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John Lennon — Imagine
Album: Imagine
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Total ratings: 4402

Released: 1971
Length: 2:59
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky

Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too

Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
Comments (767)add comment
A beautiful song and a wonderful sentiment. One of Lennon’s finest.
 philonair wrote:

Vladimir Putin must be forced to listen to this song 24 hours a day! This could make this earth a better place, i hope.

Vlad and many more like him, sadly. The world is ruled by terrified little boys wearing big scary man masks.
 Wonderloaf wrote:

fuck it

i mean, this is a 10

who votes less on this?

Somebody who don't know about music. I see 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ☹️
 bruceandjenna wrote:

Couldn't have said it better.

And if I could, I didn't.

But, we must never give up.  There is hope, just imagine.  
 philonair wrote:

Vladimir Putin must be forced to listen to this song 24 hours a day! This could make this earth a better place, i hope.

Unfortunately, would not do anything if you're a sociopath (I mean this sincerely).
WOW - powerful Bill. Wonderful World into this?!! NICE segue!!!
Vladimir Putin must be forced to listen to this song 24 hours a day! This could make this earth a better place, i hope.

 On_The_Beach wrote:

Imagine no Vladimir Putin . . .

I feel like I have just watched the ball drop on Times Square.
What a Wonderful World then Imagine.  Yep. Swaying back and forth in my office chair.
 bitbanger wrote:
 With all due respect, when was the world better?

- Worldwide income is on the rise pretty much everywhere, not just in the west.

- There are fewer poor as % of population than ever. Numbers I’ve seen are that the poverty rates have declined since the early 20th century and significantly over the past 30 years,

- Calorie consumption is increasing and is higher than ever, and not just in the west.

- We are more at peace since 1945, and especially since the collapse of the CCCP, than at any other time in the history of the species. There are some brushfires, yes but it only takes a short walk through history to see that things are pretty calm, comparatively.

- There has been an increasing trend towards representative government which started in the last quarter 18th century, grew after  1918, and accelerated after the collapse of the CCCP.

Granted there are challenges that we must deal with, however if don’t get stupid, or wallow in vapid self-loathing, we should be able to address the current batch of problems and prepare for the next set.

Must be great on your planet. On this one we are increasingly living under the total control of the world government, and we, the lab rats, will "own nothing and be happy".  https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/
boomer tripe.
Imagine no Vladimir Putin . . .
 DanielHLloyd wrote:

This may be THE most cynical post I have ever read. Focus less on Lennon and more on yourself. 

Try focusing more on yourself than someone else's post on RP.
C’mon folks; give peace a chance…
Thanks, Bill, for pulling this one out on the anniversary of Lennon's death. And having it follow Louis Armstrong, just sublime...
 jonahboo wrote:

fuck it

i mean, this is a 10

who votes less on this?

I am sick to death of this song.
But I appreciate the message and the simplicity of the song, as well as its significance in music history.
So it "only" gets a 9 from me :)
 joelbb wrote:

Plz understand that I don't hate either John Lennon nor you.  But I still assert that a tune with the lyrics "Imagine no possessions", written by a billionaire living in in one of NYC's most exclusive apartment buildings is utterly fatuous.  Not to mention the insult to literally billions of people on Earth who have NO possessions and desperately need many of them.  It still gets a "1" from me.

I believe you are entitled to dislike this song and rate it so low, but your rationale for doing so makes no sense to me.

We would have very few songs about serious subjects if only saints were allowed to compose them.   

 LaurieinTucson wrote:

poverty is shrinking, standards of living are improving around the world
we are trying to clean up our mess (pollution)
we no longer live under the shadow of TOTAL nuclear annihilation 
atheists are coming out of the closet
gay marriage--who would ever have predicted that even 10 years ago?
and we have actually done a lot to reduce carbon emissions (I know we have a long long way to go)
we are trying to save endangered species and habitats (never did that before in the last 100,000 years)
it's a good time to be alive

World CO2 emissions are not 'shrinking', they are steadily increasing. In the USA the greatest contributor to CO2 reduction is shale gas (fracking) replacing coal.
 joelbb wrote:

Plz understand that I don't hate either John Lennon nor you.  But I still assert that a tune with the lyrics "Imagine no possessions", written by a billionaire living in in one of NYC's most exclusive apartment buildings is utterly fatuous.  Not to mention the insult to literally billions of people on Earth who have NO possessions and desperately need many of them.  It still gets a "1" from me.
This may be THE most cynical post I have ever read. Focus less on Lennon and more on yourself. 
 VH1 wrote:
How very interesting to read here that not even in this forum it is possible to achive peace by simply let those who love this song love it, and those who do not love it, push the PSD button. It would be so simple.

