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Length: 4:15
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Send us a blade
Tell the survivors
"Help is on the way"
I was a blindfold
Never complained
All the survivors
Singing in the rain
I was the one with
The world at my feet
Got us a battle
Leave it up to me
Find us a trapdoor
Find us a plane
Tell the survivors
"Help is on the way"
I was a blindfold
Who never complained
All the survivors
Singing in the rain
I was the one with
The world at my feet
Got us a battle
Leave it up to me
What it is and where it stops
Nobody knows
You gave me a life
I never chose
I wanna leave but the world
Won't let me go
Wanna leave but the world
Won't let me go
What it is and where it stops
Nobody knows
You gave me a life
I never chose
I wanna leave but the world
Won't let me go
Wanna leave but the world
Won't let me go
What it is and where it stops
Nobody knows
You gave me a life
I never chose
I wanna leave but the world
Won't let me go
Wanna leave but the world
Won't let me go
What it is and where it stops
Nobody knows
You gave me a life
I never chose
I was the one with
The world at my feet
Got us a battle
Leave it up to me
Leave it up to me
Leave it up to me

love Metric - brilliant band
They're really begin to measure up.
But then it turns into something totally different.
Take that annoying beat and compare it to the Chinese water torture. Just awful. Sucko. Barfo.
I like them but I am feeling you on this one.
I like the contrast between the gritty guitar sound and the lollipopy, sweet synthetic sounds at different times in the song. Cool :-)
P.S. If I'm going to make up a word that doesn't exist, I might as well write it properly. I went for one p in lollipoPy. What do you think?
P.P.S. One of my favourite portmanteau words is Fictionary :-)
P.S. One of my favorite portmanteus is wiktionary. :)
I like the contrast between the gritty guitar sound and the lollipopy, sweet synthetic sounds at different times in the song. Cool :-)
P.S. If I'm going to make up a word that doesn't exist, I might as well write it properly. I went for one p in lollipoPy. What do you think?
P.P.S. One of my favourite portmanteau words is Fictionary :-)
Clearly you are a wordsmith who enjoys stretching the legal boundaries of your poetic license.
I applaud this.
Try this one on for size:
"His deceivious nature made him both entertaining and impossible to trust."
Also, Loves me some Metric, in all their lollipoppy goodness. (I vote for 2 P's, if I get a vote...)

RDO - i try to steer clear of your bombast... this is a music message board. You're unlikely to influence anyone' politics by unloading on the users of this board...
However, this statement:
"We have never heard the lefties criticize socialist regimes, and we have heard plenty of praise by them for dictators"
... is just about the dumbest thing I've heard you say in a while.
Che Guevara
I like the contrast between the gritty guitar sound and the lollipopy, sweet synthetic sounds at different times in the song. Cool :-)
P.S. If I'm going to make up a word that doesn't exist, I might as well write it properly. I went for one p in lollipoPy. What do you think?
P.P.S. One of my favourite portmanteau words is Fictionary :-)
Should be lollipoppy. Lollipopy is when the pope is having a rest.
Thanks Ziggy :-)
I did ask. Thought that as the accent was on the first syllable, there would be no need to double the P
Regardless of Google results, you'd go with two Ps? It's so annoying now that the search results are tweaked to display what they think one wants to see based on their IP address or previous searches. I really don 't like it when the machines think in our place. I'd rather my mistakes to actually be mine.
And one from Tolstoï that I like, “Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.” and just to be clear, I agree with you I got it wrongish. It's just a quote I like :-)
That Leo was no dummy. I also like the similar "Sanity is not statistical" from Orwell. I think of that every time I see some poll pushing some social agenda and saying that 56% of people agree with this controversial but poorly worded statement, and therefore the 44% that didn't agree are obviously insane as well as any of their ilk that think like them.
I'm not sure if it's OSX or Chrome, but one of these programs is suggesting lollipoppy for the correct spelling for lollipopy...
Google returns about 280,000 results for lollipoppy vs about 141,000 results for lollipopy.
Based on that, I think you got it slightly wrongish. Sorry, but you did ask.

