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Length: 4:03
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Maybe there isn't a vein of stars calling out my name
No Glow from above our heads
Nothing there to see you down on your knees
Twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven
(Twenty years in the future)
Off in the future maybe there ain't no heaven
It's just you and me and maybe it's just as well
'Cause if there ain't no heaven maybe there ain't no hell?
Who knows?
Maybe there isn't a vein of stars calling out my name
Who knows?
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Midfieldlive is a sports news website with a special focus on cricket, football, and various other sports. The platform offers a wide range of content including news, articles, videos, interviews, live field coverage of cricket and football practices. Proudly based in Bangladesh, Midfieldlive stands as a prominent online newspaper dedicated to the world of sports.
Fuck off with your spam you wanker.
Midfieldlive is a sports news website with a special focus on cricket, football, and various other sports. The platform offers a wide range of content including news, articles, videos, interviews, live field coverage of cricket and football practices. Proudly based in Bangladesh, Midfieldlive stands as a prominent online newspaper dedicated to the world of sports.
খেলার খবর
আজকের খেলা ক্রিকেট
Midfieldlive is a sports news website with a special focus on cricket, football, and various other sports. The platform offers a wide range of content including news, articles, videos, interviews, live field coverage of cricket and football practices. Proudly based in Bangladesh, Midfieldlive stands as a prominent online newspaper dedicated to the world of sports.
he rhymed seven with heaven
throw him out of the songwriters guild
June and moon rhymes will not be tolerated either
And you're RIGHT outta there if you rhyme "school" with "rule," especially "golden rule."
loveable to relax and dance and...drèam on.
Oklahoma may be geographically located central Midwest but the culture is a bizarre collision of Southern gentility and Western ethos. As much as it would be convenient for academics to neatly separate states according to borders, it's a mistake. Oklahoma is the South. Parts of Indian Territory fought for the confederacy for God's sake.
You might be surprised at the musicianship present in Oklahoma. J.J. Cale tried to teach Eric Clapton how to replicate the Tulsa Sound but Clapton could not pick up the nuance. Leon Russell, with due attribution to Dr. John, made the Tulsa Sound into an institution. So when you say "They are from Oklahoma, that's all you need to know," you're actually saying they are from a place where there is literally nothing else to do but drink and play music. Spend some time to go outside. It's the only way to differentiate fiction from nonfiction.
Other musicians from Oklahoma include Neal Schon from Journey, Woody Guthrie, Patty Page, jazz great Chet Baker, and a whole slew of country artists like Roy Clark, Roger Miller, Garth Brooks, Blake Shelton, Carrie Underwood, Reba McEntire, just to name a few.
They are from Oklahoma, that is all you need to know.
Oklahoma is a State in the Mid- west of the United States of America.
You really should have known.
Oklahoma may be geographically located central Midwest but the culture is a bizarre collision of Southern gentility and Western ethos. As much as it would be convenient for academics to neatly separate states according to borders, it's a mistake. Oklahoma is the South. Parts of Indian Territory fought for the confederacy for God's sake.
They are from Oklahoma, that is all you need to know.
You might be surprised at the musicianship present in Oklahoma. J.J. Cale tried to teach Eric Clapton how to replicate the Tulsa Sound but Clapton could not pick up the nuance. Leon Russell, with due attribution to Dr. John, made the Tulsa Sound into an institution. So when you say "They are from Oklahoma, that's all you need to know," you're actually saying they are from a place where there is literally nothing else to do but drink and play music. Spend some time to go outside. It's the only way to differentiate fiction from nonfiction.
This song is one of those that just comes into my brain when I'm walking around town or in the grocery store or at the barber shop...
Interesting. Must be the scent of mushrooms and hair lotion that triggers it.
I first gave it a 4. then I listened more. Went to 3. Listened more, went to 2.
Maybe stop listening before you try to go negative?
They are from Oklahoma, that is all you need to know.
Mackmoney3000 wrote:
What does this comment mean? I'm still trying to figure it out
You really should have known.
he rhymed seven with heaven
throw him out of the songwriters guild
June and moon rhymes will not be tolerated either
Well, "At the end of the day"... this could be "unprecedented!"
Mellotron, to be accurate.
This song is one of those that just comes into my brain when I'm walking around town or in the grocery store or at the barber shop...
I would get some help!

