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Total ratings: 5530
Length: 3:45
Plays (last 30 days): 4
To the girl with the mousy hair
But her mummy is yelling, "No!"
And her daddy has told her to go
But her friend is nowhere to be seen
Now she walks through her sunken dream
To the seat with the clearest view
And she's hooked to the silver screen
But the film is a saddening bore
For she's lived it ten times or more
She could spit in the eyes of fools
As they ask her to focus on
Sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man! Look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?
It's on America's tortured brow
That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow
Now the workers have struck for fame
Because Lennon's on sale again
See the mice in their million hordes
From Ibeza to the Norfolk Broads
Rule Britannia is out of bounds
To my mother, my dog, and clowns
But the film is a saddening bore
Because I wrote it ten times or more
It's about to be writ again
As I ask you to focus on
Sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man! Look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?
I miss David. Especially when I hear this song.
I love the quick double beat on the drum. I'm sure there's a name for it.
It's probably a flam.
Forever loved.
Forever missed.
The often completely drunk, completely egomaniacal, always cape wearing fantastic Rick Wakeman
i especially enjoy the piano on this track.
It was like I had suddenly woke up musically.
I loved this guy.
i especially enjoy the piano on this track.
Very prescient lyrics. Written in 1971, apparently. “The lawman beating up the wrong guy…” America’s … brow & so much more… All foreseen by Bowie.
It was going on long before 1971, and hasn't changed since.
My belief/hope is that, just like David Jones killed Ziggy and the Thin White Duke, after his onstage heart attack - David Jones decided to kill David Bowie.
And so, I like to imagine him - like Bale's Batman - sitting at a nice café table with Iman - drinking a nice cappuccino and enjoying the rest of his life. And more power to him. Thanks for everything.
That was the one scene from the Batman trilogy that made me have something in my eyes

And so, I like to imagine him - like Bale's Batman - sitting at a nice café table with Iman - drinking a nice cappuccino and enjoying the rest of his life. And more power to him. Thanks for everything.
Agreed, this and "Word on a Wing"
The plot of the series of the same name is so close to my life living abroad for 15 years. The song literally brings me to tears. Love it...

but the film
The UK series Life on Mars... ahhh!
This song is in the titles.
With the exception of the very last episode, the US version with Harvey Keitel was pretty good as well :)
This song is in the titles.
Has the RP connecting songs fun followed me to the 'mellow mix'?
Are we connecting Laura Palmer (theme from 'Twin Peaks') to the "girl with the mousy hair"?
I recently learned that that line, said by Bowie in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, was actually something Bowie had picked up from his guitarist, Adrian Belew.
Are we connecting Laura Palmer (theme from 'Twin Peaks') to the "girl with the mousy hair"?
I grok that.
sorry that it took me so long to comment...
but that was a good one, probably only for about 2 listeners, but that's ok.
Musician as sorcerer.
Bowie, perhaps more than anyone I have seen in concert, had the ability to transform an entire audience. You were someplace else, someplace magical. He led you through the portal.
As a frequent Bowie concert attendee, I couldn't describe it any better. It was magical seeing him. I miss him SO much!
Please stop being awesome, RP. I'm trying to work here!
Yo también !
And two tens.
"this is absolutely in the top ten most effing amazing 'pieces of art' that has existed in this beautifully, in-tune, renaissance period that may have peaked in '97,'98??!"
May God Bless 'flight of the concord's' my favorite band
If you can find an interview with Rick Wakeman, who played piano on this (and Morning Has Broken) listen to him rave about how unique Bowie's chord structure and changes were for this song. Obviously Richards and Wakeman are both musicians but I'll go with Wakeman's opinion of a musician.
check out the Rockonteurs podcast. Two wonderful old British rockers who interview equally old rockers. the episode with Wakeman was fantastic and he talks about this song (as well as a great story about him playing on TRex Bang a Gong).
Love that 2001 Space Odyssey drum outro…
I was surprised to read Keith Richards' low opinion of David Bowie - at least regarding his musicianship. To ridicule David Bowie's use of costume and pomp was a case of the pot calling the kettle black. I don't enjoy every David Bowie album, but the majority of them are interesting enough musically to keep me listening.
If you can find an interview with Rick Wakeman, who played piano on this (and Morning Has Broken) listen to him rave about how unique Bowie's chord structure and changes were for this song. Obviously Richards and Wakeman are both musicians but I'll go with Wakeman's opinion of a musician.
Rick Wakeman? I just listened to David Bowie.
Famously, Rick Wakeman plays piano on this album.
The little piano outro is the perfect ending to this incredible song.