Thanks Ziggy :-)
I did ask. Thought that as the accent was on the first syllable, there would be no need to double the P
Regardless of Google results, you'd go with two Ps? It's so annoying now that the search results are tweaked to display what they think one wants to see based on their IP address or previous searches. I really don 't like it when the machines think in our place. I'd rather my mistakes to actually be mine.
And one from Tolstoï that I like, “Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.” and just to be clear, I agree with you I got it wrongish. It's just a quote I like :-)
P.P.S. One of my favourite portmanteau words is Fictionary :-)
I'm not sure if it's OSX or Chrome, but one of these programs is suggesting lollipoppy for the correct spelling for lollipopy...
Google returns about 280,000 results for lollipoppy vs about 141,000 results for lollipopy.
Based on that, I think you got it slightly wrongish. Sorry, but you did ask.

P.S. If I'm going to make up a word that doesn't exist, I might as well write it properly. I went for one p in lollipoPy. What do you think?
P.P.S. One of my favourite portmanteau words is Fictionary :-)
Now that you mention it ... it does. A rocked up version. I dig this song. When it gets going ... I am tapping my foot ...
I gotta ask....Which side?"
( In light of your comments on the entire page.)
Yes LizK, I realize that political humour is lost on most people including you. Apologies for being so confusing with respect to the imperialist running dog streaming radio station out of California.
My grandfather was a capo terrorist. That should tell you "which side" in regards to the Nazi occupation I referenced earlier.
But LizK if you are well socialized proud American, you figure among some of the greatest ethnic cleansing, terrorist peoples of human history.
very funny, I am sure the people in the death camps are having a good laugh now. You all can gang up on me all you want. It wont shut me up. Raising awareness about the planet's evils is the whole point of comment boards. I stick to music but stuff like this cannot just go without rebuttal all the time. No one attacks the lefties like they attack me. We have never heard the lefties criticize socialist regimes, and we have heard plenty of praise by them for dictators. Cry all you want, and thanks for bumping my post.
Many dictatorships in the world are from right political side. Shut up if you can't understand that and stay informed
If any of you has a chance to see them: Go do it!
very funny, I am sure the people in the death camps are having a good laugh now. You all can gang up on me all you want. It wont shut me up. Raising awareness about the planet's evils is the whole point of comment boards. I stick to music but stuff like this cannot just go without rebuttal all the time. No one attacks the lefties like they attack me. We have never heard the lefties criticize socialist regimes, and we have heard plenty of praise by them for dictators. Cry all you want, and thanks for bumping my post.
Time jump, but I walked through Auschwitz-Birkenau last month and don`t need glib comments to bring back those somber memories/ echoes.
Can we not stick to music in all its varied forms? S'l vous plait?
Ha! Not in Canada, though... We use Metric and SAE interchangeably, at least lots of folks do. When I talk to people in Europe, they can't believe we use metric for a whole bunch of stuff, but our entire building trade is based in feet and inches. I tend to use Celcius temperature measurement in the winter, and switch to Farhenheit during the summer. We use Imperial measures for smaller length measurements (darts, horseshoes, sexual organs), and Metric for longer things, although lots of folks use miles, or a combination, depending on the circumstances.
Know why the Mars Climate Orbiter got lost? One engineering team used metric, another English (SAE). And here I thought the specs included standardization.
As for this voice. Man, is she hot!
I gotta ask....Which side?"
( In light of your comments on the entire page.)
very funny, I am sure the people in the death camps are having a good laugh now. You all can gang up on me all you want. It wont shut me up. Raising awareness about the planet's evils is the whole point of comment boards. I stick to music but stuff like this cannot just go without rebuttal all the time. No one attacks the lefties like they attack me. We have never heard the lefties criticize socialist regimes, and we have heard plenty of praise by them for dictators. Cry all you want, and thanks for bumping my post.
RDO - i try to steer clear of your bombast... this is a music message board. You're unlikely to influence anyone' politics by unloading on the users of this board...
However, this statement:
"We have never heard the lefties criticize socialist regimes, and we have heard plenty of praise by them for dictators"
... is just about the dumbest thing I've heard you say in a while.
I love them.
As for this voice. Man, is she hot!
RDO, you seriously need a humor transplant (implant?)....
very funny, I am sure the people in the death camps are having a good laugh now. You all can gang up on me all you want. It wont shut me up. Raising awareness about the planet's evils is the whole point of comment boards. I stick to music but stuff like this cannot just go without rebuttal all the time. No one attacks the lefties like they attack me. We have never heard the lefties criticize socialist regimes, and we have heard plenty of praise by them for dictators. Cry all you want, and thanks for bumping my post.
In the socialist utopia of North Korea you will get sent to the death camps for being caught even listening to a radio music broadcast from Seoul. What do you socialists have against freedom of expression anyway? Trotsky was quite candid about this. His thoughts were the people were childlike masses to be taught by supermen like him and Stalin. What do you guys have against democracy anyway?
RDO, you seriously need a humor transplant (implant?)....
Such a way with words... in this case very well put.
Tabernac. Yet again, the imperialist yankee running dog streaming music station out of northern California turns me on to a Canadian band that was hitherto unknown.
The shame.
In the socialist utopia of North Korea you will get sent to the death camps for being caught even listening to a radio music broadcast from Seoul. What do you socialists have against freedom of expression anyway? Trotsky was quite candid about this. His thoughts were the people were childlike masses to be taught by supermen like him and Stalin. What do you guys have against democracy anyway?

