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The Beatles — We Can Work It Out
Album: We Can Work It Out
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Total ratings: 832

Released: 1965
Length: 2:11
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Try to see it my way
Do I have to keep on talking till I can't go on?
While you see it your way
Run the risk of knowing that our love may soon be gone

We can work it out
We can work it out

Think of what you're saying
You can get it wrong and still you think that it's all right
Think of what I'm saying
We can work it out and get it straight or say goodnight

We can work it out
We can work it out

Life is very short and there's no time
For fussing and fighting, my friend
I have always thought that it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

Try to see it my way
Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
While you see it your way
There's a chance that we might fall apart before too long

We can work it out
We can work it out

Life is very short and there's no time
For fussing and fighting, my friend
I have always thought that it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

Try to see it my way
Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
While you see it your way
There's a chance that we might fall apart before too long

We can work it out
We can work it out
Comments (55)add comment
Those 2 voices harmonizing, perfect !
Great John and Paul song - Paul’s optimism combined with John’s wisdom “life is very short …” 
When listening to the beatlles I always get a headage. Band in my left ear, vocals in my right.
Up there with their best - astounding piece of work, caught in just over 2 mins. Bravo! Perfecto! 🔟
 rklein wrote:

Why is the release date listed as 2021-01-08??

IDK?   It was actually released in December 1965! Google it or check Wiki!
Why is the release date listed as 2021-01-08??

Jeff Beck & Johnny Depp with Isolation - followed by the unmistakeable tones of John Lennon. Oh its clever
 squidtoad wrote:

Sorry, but there's something transparently suspect about "Tux's" rating 40 out of 40 Beatle songs a "1". So I'm going to put forth the following fact…YES, I'm stating this as a FACT…Without some non-musical issue being the driving force, it is IMPOSSIBLE to love pop/rock music and DESPISE EVERY SINGLE BEATLE SONG…PERIOD! It is simply a fact…That's all there is to it.

