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The Beatles — Hey Bulldog
Album: Yellow Submarine
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Total ratings: 2984

Released: 1969
Length: 3:07
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Sheepdog standing in the rain
Bullfrog doing it again
Some kind of happiness is measured out in miles
What makes you think you're something special when you smile?

Childlike, no one understands
Jack-knife in your sweaty hands
Some kind of innocence is measured out in years
You don't know what it's like to listen to your fears

You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
If you're lonely, you can talk to me

Big man (yeah?) walking in the park
Wigwam frightened of the dark
Some kind of solitude is measured out in you
You think you know me, but you haven't got a clue

You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
If you're lonely, you can talk to me

Hey, bulldog
Hey, bulldog
Hey, bulldog
Hey, bulldog

'''Paul:''' Hey, man.
'''John:''' What's that, boy?
'''Paul:''' Ruff!
'''John:''' What do you say?
'''Paul:''' I say, "Woof!"
'''John:''' Do you know any more?
'''Paul:''' Awooo arf!
'''John:''' Ah-ha-ha!
'''Paul:''' You've got it! That's it! You've got it! That's it, man! Whoo! That's it, you've got it!
'''John:''' [Screams hysterically]
'''Paul:''' Don't look at me, man: I only have ten children. Hoo!
'''John:''' Ah-ho! Ha-ha-ha aarrh ha-ha-ha!
'''Paul:''' Quiet, boy, quiet!
'''John:''' Okay.
'''Paul:''' Quiet!

Hey, bulldog
Hey, bulldog
Hey, bulldog

Quiet, okay, quiet
Comments (363)add comment
As one can clearly hear if one is TRIPPING when one hears this, THEY CLEARLY WERE
 pbouchar wrote:

I know I’m going to light a fire here, but after watching the documentary “Get Back” I quickly realized how mediocre this quartet was and how George Martin saved their kiesters. 

Do you "realize" very often?  ...eh?
I know I’m going to light a fire here, but after watching the documentary “Get Back” I quickly realized how mediocre this quartet was and how George Martin saved their kiesters. 
 garyalex wrote:

One of my favorite Beatles songs.

mine too!
Unusual harmony arrangement for the Beatles.
There is a stunning live version  of this song by Fanny on YT, Beat-Club 1971!
Great bass line!!
 Rantanplan wrote:

Not liking it that much, but that main riff do be slappin quite intense

Wat do?
I give it a 6 for now, maybe it will grow on me

How dare you Sir
Just proves the Beatles throw away stuff - is better then most groups big hits
One of my favorite Beatles songs.
Not liking it that much, but that main riff do be slappin quite intense

Wat do?
I give it a 6 for now, maybe it will grow on me
 peterlburrows5994 wrote:
One of the most unappreciated Beatles tunes ever! On my top ten! And the clear No. 1 for songs with barking.

...and without barking!
One of the most underrated Beatles tracks.
Quiet Quirt Quiet, hey Bulldog
love it
The Fab Four really had it going on.  This simply rocks. Or barks....  
 olssonk wrote:
anybody else ever notice that if you listen to the beatles and one of your speakers happens to not be working for some reason, it is very noticeable - I realize this has something to do with how they recorded it, and with stereo being a new thing back then, but what I don't get is how come I don't notice this same issue with other bands of that era like the Stones, Who, Kinks, etc.?  So when this song came on, I could only hear the bass and vocal, and realized I needed to fiddle with my right speaker to get it re-connected

Just thought I'd ask.
Really notice it in stores where they've either piped one channel to all the speakers, or one channel to one side of the store and the other to another side of the store. Usually you can't hear the other channel because the store is too big and the speakers are too small. Always fascinated me how many times I've heard this in various retail establishments unrelated to each other. Some special skill of strip-mall builders, I guess.
My My My what those hippies did!
And the Southern Culture on the Skids version is awesome too.  Tying together all the cosmic strings.
 jp33442 wrote:
I have it a three sick of hearing Beatles songs
Well, notwithstanding your lack of punctuation in your sentence, I gather you gave this a three for some reason. Sick of the Beatles? Time for some therapy.
 owchita wrote:

Most of the Beatles output was recorded and issued in mono, although stereo versions were quickly available for a lot of their stuff. George Martin worked hard to get the best mix with mono and wasn't too happy with the stereo versions demanded by people with better than average hi-fi players (cf 'record-players').