No, instead there are insults and threads and general "if you do not think like I think I'll f... kill you" mentality all round!

All here should stop an think for a minute and listen to their own words and then realise, THAT is exactly what's wrong with this world!

And all this under a song like "Imagine"!

It is unbelievable! 

One just has to read here and it becomes clear that there will NEVER be peace on this planet. Never. What a shame! {#Daisy}
Plz understand that I don't hate either John Lennon nor you.  But I still assert that a tune with the lyrics "Imagine no possessions", written by a billionaire living in in one of NYC's most exclusive apartment buildings is utterly fatuous.  Not to mention the insult to literally billions of people on Earth who have NO possessions and desperately need many of them.  It still gets a "1" from me.
 lizardking wrote:

Even before Covid, poverty is NOT shrinking. The transfer of "wealth" is creating even more 'have-nots' and the 'haves' are grinning.

When this crazy concept of infinite growth in our economic policy ends, likely very suddenly and soon, I sure hope we change the focus to a more sustainable resource based economic paradigm.

Good luck to all of us as the shit hits the fan....and remember kindness, respect, love and forgiveness are the traits to be valued above all...esp. money and the accumulation of wealth.

Long Live RP
Hear, hear, friend.
fuck it

i mean, this is a 10

who votes less on this?
80th birthday! 
What a mad, insane world!  Do we always need tragedy to make us more greatly cherish the blessings? JL is one example of exhibit A for that question. 
 LaurieinTucson wrote:

poverty is shrinking, standards of living are improving around the world
we are trying to clean up our mess (pollution)
we no longer live under the shadow of TOTAL nuclear annihilation 
atheists are coming out of the closet
gay marriage--who would ever have predicted that even 10 years ago?
and we have actually done a lot to reduce carbon emissions (I know we have a long long way to go)
we are trying to save endangered species and habitats (never did that before in the last 100,000 years)
it's a good time to be alive
Even before Covid, poverty is NOT shrinking. The transfer of "wealth" is creating even more 'have-nots' and the 'haves' are grinning.

When this crazy concept of infinite growth in our economic policy ends, likely very suddenly and soon, I sure hope we change the focus to a more sustainable resource based economic paradigm.

Good luck to all of us as the shit hits the fan....and remember kindness, respect, love and forgiveness are the traits to be valued above all...esp. money and the accumulation of wealth.

Long Live RP
comments disabled
A timeless classic with a wonderful message!!
 LaurieinTucson wrote:

poverty is shrinking, standards of living are improving around the world
we are trying to clean up our mess (pollution)
we no longer live under the shadow of TOTAL nuclear annihilation 
atheists are coming out of the closet
gay marriage--who would ever have predicted that even 10 years ago?
and we have actually done a lot to reduce carbon emissions (I know we have a long long way to go)
we are trying to save endangered species and habitats (never did that before in the last 100,000 years)
it's a good time to be alive

Society is increasingly polarized, economic inequality is rising, humans are destroying all other living species on earth. 
As a child of two boomer parents I always found the naive dreaming of their generation (which is epitomized by this song) dangerous. Get rid of all stabilizing forces in society  and have no realistic plan whatsoever for what to replace it with. And then be surprised that society descends into chaos.
We don't need to imagine there is no heaven or hell. We know that neither exists.
 bitbanger wrote:
 siriuss wrote:
it's getting harder to Imagine a better world. Everything is really messed up.  I'm 65 and I knew it would happen. Human destroying his planet.  We are a sad species . Wars etc... 
 With all due respect, when was the world better?

- Worldwide income is on the rise pretty much everywhere, not just in the west.

- There are fewer poor as % of population than ever. Numbers I’ve seen are that the poverty rates have declined since the early 20th century and significantly over the past 30 years,

- Calorie consumption is increasing and is higher than ever, and not just in the west.

- We are more at peace since 1945, and especially since the collapse of the CCCP, than at any other time in the history of the species. There are some brushfires, yes but it only takes a short walk through history to see that things are pretty calm, comparatively.

- There has been an increasing trend towards representative government which started in the last quarter 18th century, grew after  1918, and accelerated after the collapse of the CCCP.

Granted there are challenges that we must deal with, however if don’t get stupid, or wallow in vapid self-loathing, we should be able to address the current batch of problems and prepare for the next set.


