- rape and sexual abuse victims, who for one reason or another were powerless against their attackers —- who didn't appear outwardly angry at all: they had internalized their rage (because society doesn't accept angry women), and each continually wore a facade of benign contentment. To me, this song seems a fair depiction of their predicament: social expectations have trapped them in a cage requiring moderate behavior, but they're still very angry...
I feel terrible for victims of sexual and other abuse, male or female (and I do suspect that the majority is probably female) and think the perpetrators should be severely punished. At the same time I don't think you can blame society for not liking angry people, humans are probably biologically wired to be wary of other angry humans.
Pretty Woman, but the Original version Sound netter.
So you think this version sounds norse, then? Close, she's Swedish! *rimshot*
The day that music died

I think you're framing two different discussions into one. To your first point I would disagree, while this may be sometimes true, often a cover has had much better legs than the original. Dylan's 'All along the Watchtower' or Hendrix? Nine Inch Nails 'Hurt' or Johnny Cash? 'Mad World' by Tears for Fears or Gary Jules? They are all very good songs but somehow the cover took a new angle and the ownership of the song, (and in all of those cases the author was credited and acknowledged).
I haven't had dinner with Sir Elton John lately, so I can't comment on what actually pisses off Elton. There does seem to be a trend of non artists performing a song as presenters of someone else's work, a committee marketing approach versus the genuine expression of a song crafted by the same artist that presents it... but is that really a recent problem?
I don't mind this version by Frida, I kind of like it actually. It's gone with a more understated approach that lacks some of the angst of the original, but that doesn't make it a bad version, it just makes it different. Frida can have my 7.
A good cover should be very different, otherwise, what's the point?

It's more of the cage than the rage, but it awesomely depicts the frustration of the fact that immediate rage induced lash out is almost always not a solution and will hurt the situation.
Me likey.
I've known some rage-filled women —- rape and sexual abuse victims, who for one reason or another were powerless against their attackers —- who didn't appear outwardly angry at all: they had internalized their rage (because society doesn't accept angry women), and each continually wore a facade of benign contentment. To me, this song seems a fair depiction of their predicament: social expectations have trapped them in a cage requiring moderate behavior, but they're still very angry...
This is absolutely on point. This cover for me speaks of a rage that has to stay under cover and looks/feels more like despair. As a woman, I totally get it.
The irritating vocals are gone, but the dumb song remains.
Now with a healthy dose of pretentiousness!
Well ArronM for you and others who want to know what she really looks like... here she is singing and playing the piano just for you...
Copy and paste this link into the URL address of another tab in your browser.
There are some dicks goofing around in the background of this Youtube video but just ignore them while you watch and listen to Frida.
Agreed! And now the question is: how the hell does this track get a sub-5 rating with nearly 1000 rates?
Because a lot of people seem to really dislike it. It's no more complicated than that.

LOL. Suburban angst.
He sounds like a chainsaw...
Way better on the eyes than the Korgan as well.
the piano adapt is nice instead
It's a cover. A cover of a generation's classic. And it's by a woman
Long Live RP!
Yep, 4.9 is far too low.
I like this version more, having heard it a few times.

Nice to hear a cover that is not just a copy of the original.
Agreed! And now the question is: how the hell does this track get a sub-5 rating with nearly 1000 rates? Did Frida do something really bad I don't know about? Or are there that many SP fans who don't like the rearrangement of this tune?
Long Live RP!
Nice to hear a cover that is not just a copy of the original.
He sounds like a chainsaw...
I love the angry snarl of a chain saw. And Billy's voice doesn't bother me, either.
It gets a 2.

He sounds like a chainsaw...
I agree

Why? I can't even. I can't even finish that last sentence.
It gets a 2.

poetista wrote:
Maybe that's why so many people feel uncomfortable with it. Keep playing it, RP.

I've known some rage-filled women —- rape and sexual abuse victims, who for one reason or another were powerless against their attackers —- who didn't appear outwardly angry at all: they had internalized their rage (because society doesn't accept angry women), and each continually wore a facade of benign contentment. To me, this song seems a fair depiction of their predicament: social expectations have trapped them in a cage requiring moderate behavior, but they're still very angry...
spot on. . .

I've known some rage-filled women —- rape and sexual abuse victims, who for one reason or another were powerless against their attackers —- who didn't appear outwardly angry at all: they had internalized their rage (because society doesn't accept angry women), and each continually wore a facade of benign contentment. To me, this song seems a fair depiction of their predicament: social expectations have trapped them in a cage requiring moderate behavior, but they're still very angry...
Just thinking the same!
Kinda funny considering how often Tori gets "Kate Bush called..."

Sung without the angst, this song is lackluster. Meh.
jadewahoo wrote:
I agree with you wholeheartedly!!
That's like saying horse crap is better than cow crap.
Horse crap is way better than cow crap.
But back to the song. Regardless of whether you like or can't stand Billy Corgan's singing, the original at least had energy and great guitar work. This has been stripped of emotion to the point where the lyrics are incompatible with the music, making it simply ridiculous.

(when I don't like a song I just turn the volume down for three to six minutes or so. doesn't hurt. ;-))