I'm not certain about Yellow Submarine, perhaps that was in stereo specifically because it was a film sound-track.
Most of The Beatles material (and that of most artists of the time) was recorded on four-track machines and then mixed for mono or stereo releases.  The band (at that time) apparently preferred the mono mixes; it was George Martin and the engineers who did the "separated" stereo mixes.  The songs were not "recorded in mono" - recording in mono would essentially mean recording the whole performance on one track.
I have it a three sick of hearing Beatles songs
Greatness !
 WonderLizard wrote:
McCartney's bass is transcendent.

Always thought this song was a little dumb, but you're right, that's pretty sweet bass.
One of the most unappreciated Beatles tunes ever! On my top ten! And the clear No. 1 for songs with barking.
John sang with such passion—whatever song it was, silly or not—and this song is certainly no exception.  That pretty defines the unique Lennon McCartney duo in my opinion— Paul's melodic tender voice and John's rough passionate voice.
McCartney's bass is transcendent.
3 plays for a quarter,
cool I'll play it 3 times 
silly song... this is just the right word :-)

the paradox is that it was a silly song, then, about 50 years ago...
and still sounds like a silly song from a very inventive NEW band fearlessly traveling on paths nobody dared to travel before, NOW (2017)!
I love this silly song
 olssonk wrote:
anybody else ever notice that if you listen to the beatles and one of your speakers happens to not be working for some reason, it is very noticeable - I realize this has something to do with how they recorded it, and with stereo being a new thing back then, but what I don't get is how come I don't notice this same issue with other bands of that era like the Stones, Who, Kinks, etc.?  So when this song came on, I could only hear the bass and vocal, and realized I needed to fiddle with my right speaker to get it re-connected

Just thought I'd ask.

Most of the Beatles output was recorded and issued in mono, although stereo versions were quickly available for a lot of their stuff. George Martin worked hard to get the best mix with mono and wasn't too happy with the stereo versions demanded by people with better than average hi-fi players (cf 'record-players').

I'm not certain about Yellow Submarine, perhaps that was in stereo specifically because it was a film sound-track.
anybody else ever notice that if you listen to the beatles and one of your speakers happens to not be working for some reason, it is very noticeable - I realize this has something to do with how they recorded it, and with stereo being a new thing back then, but what I don't get is how come I don't notice this same issue with other bands of that era like the Stones, Who, Kinks, etc.?  So when this song came on, I could only hear the bass and vocal, and realized I needed to fiddle with my right speaker to get it re-connected

Just thought I'd ask.
{#Stop}MAKE IT STOP{#Stop}
funky and rocking sound
biting and truthful lyrics
i give it a 10

This was Lennon's way of saying the YS album couldn't house stinkers exclusively. Top tune.
"Big man"

Background voice..."yep".

 diannemck56 wrote:
{#Bounce}This is pretty funny. I googled "Who is the bulldog in Hey Bulldog" and found out the song was originally titled Hey Bullfrog. "After McCartney made a barking sound during the session, as he and Lennon ad-libbed during the finale. The Beatles decided to keep the barking in, changing the title to Hey Bulldog". Pretty interesting that this is just a song about nothing that they had to come up with.  So many of us always think everything they did has some big meaning.  {#Propeller}      https://www.beatlesbible.com/songs/hey-bulldog/   I like it anyway!  

I always had the feeling that they were just jamming/goofing around here...love it, though. 
 ScottN wrote:
Not everything  the Beatles did was brilliant, or in this case, even good. 

Uh, wrong.
 Lazarus wrote:

Everybody in my church loves this song...

So does everybody in my kennel.

I love the doggie at the end! Ruff! Ruff! Aroooo! Pant! Slobber! Gerroff me leg! :o)
 Proclivities wrote:
Personally, I think it's one of their best songs.
Yep... it rocks. And I like the zaniness at the end.

Of course, the Fabs were under contract to United Artists for a third movie, so UA could make $$$ from the soundtrack (just like AHDN and Help!). At that point they were disinclined to do another movie. When the idea of an animated Yellow Submarine movie came around, the Fabs answered their contract requirements by submitting a number of also-rans they deemed unworthy for one of their Parlophone albums.

Side two was an instrumental exercise whereby producer (Sir) George Martin could make some royalties on the Beatles' coattails—his salary at EMI Parlophone (and his non-existent bonuses) being paltry. Of course, Martin was also switching to independent status around this time (another recording world precedent), so that he could command a far better rate as a contractor to Parlophone for the Beatles' (and others') sessions. His independence evolved into his own AIR Studios.

As an aside, another branch of EMI developed the first commercially-viable CT scanner for medical diagnosis, using Beatles' profits to fund their R&D. 
 alexpohlenz wrote:
I thought I'd heard the worst Beatles' song before "Hey Bulldog". I was wrong. 

