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Total ratings: 2451
Length: 5:50
Plays (last 30 days): 4
On dopamine
On dopamine
On dope
We have been overrun
by our animal desire
Addicts of the immediate
keep us obedient and unaware
Feeding this mutation
this Pavlovian despair
We've become
So we run
Towards anything glimmering
Time to put the silicon obsession down
Take a look around
Find a way in the silence
Lie supine away with your back to the ground
Dis- and re-connect to the resonance now
You were never an island
Voice among the many
In this choir
Into each other
Lift all higher
On dopamine
On dopamine
On dope
Willingly been re-wired
by clever agents within
Looping our reflections
our obsessions draw us in
Fix and fixation
no sentience beyond
We've become
So we dive like crows
Towards anything glittering
Time to put the silicon obsession down
Take a look around
Find a way in the silence
Lie supine away with your back to the ground
Dis- and re-connect to the resonance now
You were never an island
Voice among the many
In this choir
Into each other
Lift all higher
You might be right about that! This is the 1st listening for me and I gave it a 7 initially....then I heard the lyric "Time to put the silicone obsession down" and then I read the lyrics....oh wow!!! 7+2 for these great lyrics!! Long Live RP!!
And add another +1 for cool band name.
Am I #1 ?
Insert big foam finger here
There's no need for that kind of talk.

So years ago when AEnima came out I had read an interview with Maynard who stated (not verbatim as this was 28 years ago

OK Commentators need clarification: Silicone is for tits...Silicon is for chips
Oh great, now you tell me.
At least now I know why my computer has perfect boobs.
Love the segway to this song after playing Running - Meghana Bhat.
Damn, William - nice move!

like this a lot. It sits in that musical spectrum with porcupine Tree and Smashing Pumpkins fir me. I prefer APC to Tool, Keep them coming
I like everything Maynard sings in. Starting to really like Puscifer.

The music is okay. But the creepy cover prevents a "liking".
OK Commentators need clarification: Silicone is for tits...Silicon is for chips
So common taters or tits? Or tots?
Maynard can do no wrong
Wow. Completely seamless musical transition from Running, by Meghana Bhat. The end notes of that and the intro of this. @William, did you even align the beats? I wanna hear these two together again.

Dis- and reconnect to the resonance now
You were never an island
Unique, voice among the many, in this choir
Tuning into each other, lift all higher'
MJK encapulates all of my current beliefs and has become my go-to lyrical inspiration for calm and reflection.
In this era of hyperdivision and animosity, his words are like a soothing balm and succor to our rising struggles for love and peace in this world.
Every time I hear this, I like it more and bump it up a point.
Yeah me too.

Well, this is an excellent point. On the topic, the Joni Mitchell song (Nazareth covered it in a popular way) This Flight Tonight, has a line, "Up go the flaps, down go the wheels". In the landing phase of flight, the flaps 'go down' to allow the aircraft to reduce it's speed and adjust the aircraft's angle in the descent. The wheels go down at some point, after the flaps, in the approach.
The only time one would observe the 'flaps' going-up in the landing are the spoilers on top of the wing. These reduce the lift of the wings when they are deployed, and are deployed only when the aircraft has touched down on the runway.
Anyhow, after all these years, my inner monologue still says, "down, they go down!"
I love artistic representation... Keeps us sharp! LOL
OK Commentators need clarification: Silicone is for tits...Silicon is for chips
I was going to make a correction in the lyrics however, he sings: "silicone". Hmmm
By the same token, please also pull The Postal Service’s “Recycled Air” until a recording is available replacing the word “detract” with “retract” – airplane landing gear do not “detract for flight”, they “retract”. (Landing gear have been said to detract from flight, because they are big, heavy things generating neither thrust nor lift, which aircraft carry around instead of an equal mass of payload. However, it hasn’t been said often, due to the popularity of safe landings, and reusable aircraft.)

I've had glitches cause comments show on the wrong song, but also clicked the comment button and have it just as the song ended and the next comments section be what the comment was going to go to.
I highly recommend their first album (Mer de Noms)
its one of those i can listen to back to front.
As a teen, I saw their first tour, Sultans of Swing, at the Tower Theater in Philadelphia, circa; 1975 (yes, that makes me officially old), from the third row no less. The memories are etched in my brain, like a peyote/religious experience. They took rock to new heights.