One of the best philosophical lines ever from Kermit: "It ain't easy being green."
They are from Oklahoma, that is all you need to know.
What does this comment mean? I'm still trying to figure it out

Amazing, beautiful, creatures dancing
More Lips!!!
This is a great song from a great band. But I have to wonder what's up with Wayne and Miley Cyrus? What could he see in her as a performer? Why would he join forces with her and potentially taint the great work that the Lips have done?
Perhaps Wayne really liked Miley's taint.
Ahem, I'll get me coat.
Whatever Miley Cyrus might be, she's not without singing talent.
We are so lucky you have zero influence

Bob Dylan rhymed June, moon and spoon
throw him out of the songwriters guild
June and moon rhymes will not be tolerated either
Maybe she's teaching him to sing in tune.
I don't recall there being any strings on "Court of the Crimson King", but I haven't heard it in a while. I don't doubt that Wayne Coyne was influenced by King Crimson, and many others though.
Mellotron, to be accurate.
I don't recall there being any strings on "Court of the Crimson King", but I haven't heard it in a while. I don't doubt that Wayne Coyne was influenced by King Crimson, and many others though.

TeeHee. That's been my Facebook profile picture for years.
OUT! Damned spot. The Thane of Fife had a wife shall henceforth be gone too.
Luckily, not much rhymes with Shakespeare.
throw him out of the songwriters guild
June and moon rhymes will not be tolerated either
I didn't hear that first of all, but yes when the slightly-mellotron-sounding keyboards came in and teh fuzzy guitar.. Yes. Sound like them. Don't measure up to them though :-(
Good call.....some Old Floyd too.
I really love Yoshimi and AWWTM but the new one sounds like they passed out while the tape was rolling and they released the part right after they all woke up with giant hangovers and pissed and got a big drink of water. Mind bogglingly muddled and pointless.
I have taken a lot of razzing over the years for liking these guys (I have no problem with that).
If Wayne was in this room right now I would never stop cockpunching him. Their latest is the most incoherent piece of shit ever...
I didn't even make it through the whole "album", I frisbeed it out the window of my car after about 20 minutes of sheer unbelief.
Wayne you owe me 10 bux!!! hehehe
Funny, because this album (AWWTM) is generally considered their worst, or at least one of their worst, and Embryonic is considered one of their best. This is probably the only Flaming Lips album I won't bother to even listen to again.

..wait, so you like this one?..
..straight-on 8 from Shaggyton..
Byronape wrote:
While I didn't "frisbee it out the window of my car" after the first listen, I was very disappointed. I have it buried in my stack of cds to pull out on some random day far in the future to give another listen. Every now and then, a cd that I thought was a stinker ends up being a gem I wasn't able to appreciate properly at the time of purchase. However, most of the time I remember why I thought they sucked and bury them again.
Only 10? In Denver? Hard to believe. Sorry the weird puts you off, but I really like it!


Damn I love this song! Saw these guys live a couple of New Year's ago in their hometown of Oklahoma City. Unforgettable.
I heard they have a wacky fan in OK, so I don't think I'll see them there. Don't get me wrong, I'm really jealous.
Damn I love this song! Saw these guys live a couple of New Year's ago in their hometown of Oklahoma City. Unforgettable.

