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Depeche Mode — Blasphemous Rumours
Album: Some Great Reward
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Total ratings: 2205

Released: 1984
Length: 5:06
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Girl of sixteen
Whole life ahead of her
Slashed her wrists
Bored with life
Didn't succeed
Thank the Lord for small mercies

Fighting back the tears
Mother reads the note again
Sixteen candles burn in her mind
She takes the blame
It's always the same
She goes down on her knees and prays

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours
But I think that God's got a sick sense of humour
And when I die I expect to find Him laughing

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours
But I think that God's got a sick sense of humour
And when I die I expect to find Him laughing

Girl of eighteen
Fell in love with everything
Found new life in Jesus Christ
Hit by a car
Ended up
On a life support machine

Summer's day
As she passed away
Birds were singing in the summer sky
Then came the rain
And once again
A tear fell from her mother's eye

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours
But I think that God's got a sick sense of humour
And when I die I expect to find Him laughing

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours
But I think that God's got a sick sense of humour
And when I die I expect to find Him laughing

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours
But I think that God's got a sick sense of humour
And when I die I expect to find Him laughing

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours
But I think that God's got a sick sense of humour
And when I die I expect to find Him laughing

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours
But I think that God's got a sick sense of humour
And when I die I expect to find Him laughing
Comments (231)add comment
 Michael_Dean wrote:

"So wrong", you say with sincere conviction.

First, you didn't know to believe.
Then you chose believing, so presently you know the mind of God and now you're in. 
Blessed Truth. 
Later, a planet full of people can choose any opinion and it is Truth because it is believed.
Meanwhile, a planet burns to hell, thoughts and prayers and 'God's will' relieve you from all responsibility to your children and your children's children. You are bound for eternity on God's right hand because you chose believing.

I wonder how they got all that so wrong...

what a wonderful reply to Oxen1Morale's comment. i was hoping someone would say something like this. thank you.
 dkliger wrote:

When I die, I expect to find God laughing as well. And I will be laughing right along, with as much gratitude and humility as I can muster.

I expect to be dead and in eternal oblivion. I don't have any time for childish fictional beings like God.
 GolfRomeo wrote:

Beautiful. Brit melancholy at its best, Smiths excepting, of course. Damn those days were fun. That was a staple at Mean Mr. Mustard's on High Street, Cowlumbus OhighO.

And at The Coffee Table across the street.
 Oxen1morale wrote:

Man I love Depche Mode.... Such great music and songs... So well written.  But boy do they have an axe to grind with God or Christians.  I wonder how they got all that so wrong.

"So wrong", you say with sincere conviction.

First, you didn't know to believe.
Then you chose believing, so presently you know the mind of God and now you're in. 
Blessed Truth. 
Later, a planet full of people can choose any opinion and it is Truth because it is believed.
Meanwhile, a planet burns to hell, thoughts and prayers and 'God's will' relieve you from all responsibility to your children and your children's children. You are bound for eternity on God's right hand because you chose believing.

I wonder how they got all that so wrong...
Man I love Depche Mode.... Such great music and songs... So well written.  But boy do they have an axe to grind with God or Christians.  I wonder how they got all that so wrong.
 dkliger wrote:

When I die, I expect to find God laughing as well. And I will be laughing right along, with as much gratitude and humility as I can muster.

Not me, I don't expect the Great Psychopath to be charmed with such as gratitude and humility.
Not important though because the very last thing that the Great Heesadick will want when we die is 10 billion reminders, for eternity, about that time It was hateful and hostile. 
God is trying to look down but she can’t see outside of her simulacra.
 sajitjacob wrote:

Just a reminder, there are no supernatural unseeing forces, guiding and judging us.  it's just US, 

Just. Be. Kind.  

it's not that difficult. 

