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Garmarna — Euchari
Album: Vengeance
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Total ratings: 2637

Released: 1996
Length: 4:11
Plays (last 30 days): 2
O Euchari in leta via
O Euchari in leta via

Solens värme dröp i dig
som doften av balsam
Solens värme dröp i mig
som doften av balsam
Allt som rör sig andas lugnt,
driver över marken
Solens värem dröp i dig
som doften av balsam

O Euchari in leta via

Dina händer söker mig
som brinner av längtan
Mina händer söker dig
som brinner av längtan
Allt som rör sig andas lugnt,
driver över marken
Dina händer söker mig
som brinner av längtan

O Euchari in leta via
O Euchari in leta via

O Euchari in leta via
O Euchari in leta via
Comments (176)add comment
Could have sworn this was Dolores...
Carry in me the beer? 
seems like RP hasn't played this in a while. This song is so cool.
wow - had to stop everything… I love Sweden and the Swedish people are wonderful
Overtones of Xmal Deutschland from 1980s, most excellent
 Bakaretsu wrote:


 O Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
The sun's warmth trickled into you as the smell of balsam
The sun's warmth trickled into me as the smell of balsam
Everything that moves breathe calmly ,
runs above ground
The solar Varem dripping in you as the smell of balsam
O Euchari the look through Your hands are looking for me burning with desire My hands are looking for you burning with desire
Everything that moves breathe calmly ,
runs above ground
Your hands are looking for me burning with desire
Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through

A wonderful memory of the wafts of fragrance of boreal forests, river systems,  the Arctic oceans.
Wow, I never expected to hear Garmarna here. Thanks for the pleasant surprise! 
The voice reminds me of S'Brent by Oi Va Voi
great segue!

Shark SmileBig ThiefCapacity
The definitive "eeeeeee" song.
 NoEnzLefttoSplit wrote:

think something might of got lost in translation from Hildegard von Bingen's version:

1a. O St. Eucharius,

you walked upon the blessed way

when with the Son of God you stayed—

you touched the man

and saw with your own eyes

his miracles.

1b. You loved him perfectly

while your companions trembled,

frightened by their mere humanity,

unable as they were to gaze

entirely upon the good.

2a. But you embraced him in the ardent love

of fullest charity—

you gathered to yourself the bundles of

his sweet commands.

2b. O St. Eucharius,

so deeply blessed you were

when God’s Word drenched you in the fire of the dove

illumined like the dawn

you laid and built upon the Church’s one foundation.

3a. And in your breast

burst forth the light of day—

the gleam in which three tents

upon a marble pillar stand

within the City of our God.

3b. For through your mouth the Church can savor

the wine both old and new—

the cup of sanctity.

4a. Yet in your teaching, too,

the Church embraced her rationality—

her voice cried out above the peaks

to call the hills and woods to be laid low,

to suck upon her breasts.

4b. Now in your crystal voice

pray to the Son of God for this community,

lest it should fail in serving God,

but rather as a living sacrifice

might burn before the altar of our God.

 wifesboyfriend wrote:

Makes me want to drive a Volvo wagon.

More reliable than a SAAB!!
Great!! I never heard of them before. Thank You RP!   
This reminds me of good memories at summer parties in Sweden…
Makes me want to drive a Volvo wagon.
 Bakaretsu wrote:


 O Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
The sun's warmth trickled into you as the smell of balsam
The sun's warmth trickled into me as the smell of balsam
Everything that moves breathe calmly ,
runs above ground
The solar Varem dripping in you as the smell of balsam
O Euchari the look through Your hands are looking for me burning with desire My hands are looking for you burning with desire
Everything that moves breathe calmly ,
runs above ground
Your hands are looking for me burning with desire
Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through

This translation is a good argument for not using google translate.
 Lemmes wrote:

Actually I like the lyrics: (thanks DeepL!):

O Euchari in leta via
O Euchari in leta via

The warmth of the sun drenched you
like the scent of balm
The warmth of the sun washed over me
like the scent of balm
Everything that moves breathes calmly,
drifts over the ground
The warmth of the sun washed over you
like the scent of balm

O Euchari in leta via

Your hands seek me
burning with longing
My hands seek you
burning with desire
Everything that moves breathes calmly,
drifts over the ground
Your hands seek me
burning with desire


think something might have got lost in translation from Hildegard von Bingen's version:

1a. O St. Eucharius,

you walked upon the blessed way

when with the Son of God you stayed—

you touched the man

and saw with your own eyes

his miracles.

