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Señor Coconut — Humo En El Agua (Smoke on The Water)
Album: Fiesta Songs
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Total ratings: 959

Released: 2003
Length: 4:44
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (350)add comment
 greenheartanne wrote:

I, for one, loved it.  Great for pretending to be a sexy Hispanic woman with high heels and moves. 
(I'm 65, grey haired, Jewish... But I do have moves.)

I am a 55 yo balding white man, and I do not have moves. 

Had to turn up the volume on this one! 
This is GOLD. 
Ha ha, very impressive. Like it.
Frank Zappa y las madres
 us wrote:
I don't generally object to cover songs when they're done well, but this version lacks the sound and gravity of the original.

...and what you lack is humour.
If you're into that kind of thing, try Richard Cheese's cover of Welcome to the Jungle for a laugh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7ojOWMwpNM And I just love the original too!!
I don't generally object to cover songs when they're done well, but this version lacks the sound and gravity of the original. This one's like a soulless, happy, clap-along for the funeral pyre of the casino that the original song commemorates.

 the_jake wrote:
Don't take it too seriously.  This version is fun. Definitely made it their own.  And I love the band name.{#Whipit}

Nicely followed up with a Deep Purple tune.   Long live RP!

I'm not taking it too seriously and no, they didn't make it their own!! It's sh!te, end of story.
Absolute $h1te............Thank God for the skip feature
Don't take it too seriously.  This version is fun. Definitely made it their own.  And I love the band name.{#Whipit}

Nicely followed up with a Deep Purple tune.   Long live RP!
Crazy man, crazy...I like it. 
Stop please...please stop?
This song is spectacular.
 Bleyfusz wrote:
I dimly recall a version of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida recorded in a similarly irreverent spirit. Anybody got an idea who it might have been?

Well, I doubt you're still looking after a year, but is it In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida by Mongo Santamaría?

Try this link for other covers. 


Secondhandsongs.com and whosampled.com are really great for this sort of thing.

Señor Coconut!! Great to hear you on RP!!
Love this cover.  Very fun.
I, for one, loved it.  Great for pretending to be a sexy Hispanic woman with high heels and moves. 
(I'm 65, grey haired, Jewish... But I do have moves.)
Koo koo racha!
Next up, Mr. Loco!
Everyone rubs bottom now and then.
 jmsmy wrote:
only on RP

that's what makes it great! Thanks Bill!

Charo 2013 ALMA Awards.jpg
There are some things that just simply should not exist in the universe.  This being one of those things.
 Cannon wrote:
What's next, Richard Cheese? 
That would be cool, but it's not likely to happen.  Cool take on this old classic at any rate.
Thanks Bill! That just warmed up my day!
WTF? I have no idea why they did this... Did they take a payment from North Korea to undermine my adolescence? Whatever the reason, they need to be stopped...{#Beat}
This is the worst Christmas present ever.  Solid 1

"Edwardian woman: "My life has been stolen from me."

Before women earned the right to vote...and push the PSD button. 

This version is perfect music for cutting toenails, however. 
hey where is the like button {#Idea} for this comment? I like it :) 
SurfDoc wrote:
To the regular listeners, how much does Bill love saying "probably not going to hear this on too many radio stations".  

I wouldn't know, RP is the ONLY programmed station I ever listen to! 


only on RP
If you liked that, listen to them doing Kraftwerk {#Drunk}
 Bleyfusz wrote:
I dimly recall a version of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida recorded in a similarly irreverent spirit. Anybody got an idea who it might have been?


Maybe Bart Simpson's hymn "In the Garden of Eden"?  It's simultaneously more and less reverent. ;)
Love it. DBT. I can't usually comment, but here  am again, just want you to know I appreciate what you do. Carry on.
Oh come on.This is like something Ed Wood might have done had he been a muscian. It's so bad it's good. 
Lighten up and enjoy. Mr Coconut is OK by me!
To the regular listeners, how much does Bill love saying "probably not going to hear this on too many radio stations".  

I wouldn't know, RP is the ONLY programmed station I ever listen to! 
This is great! 
What's next, Richard Cheese?  
Thank you, Radio Paradise, I've been listening most of the day & I'm so glad you're out there. Love the Brubeck portion w/ Fagen afterward. I wonder if you think to yourself, "this is good, yup, I'm doin' it." More King Crimson, Please. Didn't see that coming, eh? thanks again.
 murrayneill wrote:

I can't understand why RP keeps playing this. It's terrible! I turn my speakers off everytime. RP is the only place I have ever heard it and you keep playing it. WHY???

