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Length: 3:58
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Is it the violence, you like?
Oh my, I feel it crawling in, gnawing at...
and the last lonely night.
I wanna know,
Cut up the sickness,
Cutting in self-defence with the apple and ice
Skylights, bloody and cancerous
Color the dead mattress with the white,
make it white.
My eyes, I feel the teeth again
Gnawing and eminent in the last lonely night.
Oh my, give me the worms again,
painted aluminium,
make it white,
make it white.
The ancient Greeks and Romans used alum in medicine as an astringent, and in dyeing processes. In 1761 de Morveau proposed the name "alumine" for the base in alum. In 1807, Davy proposed the name alumium for the metal, undiscovered at that time, and later agreed to change it to aluminum. Shortly thereafter, the name aluminium was adopted by IUPAC to conform with the "ium" ending of most elements. Aluminium is the IUPAC spelling and therefore the international standard. Aluminium was also the accepted spelling in the U.S.A. until 1925, at which time the American Chemical Society decided to revert back to aluminum, and to this day Americans still refer to aluminium as "aluminum".
So basically, America (again) being awkward for awkwards sake.
Sorry. I'm with Humphrey Davy's original name for the element. The point is not to be awkward but to honor Sir H. Davy!
The ancient Greeks and Romans used alum in medicine as an astringent, and in dyeing processes. In 1761 de Morveau proposed the name "alumine" for the base in alum. In 1807, Davy proposed the name alumium for the metal, undiscovered at that time, and later agreed to change it to aluminum. Shortly thereafter, the name aluminium was adopted by IUPAC to conform with the "ium" ending of most elements. Aluminium is the IUPAC spelling and therefore the international standard. Aluminium was also the accepted spelling in the U.S.A. until 1925, at which time the American Chemical Society decided to revert back to aluminum, and to this day Americans still refer to aluminium as "aluminum".
So basically, America (again) being awkward for awkwards sake.
Rooney wrote:
bc wrote:
If I had nickel for every time I was drunk on aluminum....
oldsaxon wrote:
takes some brass to make a pun like that.
Poacher wrote:
. . . but he lead you into it.
cShaggy wrote:
...this line of conversation is testing the mettle of every RPer out there.. :D
Baby_M wrote:
Did you make up those puns yourselves, or did you steel them from somewhere else? Oh, the irony!
DeemerDave wrote:
That's IT! I'm callin' a Copper to deal with ya.
scrubbrush wrote:
You'd foil their fun.
DavidS_UK wrote:
Ore are there some more to come? Hopefully the thread will just zink away unnoticed...
No, no! We should get this thread bronzed and sell it. It'd go platinum for sure.
You'd foil their fun.
This is comedy gold, I tell ya! Unalloyed genius.
bc wrote:
If I had nickel for every time I was drunk on aluminum....
oldsaxon wrote:
takes some brass to make a pun like that.
Poacher wrote:
. . . but he lead you into it.
cShaggy wrote:
...this line of conversation is testing the mettle of every RPer out there.. :D
Baby_M wrote:
Did you make up those puns yourselves, or did you steel them from somewhere else? Oh, the irony!
DeemerDave wrote:
That's IT! I'm callin' a Copper to deal with ya.
scrubbrush wrote:
You'd foil their fun.
DavidS_UK wrote:
Ore are there some more to come? Hopefully the thread will just zink away unnoticed...
No, no! We should get this thread bronzed and sell it. It'd go platinum for sure.
You'd foil their fun.
This is comedy gold, I tell ya! Unalloyed genius.
Yes, and that too.
Indeed an excellent casting of RPers, no compewter can beat that.
You'd foil their fun.
DavidS_UK wrote:
Ore are there some more to come? Hopefully the thread will just zink away unnoticed...
No, no! We should get this thread bronzed and sell it. It'd go platinum for sure.
Still sounds pretty good to my tin ear.
bc wrote:
If I had nickel for every time I was drunk on aluminum....
oldsaxon wrote:
takes some brass to make a pun like that.
Poacher wrote:
. . . but he lead you into it.
cShaggy wrote:
...this line of conversation is testing the mettle of every RPer out there.. :D
Baby_M wrote:
Did you make up those puns yourselves, or did you steel them from somewhere else? Oh, the irony!
DeemerDave wrote:
That's IT! I'm callin' a Copper to deal with ya.
scrubbrush wrote:
You'd foil their fun.
DavidS_UK wrote:
Ore are there some more to come? Hopefully the thread will just zink away unnoticed...
No, no! We should get this thread bronzed and sell it. It'd go platinum for sure.
You make it sound as if BC is the only place stuff gets stolen. Yeah right. I'm in the good ol' USA, same shit here too.
Old post but what the hell.
BC has high property crime rates by Canadian standards but that was not the point of my post. My point at the time was that the police do not do anything.
Here's an anecdote: Neighbour in Surrey BC, affectionately known as "Better Safe than Surrey", watches a daylight B&E in progress. He quickly jots down the vehicle used by the B&E artists and telephones the police (RCMP).
The vehicle turned out to be stolen but the Surrey RCMP was too busy to attend.
The RCMP play a lot of politics here in British Columbia and they are masterful at feather-bedding. Maybe police forces do the same in the USA but I doubt it.
Ore are there some more to come? Hopefully the thread will just zink away unnoticed...
scrubbrush wrote:
Poacher wrote:
. . . but he lead you into it.
oldsaxon wrote:
bc wrote: That's IT! I'm callin' a Copper to deal with ya.
You'd foil their fun.

