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Githead — Drop
Album: Art Pop
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Total ratings: 1017

Released: 2007
Length: 4:39
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Drop, like a stone, when you're thrown into the water
Spin, like a top, make it stop, like it ought to
Calm, in your eyes, you despise all the slaughter
Plan, like a bet, try to get, what you ought to

Run, with the pack, what you lack, makes you higher
Pray to your Gods, throw your sods on the fire
Dress to the nines, cross the lines, build your pyre
Drain, to the end, every drop of desire
Comments (64)add comment
Malka can play a nice groove on her bass on this one. I can definitely hear Wire in their tunes.  Catchy industrial UK music from almost 20 years ago. I give it a 7 and almost an 8. 
"And curse Sir Walter Raleigh, he was such a stupid . . ."
 lizardking wrote:

...maybe coding_to_music can confirm, but I think GIT and HEAD are coding terms....

I'll have a go...

Not "coding" per se, but rather the management of versions of source code files.  Or any files, for that matter.  Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, also created Git to manage flies.

Regarding the name, from Wikipedia

Torvalds sarcastically quipped about the name git (which means "unpleasant person" in British English slang): "I'm an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First 'Linux', now 'git'."  The [manual] describes Git as "the stupid content tracker".

 sqqqrly wrote:

git commit --amend "Add an 8 rating"
git push -f

Alright, nerds. Settle down.

 ExploitingChaos wrote:

Im a sucker for unconventional song structures and this hit the spot.
Artsy is not a crime! 

I really got hooked in on the rhyming pattern, very different and innovative.  Call me a fan!
Thought this was Ben Gibbard on vocals before looking at my screen.
We should change the name of the 5 rating from "Decent" to "Drop by Githead."
This is just a fun groove.
I love the recording of the bass on this track - its a real treat.
an unpleasant or contemptible person."that mean old git"
I can overdrive yr trunk woofers!
Judging from the comments, this is provocative music.
 sqqqrly wrote:

git commit --amend "Add an 8 rating"
git push -f
$ git checkout -b PSD 

3. Sorry not sorry.
Is this still on? Vapor- 100% vapor... Should carry the warning label: "No actual music was generated during the production of this album."
I like it generally - but the high frequencies are a bit too loud, and are pretty harsh on my ears.
 2Hawks wrote:
So good for working at home!
What - never-ending?
So good for working at home!
 DrLex wrote:
git checkout Githead
git add Drop
git commit -m "Not bad"
git push 
git commit --amend "Add an 8 rating"
git push -f
A Perfect Circle... anyone?  anyone...
The baseline sounds good as a meditation. I might try it later to see where I go. . . 
Keep this stuff flowing my way....
Im a sucker for unconventional song structures and this hit the spot.
Artsy is not a crime! 
 BBoyes wrote:
Started out not liking this - too monotonous - but then about halfway through when it shifted to more like electro-trance I was diggin' it.

Git? Head? Head in Git? Githead? What? 


...maybe coding_to_music can confirm, but I think GIT and HEAD are coding terms....

I'm not sure if I like this track or dislike it.  A solid MEH from me, which warrants a 5-Decent rating. 
I am gitting something of a Stone Roses vibe from this - and that is a good thing in my book. Git it?
git checkout Githead
git add Drop
git commit -m "Not bad"
git push 
 shakitten wrote:
Like it. Nice groove to settle into.
Yes, it is a cool groove. 
hypnotically transcendental ........
I'm liking this GITHEAD - cool band!!
Started out not liking this - too monotonous - but then about halfway through when it shifted to more like electro-trance I was diggin' it.

Git? Head? Head in Git? Githead? What? 


 ckcotton wrote:

Yep pretty darn gooooood  {#Jump}{#Daisy}{#Jump}
Pretty Damn good.
Not bad!
Not bad, got me to get up and look, thought Bill had found some Eno that I didn't know about.
 hippiechick wrote:
I'd rather givehead {#Roflol}
Not clear if that means you do or don't like the tune?!!!
Torn between liking this and hating the monotony
Like it. Nice groove to settle into.
 Chrislee523 wrote:
came on, thought "wire?"
very nice.  


sounds like it's from the Beginning to and Back again or A Bell Is a Cup...Until It Is Struck record

came on, thought "wire?"
very nice.  
It's about 1:00AM here just now...this is a nice sound to go with the dregs of that Pinot I just finished. I like it but won't rate it till later, or tomorrow.....
The band does not realize the extreme level of taste which this group posseses.  After all, its not about enjoying the music.  Most of the comments are designed to impress the other sages.  Heaven forbid if the wrong people should see you like something.
Too bad there is not a special stream of perfect tunes just for the wizards.
So you people who say you like it,  shame on us!!!!

On regular rotation at Squiddly Heights. Works well being played loud enough to rattle the windows. 10.
Oh the monotony
 Steve wrote:
Digging the bass riff. Nice! {#Guitarist}
Digging the bass riff. Nice! {#Guitarist}
come in your eyes?  oops, sorry baby  Tongue Out
 hippiechick wrote:
I'd rather givehead {#Roflol}
I'll bet you are very popular.  {#Hearteyes}

A mean bass line. I dig.
 hippiechick wrote:
I'd rather givehead {#Roflol}

 RichardPrins wrote:


Wow, how'd they get Ben Stein to sign up for an appearance in the video?

This song has a really nice hook with that bass that really keeps my attention. Good stuff!
Good stuff - never heard of them but like this track!

Gets an instant 8 from me on first listen. Was just going to say sounds a hell of a lot like Wire when what do I see on allmusic - it is Colin Newman. Great find - keep in playlist please, Bill. Wouldn't mind hearing more Wire here as well by the way.

I'd rather givehead {#Roflol}
Wow....this is pretty damn cool.
Hmm. A few more notes please, Mr Git. The same vocal and guitar sequence all through the song gets a bit repetitive after a while.