 Ahnyer_Keester wrote:
Oh my gosh, this is either the best thing ever or total crap. I can't make up my mind but I LOVE IT.


This.  ^  {#Roflol}
Because sometime you just gotta change it up.  Mr Mambo!{#Bananajam}
Oh my gosh, this is either the best thing ever or total crap. I can't make up my mind but I LOVE IT.
 RadioDoc wrote:


William Shatner as Captain Kirk, sweaty and screaming

Hey it could be worse: Yoko could be singing.
I kinda like this...
I dimly recall a version of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida recorded in a similarly irreverent spirit. Anybody got an idea who it might have been?
I always think it's a tribute to a song when a cover version can twist it out of shape, to fit a different musical style and it still works. Well done to Señor Coconut and well done to Radio Paradise for giving us another brilliant ethnic cover version of a much-loved classic!

David Glmour and Brian May - "Smoke on the water" on studio:

I can't understand why RP keeps playing this. It's terrible! I turn my speakers off everytime. RP is the only place I have ever heard it and you keep playing it. WHY???

speakers off
In 1973, my primary school teacher thought it a good idea to have the class learn this for our music class.

At least this is better than 25 eleven year olds belting it out on the recorder.
 muzakluver wrote:

I hear ya!

The most shocking thing is that seven people have given it a 10... WTF?!?!?!


LOL! This is cool! 
contagious. Yup. That's the right way to put it.
>This actually caused me to turn off radio paradise... WTF??

Yeah, I've tried that before. It usually results in my missing some great music that follows my tune-out.

The way I look at it is that I'd rather listen to a song I don't like for a few minutes than miss the next one.

Besides, most stations play about five 4-minute spot-sets per hour. And then you'll hear those same spots again and again, whereas RP might play 5 minutes of something I don't like every other hour (and then I don't hear it for a long, long, long time).

Simply put, tuning out is just not worth the effort.

 peter_james_bond wrote:

Me Too! {#Lol} Come on people, 4.9? Since when did "Smoke on the Water" become a sacred cow? I must have missed that memo. I  thought the original was the coolest...when I was 10 years old! Now, everybody and his cousin pokes fun at that dinosaur. My advice;

Pull the stick out of your back side
Take a drink or a brownie
Sick back, loosen up, relax and enjoy life.
Yes, I agree. This track is kitsch, weird, comic...whatever you call it, but it certainly works.

I've spent way too much time with the Hutchinson High marching band.  The bands have drove this song into the ground.  Too bad..
 _Bruce_ wrote:
This actually caused me to turn off radio paradise... WTF?? {#Ass}
I hear ya!

The most shocking thing is that seven people have given it a 10... WTF?!?!?!

I don't care. I love this song. I wiggle in my chair every time. I know it's cheesy. But it's contagious!
 ryuujin23 wrote:

If you prefer, here is a link to a Japanese version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoaMn08SrwA


Now THAT was painful.

oye!  this is muy especial — me gusto mucho — gracias!
 jagdriver wrote:
Love it!
Me Too! {#Lol} Come on people, 4.9? Since when did "Smoke on the Water" become a sacred cow? I must have missed that memo. I  thought the original was the coolest...when I was 10 years old! Now, everybody and his cousin pokes fun at that dinosaur. My advice;

Pull the stick out of your back side
Take a drink or a brownie
Sick back, loosen up, relax and enjoy life.
 von_Hayek wrote:
Shit, I nearly pissed my pants... {#Smile}
Well? Which one was it?

{#Whistle} kidding, right ?
This actually caused me to turn off radio paradise... WTF?? {#Ass}
The more i hear it the more I like it!
Hmmnn - am I in an elevator or a supermarket? Sorta pensioners take on Deep Purple?

I liked it.. it was not bad at all.
 von_Hayek wrote:
Shit, I nearly pissed my pants... {#Smile}
Besides a disinviting visual...that must have hurt.

If you prefer, here is a link to a Japanese version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoaMn08SrwA


Shit, I nearly pissed my pants... {#Smile}
Wow, I can't believe someone else has that recording!  As crazy as it sounds, I've been wishing I could find it on CD.  So cheesy but so good!

 siandbeth wrote:
We have that on CD. Nothing says "Happy Holidays" like Tijuana Christmas. And no, I won't try to upload any of it.

 murrayneill wrote:
make it stop!