Personally, I think it's one of their best songs.
awful {#Wall}
Not everything  the Beatles did was brilliant, or in this case, even good. 
In your sweaty hands.
I thought I'd heard the worst Beatles' song before "Hey Bulldog". I was wrong. 
Indeed: A(nother) great song - rather unknown, in comparison!

Still - I wonder what the BEATLES had been without SIR GEORGE MARTIN - their true-true genius producer!

Tip for those who do not know:

BUY YOURSELF "LOVE", the lastest "Beatles album" from 2010, I think! After listening you will understand why the BEATLES had never been that great without Sir Martin! 
 bb_matt wrote:
So many parts of this track are timeless. Genius. 

love it.
So many parts of this track are timeless. Genius. 
{#Bounce}This is pretty funny. I googled "Who is the bulldog in Hey Bulldog" and found out the song was originally titled Hey Bullfrog. "After McCartney made a barking sound during the session, as he and Lennon ad-libbed during the finale. The Beatles decided to keep the barking in, changing the title to Hey Bulldog". Pretty interesting that this is just a song about nothing that they had to come up with.  So many of us always think everything they did has some big meaning.  {#Propeller}      https://www.beatlesbible.com/songs/hey-bulldog/   I like it anyway!  
If you want to see the Beatles (which we can't but would like to anyway), go see the Fab Faux.  By far the best Beatles experience available (excluding Mr. McCartney).
Going to see RAIN tonight,  I hope they play this.
These guys had serious range.  Contrast this simple pop/bubblegum against Revolution Number 9.  And this was the beginning of their psychedelic period!
 Wizzo_oz wrote:
Lazarus' congregation be skinning mules to this bad boy...oh yeah
Indeed...  everybody in my mushrooming multitude of churches be dancing like the reincarnation of B.F. Skinner, too...  hope you are having a marvelous time right this minute, Wizzo_oz...

love this song soooo much... 
 ziakut wrote:
The right side vocal thing is annoying in headphones. This song isn't really worth the time. Sorry. Beatles have so much better. That being said...nice to hear a song you don't normally hear.

The Beatles actually diagnosed a broken speaker for me a few years back. Only noticed the tweeter had gone out on one half of my set because of their single-side vocals.
 do you know anymore ? Lazarus wrote:

Everybody in my church loves this song...


As a committed Beatlemaniac, this is one of my favorites. Odd because as almost everyone knows, the Beatles despised this film while it was being produced and made very little effort to record quality songs for the soundtrack. It was only after they watched it the first time – and loved it – that they asked to make a live appearance at the end of the film.

I believe the extended version of "Yellow Submarine" released a few years back has the restored animated sequence that goes with this song.

Coinciding with the the film's re-release, Apple put together a cool video that shows the Beatles recording the song at Abbey Road.

Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWdLPGKQRXc    

Separating the tracks was something the Beatles commonly did once they started recording their albums in stereo, starting with "Revolver." "Eleanor Rigby" and "Martha My Dear" are just two songs that come to mind where the vocal track is in just one channel. 
Lazarus' congregation be skinning mules to this bad boy...oh yeah
 ziakut wrote:
The right side vocal thing is annoying in headphones. This song isn't really worth the time. Sorry. Beatles have so much better. That being said...nice to hear a song you don't normally hear.

Yeah, had to use the PSD while at work on this one; it was hurting my ears...and my brain.
The right side vocal thing is annoying in headphones. This song isn't really worth the time. Sorry. Beatles have so much better. That being said...nice to hear a song you don't normally hear.
What a bass line! I can't avoid focusing in listen to it. Just amazing!
"whattya say?
i say roof
ya know any more?

just made this my ringtone....

why did i wait so long?  who knows 
the beatles at their rockin' insanest best!!!
Great mix this afternoon Bill, Thanks

Everybody in my mushrooming multitude of churches be dancing buck ass naked...  love this song...
One of the very rare Beatles tracks I could take or leave.  Not even going to rate it.
 Keef wrote:

Woof Woof, it's Friday!

I hear ya... we be dancing...

hope you have a marvelous weekend...
 Lazarus wrote:

I know what you mean...  I be the holy ghost of big stud Romeo Tuma...  hope you are having a marvelous Thursday right now...

love this song...

Woof Woof, it's Friday!
 k-man wrote:
That is one rockin' bass line...
 . . . and guitar . . . and piano . . .
 dpvest wrote:

this song is soooo good it puts a bark in my voice this fine friday afternoon...WOOF!