1b. You loved him perfectly

while your companions trembled,

frightened by their mere humanity,

unable as they were to gaze

entirely upon the good.

2a. But you embraced him in the ardent love

of fullest charity—

you gathered to yourself the bundles of

his sweet commands.

2b. O St. Eucharius,

so deeply blessed you were

when God’s Word drenched you in the fire of the dove

illumined like the dawn

you laid and built upon the Church’s one foundation.

3a. And in your breast

burst forth the light of day—

the gleam in which three tents

upon a marble pillar stand

within the City of our God.

3b. For through your mouth the Church can savor

the wine both old and new—

the cup of sanctity.

4a. Yet in your teaching, too,

the Church embraced her rationality—

her voice cried out above the peaks

to call the hills and woods to be laid low,

to suck upon her breasts.

4b. Now in your crystal voice

pray to the Son of God for this community,

lest it should fail in serving God,

but rather as a living sacrifice

might burn before the altar of our God.

 Baby_M wrote:

The lyrics could be Swedish income tax regulations for all I care—I just like how it sounds and I love her voice.

Actually I like the lyrics: (thanks DeepL!):

O Euchari in leta via
O Euchari in leta via

The warmth of the sun drenched you
like the scent of balm
The warmth of the sun washed over me
like the scent of balm
Everything that moves breathes calmly,
drifts over the ground
The warmth of the sun washed over you
like the scent of balm

O Euchari in leta via

Your hands seek me
burning with longing
My hands seek you
burning with desire
Everything that moves breathes calmly,
drifts over the ground
Your hands seek me
burning with desire


 Bakaretsu wrote:

 O Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
The sun's warmth trickled into you as the smell of balsam
The sun's warmth trickled into me as the smell of balsam
Everything that moves breathe calmly ,
runs above ground
The solar Varem dripping in you as the smell of balsam
O Euchari the look through Your hands are looking for me burning with desire My hands are looking for you burning with desire
Everything that moves breathe calmly ,
runs above ground
Your hands are looking for me burning with desire
Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
Hi Bakaretsu! Good work there, but I wonder about the chorus line. It might as well be latin kind of and thus "O Euchari in the path of", but I don't know. Very mysterious line.

Great song! :)
Let the wind catch my wings
Viking Music...Love It!
Anyone interested in Hildegard von Bingen might want to find the album entitled Vision, which is a modern , international reconfiguration of her compositions. It is marvelous. 
 gmsingh123 wrote:
I don't want to brag, but I'd bet I'm the only RP listener that has seen Garmarna play live.
See comment from keno123455 below... 
I don't want to brag, but I'd bet I'm the only RP listener that has seen Garmarna play live.
Dense ear candy, thanks again RP! Sweden rocks 

Very nice Voice, very nice music !!!
Wow!! Incredible!!
Wild Swedish song appears
I love this band. Got to see them in Berkeley many years ago. First set was from this album and second set was their crazier stuff from Vengeance.
This song is so unique and cool.  This is RP at it's eclectic best!
Really great video, too
Saw them live.  I'll bet that puts me on a short list.  Great group though.
A cultural experience {#Daisy}quite an enjoyable song..


 Bakaretsu wrote:

 O Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
The sun's warmth trickled into you as the smell of balsam
The sun's warmth trickled into me as the smell of balsam
Everything that moves breathe calmly ,
runs above ground
The solar Varem dripping in you as the smell of balsam
O Euchari the look through Your hands are looking for me burning with desire My hands are looking for you burning with desire
Everything that moves breathe calmly ,
runs above ground
Your hands are looking for me burning with desire
Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through

Thanks for the translation...I love this!

 O Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
The sun's warmth trickled into you as the smell of balsam
The sun's warmth trickled into me as the smell of balsam
Everything that moves breathe calmly ,
runs above ground
The solar Varem dripping in you as the smell of balsam
O Euchari the look through Your hands are looking for me burning with desire My hands are looking for you burning with desire
Everything that moves breathe calmly ,
runs above ground
Your hands are looking for me burning with desire
Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
O Euchari the look through
 NeilBlanchard wrote:
Hildegard von Bingen is the FIRST named composer, as far as I know.  Anything older is our friend, Anonymous.

I remember always wondering about the quartet, the Anonymous IV.

No, I never let my mind wander looking through hymnals while at mass as a child. Not in the least.

Nor did I ever allow said wanderings to be wholly, whimsically inane, either.
 NeilBlanchard wrote:
Hildegard von Bingen is the FIRST named composer, as far as I know.  Anything older is our friend, Anonymous.