I'm no tech fan either but, might I point out, silicone and, siliCON, are two entirely different elements.
Not quite. Silicon is an element; silicone is a compound. As Wikipedia explains:
"Silicone is often confused with silicon, but they are distinct substances. Silicon is a chemical element, a hard dark-grey semiconducting metalloid, which in its crystalline form is used to make integrated circuits ("electronic chips") and solar cells. Silicones are compounds that contain silicon, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and perhaps other kinds of atoms as well, and have many very different physical and chemical properties."
Most Excellent indeed
— A Perfect Circle, Disillusioned
I'm prone to agree. ; p
Like the song but the album cover? Not so much. But who am I to judge, just one man's opinion.
I agree! ...completely! ...thankfully, we do not have to listen to the album cover!
The dude is deep

Didn't take me this long, but it's been an 8. Excellent.
1. The singer is a West Point graduate
2. The album title refers to a famous Army General quote "When eating an elephant take one bite at a time."
Not quite. Maynard attend the West Point Prep School, but declined the appointment to West Point.
1. The singer is a West Point graduate
2. The album title refers to a famous Army General quote "When eating an elephant take one bite at a time."
Some would argue you'll hear Maynard at the other place, but hey...
kidding. I like his voice too. This song is an effective commentary on our society, sadly.

We all seem to like the 'silicon obsession' lyrics - as we listen to RP via the internet!!!
Fab album and another RP find for me. My youngest son is a Tool fan, but now says he prefers A Perfect Circle.

We all seem to like the 'silicon obsession' lyrics - as we listen to RP via the internet!!!
Fab album and another RP find for me. My youngest son is a Tool fan, but now says he prefers A Perfect Circle.
Two APC CDs arrived over the weekend - bloody awesome

Thanks B&R

Did you get Mer de Noms? IMO their first was their best, but then again if this song is the one that inspired your purchase, they sounded a little different back in 2000...
Two APC CDs arrived over the weekend - bloody awesome

Thanks B&R

outside the Tool sound. The band put out some really good stuff...

i'm a fan too

Thanks for posting this video....Maybe this will help the average rating move up from the LOW 6.9....this song really hits me hard, and for a new song to rate a 10 to me it has to be special (of course, IMO) - LLRP and LLMJK!
Thanks for posting this video....Maybe this will help the average rating move up from the LOW 6.9....this song really hits me hard, and for a new song to rate a 10 to me it has to be special (of course, IMO) - LLRP and LLMJK!
If you think that's creepy try brutal death metal albums album art to get your head straight
Some would argue you'll hear Maynard at the other place, but hey...
kidding. I like his voice too. This song is an effective commentary on our society, sadly.
P.S. While our first-world society sure suffers from lack of connection and authenticity, the electronic device aspect is "silicon," while "silicone" is an altogether different kind of pox upon us.

Can't believe I am not up to speed w/this release!
The beginning almost does not sound like him!
Thank you R.P/ A Perfect Circle is always a great choice ; >
Books or eBooks? hehehe
I've been championing this cause of getting away from CONSTANT technology for the last few years now. If not for RP (and paying bills) I might not have any reason to go 'online' anymore. And that might be why this tune is a 10 to me....Long Live RP!! Long Live Humanity!!
It's Maynard. But I had problems recognizing his voice too, even when I heard them live at a Vienna concert last year. His voice sounds different indeed, softer maybe
Nailed it.
It sounds exactly like him. Slightly vocoded, sure, but this is how he sounds on every APC album.

Just wondering if you've got any album art lying around that we could use?"
Rating 10, fav of all the album

You might be right about that! This is the 1st listening for me and I gave it a 7 initially....then I heard the lyric "Time to put the silicon obsession down" and then I read the lyrics....oh wow!!! 7+2 for these great lyrics!! Long Live RP!!
You might be right about that! This is the 1st listening for me and I gave it a 7 initially....then I heard the lyric "Time to put the silicone obsession down" and then I read the lyrics....oh wow!!! 7+2 for these great lyrics!! Long Live RP!!
Insert big foam finger here
Looks like maybe you are!
Insert big foam finger here
The healing power of nature and community is tragically being lost with this obsessive use of "silicon" social media.
Say hi to your neighbor & get supine outside people.