I know what you mean...  I be the holy ghost of big stud Romeo Tuma...  hope you are having a marvelous Thursday right now...

love this song...
 Chwkbud wrote:
Oddly...I had never heard that song before! Like it! Thanks for another discovery RP


Oddly, me to, perhaps I had heard it, but certainly cannot remember it

Everybody in my church loves this song...
One of the best Beatles songs ever. "Right, Bulldog?".
That is one rockin' bass line...
Oddly...I had never heard that song before! Like it! Thanks for another discovery RP
hey que tema tan chimbita, saludos {#Cowboy}
One of several Beatles songs that folks who think they were a "Boy Band" need to listen to.
maybe my favorite beatles song. {#Bananapiano}
 romeotuma wrote:

This song is soooo good it puts a spring in my step this summer day...


this song is soooo good it puts a bark in my voice this fine friday afternoon...WOOF!
 RoelantSiekman wrote:
Widely underestimated song. Never really took of.. maybe because of the album it featured on? (not their greatest, by far..)
The bulldog section was left on the cutting room floor of the original version of the film. Fortunately the track was on the LP, however.

Starts good and keeps getting better as the song goes on
 mistabird wrote:
Bob ist eindeutig mein farvorite    jah man

eindeutig mein farvorite    jah man
Widely underestimated song. Never really took of.. maybe because of the album it featured on? (not their greatest, by far..)
Not one of my Beatle favs however that beat is sampled alot in all types of music over the years so that is cool.
 Grammarcop wrote:
On my all-time top 10 favorite list.

 TJS wrote:
I just find it annoying like so many Beatles songs.  *sigh*  I don't think I'll ever really like the Beatles as a whole.  Just a few songs here and there.
I am the same way with the Beatles music, like a few songs here or there, but not there music as a whole...just isn't my thing.  But, I will say this song is one of the few I do enjoy.  Definitely does not feel or sound like "ordinary" Beatles...
I just find it annoying like so many Beatles songs.  *sigh*  I don't think I'll ever really like the Beatles as a whole.  Just a few songs here and there.
Wow- I just heard a Beatles song that I never heard before- that is not easy to do!  Thanks RP!!!!
 run4more wrote:

Whatever that means... yeah! A lawyer has my incoming call ringtone set as "Yellow Submarine"—should I be concerned?
Expect a large bill, you Blue Meanie! Lol!
 neuticle wrote:

I want what your smoking


Image Detail
Fabulous little ditty.  Heard Elvis Costello cover it live a few years ago. 9
 romeotuma wrote:

Profound timing for a profound song...  this is one of the best songs in the history of life on Earth...

I want what your smoking

On my all-time top 10 favorite list.

 LSC wrote:
Whatever that means... yeah! A lawyer has my incoming call ringtone set as "Yellow Submarine"—should I be concerned?

 rpdevotee wrote:
John's voice is so powerful in this song...almost unmatched in all of rock and roll... 

That's funny.
Last few songs have been dull as ditchwater. This is awesome.
What a great song!! Just lively and fun!
 mapman wrote:
Classic riff and Beatles jabbering and having fun.

More artists should do that these days.


Nice doggie! Down, boy, gerroff me leg! Ruff! Ruff! Arroooooooooooo! :o)

John's voice is so powerful in this song...almost unmatched in all of rock and roll... 
Not sure I'd classify a 1969 release as their "early years" considering the band broke up in '70. But I do agree with your sentiment about the song.

 unclehud wrote:
One of my favorites from their early years.  Not psychedelic at all, but still got the juice.

Classic riff and Beatles jabbering and having fun.

More artists should do that these days.


One of my favorites from their early years.  Not psychedelic at all, but still got the juice.
 midreaming wrote:
   I do actually. It's a tumor, it creates holograms of ninja monkeys that lacerate my insides whenever I see wheat toast minds fawning over corporate pablum as if it were anything other than the political and social prozac that it is.  Beatles were a money making boy band whose creative genius rested with George Martin and a multi million dollar recording studio. Mind pollution, dragging the 60's generation and anyone who believes them in to a stupor of drug induced mediocrity. That generation sold out because of bands like this, oh ..and the acid too ..probably. But that we're not in the streets banging on trash cans protesting our own slavery kinda works ..for some people.   ..ruff ruff (tail wag tail wag)

{#Clap} I don't know if I agree with any or all of that (as a 50-something stripling I wasn't around in the Moptops' heyday), but I like your style :)

Hey, Bulldog! I like your song!! AAA HOOOOO! {#Kiss}
Have i heared this before? I really dont know!
 GT66 wrote:

Do you suffer from some sort of brain damage?

