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Length: 5:28
Plays (last 30 days): 2
The lyrics of Ejigayehu "Gigi" Shibabaw's song "Gud Fella" express a deep and complex emotion towards love and relationships. The opening lines talk about how the narrator has become tired of the ordinary and wants something extraordinary. They question why they are constantly drawn to a love that is intense and passionate, like the fire of desire. They seek someone who understands and reciprocates these intense emotions, someone who can fulfill their emotional needs.
The chorus repeats the phrase "ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ!" which can be translated as "Gud Fella," emphasizing the desire for a passionate and intense love. The repetition of this phrase adds to the intensity and urgency of the narrator's longing.
The second verse further explores the narrator's desire for a love that consumes them entirely. They express the longing for someone who can understand and appreciate their unique qualities. The verse talks about the narrator's struggle to find this kind of love, as they encounter people who cannot fully understand or reciprocate their feelings. They seek someone who will fully embrace and love them without reservation, like the narrator loves them in return.
Line by Line Meaning
የተዉኩትን ነገር ተመክሬ ተነግሬ ባገር
I tried to understand the reason behind your dissatisfaction
What did I do wrong to make you withhold your love from me?
ጉድ ፈላ ዘንድሮ አቤት አቤት ማን አስተማረብኝGud Fella, my love, tell me who hurt you
ማስቲካ ሆኛለው ከረሜላ ከአፉ አሳደረኝEverything seems dark and heavy since you turned away from me
ይኸው ይሰማኛል ጥሩንባ ይኸዉ ይነፋሉ ጥሩንባIt's like a storm brewing, it's like a volcano erupting
እልልታው ጭፈራው ደመቀ ፍቅሬ ተመልሶ ገባYour hesitation breaks my heart, love has lost its way
ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ! ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ!Gud Fella, Gud Fella, tell me!
እፍረት ይሉኝታዬን አሳጣኝ ልቤ ለፍቅርህ እያደላLove me back, don't leave me longing, my heart longs for your love
እዩት ልጁን ሲንጎራደድ ያንን ሽንጡን ሲያውረገርግPlease, don't criticize your own loved one, don't push me away
አይኑ ገዳይ ጥርሱ ገዳይ ስንቴ ልሙት በዚህ ጉዳይIf I made a mistake, my darling, my sweetness, forgive me in this moment
ወይ ቁመና ወየው ዛላ ሰዉ እንደ'ህል አይበላMake a wish, my love, like a child, I'll grant it
አለ ለካ የሰዉ ሀረግ ደረት ክንዱ ባለማእረግ!Tell me, my dear, what is troubling your heart, don't keep it to yourself!
ባለማእረግ! ባለማእረግ! ባለማእረግ!Speak up! Speak up! Speak up!
እስቲ በጆሮዬ ፍቅርን ይድገም ያነብንብልኝCome closer, let me show you how deeply I love you
ከትንፋሹ በልጦ የሚደመጥ ምን ሙዚቃ አለኝJust a song that comes from my heart for you, my love
በእጁ ቢነካካኝ ድምፅ አወጣሁ እኔም እንደ ጊታርIf I could express my feelings with my own words, I would, but I'm voiceless
ጉድ አረገኝ መውደድ ጉድ አረገኝ የዚህ ሰው ፍቅርGud Fella, it hurts me to see you hurt like this
አቤት-አቤት-አቤት-አቤት አቤት-አቤት-አቤት-አቤትMy love, my love, my love, my love
ፍቅሬን ላንተ ሰጥቻለሁ አርገኝ የቤትህ እመቤትI hold your love close to my heart, your happiness is my home
ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ! ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ!Gud Fella, Gud Fella, tell me!
እፍረት ይሉኝታዬን አሳጣኝ ልቤ ለፍቅርህ እያደላLove me back, don't leave me longing, my heart longs for your love
ስንት አጥምደህ ስንት ይዘሀልHow many times must I plead with you?
ስንቷን ቆንጆ አፍዝዘሀልHow many times will you ignore my desires?
የሴት ሁሉ ቀልብ ማረፊያEvery woman's wish is to be loved
ክንፍ አለህ ወይ ማንሳፈፊያWhy do you act so detached, so indifferent?
እንዴት ብዬ ላወዳድርህ ከዚህ ሁሉ ኮሳሳHow can I adore and cherish you in every way possible
ቢጠይቁኝ ልንገራችው ጀግንነትክንDon't doubt my feelings, don't question my commitment
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!You are my princess! You are my princess! You are my princess!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!You are my princess! You are my princess! You are my princess!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!You are my princess! You are my princess! You are my princess!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!You are my princess! You are my princess! You are my princess!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!You are my princess! You are my princess! You are my princess!
ጉድ ነው! ጉድ ነው! ጉድ ነው!It's Gud Fella! It's Gud Fella! It's Gud Fella!