Something really weird to thing about is that quantum physics seems to require an observer. For everything to work out, the math seems to require that there is always some kind of observer. I know this isn't a "proof" of God, but an indication that maybe you shouldn't rule the idea out. And if God does exist, I'm pretty sure your advice of Just. Be. Kind. is the kind of advice God would like us to follow. This NASA article covers the topic to some degree.  https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k...
Thought he was singing "But I think that girl's got a sick sense of humour".  Would be an interesting take on a dysfunctional relationship.
I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours but I think that God's got a sick sense of humour and I when I die I expect to find him laughing👌 😂😂😂 Posted 1 year ago by Easyrider from Faro,Portugal
Just a reminder, there are no supernatural unseeing forces, guiding and judging us.  it's just US, 

Just. Be. Kind.  

it's not that difficult. 
 bkrans9 wrote:

Read the words of this song, dkliger. If you can laugh right along with god at that, then you're as big of a schmuck as s/he is.
?...found sad irony here. hope to be laughing after death at how small everything was, except for the people I loved

Andy Fletcher R.I.P.! I Never saw DM live. And so I hoped for an upcoming tour, to take part. This will never happen I Guess. DM without Andy is not DM!
This song is deep, you can hear the life support in the background and the sound of the Bardos. Very well done
 dkliger wrote:

When I die, I expect to find God laughing as well. And I will be laughing right along, with as much gratitude and humility as I can muster.

Read the words of this song, dkliger. If you can laugh right along with god at that, then you're as big of a schmuck as s/he is.
 jkforde wrote:

some run this, radiohead, JA white rabbit, DM... why I love RP

Thing is i am tryin to make a phone call since 3 songs but i can't pause 
sometimes work has to wait.
Just how do you pronounce their name? I do like some of their songs others not so much but I admire them.
I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours But I think that God's got a sick sense of humour And when I die I expect to find Him laughing👌
 mgkiwi wrote:

Yep, if there is a GOD, he certainly does have a sick sense of humour!!

Or Life isn't fair? As humans we'd like to blame someone or something I guess

"You'd better not talk that way about Him, honey," she warned him reprovingly in a low and hostile voice. "He might punish you."

"Isn't He punishing me enough?" Yossarian snorted resentfully. "You know, we mustn't let him get away with it. Oh no, we certainly musn't let Him get away scot-free for all the sorrow He's caused us. Someday I'm going to make Him pay. I know when. On the Judgement Day. Yes, that's the day I'll be close enough to reach out and grab that little yokel by His neck and -"

"Stop it! Stop it!"

"What the hell are you getting so upset about?" he asked her bewilderedly in a tone of contrite amusement. "I thought you didn't believe in God."

"I don't," she sobbed, burting violently into tears. "But the God I don't believe in is a good God, a just God, a merciful God. He's not the mean and stupid God you make him out to be."

Yossarian laughed and turned her arms loose. "Let's have a little more religious freedom between us," he proposed obligingly. "You don't believe in a God you want to, and I won't believe in a God I want to. Is that a deal?"