Poacher wrote:
. . . but he lead you into it.
oldsaxon wrote:
bc wrote: If I had nickel for every time I was drunk on aluminum.... ___________ takes some brass to make a pun like that.
_____________ ..this line of conversation is testing the mettle of every RPer out there.. :D
You'd foil their fun.
Poacher wrote:
. . . but he lead you into it.
oldsaxon wrote:
bc wrote:
If I had nickel for every time I was drunk on aluminum....
takes some brass to make a pun like that.
..this line of conversation is testing the mettle of every RPer out there.. :D
Did you make up those puns yourselves, or did you steel them from somewhere else? Oh, the irony!
That's IT! I'm callin' a Copper to deal with ya.
. . . but he lead you into it.
oldsaxon wrote:
bc wrote:
If I had nickel for every time I was drunk on aluminum....
takes some brass to make a pun like that.
..this line of conversation is testing the mettle of every RPer out there.. :D
Did you make up those puns yourselves, or did you steel them from somewhere else? Oh, the irony!
This is not really true. It is actually quite benign to plants and animals, fortunately, since it is earth's most abundant metal. It may be toxic in high enough concentrations, but then what isn't?
Claiming things are toxic is now the great big new marketing ploy of the 21st century...I see this happen real time all around me...all sorts of products bought just a few years ago which are perfectly good suddenly need to be replaced by new, more expensive "chemical free" or "natural" products...this is a ca$h cow boondoggle for the "green" entrepreneurs out there getting mega rich by scaring people...disgusting if you ask me...
What amazes about this is how these hypocrite capitalists "green" kooks are the same ones organizing the OWS protests againts "capitalism"
If I had nickel for every time I was drunk on aluminum....
A contractor came up to me once (I'm a design professional) and asked a really stupid, obvious question. My buddy turned to me and said "You know what it would be worth if you put a nickel and his brains in your hand?" No?
I fucking Nickel!
. . . but he lead you into it.
oldsaxon wrote:
bc wrote:
If I had nickel for every time I was drunk on aluminum....
takes some brass to make a pun like that.
..this line of conversation is testing the mettle of every RPer out there.. :D
takes some brass to make a pun like that.
. . . but he lead you into it.
Funny you say that cause it came on and I sort of went the opposite and just kind of thought "mmmmmm Loud" in much the same way that Homer says "mmmmmm Donut"
Also, it's considered toxic to all river inhabitants.
This is not really true. It is actually quite benign to plants and animals, fortunately, since it is earth's most abundant metal. It may be toxic in high enough concentrations, but then what isn't?
If I had nickel for every time I was drunk on aluminum....
takes some brass to make a pun like that.
Welcome to British Columbia. If it isn't tied down and guarded, watch out!
If you are unlucky enough to have your automobile stolen, you might be lucky enough to have the towing truck company provide the information for the police report once they find it abandoned.
You make it sound as if BC is the only place stuff gets stolen. Yeah right. I'm in the good ol' USA, same shit here too.
I like this so far. Play it again please?
Welcome to British Columbia. If it isn't tied down and guarded, watch out!
If you are unlucky enough to have your automobile stolen, you might be lucky enough to have the towing truck company provide the information for the police report once they find it abandoned.
England calls this stuff "aluminium". Nothing sinister there at all, but since I seem to recall it was first made in the US of NA, perhaps they err there. In England that is.
Welcome to the world of 21st century recording! After decades of research and technological development, we now have 96kHz 24-bit digital audio with a theoretical dynamic range of 144dB. But for some reason, most music nowadays is mastered as if it still needs to sound OK when pressed on analogue records made from recycled chewing gum.
It's possible that this is the sound they wanted. Often, Science ≠ Art (at least not automatically)
ploba wrote:
Well, for what it is worth Wikipedia reports that it was actually Aluminium sulfate and not the element Aluminum (Aluminium) that was dumped in the water. Not the same thing at all.
If I had nickel for every time I was drunk on aluminum....
Something I taped ;)
Thanks for sharing this - WOW. They definitely concentrate on the music. I fear I might have to re-max my credit card now. Thanks, and damn you!