Seems to me this is more nuanced than you assume. The world won't let me go says quite a lot that is missed by assuming that "you gave me a life I never chose" is the end of the story. I really like the way the instrumentals merge with her voice, which is rather unmistakable.
Such a way with words... in this case very well put.
Tabernac. Yet again, the imperialist yankee running dog streaming music station out of northern California turns me on to a Canadian band that was hitherto unknown.
The shame.

Time for a chill pill?

How about as a child?
Like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_(band)

Well, I'd like to say that speaks volumes... but, clearly it doesn't! Hah!
OW! Nail on the head!
Well, THAT'D confuse people rightly, wouldn't it? (I love it.)
Ha! Not in Canada, though... We use Metric and SAE interchangeably, at least lots of folks do. When I talk to people in Europe, they can't believe we use metric for a whole bunch of stuff, but our entire building trade is based in feet and inches. I tend to use Celcius temperature measurement in the winter, and switch to Farhenheit during the summer. We use Imperial measures for smaller length measurements (darts, horseshoes, sexual organs), and Metric for longer things, although lots of folks use miles, or a combination, depending on the circumstances.
Well, THAT'D confuse people rightly, wouldn't it? (I love it.)

"What it is and where it stops, nobody knows / You gave me a life I never chose"
WAY too repetitive for me.
yeah... kindda agree with you... though the song is not toooo bad... probably the change of rhythm at the end that I liked

WAY too repetitive for me.

Great show and the singer is, well, she is a wonderful performer!
Really? Check out "Live it Out". Their 2nd album released, 3rd album recorded, is kind of where they start hitting their stride. I get flashbacks of the glory I expected from Garbage after they put out v.2.0!
Plenty of good tunes on "Old World Underground..." too.
Don't know how to describe it...

Every song on this album is excellent.
Really? Check out "Live it Out". Their 2nd album released, 3rd album recorded, is kind of where they start hitting their stride. I get flashbacks of the glory I expected from Garbage after they put out v.2.0!
"What it is and where it stops, nobody knows / You gave me a life I never chose"