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RJD2 — Ghostwriter
Album: Dead Ringer
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Total ratings: 2933

Released: 2002
Length: 5:12
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Comments (295)add comment
 fsilva wrote:

It happened again! very nice!

same today ;)
 bialia wrote:

I never really listened to RJD2, but this is instantly nostalgic because it sounds so turn of the millennium.  It's funny how usually it takes time until we can hear the hallmarks of an era like that.

I agree with you, in a diff way but, never really "dug" the "electronic" produced compositions of this era, so far. However, RJD2 is new to my ears and, to the aspect of your comment... Might I suggest looking up Reinhardt Buhr. The man... And, later, female ?? Made some of the most audibly tingling, sensational electronic music... An electric bass... Slightly bigger that a violin... A little guitar "mixed in", and, a few other instruments. Check him out... You won't be displeased! ✌️
I failed to mention... Bill & crew...Many thanks for bringing so many wonderful listening experiences! LLRP! 
Hard to believe 20 years has gone by since this came out.
 lester wrote:
TheLoneIguana wrote:Well, that's probably true. But what to do should the results of such control-twiddling be pleasing?
To call one a "musician", in the sense that you refer.... I think it still qualifies one perhaps, as a musical engineer.... Sounds enuff like "musician" to these old ears! 
TLI... I misdirected... That was towards who you replied to. My bad, for misunderstanding. 
the fake scratches are totally unnecessary and I love the groove… We know it’s not a fucking album already
Solid live band!
 dlaumor wrote:
Very nice, I love it and my children too {#Dancingbanana}

It is good to love one's own children.
I never really listened to RJD2, but this is instantly nostalgic because it sounds so turn of the millennium.  It's funny how usually it takes time until we can hear the hallmarks of an era like that.
 stunix wrote:

Do I hear Elliott Smith?   I think I do!

So with this I give it a 7!!
 dragon1952 wrote:

Not sure there could be a more bland, repetitive and ho-hum song. Seriously people....7.3?

But, yet, for some reason this is one of my favorite songs. Just has this great groove. It brings me joy, so I'll keep it.
 fsilva wrote:

It happened again! very nice!

And again!
 BCarn wrote:

This following Thievery Corporation.......nice!

It happened again! very nice!
This following Thievery Corporation.......nice!
I like the snapple in the background.Vinyl babbby!
 lester wrote:
TheLoneIguana wrote:
Being able to twiddle some controls on some audio equipment does not a musician make.
Well, that's probably true. But what to do should the results of such control-twiddling be pleasing?
 Twiddle The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun

Well basically it is an Aphex Twin ripoff (Windowlicker), transforming a piece of electronic art into elevator music.
 brianlay wrote:
My daughter recognized this from a Honda TV ad
I think it was a Hyundai ad.  Nice groove.
Did you spot the Elliott Smith sample? It's from I Didn't Understand

If you enjoy this check out Thavious Beck - The Most Beautiful Ugly
So glad to hear RJD2 on RP
My daughter recognized this from a Honda TV ad
 SECA_Alan wrote:
Not my usual thing but I like what's going on here, very nice. Great for driving in the sun with shades on.

Thank you. Hadn't thought of it, but great idea!
This definitely goes into my 2001 Miata curvy road playlist... :)
Yes, this is for sure some of the trippiest, happiest, liveliest sets of sounds out there! I love how every time, it surprises me; very clever.
 oldsaxon wrote:

Laughing loudly!

Speaking of recycled, this is one of my favorite riding songs.
Not really my genre, but I dig this tune baby!
 stunix wrote:
Do I hear Elliott Smith?   I think I do!

Yep, I heard "I Didn't Understand" near the end :)
Do I hear Elliott Smith?   I think I do!
 Indeed, its underrated. Very nice song.

Piranga wrote:
Another sneak attack by RP! Can't sit still to this one! 7.3!


My chin is dancing
Very nice, I love it and my children too {#Dancingbanana}
 dragon1952 wrote:
Not sure there could be a more bland, repetitive and ho-hum song. Seriously people....7.3?

I gave it 10.
Not my usual thing but I like what's going on here, very nice. Great for driving in the sun with shades on.
Another sneak attack by RP! Can't sit still to this one! 7.3!
 dragon1952 wrote:
Not sure there could be a more bland, repetitive and ho-hum song. Seriously people....7.3?