Unfortunately with all that economic growth there has been a corresponding decline in empathy compassion and love. I can remember a time when to suggest that you don't help a man out was to be condemned to sin bin.
 bitbanger написал (а):
 Сириус написал:
Труднее представить себе лучший мир. Все действительно запутано. Мне 65 лет, и я знал, что это произойдет. Человек разрушает свою планету. Мы грустный вид. Войны и т.д ... 
 При всем уважении, когда мир стал лучше?

- Мировой доход растет почти везде, а не только на западе.

-% бедного населения меньше, чем когда-либо. Цифры, которые я видел, показывают, что уровень бедности снизился с начала 20-го века и значительно за последние 30 лет,

- потребление калорий растет и выше, чем когда-либо, и не только на западе.

- Мы более спокойны с 1945 года, особенно после распада CCCP, чем когда-либо в истории этого вида. Да, есть некоторые пожары, но история быстро проходит, чтобы увидеть, что все относительно спокойно, сравнительно.

- Возросла тенденция к представительному правительству, которое началось в последней четверти 18-го века, выросло после 1918 года и ускорилось после распада CCCP.

Конечно, есть проблемы, с которыми мы должны иметь дело, однако, если мы не станем глупыми или погрязнем в бессильной ненависти к себе, мы сможем решить текущий набор проблем и подготовиться к следующему набору.


За спокойствие после 1945 вы должны  сказать спасибо СССР.  И к слову,  СССР никогда никому не нёс угрозы и ни на кого не нападал.  А разрушили СССР те, кто не хочет иметь в мире суверенную и сильную страну, а хочет насаждать свою "демократию" везде по средствам военного  вторжения в разные страны.
December 8, good choice for the day to play this.
A wonderful, heartfelt lament. Easily a 10.

Edit: I'm also reminded of the WKRP episode when a gentleman from a Christian group pressured the station manager to stop playing this song, among others. The manager uncharacteristically stood up for this song. It might have been a lightweight show, but it stood up for the right things. And Merry Christmas, All.
Imagine ... Trump impeached ...
Pure genius,all the world’s leaders should take note of these wonderfully crafted lyrics and make a positive change to this down trodden and exploited planet,RIP John🙏
tears in my eyes
 orthomd wrote:
One of the best songs ever written by a musical Master RIP JOHN!!
 I'm going to take one more step up and say it is one of the best songs ever written ever!  Sends chills up my spine every time I hear it.  Its message is and forever will be timeless.

 bwood11243 wrote:
Great song by a real dick.
He had his moments of being a dick for sure. Like everyone else in the world. Even you. But underneath it was the man who wrote (with Yoko's help) and sang this.
How appropriate for this day.
Great song by a real dick.
One of the best songs ever written by a musical Master RIP JOHN!!
 mattenuttall wrote:
To give John the Dreamer his due, the world is getting to be a better place; the madness is declining.
(Reference: Steven Pinker, Enlightenment Now, Penguin Books, 2018).

poverty is shrinking, standards of living are improving around the world
we are trying to clean up our mess (pollution)
we no longer live under the shadow of TOTAL nuclear annihilation 
atheists are coming out of the closet
gay marriage--who would ever have predicted that even 10 years ago?
and we have actually done a lot to reduce carbon emissions (I know we have a long long way to go)
we are trying to save endangered species and habitats (never did that before in the last 100,000 years)
it's a good time to be alive
 markus333 wrote:
...and the world is drifting into madness...{#Stupid}

The world?  I thought it was just the USA that was drifting into madness.....
 markus333 wrote:
...and the world is drifting into madness...{#Stupid}
The world will always have madness. Some decades it's more, some decades it's less. Humans are a roller coaster of indecision and conflict. 
Imagine ... only a 10 is possible
 Tomasni wrote:
My rating is  9 - O U T S T A N D I N G     
 Which WA**KER gave this comment a thumbs down? Moron. Easily a 9, IMO a 10.
...and no religion too
This song never gets old.  We miss you, John. 
My rating is                                                                                                                         9 -OUTSTANDING     
 VH1 wrote:
How very interesting to read here that not even in this forum it is possible to achive peace by simply let those who love this song love it, and those who do not love it, push the PSD button. It would be so simple.

No, instead there are insults and threads and general "if you do not think like I think I'll f... kill you" mentality all round!

All here should stop an think for a minute and listen to their own words and then realise, THAT is exactly what's wrong with this world!

And all this under a song like "Imagine"!

It is unbelievable! 

One just has to read here and it becomes clear that there will NEVER be peace on this planet. Never. What a shame! {#Daisy}
Couldn't have said it better.