I suspected there was a Hildegard affiliation. Luckily, I have been exposed to other similar works...outstanding... 
Hildegard von Bingen is the FIRST named composer, as far as I know.  Anything older is our friend, Anonymous.
It feels really good to sing this—I don't know what I'm singing exactly, but I like the way the words feel.  So beautiful!
Absolutely brilliant {#Notworthy}
Very nice Bill, inspiring little number.
Catholicism never sounded so good. Techno-soundtrack to the dark ages, who'd have thought it?
Wow! Thank you RP this was total surprise ;)
Wonder Radio.....better than the best little radio station out there
How not to fall in love right away with a girl with an accent like that... And I like those chords and the atmosphere, thanks RP. Immediate 10.
That was cool already, but being by Hildegaard von Bingen added a whole new level of awesomeness.
Good tune on this snowy night.
music like this one is why I ♥ Radio Paradise!
I would never known of it and would be robbed of good stuff :)

 GTT wrote:

The name of the album is "Vision:  The Music of Hildegard von Bingen."  Well worth a listen.

Hildegard von Bingen is very cool. "Origin of Fire" is another great album. 
 GTT wrote:

The name of the album is "Vision:  The Music of Hildegard von Bingen."  Well worth a listen.

"Vision" is quite amazing, and Hildegard of Bingen was probably pretty interesting. The album will give you chills, and then you may want to spin around your kitchen. Reverently, of course.  
 Old_Pat wrote:
I've always been of the opinion that we need more 12th C Swedish music on the radio . Not nearly enough. Perhaps a dedicated station? Like it.

Cool tune, very nice voice.  I didn't realize that the Swedes already had radios in the 12th Century, but that makes it less surprising that Bang & Olufsen were producing high-fidelity turntables in Denmark by the 14th Century.

 kaybee wrote:

Could you tell me the name of that CD!  I heard a choral program of von Bingen's music one night on our national publicly owned radio station years ago and have tried to find it ever since without success!  I wonder if your CD is the same thing.  Oh and thanks, "slippery" for your info below!

The name of the album is "Vision:  The Music of Hildegard von Bingen."  Well worth a listen.
Yes, Sweden!
Rocking out, in cognate lingos or not, always lifts my soul way up; dig it! Where on Earth except RP can we mainline Electric Eclectic?
She sings in mysterious ways.    Bullet the blue 
Hildegard von Bingham is the *first* named composer - ever.  All older music is just 'Anonymous'.


She is a Saint, by the way.
I've always been of the opinion that we need more 12th C Swedish music on the radio . Not nearly enough. Perhaps a dedicated station?

Like it.
This just kick-started my day in a musty old library.  Nice.
Mesmerizing & meditative. A bit of exotica thrown in. Lovely voice.
Love me some Garmarna, especially their more traditional stuff.
 fredriley wrote:

I think the lack of imagination is at your end. Repetitive, sure, but how many songs do you hear in Swedish about medieval German abbesses? At least allow that the lyrics are imaginative, even if you don't like the sound.


Fredriley, where do I click to give your comment a "thumbs-up"?
 Easyrider wrote:
Repetitious and unimaginative.
Not so for me! Maybe the sound is of a somewhat 80s world groove. It works just fine....
 Easyrider wrote:
Repetitious and unimaginative.
I think the lack of imagination is at your end. Repetitive, sure, but how many songs do you hear in Swedish about medieval German abbesses? At least allow that the lyrics are imaginative, even if you don't like the sound.

Is there an echo in here?
Repetitious and unimaginative.
I thought my stream got caught in a repeating loop there, which has not happened in a long time.
Absolutely love, love, love this song! Removely moves me. Wish I could hear more like this on RP!
The vocals are ill-advised. I downmarked it from 5 to 3.
shpongle like
Hmmmmm....?!!   {#Eek}
Repetitive but interesting.  I like hearing world beat as long as it doesn't beat me up too badly, but early Sunday, could be a bit much.  I'd love a great classical piece at that time. 

The other comments were actually more entertaining than the song. {#Shifty} 
Every once in a while I come back to give you another chance and you immediately ruin it with this ululating crap. The four people who like it had better be giving you a lot of money. I love the wide-variety AAA content, but when you go world-music, especially for breakfast, you send me away for months at a time.
 iTuner wrote:
Ooo weee ooooweeee this song stinks.
but ooo wee oooooweeeee ooooh it stinks on so many levels.
Ooo weee ooooweeee this song stinks.
 JWU42 wrote:
I was definitely hearing a Dolores O'Riordan vibe...