It's only a fact if you can prove it, otherwise it's an opinion or a speculation, or at best - a theory.
One of the few songs that I can sing in perfect harmony.
"there's a chance we might fall apart before too long . . . ." Yep.
I wish i was in my teens when these guys were at their height. Instead I was born in 1974 but their music just appeals to every age. Nobody will ever come close to what these guys did for music.
One of the nicest songs The Beatles have...it was worth of waiting. So many different songs have passed my ears and now this. Excellent!
MrSpaz wrote:
Man, how did they do it? How did they write so much great stuff? Their shadow extends for miles and miles; I don't think any performer from then to now or in the future will ever be out from under it. Just wow.
Hey SPAZ Man! ;-)
Man, how did they do it? How did they write so much great stuff? Their shadow extends for miles and miles; I don't think any performer from then to now or in the future will ever be out from under it. Just wow.
Needs more cowbell. Wait, strike that - needs more harmonium.
Arrrgh, matey!
Tux wrote:
Ooooh, how deep! Reasoning: I just don't like Paul's voice. I don't like his voice a lot. It's not as annoying as Bono, but I hate his voice. I also happen to have rated far beyond the avarage number of records, and the fact that the Beatles have created so many is probably also causing them to catch a lot of low ratings, and if you would have taken the time to look further, you would have seen that there are also Beatle song ratings of 2, 3, 4 and even 5. I simply don't see a 10 in any of their songs. I think I currently rated 2500 songs. And in expressing taste, why do the song lovers find it wrong to see all the songs of their favourite band rated 1 or 2, but find it logical and correct to see every single song rated a 10? Idolizers of the big and popular bands start to flock and flame people that rate their idols below their standards, and even state that they are not at their right mind. I will not critizize you if you do not like Camel or Dead Can Dance. I can understand that you don't like it: it's your taste (or lack of it). Feel free to rate it a 1, I don't care. It's a way to express your feeling for the music, even if that feeling is wanting to vomit. I will not stone you for it, or say you have a mental disfunction. There is a certain level of disrespect with all you big band lovers. Work on it. But hey, enjoy the Beatles, you think they're cool. Rating is about taste, you know. Not about quality
My point isn't that you can't dislike the Beatles, or that someone who dislikes the Beatles is impaired in some way. (OK, I admit it...I would think they were a little impaired, but not complete idiots.) I have "Jazz" friends who don't like the Beatles (Although most like them and several love them.) I have "Prog Rock" friends who don't like the Beatles (Although most like them and several love them.) But to love Pop/Rock and dislike the Beatles as much as you do seemed, well, suspicious. Sort of like a person who claims to love sculpure from the High Renaissance but says they can't stand Michelangelo. I'd strongly suspect something else was up, as I do with you. BTW, saying "Ooooh, how deep!" doesn't negate the depth of a statement. It does, however, suggest you felt threatened by it. (How's that for deep?) Now, back to music!!!
squidtoad wrote:
Anyway, clearly you have a deep underlying reason to despise The Beatles that goes far beyond their music, so I suggest you just stop rating their songs, as you are obviously doing so without any true critical discernment. But, HEYᅵthe Netherlands Rock!
Ooooh, how deep! Reasoning: I just don't like Paul's voice. I don't like his voice a lot. It's not as annoying as Bono, but I hate his voice. I also happen to have rated far beyond the avarage number of records, and the fact that the Beatles have created so many is probably also causing them to catch a lot of low ratings, and if you would have taken the time to look further, you would have seen that there are also Beatle song ratings of 2, 3, 4 and even 5. I simply don't see a 10 in any of their songs. I think I currently rated 2500 songs. And in expressing taste, why do the song lovers find it wrong to see all the songs of their favourite band rated 1 or 2, but find it logical and correct to see every single song rated a 10? Idolizers of the big and popular bands start to flock and flame people that rate their idols below their standards, and even state that they are not at their right mind. I will not critizize you if you do not like Camel or Dead Can Dance. I can understand that you don't like it: it's your taste (or lack of it). Feel free to rate it a 1, I don't care. It's a way to express your feeling for the music, even if that feeling is wanting to vomit. I will not stone you for it, or say you have a mental disfunction. There is a certain level of disrespect with all you big band lovers. Work on it. But hey, enjoy the Beatles, you think they're cool. Rating is about taste, you know. Not about quality
Johray63 wrote:
A song like this makes clear how much the Beatles, early on, set themselves apart from the competition (If there was any).
You are so right,John and Paul will always be in a superior class by themselves! :D
dwa375 wrote:
Every ONE from "ONE" should be a TEN.
Thank you,you are *SO* right too! :D
Old_Pool_Skunk wrote:
It's a constant reminder of the genius of Lennon& McCartney that the songs retain their appeal as the years pass.