And if I could, I didn't.
 joelbb wrote:
I LOVED John Lennon's work in The Beatles.  But this is the most fatuous pop song ever written.  While the lyrics tend to evoke the old warm-fuzzy in all of us, he was a BILLIONAIRE, living with his daughter-of-a-Japanese-industrialist, artist wannabe old lady in possibly the MOST exclusive apartment building in Manhattan singing "...imagine no possessions".  It don't git no mo' fatuous than that!  Sucko-barfo for utter insensitivity toward the entire world.
ad hominem alert. 

Try to listen to the words.  No sucko.  No barfo.  

Just listen and try to imagine.
 siriuss wrote:
it's getting harder to Imagine a better world. Everything is really messed up.  I'm 65 and I knew it would happen. Human destroying his planet.  We are a sad species . Wars etc... 
 With all due respect, when was the world better?

- Worldwide income is on the rise pretty much everywhere, not just in the west.

- There are fewer poor as % of population than ever. Numbers I’ve seen are that the poverty rates have declined since the early 20th century and significantly over the past 30 years,

- Calorie consumption is increasing and is higher than ever, and not just in the west.

- We are more at peace since 1945, and especially since the collapse of the CCCP, than at any other time in the history of the species. There are some brushfires, yes but it only takes a short walk through history to see that things are pretty calm, comparatively.

- There has been an increasing trend towards representative government which started in the last quarter 18th century, grew after  1918, and accelerated after the collapse of the CCCP.

Granted there are challenges that we must deal with, however if don’t get stupid, or wallow in vapid self-loathing, we should be able to address the current batch of problems and prepare for the next set.

it's getting harder to Imagine a better world. Everything is really messed up.  I'm 65 and I knew it would happen. Human destroying his planet.  We are a sad species . Wars etc... 
He is not the only one..
"a brotherhood of man"

when I read all the postings here.....

poor John...he really was a dreamer...
Godlike, if ever there was.....
Having "Bruddah Iz" lead into this is a real one-two punch to my emotional solar plexus. Great work, Bill!
...and the world is drifting into madness...{#Stupid}
 helloitsme wrote:

And I'm sure Clear Channel will ban it again when the war with Korea starts.  That earlier banning (re: war on terrorism) shows that the corporate heads Lennon was directing his criticism at understood the dangers of inspiration.


I don't think corporate heads are the problem.    Blood-thirsty, ethnic-cleansing terrorist supporting American voters are the problem. 
Yup, just rated John Lennon's "Imagine" a 3 (Ho Hum). Going to hell for sure. However, gave "Dear Prudence" a 9. Go figure.
Agree with the posts that note the irony of a person living in the Dakotas (NYC apartment building, not states) singing about anti-materialism.

But if it inspires others to imagine a different world, it works for me.

And I'm sure Clear Channel will ban it again when the war with Korea starts.  That earlier banning (re: war on terrorism) shows that the corporate heads Lennon was directing his criticism at understood the dangers of inspiration.

that's ripping good OTB!!! {#Roflol}
 DeemerDave wrote:
Socialist, godless drivel.
Pat, why you callin' yourself Dave?


lizardking wrote:

Lazarus - where have you been?  I haven't seen a post from you in a month or two.....hope you're OK right this second and enjoying life.

Long Live RP!

This is the best song ever written... hope life is grand for you right now, lizardking... love Radio Paradise...

I LOVED John Lennon's work in The Beatles.  But this is the most fatuous pop song ever written.  While the lyrics tend to evoke the old warm-fuzzy in all of us, he was a BILLIONAIRE, living with his daughter-of-a-Japanese-industrialist, artist wannabe old lady in possibly the MOST exclusive apartment building in Manhattan singing "...imagine no possessions".  It don't git no mo' fatuous than that!  Sucko-barfo for utter insensitivity toward the entire world.
 Skydog wrote:
Someone's feelin' dreamy today, "Imagine" preceded by "Somewhere Over The Rainbow",....10 minutes 'till 4:20 here in the east part of the USA.

Bill must be at the DMV or something cause that is the same today.{#Roflol}
 DeemerDave wrote:

Socialist, godless drivel.


I'll see your "Socialist, godless" and raise you Communist Atheistic
 Lazarus wrote:


Lazarus - where have you been?  I haven't seen a post from you in a month or two.....hope you're OK right this second and enjoying life.

Long Live RP!