 1wolfy wrote:
I like this...sounds a bit like Dolores of the Cranberries in a foreign tongue.......in your head     in your head
Yeah, that's it - thanks — wondered why her voice was bothering me.....  have to give this a 2

 1wolfy wrote:
I like this...sounds a bit like Dolores of the Cranberries in a foreign tongue.......in your head     in your head
sounds just like Dolores. Would I care at all about thisong if I could understand the words? Doubtful...
I like this...sounds a bit like Dolores of the Cranberries in a foreign tongue.......in your head     in your head
Slip needs some more reading.
Just like others have pointed out Hildegard is refering to the healing Balm, which is perfectly applicable in the historical context of the lyrics.
The expression "Balm for the soul" is the same in Swedish "Balsam för själen"
(or as "Balsam för öronen" if Romeotuma had been a swedish guy..)
Hint: https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balsam 
We now return you to your usual 'it sucks/blows/rocks' comments ;)

 slippery wrote:

I have never heard 'balsam' being used in the context you are implying in everyday language. The only possible except I could agree to is in some very old and antiquated literature. So I guess you theoretically could be correct when directly translating from english, but 'balsam' in swedish is de-facto seldom, if ever, used as anything else than referring to hair balm.
And as you pointed out, this is further confirmed by the reference to the scent of this mentioned 'balm'.

Ergo, utterly hideous lyrics.

(shrug) The more poetic translation posted by dggeek earlier looks pretty good to me, very sweet and evocative. Translation is a dark art as what works well in one language sounds stupid/dull in another. For example, the last time I visited Venice, many years ago, the vaporetto (water bus) stops had the sign, by a yellow stop line: "Non oltrepassare durante l'attesa", and below had an extremely literal English translation "No overtaking during the wait",  which is ludicrous and meaningless yet accurate. A good translator would have written "Don't cross the line whilst waiting (for the bus)".

The role of a translator, and her/his real skill, is to translate the meaning of the original words into the target language. I bow to your knowledge of Swedish, of which I know zip, but whilst 'balsam' might literally mean 'soap balm' in everyday Swedish it plainly does not mean that in the context of the song, and to translate it as such is to be over-literal.

Sorry, I've done a little translation and interpretation in my time, so felt I had to butt in with a comment.

That was a public information broadcast. We now return you to your usual 'it sucks/blows/rocks' comments ;)

 slippery wrote:

I have never heard 'balsam' being used in the context you are implying in everyday language. The only possible except I could agree to is in some very old and antiquated literature. So I guess you theoretically could be correct when directly translating from english, but 'balsam' in swedish is de-facto seldom, if ever, used as anything else than referring to hair balm.
And as you pointed out, this is further confirmed by the reference to the scent of this mentioned 'balm'.

Ergo, utterly hideous lyrics.


Are you are saying there is another word in Swedish for this?  Considering the Latin religious chant that threads through this song like vertebrae, this is almost certainly what the songwriter was getting at.

 Baby_M wrote:

The lyrics could be Swedish income tax regulations for all I care—I just like how it sounds and I love her voice.

Hmmm ..... mystical Income Tax incantations ..... maybe Obama should pay attention  ... he could do his chants while playing golf.


I promise never to delete a song comment again!  This is good.  6
 slippery wrote:
"solens värme rör vi mig, som doften av balsam" =
"the suns warmth is touching me, like the scent of hair balm"

This has almong the most worthless lyrics ever written by any swede. No joke.
Bill, if you would understand what they are saying you wouldn't play it again - please spare me the pain!


The lyrics could be Swedish income tax regulations for all I care—I just like how it sounds and I love her voice.

 bobcat1963 wrote:
smörebröd was nooit mn favoriete eten, maar dit smaakt echt niet....

Dutch to English translation

smörebröd was never my favorite food, but it tastes really not

There - that makes perfect sense to me. . . I think. 

smörebröd was nooit mn favoriete eten, maar dit smaakt echt niet....
 osbyec wrote:
That opening line, "O Euchari In leta via" is part of a chant written by the nun Hildegard von Bingen over 800 years ago.   I've got a cd of her chants remixed with modern and world music.  It's superb - I had a second grade class that was completely obsessed with her and would say every class, "Put on Hildegard!"

Could you tell me the name of that CD!  I heard a choral program of von Bingen's music one night on our national publicly owned radio station years ago and have tried to find it ever since without success!  I wonder if your CD is the same thing.  Oh and thanks, "slippery" for your info below!