I actually like this song but I have to admit THAT

I really love Yoshimi and AWWTM but the new one sounds like they passed out while the tape was rolling and they released the part right after they all woke up with giant hangovers and pissed and got a big drink of water. Mind bogglingly muddled and pointless.
I have taken a lot of razzing over the years for liking these guys (I have no problem with that).
If Wayne was in this room right now I would never stop cockpunching him. Their latest is the most incoherent piece of shit ever...
I didn't even make it through the whole "album", I frisbeed it out the window of my car after about 20 minutes of sheer unbelief.
Wayne you owe me 10 bux!!! hehehe
While I didn't "frisbee it out the window of my car" after the first listen, I was very disappointed. I have it buried in my stack of cds to pull out on some random day far in the future to give another listen. Every now and then, a cd that I thought was a stinker ends up being a gem I wasn't able to appreciate properly at the time of purchase. However, most of the time I remember why I thought they sucked and bury them again.
I really love Yoshimi and AWWTM but the new one sounds like they passed out while the tape was rolling and they released the part right after they all woke up with giant hangovers and pissed and got a big drink of water. Mind bogglingly muddled and pointless.
I have taken a lot of razzing over the years for liking these guys (I have no problem with that).
If Wayne was in this room right now I would never stop cockpunching him. Their latest is the most incoherent piece of shit ever...
I didn't even make it through the whole "album", I frisbeed it out the window of my car after about 20 minutes of sheer unbelief.
Wayne you owe me 10 bux!!! hehehe
I can't claim to understand the "boiled cabbage" reference but it doesn't surprise me that they are an acquired taste. Actually surprised me a lot to discover that they became popular outside of Texas. They get a 9 from me because I knew them when they were starting out, and artists I know personally *always* get 9's.
"They get a 9 from me because I knew them ... and artists I know personally *always* get 9's." Very true, I have the same policy. Have a look at my Fave's list and you will see who I rubbed elbows with.

FL is definitely an acquired taste. For me, I've tried and decided that they're not right for my palate. Tastes like boiled cabbage to me...
I can't claim to understand the "boiled cabbage" reference but it doesn't surprise me that they are an acquired taste. Actually surprised me a lot to discover that they became popular outside of Texas. They get a 9 from me because I knew them when they were starting out, and artists I know personally *always* get 9's.
- mmmm, roasted Brussels Sprouts with balsamic vinegar.

Agreed ! For a variation on that theme, try Seasoned Gourmet Rice Vinegar (Marukan makes a great
rice vinigar that can be found in any of the major supermarkets.) This isn't a plug for any one brand of rice vinegar,
however, this specific vinegar and brussel sprouts go together in a delightful combo.
I like to steam the sprouts in the rice vinegar, approx. 1-2 Tbs per serving —- or to taste.

PS this vinegar also goes well with Okra.
That's because cabbage tastes better when it's roasted, not boiled - mmmm, roasted Brussels Sprouts with balsamic vinegar.

FL is definitely an acquired taste. For me, I've tried and decided that they're not right for my palate. Tastes like boiled cabbage to me...
agreed. Boiled cabbage.
They always have cool cover designs.
FL is definitely an acquired taste. For me, I've tried and decided that they're not right for my palate. Tastes like boiled cabbage to me...
Funny! I don't like boiled cabbage either, but I appreciate the Flaming Lips.
Love this.

maybe there isn't a vein of stars callin' out my name

I still like the "jelly" song...
god that song rocks
in a completely stupid loud screeching in the car Effit I'm cranking this one up to 11 kind of way
FL is definitely an acquired taste. For me, I've tried and decided that they're not right for my palate. Tastes like boiled cabbage to me...
AWWTM is probably my 4th or 5th favourite Lips album.
They have a great selection of cool albums.

From the 1st time I heard them in the late 90's, they've been my favorite example for the proposition that people will listen to anything...and LOVE it.

these guys deserve credit. they really did their homework. one wonders who they might rip off next. barry manilow? chubby checker?
...and we heard Neil Young a few songs prior 'ripping off' "Knocking on Heaven's Door" with "Helpless". Are they the same song? NO! Would you consider Neil less of an artist for borrowing chord progressions? NO! So why should the Lips not be afforded the same courtesy?
They still have quite a bit of quirkiness about them.
never heard it before...loved yoshimi though great album.
I still like the "jelly" song...
Its not. End of story. Give us a break from the hyperbole.

Other musicians from Oklahoma include Neal Schon from Journey, Woody Guthrie, Patty Page, jazz great Chet Baker, and a whole slew of country artists like Roy Clark, Roger Miller, Garth Brooks, Blake Shelton, Carrie Underwood, Reba McEntire, just to name a few.
And don't forget that Buddy Holly comes from a place in close proximity to OK City but makes OK City look like Shangra La - Lubbock, TX. It's the arm pit of TX and I speak with authority. I spent most of childhood there. And oddly many great musician are from that area. Not surprising, none of them chose to live there after they became successful.