Someone I follow on Twitter recently asked "what for you is the greatest song ever?"
Looking at the comments, the main criteria people went for were:
"It has everything" / diversity of instrumentation and structure / great melody / solid message / clever lyrics / tells a story / evokes strong emotions / universal appeal
I thought about this for a few days, and ended up deliberating between Life on Mars? and A Day in the Life (neither of which appeared in the Twitter comments!)
In the end I thought Mars had the edge, because the lyrics are a little cleverer and for me it has a greater range of emotions.
I'm not really much of a Bowie fan, Hunky D is the only album I know in full – maybe I'm even being objective here!
My thought process was:
Bo Rhap – No cigar, nonsense lyrics
Happy Together – No cigar, content too light
Joni M.. (take your pick!) – Her songs are the ones that move me most. But no, you really need to 'get her' to get her best songs. Maybe doesn't score on universal appeal?
Day in the Life – maybe.. but covers specific events too personal to the writer?
Long and Winding Road – 'Missing a loved one'.. Theme a bit too narrow?
She's Leaving Home – Yep.. that's the Beatles song that ticks all the boxes. (I was able to feel the parents' pain listening to it aged 10!)
Am I sure there are no contenders outside the Beatles?
Waterloo Sunset – Beautiful melody, but structure a little simple and repetitive.
Hang on.. using that argument Day in the Life has to beat Leaving Home, which is pretty much the same mood all the way through.
Life on Mars? – Why did that suddenly pop into my head?
Let me check the lyrics again.. seems to be saying "Is this all there is to life?" That's a HUGE message!
And the chorus alone is like a mini-symphony – this could be the one!
OK let's go back and compare it to our benchmark, Day in the Life:
Well blow me over, DITL is really saying how we oscillate between being immersed in our own little worlds and getting worked up about trivialities in the news - V similar message to Life on Mars!
But Mars is just more of an emotional journey, for me.
So there you have it.. analytical science (AKA my brain, hehe!) says Life on Mars wins it.
Well done DB!
Graphic design without the use of a computer. My young colleagues wouldn't believe it possible.
While certainly possible, this is part of an excellent series of songs re-imagined as pulp fiction book covers by artist Todd Alcott, who, alas, almost certainly used digital tools. ;) https://www.etsy.com/shop/Todd...

Graphic design without the use of a computer. My young colleagues wouldn't believe it possible.

Exactly . . . I have a conference call now, but don't want to mute this song!
Desert Island top 5.

This is an excellent "mock-up" (if that term may be currently used?). Well done!
PS: I promise I am not intoxicated at the moment.
<edit, three years afterward> OK, He really doesn't look like Ms Kidman.
More David. It's a no brainer.

Rating to me: 8 -Most Excellent
Glad you love RP.
You might not realize this, but:
1) your formatting looks awful in the player, and
2) if anyone wants to see your rating on a song, they can look it up. Posting your ratings on the comments seems useless and self-serving only (IMHO).
Bowie, perhaps more than anyone I have seen in concert, had the ability to transform an entire audience. You were someplace else, someplace magical. He led you through the portal.
I kinda love this (Bowie fanfic) short story Neil wrote....

I admit , I have not viewed the play list for Bowie here at RP and I will..
I would suggest both. We are creatures of variety and mood. Always amazed at how I drift away from an artist, rediscover and then say to myself-where did s/he go? Then I remember, it was me, not them. Just waiting to be rediscovered. Praise patience...
After the spectacular lift off of Space X Falcon Heavy yesterday (with part of this song as some theme music), Starman is at the wheel of the Tesla Roadster now zooming through space:
It was a good day.
Good Dreamin day
I admit , I have not viewed the play list for Bowie here at RP and I will..
Can this song grow more beautiful with each passing year? A yearning teen age heart felt this music and still yearns freshly 50 years later. Only more more deeply felt.
As a closeted gay man at the time, I share the yearning with Wardleader. "look at those cavemen..." reassuring words when not much else was for me then. But the whole album was stunning-still tear up when I hear Kooks-would have loved to hear my dad say those things. But he did as good as he could.
Can this song grow more beautiful with each passing year? A yearning teen age heart felt this music and still yearns freshly 50 years later. Only more more deeply felt.
life on Mars is very different today, very quiet!
Yeah, they finally got some headphones and ear-buds up there. They don't all walk around blasting their boom-boxes anymore.
no, it's a flam