That opening line, "O Euchari In leta via" is part of a chant written by the nun Hildegard von Bingen over 800 years ago.   I've got a cd of her chants remixed with modern and world music.  It's superb - I had a second grade class that was completely obsessed with her and would say every class, "Put on Hildegard!"

 kaybee wrote:
Thanks dggeek for the great translation.  It makes me appreciate this piece even more.  Does anyone (a_genuine_find?) know what language the original is?  Old High German? Middle German?  It looks like a cross between Latin and some Teutonic language.
I'm not sure of what you mean by "original", but the language spoken in this version played here on RP is nothing more than plain everyday swedish. If you are searching for a bit more poetical and older swedish I recommend looking after Lars Winnerbäck, foremost his old stuff but actually all the way up to his Daugava -album. Also Lisa Ekdahl make use of seldomly used and somewhat vanished swedish in here newer albums. If you like those two, Tomas Andersson Wij could be a way to go in the swedish jungle, foremost his older stuff.
 Shamsiel wrote:
Woah, easy there. Hair balm? If we are translating, lets do it correctly... Balsam means just balm, and it could in this context mean for example "balm for the soul" as an abstract idea of somethng soothing, and not neccesarily hair balm (hårbalsam). Agreed? Alltho, the scent of balm implies my version is not correct, but that was just an example to show that it doesnt have to specify hair balm.

slippery wrote:
"solens värme rör vi mig, som doften av balsam" =
"the suns warmth is touching me, like the scent of hair balm"

This has almong the most worthless lyrics ever written by any swede. No joke.
Bill, if you would understand what they are saying you wouldn't play it again - please spare me the pain!


I have never heard 'balsam' being used in the context you are implying in everyday language. The only possible except I could agree to is in some very old and antiquated literature. So I guess you theoretically could be correct when directly translating from english, but 'balsam' in swedish is de-facto seldom, if ever, used as anything else than referring to hair balm.
And as you pointed out, this is further confirmed by the reference to the scent of this mentioned 'balm'.

Ergo, utterly hideous lyrics.

 kaybee wrote:
Thanks dggeek for the great translation.  It makes me appreciate this piece even more.  Does anyone (a_genuine_find?) know what language the original is?  Old High German? Middle German?  It looks like a cross between Latin and some Teutonic language.

"... know what language the original is?" ... see https://www.garmarna.se/



Thanks dggeek for the great translation.  It makes me appreciate this piece even more.  Does anyone (a_genuine_find?) know what language the original is?  Old High German? Middle German?  It looks like a cross between Latin and some Teutonic language.
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I was thinking! {#Dancingbanana}

JWU42 wrote:
I was definitely hearing a Dolores O'Riordan vibe...

 Poacher wrote:
This kind of stuff is exactly why I listen here so often.
I second that!

This is very sexy and atmospheric.

Found this translation.  It sounds much more poetic:

 O Euchari In leta via

The sun`s warmth trickled into you
Like the fragrance of balm.
The sun`s warmth trickled into me
Like the fragrance of balm.
All moving things breathe steadily
Sweeping across the ground
The sun`s warmth trickled into you
Like the fragrance of balm.

O Euchari In leta via

Your hands reach out for me
In the heat of our longing.
My hands reach out for you
In the heat of our longing.
All moving things breathe heavily
Sweeping across the ground.
Your hands reach out for me
In the heat of our longing.

O Euchari In leta via

Translation by Alistar Cochrane

Super, smashing, lovely. 

This kind of stuff is exactly why I listen here so often. 

Not feelin' it.
Woah, easy there. Hair balm? If we are translating, lets do it correctly... Balsam means just balm, and it could in this context mean for example "balm for the soul" as an abstract idea of somethng soothing, and not neccesarily hair balm (hårbalsam). Agreed? Alltho, the scent of balm implies my version is not correct, but that was just an example to show that it doesnt have to specify hair balm.

slippery wrote:
"solens värme rör vi mig, som doften av balsam" =
"the suns warmth is touching me, like the scent of hair balm"

This has almong the most worthless lyrics ever written by any swede. No joke.
Bill, if you would understand what they are saying you wouldn't play it again - please spare me the pain!



Go Swedes!
 TAKEY wrote:
This is different and I never would have heard if not for RP. Another great new find for me.
And for me too! {#Clap}
I love it when RP plays Nordic music!!  {#Clap}
When she rolls her r's, I get chills.  (Love it.)
"solens värme rör vi mig, som doften av balsam" =
"the suns warmth is touching me, like the scent of hair balm"

This has almong the most worthless lyrics ever written by any swede. No joke.
Bill, if you would understand what they are saying you wouldn't play it again - please spare me the pain!