Iggy's Lust for Life and now this?  How am I supposed to get any work done with all of this chair dancing to do?  ☺️ 
 richardgold wrote:
One of the best albums I own.. still play it to people and they are always amazed.

Not sure there could be a more bland, repetitive and ho-hum song. Seriously people....7.3?
 AvoidingWork wrote:
 EarthMama wrote:

Bill has granted your wish.....see ya on Monday!  {#Propeller}

 Yep!!  Time to go!!

Even if I am a couple hours off...  It's 5 O'Clock somewhere!

YEESSSS!!!   5 O'clock!!  Time to strut the heck on out.  Peace!
 oldfart48 wrote:
according to wiki he actually plays an insterment and sings on two count them 2 tracks on his latest whatever you call stolen ripped or sampled other peoples already recorded music......what an amazing talent, I can play the h@ll out of a radio.....

Have at it, Mozart; maybe you can make something that sounds like this.
 ScottFromWyoming wrote:
Loved this originally, bought the CD, quickly grew to hate it, sold the CD, slowly grew to love it again but I WILL NOT buy the CD a second time

Lucky you two didn't have kids... {#Whipit}
I have needs —————————————— to hear it again
Very cool  {#Sunny}
 EarthMama wrote:

Bill has granted your wish.....see ya on Monday!  {#Propeller}

 Yep!!  Time to go!!

Even if I am a couple hours off...  It's 5 O'Clock somewhere!
 AvoidingWork wrote:
Bill this song needs to play Friday @ 5:00 in every time zone.  Cause when those horns start I'm ready to start strutin out those doors.  This is the perfect "Tschüs na!" song.

Bill has granted your wish.....see ya on Monday!  {#Propeller}
 oldfart48 wrote:
according to wiki he actually plays an insterment and sings on two count them 2 tracks on his latest whatever you call stolen ripped or sampled other peoples already recorded music......what an amazing talent, I can play the h@ll out of a radio.....

And even after all that crap, it's still good. So STFU.
 djblitz wrote:

I'm not sure there has been another user ID so aptly named.  

Laughing loudly!
 oldfart48 wrote:
according to wiki he actually plays an insterment and sings on two count them 2 tracks on his latest whatever you call stolen ripped or sampled other peoples already recorded music......what an amazing talent, I can play the h@ll out of a radio.....

I'm not sure there has been another user ID so aptly named.  

according to wiki he actually plays an insterment and sings on two count them 2 tracks on his latest whatever you call stolen ripped or sampled other peoples already recorded music......what an amazing talent, I can play the h@ll out of a radio.....
This whole album is seriously fantastic, and this song is my favorite among them.
This song gets me moving in my desk chair!
Bill this song needs to play Friday @ 5:00 in every time zone.  Cause when those horns start I'm ready to start strutin out those doors.  This is the perfect "Tschüs na!" song.
Bounce...bounce...bounce{#Jump} :O)
It just has swagger...{#Motor}
We love RJD2! great RP as always
One of the best albums I own.. still play it to people and they are always amazed.
Yet another group I doubt I'd have heard of but for RP. Thanks, Bill et al.! {#Dance}
 ScottFromWyoming wrote:

Trout, no salmon. Ranch= 3 cats and a dog. But you're welcome to come visit! You can go to the rodeo on your own though. Tourists eat that up.
You're a brave man, Scott.
Just such a cool tune
 Stingray wrote:

Nice that you shared that incredible story, Scotty!

Wyoming...? Salmon, rodeos and wild horeses?

Must be a great state! Please invite me to your ranch!

Trout, no salmon. Ranch= 3 cats and a dog. But you're welcome to come visit! You can go to the rodeo on your own though. Tourists eat that up.
 Stingray wrote:

Nice that you shared that incredible story, Scotty!

Wyoming...? Salmon, rodeos and wild horeses?

Must be a great state! Please invite me to your ranch!