    I do actually. It's a tumor, it creates holograms of ninja monkeys that lacerate my insides whenever I see wheat toast minds fawning over corporate pablum as if it were anything other than the political and social prozac that it is.  Beatles were a money making boy band whose creative genius rested with George Martin and a multi million dollar recording studio. Mind pollution, dragging the 60's generation and anyone who believes them in to a stupor of drug induced mediocrity. That generation sold out because of bands like this, oh ..and the acid too ..probably. But that we're not in the streets banging on trash cans protesting our own slavery kinda works ..for some people.   ..ruff ruff (tail wag tail wag)

 midreaming wrote:
   It's funny to watch little people amused by simple things. And it's certainly one thing to watch this with a beautiful thing or poetic thing as the subject of amusement..  But when it's this bright red yellow plastic toy, if it's little people - well, ..mm ok - slightly amusing. Grown ups w/ hard plastic toys - mmm ..not so much.

  Oh, so we understand ...a car wheel with a parking boot, bird feather,  or a torn screen door is just as a poetic or (tragically) beautiful as a Rothko painting or a poem by Rilke. The Beatles might have hoped they'd stumble across that beauty or had somebody hand it to them in the recording studio but .. i dunno maybe they were too busy being Beatles.  ..'at's hard work ya know... probably screaming girls and fancy hippie clothes make it hard to  concentrate...


wtf?  dude - it's only a song.  it's only an internet radio station.  it's only an opinion.  you spent waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much thought, time and energy on this (whatever the fuck it is).  go to your happy place.          {#Dancingbanana_2} 
 midreaming wrote:
   It's funny to watch little people amused by simple things. And it's certainly one thing to watch this with a beautiful thing or poetic thing as the subject of amusement..  But when it's this bright red yellow plastic toy, if it's little people - well, ..mm ok - slightly amusing. Grown ups w/ hard plastic toys - mmm ..not so much.

  Oh, so we understand ...a car wheel with a parking boot, bird feather,  or a torn screen door is just as a poetic or (tragically) beautiful as a Rothko painting or a poem by Rilke. The Beatles might have hoped they'd stumble across that beauty or had somebody hand it to them in the recording studio but .. i dunno maybe they were too busy being Beatles.  ..'at's hard work ya know... probably screaming girls and fancy hippie clothes make it hard to  concentrate...

Please Please Me
With The Beatles

A Hard Day's Night
Beatles for Sale

Rubber Soul


Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Magical Mystery Tour

The Beatles (White Album)

Yellow Submarine
Abbey Road

Let It Be

Yeah ... they spent all their time on their wardrobe and groupies. Right.

Even at their most middling, the Beatles are far superior to most.
 midreaming wrote:
   It's funny to watch little people amused by simple things. And it's certainly one thing to watch this with a beautiful thing or poetic thing as the subject of amusement..  But when it's this bright red yellow plastic toy, if it's little people - well, ..mm ok - slightly amusing. Grown ups w/ hard plastic toys - mmm ..not so much.

  Oh, so we understand ...a car wheel with a parking boot, bird feather,  or a torn screen door is just as a poetic or (tragically) beautiful as a Rothko painting or a poem by Rilke. The Beatles might have hoped they'd stumble across that beauty or had somebody hand it to them in the recording studio but .. i dunno maybe they were too busy being Beatles.  ..'at's hard work ya know... probably screaming girls and fancy hippie clothes make it hard to  concentrate...

Do you suffer from some sort of brain damage?

 gjr wrote:
whatta ya say?   i say "ruff"
ya know any more?   i say "Rowwww-ooooo"

how can you not LOVE it??  beatles at their rockin' insanest best 

    It's funny to watch little people amused by simple things. And it's certainly one thing to watch this with a beautiful thing or poetic thing as the subject of amusement..  But when it's this bright red yellow plastic toy, if it's little people - well, ..mm ok - slightly amusing. Grown ups w/ hard plastic toys - mmm ..not so much.

  Oh, so we understand ...a car wheel with a parking boot, bird feather,  or a torn screen door is just as a poetic or (tragically) beautiful as a Rothko painting or a poem by Rilke. The Beatles might have hoped they'd stumble across that beauty or had somebody hand it to them in the recording studio but .. i dunno maybe they were too busy being Beatles.  ..'at's hard work ya know... probably screaming girls and fancy hippie clothes make it hard to  concentrate...

 PFM wrote:

What's not to love??

They have to have their anal glands expressed. If they don't have it done frequently enough, they rub their anus all over the carpet or what have you. I was at a friend's house and witnessed this and now I don't every want to go back. Needless to say if I do, I will not be going barefoot in her home. Talk about bacterial contamination!

 tapatia1072 wrote:
I really, really like this song; however, I really, really, do not like bulldogs.
What's not to love??

hey bulldog

I really, really like this song; however, I really, really, do not like bulldogs.