 Bluecobra wrote:
Pure genius.
a song that could change the world
if we could let it

What a world we would have.
Who doesn't dream?
The failed answers to the mystery of life revealed as fails, then replaced in a moment of art, then the song ends, and the mystery goes on.  But a  trail of hope remains to be followed, in that tune that you can't quite get out of your mind.
 kingart wrote:

Amen, brother. I hear that 110%. 
Still, the song is a vision of Utopia.
I'll settle for reliable civility and a major decline in ethnocentric noise.  We can all go from there. 

Cheers, but actually it is not brother, mate, if at all, it is sister! {#Daisy}
Amen to that.
 kingart wrote:

Amen, brother. I hear that 110%. 
Still, the song is a vision of Utopia.
I'll settle for reliable civility and a major decline in ethnocentric noise.  We can all go from there. 

Our differences are our strength and our weakness.
 VH1 wrote:
How very interesting to read here that not even in this forum it is possible to achive peace by simply let those who love this song love it, and those who do not love it, push the PSD button. It would be so simple.

No, instead there are insults and threads and general "if you do not think like I think I'll f... kill you" mentality all round!

All here should stop an think for a minute and listen to their own words and then realise, THAT is exactly what's wrong with this world!

And all this under a song like "Imagine"!

It is unbelievable! 

One just has to read here and it becomes clear that there will NEVER be peace on this planet. Never. What a shame! {#Daisy}

Amen, brother. I hear that 110%. 
Still, the song is a vision of Utopia.
I'll settle for reliable civility and a major decline in ethnocentric noise.  We can all go from there. 
How very interesting to read here that not even in this forum it is possible to achive peace by simply let those who love this song love it, and those who do not love it, push the PSD button. It would be so simple.

No, instead there are insults and threads and general "if you do not think like I think I'll f... kill you" mentality all round!

All here should stop an think for a minute and listen to their own words and then realise, THAT is exactly what's wrong with this world!

And all this under a song like "Imagine"!

It is unbelievable! 

One just has to read here and it becomes clear that there will NEVER be peace on this planet. Never. What a shame! {#Daisy}
 steeler wrote:
DeemerDave wrote:

Socialist, godless drivel.



And another great band name!

So godlike😀
Pure genius.
a song that could change the world
if we could let it

 WonderLizard wrote:  Posted: Nov 17, 2015 - 20:52
(2,755.46 mi. due east of Paradise)
Imagine peace.

 After this day, I wish I could.  
 dwhayslett wrote:

You believe I insulted you by pointing out that insulting someone in a complaint about that same someone insulting you is projection? My, you do have a low threshold for feeling insulted.

Have you insulted anyone first? (I can only assume you mean prior to this post.) Perhaps not directly, but (as you wrote elsewhere) "many of the Radio Paradise listeners must be oblivious to what is truly great music" is pretty condescending, if not outright insulting, and casts a very wide net. And when you start lobbing firebombs about a song like "Imagine" that so many like so much, you're going to get strong reactions. That you came in looking for a fight is an unavoidable conclusion.

As for your adolescent chest beating ... well, I shouldn't be hard to find, especially for someone of such obvious intellectual capabilities. You'll have to forgive me, though, if I don't hold my breath. Or to put it another way, get over yourself.

By the way, do you always sign your posts "asshole"? (And why won't you spell it out?)

If I feel that a song is bad,such as the aforementioned "Imagine" and is not just an overrated song-but a bad one at that;and if people collectively overrate this while underrating other far more worthy songs-then I will call out "The Naked Emperor." In another post,a poster noted that many people's ratings seem influenced by nostalgia. While this poster ..."resists the urge to criticize" other people's ratings,I do feel offended that some musicians get a free pass simply based on their reputation. It is like the "A" student who turns in a very poor assignment but gets another "A" anyways based on his prior scholarly achievements. Listen to "Across the Universe" to grasp how well Mr.Lennon could express similar sentiments MUCH better musically and lyrically.OH,and I don't spell out vulgarity on a public forum visible to anybody.I do believe that the monitors do have a policy(obviously unenforced) regarding ad hominem attacks and vulgarity.
 dennis_chary wrote:
 dwhayslett wrote:

Have you ever looked up the word "projection"?

 Have you ever looked up the word "ignoramus"?If you insult me in a post-I will reply in kind.I have never insulted someone in a post UNTIL he/she has insulted me.Perhaps you and fiji5555 could get together and practice reading in your Grade One primer.Look at fiji5555's original comment,and then look at my original comment regarding "Imagine."Telling me to get my head out of my ass is an insult-expressing my intense dislike of a song by making fun of the song-is not insulting.If you don't feel I have sufficient reasoning to back up my opinion,why bother ridiculing me.As to my response to fiji5555,your sarcastic jab at my use of the word patchouli doesn't give my opinion more "heft",but the popularity of different artists that I cited is readily available-simply Google "Twelve Sad Facts About Music"-.does.As I've told fiji5555 do not respond by insulting me;because if I find out who you are-you and I will have problems.Sincerely yours, A———. 