Agreed...simply craptastic! {#Headache}
Well that's about as white as anyone could make that song. Talk about sucking the soul out of something!
NO more cowbell...
make it stop!

Thought it was my son's high school marching band at first.

 Bridieboo wrote:
This is hilarious - it reminds me of a cassette my parents brought home years ago called 'Tijuana Christmas' by some unknown band.  They played trad Xmas songs in tijuana style, complete with the 'ting-a-ling-a-ling' cowbell in strategic places, just like this song.

It was so cheesy that we all loved it and played it every year.  This is truly horrible but I'm glad Bill played it.  I wouldn't want to hear it too often either, but once in a while would be really good, as well as other songs done in different styles {#Sunny}


We have that on CD. Nothing says "Happy Holidays" like Tijuana Christmas. And no, I won't try to upload any of it.
hideous .... hideous ... doesn't matter if you like the original or not. This is awful on its own right.
This entire CD is way too much fun!
Honestly, is there anyone out there who really thinks that the original was actually good? I recall trying to work it out on the piano at age 14 or so, but like much of Deep Purple, there is really not so much there. In most respects, I like this version better than theirs. If you ponder the lyrics even for a moment (at your own risk), it is evident that this was another of those rock songs that exists to flesh out a riff they liked. I suspect much of all music has some aspects of this approach, but the original Smoke on the Water was not hitting all cylinders.
Better than that song about lime and coconut... but just barely.
coming soon to a Tarantino film near you!
Better than the originial. But then again, what isn't?

Hey check the songlist on the album - they cover 'Beat It' by Michael Jackson {#Roflol}
Hey, that was fun!  {#Cool}
Love it!
{#Think} ... thinking .... novel .... ironic ... fun!
This is balls-y.
This is hilarious - it reminds me of a cassette my parents brought home years ago called 'Tijuana Christmas' by some unknown band.  They played trad Xmas songs in tijuana style, complete with the 'ting-a-ling-a-ling' cowbell in strategic places, just like this song.

It was so cheesy that we all loved it and played it every year.  This is truly horrible but I'm glad Bill played it.  I wouldn't want to hear it too often either, but once in a while would be really good, as well as other songs done in different styles {#Sunny}

 californiatwin wrote:
Kind of funny - but I wouldn't want to hear it too often.
2nd - I am not too much a fan of this type of thing (songs remade in different languages/styles).

So bad it's FUNNY{#Bounce}
C'mon, just have a sense of humor and roll with it, baby...the execution is actually good in its own, weird way if you're willing to listen with open ears...

come on, don't waste our time with this.
 papaman wrote:
Everything taste great with salsa!

Especially cheese!  {#Wink}

Everything taste great with salsa!

MUY excellent baby!
Kind of funny - but I wouldn't want to hear it too often.
Works surprisingly well. Particularly the horns on the main riff - retains a sense of menace.

Don't know that I'd want to hear it every day, but made me smile this morning.
Honestly it's so poor. Maybe once was OK but seriously.....

 hiorgos wrote:

That's quite a lot of 1 rating for a song! Ummm, don't you have sense of humor?

Tócala otra vez, bill!

I agree! At least with the first part.
Just remember folks, your submission that got 41 yes / 2 no on the LRC was "sorried" in favor of trash like this!

Unbelievable.  {#No}
 michaelgmitchell wrote:
What the hell was that?
I'm almost lost for words. Can't even rate this.
Me either. This is so bad I am without words. That hardly ever happens! ;)

I get it. I get every nuance of what's funny about it. I get that it's well done. That's why I give it a 4. But it's the most annoying 4 ever. It raises my blood pressure every time I hear it. And half the time makes me go play something real instead. If you've ever heard Esquivel, this is just elevator music. Tepid. Meh.

The only thing that keeps it out of the 1 gutter is that Bill sometimes plays Perez Prado after it.

and away we go! Huah!


That's quite a lot of 1 rating for a song! Ummm, don't you have sense of humor? Tócala otra vez, bill!
a_genuine_find wrote:
dees eez berry, berry foney, no?
Hahaha - thanks for the laugh.
The constant playing of this tripe is a disgrace.
something got lost in translation
get this crap off of RP! what a joke. A disgrace to DEEP PURPLE. Damn I gotta give it a 1
First reaction: no frackin way. Dude! Second reaction: well, it's kinda cool, actually, in a kitchsy sorta way. Third reaction: I gotta upload Rondellus doing Black Sabbath as early-music, in Latin. It'd fit right in.
bizzaro world comes to RP! I love it!