Inadvertently funny. This is like an American asking a German, "Send me a picture of you playing the tuba in your lederhosen!"
 socalhol wrote:
Oh how I love Wikipedia!  It lists all of the songs RJD2 sampled in this track.  What a wide variety!  No wonder we all think it's somehow familiar, we probably have heard bits of it before:

"I Didn't Understand" by Elliot Smith
"Secretary" by Betty Wright
"Timesteps" by Wendy Carlos and "William Tell Overture" (from the soundtrack to the film A Clockwork Orange)
"Outside Woman Blues" by Cream
"A Taste of Honey" by Paul Desmond
"Ready or Not Here I Come" by The Delfonics
that's pretty cool!
DEAD RINGER hits the nail on the head!
 ScottFromWyoming wrote:
Loved this originally, bought the CD, quickly grew to hate it, sold the CD, slowly grew to love it again but I WILL NOT buy the CD a second time

Nice that you shared that incredible story, Scotty!

Wyoming...? Salmon, rodeos and wild horeses?

Must be a great state! Please invite me to your ranch!

 Xing wrote:
ribbledidibbledidobbledidopp. Elevatormuzacannoyance.

We got now that this guy can load a sample and play it a hundred thousand times.


aye mate!
Loved this originally, bought the CD, quickly grew to hate it, sold the CD, slowly grew to love it again but I WILL NOT buy the CD a second time

 drsteevo wrote:
This song is a great example of what a talented DJ can create.  DJ Schmolli  needs to take a few lessons from this guy.

You got that bass ackwards!
10 years latter, still as good! thanks for that :-))
exactly what i wanted to hear right now
Oh how I love Wikipedia!  It lists all of the songs RJD2 sampled in this track.  What a wide variety!  No wonder we all think it's somehow familiar, we probably have heard bits of it before:

"I Didn't Understand" by Elliot Smith
"Secretary" by Betty Wright
"Timesteps" by Wendy Carlos and "William Tell Overture" (from the soundtrack to the film A Clockwork Orange)
"Outside Woman Blues" by Cream
"A Taste of Honey" by Paul Desmond
"Ready or Not Here I Come" by The Delfonics
ribbledidibbledidobbledidopp. Elevatormuzacannoyance.

We got now that this guy can load a sample and play it a hundred thousand times.

 apd wrote:

say what now? Where?
Vocals from Elliott Smith's "I Didn't Understand" from the XO album. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sExlr1F2PQs

Haunting song... 

This song is a great example of what a talented DJ can create.  DJ Schmolli  needs to take a few lessons from this guy.

 On_The_Beach wrote:
Deceptively catchy. This one kinda sneaks up on you.
Exactly. Its taken a few listens, but I find my toe tapping along as struggle with work.

Bit too repetitious for me
Poor, poor Elliott...
 mcullers wrote:
Love those Elliott Smith vocals mixed in!
say what now? Where?
First time I've ever heard the song without Jay! Tomlinson from Best of the Left podcast babbling over it!
 fredriley wrote:
This just makes you want to get up and strut mightily down the street, head tall, shoulders back, like you own it. Great stuff for Friday evening before the pub. 9 from the desk-struttin' Nottingham jury {#Motor}
My thoughts exactly. When those horns kick in, you just have to get to struttin' :)

Love those Elliott Smith vocals mixed in!

Talk about ear candy!

Deceptively catchy. This one kinda sneaks up on you.
Warning !

This can be hazardous to your hearing !
Keep volume at a moderate level.

Great stuff!Music
Wasn´t that tune used as title track in the movie Wimbledon?
This just makes you want to get up and strut mightily down the street, head tall, shoulders back, like you own it. Great stuff for Friday evening before the pub. 9 from the desk-struttin' Nottingham jury {#Motor}
A definite toe-tapping tune!  {#Dance}  love love love it!!

Challenging to hear fully but awesome.
What I would do with 1981 again.....
That's amazing that (per Bill) this was released in 1981, with the guy being born in 1976 and all....  Talk about a prodigy!!  ;) 

Definitely some Death in Vegas influence in there I think.  Very similar sound but about 5 years later.
 ddbz wrote:
this sounds recent... my 1981 was pre-aluminum cans... those crazy pull-tabs?
hahahaha!!  good catch — who types in the song info anyway?  lots of typos......  2002 is the correct release date.  If it were released in 1981, the guy behind RJD2 was only 5 years old...  {#Shifty}
To clear the confusion from below...
(With apologies to Amazon...)