You believe I insulted you by pointing out that insulting someone in a complaint about that same someone insulting you is projection? My, you do have a low threshold for feeling insulted.

Have you insulted anyone first? (I can only assume you mean prior to this post.) Perhaps not directly, but (as you wrote elsewhere) "many of the Radio Paradise listeners must be oblivious to what is truly great music" is pretty condescending, if not outright insulting, and casts a very wide net. And when you start lobbing firebombs about a song like "Imagine" that so many like so much, you're going to get strong reactions. That you came in looking for a fight is an unavoidable conclusion.

As for your adolescent chest beating ... well, I shouldn't be hard to find, especially for someone of such obvious intellectual capabilities. You'll have to forgive me, though, if I don't hold my breath. Or to put it another way, get over yourself.

By the way, do you always sign your posts "asshole"? (And why won't you spell it out?)

For the residents of the world, no more violence please

Imagine peace.
wow, buzz kill....

Bill G. can you simply delete these rants?
 sunny_day wrote:

Funny because you gave a rating of 10 to 4 Beatles' songs.

and exactly what does one have to do with the other?

Let me help. The answer is "Nothing!"

 dwhayslett wrote:

Have you ever looked up the word "projection"?

 Have you ever looked up the word "ignoramus"?If you insult me in a post-I will reply in kind.I have never insulted someone in a post UNTIL he/she has insulted me.Perhaps you and fiji5555 could get together and practice reading in your Grade One primer.Look at fiji5555's original comment,and then look at my original comment regarding "Imagine."Telling me to get my head out of my ass is an insult-expressing my intense dislike of a song by making fun of the song-is not insulting.If you don't feel I have sufficient reasoning to back up my opinion,why bother ridiculing me.As to my response to fiji5555,your sarcastic jab at my use of the word patchouli doesn't give my opinion more "heft",but the popularity of different artists that I cited is readily available-simply Google "Twelve Sad Facts About Music"-.does.As I've told fiji5555 do not respond by insulting me;because if I find out who you are-you and I will have problems.Sincerely yours, A———. 

 below72 wrote:

dc - it's about time for your daily BM isn't it?  Oh wait...you just took one.  AAAAhhhh - do you feel better now?
News flash COSMO..Without THE 'BE-A-TULS' the rest of the musicians you named wouldn't exist.
Now...itsn't it about time for you to head back to the bathroom?{#Guitarist}{#Bananajam}{#Drummer}{#Guitarist}


Ah yes ASS____,I just had my BM and vomit session,after hearing your horribly overrated,sniveling John Lennon caterwaul his preschool level philosophy on "Imagine." If you would bother to actually read the above mentioned post which you are vituperating on,I am simply pointing out that mass popularity and musical quality are not necessarily the same thing-as shown by the many researchable examples I have given.Simply being the progenitor of certain musical styles-and that is a very debatable point where the Beatles are concerned-does not automatically make you better than those artists you have supposedly influenced.The Beatles were great,but were also overrated.Their solo careers demonstrated for the most part that they needed each other. Of course,by the kindergarten level of your unthinking retort,you demonstrate your limited IQ and musical perspective.
 dennis_chary wrote:
To Milleronic:The fact that the majority of listeners disagree with me does not make any song better or worse than any other song on these playlists.By your logic Creed is a better band than The Jimi Hendrix Experience since Creed has sold more recordings than has Hendrix.By your logic "Gangnum Style" by Psy must be better than the Beatles "A Day in the Life" since as of the end of 2014,"Gangnum Style"is the most downloaded Youtube Video with the highest number of likes(though not necessarily by percentage.) OH and Barbara Streisand must be better than Tom Petty,Pearl Jam,and Johnny Cash combined since she has sold more records than all of them combined-and Ke$ha must be better than the Beatles since"Tik Tok" has sold more than any Beatles song.

dc - it's about time for your daily BM isn't it?  Oh wait...you just took one.  AAAAhhhh - do you feel better now?
News flash COSMO..Without THE 'BE-A-TULS' the rest of the musicians you named wouldn't exist.
Now...itsn't it about time for you to head back to the bathroom?{#Guitarist}{#Bananajam}{#Drummer}{#Guitarist}
 dennis_chary wrote:
to fiji 5555,no,the world is a sadder place because of tone deaf posters such as you who need to insult someone ...