I believe that Hildegard of Bingen is the FIRST named music composer.  Ever.


 a_genuine_find wrote:
My rating button needs a Spinal Tap Upgrade...

O Euchari
O Euchari in leta via
Solens värme dröp i dig
som doften av balsam
Solens värme dröp i mig
som doften av balsam
Allt som rör sig andas lugnt,
driver över marken
Solens värem dröp i dig
som doften av balsam
O Euchari in leta via
Dina händer söker mig
som brinner av längtan
Mina händer söker dig
som brinner av längtan
Allt som rör sig andas lugnt,
driver över marken
Dina händer söker mig
som brinner av längtan
O Euchari
O Euchari In leta via
The sun`s warmth trickled into you
Like the fragrance of balm.
The sun`s warmth trickled into me
Like the fragrance of balm.
All moving things breathe steadily
Sweeping across the ground
The sun`s warmth trickled into you
Like the fragrance of balm.
O Euchari In leta via
Your hands reach out for me
In the heat of our longing.
My hands reach out for you
In the heat of our longing.
All moving things breathe heavily
Sweeping across the ground.
Your hands reach out for me
In the heat of our longing.
O Euchari In leta via

Wow! Very cool, thanks for this.

 Geecheeboy wrote:
How in the heck do you even know that? Good Lord, that makes me feel stupid.
I know some of the music of Hildegard von Bingen, but I would never have recognized it here, so don't feel too bad GeeCh...an awesome get.

 prickelpit96 wrote:

No need to...

If you're interested in this kind of music, you can't flee the name Hildegard von Bingen and her famous music.
That's why someone knows about her...

Btw: Besides the music, she was a very influential scientist and mystic person.
She worked and lived as a abbess in Bingen.

zounds like a Lemon Soda (POP)
Geecheeboy wrote:
How in the heck do you even know that? Good Lord, that makes me feel stupid.
No need to... If you're interested in this kind of music, you can't flee the name Hildegard von Bingen and her famous music. That's why someone knows about her... Btw: Besides the music, she was a very influential scientist and mystic person. She worked and lived as a abbess in Bingen.
keller1 wrote:
The melody is a direct lift of a chant by a 12th century nun named Hildegard von Bingen. I see these guys named one of their albums after her, so they're at least up front about their sources.
You are absolutely correct!!!! It even sounds like the same woman singing. Great HVB cd is VISION
keller1 wrote:
The melody is a direct lift of a chant by a 12th century nun named Hildegard von Bingen. ...
How in the heck do you even know that? Good Lord, that makes me feel stupid.
olesonb wrote:
The Cranberries meet Cirque du Soleil?
I was definitely hearing a Dolores O'Riordan vibe...
My rating button needs a Spinal Tap Upgrade... O Euchari O Euchari in leta via Solens vÀrme dröp i dig som doften av balsam Solens vÀrme dröp i mig som doften av balsam Allt som rör sig andas lugnt, driver över marken Solens vÀrem dröp i dig som doften av balsam O Euchari in leta via Dina hÀnder söker mig som brinner av lÀngtan Mina hÀnder söker dig som brinner av lÀngtan Allt som rör sig andas lugnt, driver över marken Dina hÀnder söker mig som brinner av lÀngtan O Euchari O Euchari In leta via The sun`s warmth trickled into you Like the fragrance of balm. The sun`s warmth trickled into me Like the fragrance of balm. All moving things breathe steadily Sweeping across the ground The sun`s warmth trickled into you Like the fragrance of balm. O Euchari In leta via Your hands reach out for me In the heat of our longing. My hands reach out for you In the heat of our longing. All moving things breathe heavily Sweeping across the ground. Your hands reach out for me In the heat of our longing. O Euchari In leta via
a_genuine_find wrote:
Well, I guess there is no explaination for individual tastes! If it sounds middle eastern, I LOVE IT (like you and Reggae!) HADA!
M.easternn'reggae-4evva! :D (Ouch, really...:( very ugly song this one, very..)
Candela wrote:
LOL Genuine, here you are again hehe, and Trondheim loves you too! :) but, ouch, what a terrible song.. sheesh..
Well, I guess there is no explaination for individual tastes! If it sounds middle eastern, I LOVE IT (like you and Reggae!) HADA!