Oh,you are *so* right about this! They are like Beethoven,forever loved and praised! And rightfully so! :D
This is a very good Paul McCartney song. He wrote this as well as For No One, I'm Looking Through You and You Won't See Me about his problems with his relationship with beautiful British actress Jane Asher. Paul wanted her to give up her career and devote herself to him,but she refused and was often away from him making films or touring with the theater company she belonged to. :)
Freebish wrote:
Maybe Tux is Pete Best?
And suddenly it all makes sense!
squidtoad wrote:
A person might dislike a lot of their music, or even all their music. But to actually HATE every single Beatle song and love pop/rock (which, judging by your other rated songs, you do) SCREAMS that you have some extenuating reasoning… Anyway, clearly you have a deep underlying reason to despise The Beatles that goes far beyond their music
Maybe Tux is Pete Best?
squidtoad wrote:
Sorry, but there's something transparently suspect about "Tux's" rating 40 out of 40 Beatle songs a "1". So I'm going to put forth the following fact…YES, I'm stating this as a FACT…Without some non-musical issue being the driving force, it is IMPOSSIBLE to love pop/rock music and DESPISE EVERY SINGLE BEATLE SONG…PERIOD! It is simply a fact…That's all there is to it.
Actually it was this guy I was talking about. Though Tux's contempt for the Beatles is only slightly less complete.
Sorry, but there's something transparently suspect about "Tux's" rating 40 out of 40 Beatle songs a "1". So I'm going to put forth the following fact…YES, I'm stating this as a FACT…Without some non-musical issue being the driving force, it is IMPOSSIBLE to love pop/rock music and DESPISE EVERY SINGLE BEATLE SONG…PERIOD! It is simply a fact…That's all there is to it. A person might dislike a lot of their music, or even all their music. But to actually HATE every single Beatle song and love pop/rock (which, judging by your other rated songs, you do) SCREAMS that you have some extenuating reasoning. So I'm sorry, Tux...I'm sorry if you were dropped on your head as a baby while "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" was playing. Honest. I'm sorry if you caught your wife cheating on you while she was listening to "Norwegian Wood." I really am. I'm sorry if a bucket of pig's blood was dropped on your head during the prom while "A Hard Day's Night" played. Truly. And I'm sorry if your dad was shot in Reno by a man just to watch him die. (Wait, that's probably why you hate Johnny Cash.) Anyway, clearly you have a deep underlying reason to despise The Beatles that goes far beyond their music, so I suggest you just stop rating their songs, as you are obviously doing so without any true critical discernment. But, HEY…the Netherlands Rock!
Every ONE from "ONE" should be a TEN.
drover wrote:
True, I make no secret of the fact that I can't really stand The Cure. Part of my distaste has little to do with their music (though I find it grating more often than not), so I admit I have a bias against the artist that probably precludes me from judging their music fairly. This is why I've only rated 3 or 4 of their songs. Even if I were to rate Cure songs, I wouldn't rate any of them a "1," much less every single one of them. In fact I give "1" ratings so sparingly that of the 400-plus songs I have rated, I've only given a "1" three times.
And why not rate everery Cure song a 1? If the songs annoy you, then for you they are sucko-barfo. For us it would then be interesting to know why you think they suck, but for me any reason will do to have someone rate a song a 1. We're not here to rate the value of a song. We're here to rate our taste. Personally I'm also not fond of the Beatles. They're just overplayed on all radio stations in the world, and though I admit their influence on other bands, and I admit that technically their songs (at least most of them) are pretty good, I'm completely done with them. My '1' ratings for Beatle (sorry The Beatles) songs is probably reverse proportional to the amount of air time. The more I hear it, the less I like it. Exceptions prove that rule.
How's this for an obscure lil factoid. When Dennis Leary and William Shatner meet in "Loaded Weapon 1" they have a battle of cliches. "A bird in the hand...etc". Well what makes Bill Shatner kill Dennis is when he uses, "Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend". Bill has his croney look it up in a book of cliches and then tells him it's no good. Song is good, WAY repetative. I give it a low score for the Beatles....6.
overlord wrote:
This is ironic coming from the flamer who invariably badmouths The Cure on every single one of their song's comments threads.
True, I make no secret of the fact that I can't really stand The Cure. Part of my distaste has little to do with their music (though I find it grating more often than not), so I admit I have a bias against the artist that probably precludes me from judging their music fairly. This is why I've only rated 3 or 4 of their songs. Even if I were to rate Cure songs, I wouldn't rate any of them a "1," much less every single one of them. In fact I give "1" ratings so sparingly that of the 400-plus songs I have rated, I've only given a "1" three times.
drover wrote:
I give wide lattitude to the fact that people have varying musical tastes. If every Beatles song sounded the same it would be one thing to write them all off and call it a day if you don't like that particular sound. But really, is every single one of the 40 Beatles tunes he rated really "sucko-barfo" or does he just have such a bias against the group that he can't even be bothered to individually judge any of the songs on their artistic merit?
This is ironic coming from the flamer who invariably badmouths The Cure on every single one of their song's comments threads.
etwilson wrote:
This just proves that no matter how perfect a song is, there's some bozo who will rate it a "1". There's just no accounting for some people.
Here's the culprit. Other songs he has assigned a 1: 1 - Beatles - A Hard Day's Night 1 - Beatles - A Day In The Life 1 - Beatles - Blackbird 1 - Beatles - Fixing A Hole 1 - Beatles - Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey 1 - Beatles - Dear Prudence 1 - Beatles - Blue Jay Way 1 - Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds 1 - Beatles - Taxman 1 - Beatles - I'm Only Sleeping 1 - Beatles - Hello, Goodbye 1 - Beatles - The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill 1 - Beatles - Sexy Sadie 1 - Beatles - Come Together 1 - Beatles - Rain 1 - Beatles - Hey Jude 1 - Beatles - Two Of Us 1 - Beatles - Across The Universe 1 - Beatles - The Word 1 - Beatles - You Never Give Me/The End 1 - Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps 1 - Beatles - I Want You (She's So Heavy) 1 - Beatles - Hey Bulldog 1 - Beatles - Dig A Pony 1 - Beatles - I Am The Walrus 1 - Beatles - She Said She Said 1 - Beatles - The Fool On The Hill 1 - Beatles - Because 1 - Beatles - And Your Bird Can Sing 1 - Beatles - Tomorrow Never Knows 1 - Beatles - The Fool On The Hill 1 - Beatles - Savoy Truffle 1 - Beatles - Mother Nature's Son 1 - Beatles - I'm So Tired 1 - Beatles - You've Got To Hide Your Love Away 1 - Beatles - Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) 1 - Beatles - Cry Baby Cry 1 - Beatles - It's All Too Much (remix) 1 - Beatles - Let It Be 1 - Beatles - Within You Without You ploafmaster wrote:
Dude, I rated this an 8 myself, and I love most Beatles. But come ON! Somebody simply disliking a song that you enjoy DOES NOT MAKE HIM/HER A BOZO! CHILL! People! Why is it that some users here have to insult other listeners just because they don't agree on musical tastes? Why can't we allow the opinions to be as ecclectic as the music? Geez...
I give wide lattitude to the fact that people have varying musical tastes. If every Beatles song sounded the same it would be one thing to write them all off and call it a day if you don't like that particular sound. But really, is every single one of the 40 Beatles tunes he rated really "sucko-barfo" or does he just have such a bias against the group that he can't even be bothered to individually judge any of the songs on their artistic merit?
ploafmaster wrote:
People! Why is it that some users here have to insult other listeners just because they don't agree on musical tastes? Why can't we allow the opinions to be as ecclectic as the music? Geez...
Much can be learnt about a person from their likes & dislikes.
Kurt_from_La_Qui wrote:
didn't peter write "no milk today" and "mrs. brown you have a lovely daughter"?
etwilson wrote:
This just proves that no matter how perfect a song is, there's some bozo who will rate it a "1". There's just no accounting for some people.
Dude, I rated this an 8 myself, and I love most Beatles. But come ON! Somebody simply disliking a song that you enjoy DOES NOT MAKE HIM/HER A BOZO! CHILL! People! Why is it that some users here have to insult other listeners just because they don't agree on musical tastes? Why can't we allow the opinions to be as ecclectic as the music? Geez...
This just proves that no matter how perfect a song is, there's some bozo who will rate it a "1". There's just no accounting for some people.
It's a constant reminder of the genius of Lennon& McCartney that the songs retain their appeal as the years pass.
... and there's no ti-i-i-i-ime...
It's all good - is there a better melding of voices than john & paul & george???
Wonderful... simply wonderful.
Hot damn, I was born 17 years too late. They'd broken up before I made it into this world. At least I can listen to what it was; even after all this time there is little that comes close.
Subtle, and good, segue from Marshall Crenshaw's Mary Anne . . . both addressing a universal life theme.
Drunkenlilacwine wrote:
Such a shame noone writes songs like that anymore
didn't peter write "no milk today" and "mrs. brown you have a lovely daughter"?
MaxEmerika wrote:
I prefer the mono version of this song. Having the vocals on one speaker and the instruments on the other is vexing.
Indeed, especially when listening with headphones and having a right ear which only hears below 2~3kHz... I'm downloading a 'Speaker simulator' plugin for XMMS right now to avoid this weird experience in the future :)
ya think it could be yet another anti-war sentiment/protest song? Right on, RP!!
I keep thinking early Beatles were overrated and dull. Then I hear them on RP......
A lifetime favorite song.
A song like this makes clear how much the Beatles, early on, set themselves apart from the competition (If there was any).
i'm giving it a 13 for a total just because I can
I prefer the mono version of this song. Having the vocals on one speaker and the instruments on the other is vexing.
Play more of this song. everything is perfect in this song. makes you feel grounded one minute and when the 34 time hits you want to float. Such a shame noone writes songs like that anymore