Have you ever looked up the word "projection"?
 dennis_chary wrote:
To Milleronic:The fact that the majority of listeners disagree with me does not make any song better or worse than any other song on these playlists.By your logic Creed is a better band than The Jimi Hendrix Experience since Creed has sold more recordings than has Hendrix.By your logic "Gangnum Style" by Psy must be better than the Beatles "A Day in the Life" since as of the end of 2014,"Gangnum Style"is the most downloaded Youtube Video with the highest number of likes(though not necessarily by percentage.) OH and Barbara Streisand must be better than Tom Petty,Pearl Jam,and Johnny Cash combined since she has sold more records than all of them combined-and Ke$ha must be better than the Beatles since"Tik Tok" has sold more than any Beatles song.

And we know your opinion has real heft since you used the word patchouli.
 dennis_chary wrote:
I despise this song.The melody is decent,but not by any means great.The smell my patchouli scented armpits navel gazing simplistic whimpering for a utopia that never has and never will exist makes me want to gouge his eyes out.As great as the Beatles often were,they were also overrated.It galls me that oversimplified schlock such as this gets an unconscionably high 8.9 rating while while the best songs of R.E.M. or Nick Drake or The Pretenders are rated no higher than low 8's. 

what's so funny about peace love and understanding?
Someone's feelin' dreamy today, "Imagine" preceded by "Somewhere Over The Rainbow",....10 minutes 'till 4:20 here in the east part of the USA.
 steeler wrote:

Well, yes then. Yes, I am.
Great band name, by the way.  

Amen,Amen Amen.A horrible and horribly overrated song.
I rate this a 12
 dennis_chary wrote:
To Milleronic:The fact that the majority of listeners disagree with me does not make any song better or worse than any other song on these playlists.By your logic Creed is a better band than The Jimi Hendrix Experience since Creed has sold more recordings than has Hendrix.By your logic "Gangnum Style" by Psy must be better than the Beatles "A Day in the Life" since as of the end of 2014,"Gangnum Style"is the most downloaded Youtube Video with the highest number of likes(though not necessarily by percentage.) OH and Barbara Streisand must be better than Tom Petty,Pearl Jam,and Johnny Cash combined since she has sold more records than all of them combined-and Ke$ha must be better than the Beatles since"Tik Tok" has sold more than any Beatles song.

"only people make you cry"
is all hope lost?
To Milleronic:The fact that the majority of listeners disagree with me does not make any song better or worse than any other song on these playlists.By your logic Creed is a better band than The Jimi Hendrix Experience since Creed has sold more recordings than has Hendrix.By your logic "Gangnum Style" by Psy must be better than the Beatles "A Day in the Life" since as of the end of 2014,"Gangnum Style"is the most downloaded Youtube Video with the highest number of likes(though not necessarily by percentage.) OH and Barbara Streisand must be better than Tom Petty,Pearl Jam,and Johnny Cash combined since she has sold more records than all of them combined-and Ke$ha must be better than the Beatles since"Tik Tok" has sold more than any Beatles song.

 lemmoth wrote:

Nonsense - great replies from Phlattop and JohnJamesMullin

As someone who - eventually - ditched my wife but never my kid to find my true soulmate I relate to John's experience of a too young marriage.  Yes - he had wealth, but it didnt make him happy.  Yes - living far afield he didnt always/often do right by Julian - but he tried to make up for it later  - directly with Julian and through his - unfortunately - ever so brief time with Sean.

And yeah - rich folks who also happen to be genius level artists = and got rich through their art by the way - are what - supposed to become uber defenders of the capiatlist, religiocentric, establishment.  Hardly. 

As someone whos father left his mother, I can't begin to tell you the impact such thing can have on a kid.

Just because someone is good at music (or something else) doesn't mean that someone has good ideas about how others (or themselves) can attain happiness. Lennon was a very good musician but his "ideas" are very sht in my opinion, and the fact that he didn't seem to realize the practical limitations of his ideas (not everyone lives in a mansion and can have sleep ins in the hilton) only adds to that.

 dennis_chary wrote:
I despise this song.The melody is decent,but not by any means great.The smell my patchouli scented armpits navel gazing simplistic whimpering for a utopia that never has and never will exist makes me want to gouge his eyes out.As great as the Beatles often were,they were also overrated.It galls me that oversimplified schlock such as this gets an unconscionably high 8.9 rating while while the best songs of R.E.M. or Nick Drake or The Pretenders are rated no higher than low 8's. 