RJD2 is an instrumental hip-hop artist and producer. His debut album, Deadringer, was released on Definitive Jux in 2002 to rave reviews, many of which claimed it was like a sequel to DJ Shadow's masterpiece Entroducing.... The following year he released The Horror, which featured one CD of rarities and b-sides, and a multimedia disc of videos and animations. His second proper album, Since We LastRead more in Amazon's RJD2 Store

{#Music}...I dig it!!

Hey, it's the official song of the NBA!
BTW, this couldn't have been released in 1981!!{#Eek}
this sounds recent... my 1981 was pre-aluminum cans... those crazy pull-tabs?
So we have Emerson Lake and Palmer and RJD2 in the same set again? Coincidence...?{#Stupid}

 BigTimber wrote:
don't have a TV; all the people whining about commercials should think about a new hobby. try quilting, it's fun.
I drop-kicked cable a year ago. I don't miss it.  I got a PVR, which works nicely with broadcasts, even HD. I can't do commercials but there are some things worth watching.  Glad I can record stuff like Austin City Limits and some of the other cream that manages to rise to the top.

Oh yeah, I have a lot of great hobbies too.  I think I would like quilting.
This is AWESOME, that horn riff....gold!
 derekd wrote:
Emerson Lake & Palmer and RJD2 in the same set? Only on Radio Paradise folks...I applaud Bill for his boldness.
Bill's like "Shuffle" mode, but guided by an actual human brain!

Head bob-bob-bobbin along....  {#Music}

Emerson Lake & Palmer and RJD2 in the same set? Only on Radio Paradise folks...I applaud Bill for his boldness.
Ronnie James Dio 2?

I likes RJD2, but this one isn't one of his more inspiring pieces. . .

 g530preston wrote:
Nice beat!  Got the headphones up all the way...which made me realize that I haven't seen live music in a while.  This must be pretty sweet live?  Anyone hear them?  You know, where you feel the reverberations and your heart fights back with it's own beat.  Nice closing too!
I saw them (him) play in Flagstaff AZ about a year ago.. it was a great show with some entertaining visuals projected behind him.  Not a lot of electronica passes through this hippy town, so I made it a point to show up (not having heard of this guy before).  I left the show with a smile on my face.  Plenty of dancin'.{#Dancingbanana}
Absolutely great song, as well as a great album featuring top notch underground hip-hop artists. If you like this kind of electronica music, you might like Jesus Wore Dickies, check the album Terminal Island out
 DrLex wrote:

It would be even more impressive knowing that the artist was born in 1976. No, the album is actually from 2002 {#Wink}

Are you sure? This tune sounds like coming from Vinyl!

 adroc wrote:
Great tune, the best from a solid album, which according to the RP Playlist was release in 1981! Wow, how's that for ahead of its time! {#Stupid}

It would be even more impressive knowing that the artist was born in 1976. No, the album is actually from 2002 {#Wink}

 mamerjamer wrote:
Is this song added to RP off of vinyl or is the crackle effect (like a slightly pitted vinyl record) added into the RJD2 recording?  Interesting.  I may have noticed it before, but it really jumped out at me this time.  Anybody know?

Most likely it is just added, like with a gazillion other songs. Hell, even I have done it during the short time that I attempted to create music, and that was more than 10 years ago. Sampling some crackling vinyl and digitally mixing it into the song is a whole lot easier than stamping the song to a record and re-recording it to CD.

Great tune, the best from a solid album, which according to the RP Playlist was release in 1981! Wow, how's that for ahead of its time! {#Stupid}

Music with soul —
even better hook up your computer to your stereo and watch tv with RP on
works great

Posted: Jun 09, 2009 - 06:54
 < Reply >

 BigTimber wrote:
don't have a TV; all the people whining about commercials should think about a new hobby. try quilting, it's fun.
Or, they should learn the power of the mute button. I instinctively mute whenever a commercial comes up. For added fun, invent your own soundtrack with each commercial.

Nice beat!  Got the headphones up all the way...which made me realize that I haven't seen live music in a while.  This must be pretty sweet live?  Anyone hear them?  You know, where you feel the reverberations and your heart fights back with it's own beat.  Nice closing too!
Makes Moby look like Baby Huey.