"aluminium" is a very small piece of aluminum.
Also, it's considered toxic to all river inhabitants.
"aluminium" is a very small piece of aluminum.
i immediately liked this song and then Bill played Comfortably Numb... it was such a great transition that it actually made me appreciate this song even more... i'm somewhere between 7 and 8 on this song...
ploba wrote:
was at pemberton but was not enlightened enough to know of wintersleep or their presence at this event. I am dissapointed in myself as a person

Pemberton was also the 1st time I saw a Radio Paradise T-shirt... I thought it was cool and showed my girlfriend but she didn't care much :v)
Seen Wintersleep 3 more times live since. Great to hear on R.P.
**High Five!

was at pemberton but was not enlightened enough to know of wintersleep or their presence at this event. I am dissapointed in myself as a person
These days, any kid with a computer and a $100.00 sound card can record clean tracks. Any distortion that shows up on a recording like this is intentional, whether it works for you or not. Check out Primus' Brown album; the drums are completely creamed, way beyond the clipped drums in this song. I love it, even if it doesn't sound 'real'. So far, this song is working for me as well.
Good point.
I'm a copper man myself....especially at $4.40/lb
ploba wrote:

Something I taped ;)

These days, any kid with a computer and a $100.00 sound card can record clean tracks. Any distortion that shows up on a recording like this is intentional, whether it works for you or not. Check out Primus' Brown album; the drums are completely creamed, way beyond the clipped drums in this song. I love it, even if it doesn't sound 'real'. So far, this song is working for me as well.
DrLex wrote:
Welcome to the world of 21st century recording! After decades of research and technological development, we now have 96kHz 24-bit digital audio with a theoretical dynamic range of 144dB. But for some reason, most music nowadays is mastered as if it still needs to sound OK when pressed on analogue records made from recycled chewing gum.
Welcome to the world of 21st century recording! After decades of research and technological development, we now have 96kHz 24-bit digital audio with a theoretical dynamic range of 144dB. But for some reason, most music nowadays is mastered as if it still needs to sound OK when pressed on analogue records made from recycled chewing gum.

these guys are underrated
Pemberton was also the 1st time I saw a Radio Paradise T-shirt... I thought it was cool and showed my girlfriend but she didn't care much :v)
Seen Wintersleep 3 more times live since. Great to hear on R.P.
**High Five!

This band is one of my guilty pleasures. They do this really kick ass head banging tune called Killer Whale. You have to spinal tap the volume to 11 for that one.
yes yes yay! dont feel guilty, ps.
This band is one of my guilty pleasures. They do this really kick ass head banging tune called Killer Whale. You have to spinal tap the volume to 11 for that one.