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Length: 6:15
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While the days slipped by from my window watching
And where were you when I was hurt and I was helpless
'Cause the things you say and the things you do surround me
While you were hanging yourself on someone else's words
Dying to believe in what you heard
I was staring straight into the shining sun
Lost in thought and lost in time
While the seeds of life and the seeds of change were planted
Outside the rain fell dark and slow
While I pondered on this dangerous but irresistible pastime
I took a heavenly ride through our silence
I knew the moment had arrived
For killing the past and coming back to life
I took a heavenly ride through our silence
I knew the waiting had begun
And headed straight... into the shining sun

All eras of Pink Floyd are wonderful and timeless. <3

Started badly, and apart from doodling Dave, it trudges thrugh the minutes and eventually ends when they all gave up to do something else.
I wish there was a way to filter out content-free comments, too.
But I actually have some sympathy for this one. The chunta-chunta-chunta rhythm is kinda lightweight, childish even and precisely the wrong tempo.
(And I loved me some PF. I lay on the floor in the dark last night and listened to both Ummagumma discs and I couldn't have been happpier.)
This reminds me of my late, good friend Iggy. He played several cuts from Division Bell in the car one night, including this. He truly loved PF, in all 3-4 incarnations. I wasn't paying close attention to any PF that wasn't Waters/Gilmour DSOTM-era and so I was somewhat unimpressed.
Now I feel Iggy would commend me for liking this a lot more than I did then, not least because it reminds me of what a good friend and fellow he was. He was gone far too soon and I can't help but think that this should be some of his theme music.
Sorry for your lost. I hope this song gives you some confort and brings back good memories. I love all PF, couldn't care less what album
Now I feel Iggy would commend me for liking this a lot more than I did then, not least because it reminds me of what a good friend and fellow he was. He was gone far too soon and I can't help but think that this should be some of his theme music.
Started badly, and apart from doodling Dave, it trudges thrugh the minutes and eventually ends when they all gave up to do something else.
Why do I even bother reading comments like these

Started badly, and apart from doodling Dave, it trudges thrugh the minutes and eventually ends when they all gave up to do something else.

I'll go with that, its a real Polly song IMHO.
But the new CD is great, as long as you know up front that it is pretty much an ambient instrumental album that was based around Rick Wright's keyboards. With that in mind, it is a great listen.
Thanks for the review.
I was wonderin'.

ScottN wrote:
Calling R. Waters....

But the new CD is great, as long as you know up front that it is pretty much an ambient instrumental album that was based around Rick Wright's keyboards. With that in mind, it is a great listen.

Imkirok wrote:

Calling R. Waters....

Not even mediocre regardless of what I compare this to.
That synth-machine rhythm section is awfully top-50 countdown pop music. I guessed this was from late-80s but apparently the band wasn't changing with the times at that point. The guitar is cool, though.
3/17/15 edit: great segue from Beatles' "Flying"...
Good call Wolfy.
Indeed, agreed on all of this. The Final Cut demonstrated what happened with Waters fully in the lead (i.e. a depressing, whiny, incoherent collection of only mild interest). The two albums by Gilmour go too far in the opposite direction (i.e. overly smooth, not timeless, and also of only mild interest). Like Lennon and McCartney, Waters and Gilmour wrote their best as a team.

I really miss a dedicated cowbell smiley in the Notorious RP Emoticons Selection. This will have to do for now:

Extraordinary song. Seldom before have I heard. Giving me goosebumps.
It's a good thing I have RP to help me re-discover some of these tunes.
Well, the Wall has its place but I agree, this entire album is a Masterpiece of concept, lyrics, and guitar arrangements.....Its one of my most favorite albums of all times.
Poke the bear......
Call it whatever you want, It's still good :) But I must admit that I prefer the albums with Roger.
Hey Bill, if you're reading this, I'd love to hear something from David Gilmours semi-acoustic Meltdown concert he did in 2001. It offered some of the best versions of Pink Floyd and David Gilmour songs I've ever heard.

Stingray wrote:
I wish all of you "MERRY CHRISTMAS",
wherever you are - whoever you wanna be!
Christmas is a sweet-naive tradition -
not a religious event!
I like it anyway!
Still - I hope Bill takes the chance
to rock the christmas-tree to pieces tonight!
"Happy Christmas
your "BAD SANTA",
-from Cologne/Germany-
Sermon of the day (promise: I'm serious):
The "Three Wise Men" - Melchior, Balthasar + Caspar
are buried in a golden sarcophage in"our" dome, the famous
"Cologne dome" - the third highest church-building
in the world - right in the very centre of town, next to the Rhine.
A gothic building of extra-class!
Have a look:
The "grave" for the non-believers:
And Man, I'm digging that guitar.
London in June 2001 "David Gilmour in Concert"
"From Dave Mustaine of Megadeth: "David Gilmour can do more with one note than most guitar players can do with the whole fretboard." Enough said. " 1swede1
"People who think in terms of scales and theory probably think Dave's style is limited. But, I consider him a virtuoso. He's not a shredder but, so many great guitarists overlook the side of playing that he maximizes. I learned a lot about making notes matter from him. I see great shredders more often than I see guitarists who can also include the kind of patient, smooth, emotional finesse and accurate note bending he does. I love both approaches. I think he deserves equally great status." stringslasher

I wish all of you "MERRY CHRISTMAS",
wherever you are - whoever you wanna be!
Christmas is a sweet-naive tradition -
not a religious event!
I like it anyway!
Still - I hope Bill takes the chance
to rock the christmas-tree to pieces tonight!
"Happy Christmas
your "BAD SANTA",
-from Cologne/Germany-
Sermon of the day (promise: I'm serious):
The "Three Wise Men" - Melchior, Balthasar + Caspar
are buried in a golden sarcophage in"our" dome, the famous
"Cologne dome" - the third highest church-building
in the world - right in the very centre of town, next to the Rhine.
A gothic building of extra-class!
Have a look:
The "grave" for the non-believers:
Who knew? (Apart from Bill, of course.)
Yep, that was some fine bridging!
Who knew? (Apart from Bill, of course.)
johkir wrote:
I know I'm going to catch all kinds of hell from the other RPers, but I don't care. I LOVE THIS ALBUM!!!!
Mine was MLoR, but I too get crap for it not being 'REAL' Floyd ... I don't care though, I love all Floyd now.
I know I'm going to catch all kinds of hell from the other RPers, but I don't care. I LOVE THIS ALBUM!!!!
The last of the Floyd.