The majority of listeners here disagree. And, as your angry post demonstrates, you don't get it; hence, part of the problem. Peace, dennis_chary, you could use some.
This song/melody are fine, but hardly a 9 or 10.  The lyrics are pretentious, inane and childish all rolled into one.  It reminds me of those who slap a "Coexist" bumper sticker on their car as if that somehow will advance their cause or create some higher plane of existence.    While I'm "Imagining" I think we should cure cancer, prevent all child death, end all rape, ensure equality among all sexes, races and peoples.  Save the whales, environment, family values, or "insert your favorite cause here."

This song is no "Biko", or Edwin Starr's "War".  There's no call to action, it's fluff.  Nothing substantive to get behind.  Maybe it's one of those, "You had to be there" things.    
" 'ere - this bloke keeps saying 'wouldn't it be better if we were all just nice to each other' "
"What? - nail 'im up with the rest of 'em"
"Life can make you prisoner,
and the plains can bake you dry,
Snow can burn your eyes,
but only people make you cry"
.(Wandering Star (from Paint Your Wagon) sung by Lee Marvin)
Lets face it, as a species, as a planet - we're all doomed.
oh well try & enjoy the ride while it lasts eh?
peace to this small planet!
to fiji 5555,no,the world is a sadder place because of tone deaf posters such as you who need to insult someone simply because you can not see the sacred cow emperor's nakedness.The melody is decent but boring,the simplistic and simpering philosophizing has less intellectual depth than a typical kindergarten conversation,and the flow of the song is so stilted and saccharine that I can feel my teeth falling out as I listen to it.Scanning your music rating list tells me everything I need to know about your(lack) of musical taste;and your flawed grammar tells me that your IQ is somewhere South of 100.

 dennis_chary wrote:
I despise this song.The melody is decent,but not by any means great.The smell my patchouli scented armpits navel gazing simplistic whimpering for a utopia that never has and never will exist makes me want to gouge his eyes out.As great as the Beatles often were,they were also overrated.It galls me that oversimplified schlock such as this gets an unconscionably high 8.9 rating while while the best songs of R.E.M. or Nick Drake or The Pretenders are rated no higher than low 8's.
So you want to gouge Lennon's eyes out for imagining a better world?
That's beyond sad.
 dennis_chary wrote:
I despise this song.The melody is decent,but not by any means great.The smell my patchouli scented armpits navel gazing simplistic whimpering for a utopia that never has and never will exist makes me want to gouge his eyes out.As great as the Beatles often were,they were also overrated.It galls me that oversimplified schlock such as this gets an unconscionably high 8.9 rating while while the best songs of R.E.M. or Nick Drake or The Pretenders are rated no higher than low 8's. 

Sounds like you need to get your head out of the proverbial ass and stop whining so much No wonder the world is in the shape it's in populated by such as you..{#Nyah} Oh and I gave it a 10. don't get mad now.
I despise this song.The melody is decent,but not by any means great.The smell my patchouli scented armpits navel gazing simplistic whimpering for a utopia that never has and never will exist makes me want to gouge his eyes out.As great as the Beatles often were,they were also overrated.It galls me that oversimplified schlock such as this gets an unconscionably high 8.9 rating while while the best songs of R.E.M. or Nick Drake or The Pretenders are rated no higher than low 8's. 
 SuperWeh wrote:
imagine i were a billionaire that ditched his wife and little kid, lived in a big house, imagine i preached about working class heros and love and peace....

yeah, imagine that... 

Nonsense - great replies from Phlattop and JohnJamesMullin

As someone who - eventually - ditched my wife but never my kid to find my true soulmate I relate to John's experience of a too young marriage.  Yes - he had wealth, but it didnt make him happy.  Yes - living far afield he didnt always/often do right by Julian - but he tried to make up for it later  - directly with Julian and through his - unfortunately - ever so brief time with Sean.

And yeah - rich folks who also happen to be genius level artists = and got rich through their art by the way - are what - supposed to become uber defenders of the capiatlist, religiocentric, establishment.  Hardly. 
 scraig wrote:

Now that is funny. 

Still a 10. Always at the top of my list.

 DeemerDave wrote:

Socialist, godless drivel.


"godless", yes, "socialist", certainly not, and I write that as a socialist of many decades. The vague utopia yer man sings of is an expression of liberal idealism, not unrelated to many hippie-style communes that sprung up back in the 70s and 80s, or indeed various religious communes that have no conception of individual property. For socialist agitprop, reach for The Clash.
We need more dreamers like you in this world, John!
À call for humanity