ጉድ! ጉድ! ጉድ! ጉድ!Gud Fella! Gud Fella! Gud Fella! Gud Fella!
ይኸዉ ይሰማኛል ጥሩንባ ይኸዉ ይነፋሉ ጥሩንባIt's like a storm brewing, it's like a volcano erupting
እልልታው ጭፈራው ደመቀ ፍቅሬ ተመልሶ ገባYour hesitation breaks my heart, love has lost its way
ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ! ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ!Gud Fella, Gud Fella, tell me!
እፍረት ይሉኝታዬን አሳጣኝ ልቤ ለፍቅርህ እያደላLove me back, don't leave me longing, my heart longs for your love
ስንት አጥምደህ ስንት ይዘሀልHow many times must I plead with you?
ስንቷን ቆንጆ አፍዝዘሀልHow many times will you ignore my desires?
የሴት ሁሉ ቀልብ ማረፊያEvery woman's wish is to be loved
ክንፍ አለህ ወይ ማንሳፈፊያWhy do you act so detached, so indifferent?
እንዴት ብዬ ላወዳድርህ ከዚህ ሁሉ ኮሳሳHow can I adore and cherish you in every way possible
ቢጠይቁኝ ልንገራችው ጀግንነትክንDon't doubt my feelings, don't question my commitment
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!You are my princess! You are my princess! You are my princess!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!You are my princess! You are my princess! You are my princess!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!You are my princess! You are my princess! You are my princess!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!You are my princess! You are my princess! You are my princess!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!You are my princess! You are my princess! You are my princess!
ጉድ ነው! ጉድ ነው! ጉድ ነው!It's Gud Fella! It's Gud Fella! It's Gud Fella!
ጉድ! ጉድ! ጉድ! ጉድ!Gud Fella! Gud Fella! Gud Fella! Gud Fella!
ይኸዉ ይሰማኛል ጥሩንባ ይኸዉ ይነፋሉ ጥሩንባIt's like a storm brewing, it's like a volcano erupting
እልልታው ጭፈራው ደመቀ ፍቅሬ ተመልሶ ገባYour hesitation breaks my heart, love has lost its way
ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ! ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ!Gud Fella, Gud Fella, tell me!
እፍረት ይሉኝታዬን አሳጣኝ ልቤ ለፍቅርህ እያደላLove me back, don't leave me longing, my heart longs for your love
ስንት አጥምደህ ስንት ይዘሀልHow many times must I plead with you?
ስንቷን ቆንጆ አፍዝዘሀልHow many times will you ignore my desires?
የሴት ሁሉ ቀልብ ማረፊያEvery woman's wish is to be loved
ክንፍ አለህ ወይ ማንሳፈፊያWhy do you act so detached, so indifferent?
እንዴት ብዬ ላወዳድርህ ከዚህ ሁሉ ኮሳሳHow can I adore and cherish you in every way possible
ቢጠይቁኝ ልንገራችው ጀግንነትክንDon't doubt my feelings, don't question my commitment
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!You are my princess! You are my princess! You are my princess!

According to Google, these are the lyrics in Amharic (hopefully this comes through clean):
የተዉኩትን ነገር ተመክሬ ተነግሬ ባገር
ምን ጎትቶ አመጣብኝ ያን ያረጀ ያን የድሮ ፍቅር
ጉድ ፈላ ዘንድሮ አቤት አቤት ማን አስተማረብኝ
ማስቲካ ሆኛለው ከረሜላ ከአፉ አሳደረኝ
That language looks like stick figures doing an elaborate dance routine. I like it. I like how it sounds as well.
የተዉኩትን ነገር ተመክሬ ተነግሬ ባገር
ምን ጎትቶ አመጣብኝ ያን ያረጀ ያን የድሮ ፍቅር
ጉድ ፈላ ዘንድሮ አቤት አቤት ማን አስተማረብኝ
ማስቲካ ሆኛለው ከረሜላ ከአፉ አሳደረኝ
ይኸው ይሰማኛል ጥሩንባ ይኸዉ ይነፋሉ ጥሩንባ
እልልታው ጭፈራው ደመቀ ፍቅሬ ተመልሶ ገባ
ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ! ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ!
እፍረት ይሉኝታዬን አሳጣኝ ልቤ ለፍቅርህ እያደላ
እዩት ልጁን ሲንጎራደድ ያንን ሽንጡን ሲያውረገርግ
አይኑ ገዳይ ጥርሱ ገዳይ ስንቴ ልሙት በዚህ ጉዳይ
ወይ ቁመና ወየው ዛላ ሰዉ እንደ'ህል አይበላ
አለ ለካ የሰዉ ሀረግ ደረት ክንዱ ባለማእረግ!
ባለማእረግ! ባለማእረግ! ባለማእረግ!
እስቲ በጆሮዬ ፍቅርን ይድገም ያነብንብልኝ
ከትንፋሹ በልጦ የሚደመጥ ምን ሙዚቃ አለኝ
በእጁ ቢነካካኝ ድምፅ አወጣሁ እኔም እንደ ጊታር
ጉድ አረገኝ መውደድ ጉድ አረገኝ የዚህ ሰው ፍቅር
አቤት-አቤት-አቤት-አቤት አቤት-አቤት-አቤት-አቤት
ፍቅሬን ላንተ ሰጥቻለሁ አርገኝ የቤትህ እመቤት
ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ! ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ!
እፍረት ይሉኝታዬን አሳጣኝ ልቤ ለፍቅርህ እያደላ
ስንት አጥምደህ ስንት ይዘሀል
ስንቷን ቆንጆ አፍዝዘሀል
የሴት ሁሉ ቀልብ ማረፊያ
ክንፍ አለህ ወይ ማንሳፈፊያ
እንዴት ብዬ ላወዳድርህ ከዚህ ሁሉ ኮሳሳ
ቢጠይቁኝ ልንገራችው ጀግንነትክን
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!
ጉድ ነው! ጉድ ነው! ጉድ ነው!
ጉድ! ጉድ! ጉድ! ጉድ!
ይኸዉ ይሰማኛል ጥሩንባ ይኸዉ ይነፋሉ ጥሩንባ
እልልታው ጭፈራው ደመቀ ፍቅሬ ተመልሶ ገባ
ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ! ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ!
እፍረት ይሉኝታዬን አሳጣኝ ልቤ ለፍቅርህ እያደላ
ስንት አጥምደህ ስንት ይዘሀል
ስንቷን ቆንጆ አፍዝዘሀል
የሴት ሁሉ ቀልብ ማረፊያ
ክንፍ አለህ ወይ ማንሳፈፊያ
እንዴት ብዬ ላወዳድርህ ከዚህ ሁሉ ኮሳሳ
ቢጠይቁኝ ልንገራችው ጀግንነትክን
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!
ጉድ ነው!
ጉድ! ጉድ! ጉድ! ጉድ!ጉድ!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!
የኔ አንበሳ! የኔ አንበሳ!
ይኸዉ ይነፋሉ ጥሩንባ ይኸዉ ይሰማኛል ጥሩንባ
እልልታው ጭፈራው ደመቀ ፍቅሬ ተመልሶ ገባ
ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ! ኸረ ጉድ ኸረ ጉድ ፈላ!
እፍረት ይሉኝታዬን አሳጣኝ ልቤ ለፍቅርህ እያደላ
እዩት ልጁን ሲንጎራደድ ያንን ሽንጡን ሲያውረገርግ
አይኑ ገዳይ ጥርሱ ገዳይ ስንቴ ልሙት በዚህ ጉዳይ
ወይ ቁመና ወየው ዛላ ሰዉ እንደ'ህል አይበላ
አለ ለካ የሰዉ ሀረግ ደረት ክንዱ
ባለማእረግ! ባለማእረግ! ባለማእረግ!
ባለማእረግ! ባለማእረግ! ባለማእረግ!
ባለማእረግ! ባለማእረግ!
አቤት-አቤት-አቤት-አቤት አቤት-አቤት-አቤት-አቤት
ፍቅሬን ላንተ ሰጥቻለሁ አርገኝ የቤትህ እመቤት
Yes, a completely different language -- but still a member of the Semetic langauge family, along with Arabic & Hebrew. As such, it has much more in common with those than it does with Indo-European languages.
(more info)
A music and history lesson on RP. What fortune for the listeners.
Gotta love every time Bill plays ethnic music, how the Sucko Barfo bar shoots up.
Imagine a bunch of country-loving rednecks covering their ears, writhing in pain, while frantically stomping the PSD button. Play some more Bill!
Not sure there are too many country-loving rednecks listening to RP.
Gotta love every time Bill plays ethnic music, how the Sucko Barfo bar shoots up.
Imagine a bunch of country-loving rednecks covering their ears, writhing in pain, while frantically stomping the PSD button. Play some more Bill!
Agreed but I really dislike the term "ethnic music".
Americans need to broaden their horizons and travel internationally more often.
Yes, a completely different language -- but still a member of the Semetic langauge family, along with Arabic & Hebrew. As such, it has much more in common with those than it does with Indo-European languages.
(more info)
Americans need to broaden their horizons and travel internationally more often.
mojoman wrote:
I agree. It sounds nothing like Arabic to my ear. I'm half Arab, didn't keep up with the language to my sorrow, but I know what it sounds like. It also sounds nothing like Hebrew.
Americans need to broaden their horizons and travel internationally more often.
mojoman wrote:
Imagine a bunch of country-loving rednecks covering their ears, writhing in pain, while frantically stomping the PSD button. Play some more Bill!
To date is the average only 5,8..

We've had it for a few years and still love it. Try her album Gold & wax, too.