this was a fantastic album!!! great tune! ❤️ Billg and Rebecca
This song was so ahead of its time. Name any other song of the 80's, or 70's, or 60's, or EVER that talks about God having a sick sense of humor!
Yep, if there is a GOD, he certainly does have a sick sense of humour!!
Their best work was with the Magnificent Vince Clarke. After that came all that fruity poseur material
A must RP play is Depeche Mode's cover of Heroes!
Great cover, great songs and all of it in 1984! No wonder (saw them twice in the last years) they are still going strong!
I will always adore this group's material, old and new
A lot of it because of Gahan's low pitched vocals + dark lyrics and the COLD, broody atmospheric music around it...
Now think how hard it is to make  pop appealing albums from these ingredients!
9->10 today
As a child of the  "alternative 80's" it seemed DM was always around and always good, but I never quite got into them.  I happened to see them live in about 1994 and found out they really were that good.  I've been a big fan since.  At the concert Martin wore S&M gear and Dave wore a t-shirt that had a pair of boobs painted on.  Somehow it all seemed to fit.  After a particularly good song and loud applause Dave slowly asked, "you liked that, didn't you." In his English accept it also seemed to fit and the girlfriend and I had a good time using that phrase together for years.  Don't have the gf anymore, but hey, now I'm a DM fan!
These guys can really turn a phrase.
Enjoyed the irony of giving this track a “God-like” 10 rating
Depeche mode has some good songs, but this one IMO is too 80's earnest and doesn't age particularly well...
This song is hitting a little too close to home--God DOES seem to have a sick sense of humor.
some run this, radiohead, JA white rabbit, DM... why I love RP
favorite DM song
 KurtfromLaQuinta wrote:
Love the bouncing marble starting in the right speaker then going into the left speaker at the beginning of the song. A great headphone song!
And also the 2-stroke dirt bike in the middle part!
so deep.  my ankles almost got wet
LOVE DM and this song especially. Maybe because I often fantansize about what exactly happens at "the gates" of either heaven or hell. So very many scenarios... many do not believe in an afterlife; I wonder how they cannot, we are far more than our physical embodiment. 
Boring like most DM songs.
Love the bouncing marble starting in the right speaker then going into the left speaker at the beginning of the song. A great headphone song!
Thank you, Bill!
Still very pleasing to have the priviledge to hear this kind of jewel here.
The feel good song of the universe. An example of a tune ...that when you're in the mood for it...it's stellar! When you're not in the mood...it's still stellar!
this song saved my soul!
When I die, I expect to find God laughing as well. And I will be laughing right along, with as much gratitude and humility as I can muster.
Combo breaker
 ziggytrix wrote:
Great, now I'm craving a chocolate malt, you jerk.
melzabutch wrote:
Image result for throw up funny gif


Thanks for sharing that fun image. 
Great, now I'm craving a chocolate malt, you jerk.
melzabutch wrote:
Image result for throw up funny gif


Image result for throw up funny gif
 scraig wrote:
This was the most depressing song I had ever heard in high school.

I know I'm responding to an ancient post but the most depressing tunes I had to endure during high school were awful things like "The Logical Song, "Running On Empty", and "New Kid In Town".  I was already out of college by the time this came out, but it would have been a relief when I was in high school several years earlier.
man, i haven't heard this in 20+ years. wow.
 ShamanManu wrote:

Agreed {#Hearteyes}
Still so good....
 Blackdalhia wrote:
the album Some Great Rewards was the first great album, the arrangements and sound mixing are fantastic, thanks Mister Alan Wilder (by the way if you like this, his solo band Recoil just released a new album Selected !)

Right on the money. I'm a huge DM fan, but the albums with Alan Wilder are the best. His attention to sonic detail distinguished the band from so many other synth-driven acts of the day. He spent an inordinate amount of time in the studio crafting the late 80s to mid 90s albums and it eventually burned him out, but the results are undeniable. His skill at blending traditional synthesis, sampling, and resampling is unparalleled in my book. As for Recoil, it's been an interesting journey, but none of the other releases touch Bloodline in my book. It's like an adventurous lost DM album - excellent end to end.
This is so awsome, thank you!
 g-rod wrote:
This might seem like damming with faint praise, but one of the things I always loved about DM is their great sounds. Especially in the percussion section.

Yup, cranked that section and it is good.
These days on RP are rich of Depeche Mode's classic songs... What's happen, Bill? (I loved DM for very long time!) {#Crown}
CLASSIC - Love it!
 ShamanManu wrote:

WOW! First time I've heard this one on RP. I'm speechless.

Thank you.
This is no le-oofing matter
 rolland69 wrote:
I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours, but I think the guy next to me might have farted.
{#Roflol} Hey - he who smelt it dealt it! {#Mrgreen}
How about a segue into Dear God by XTC?
The happy sounding chorus is a decent contrast to the stark, depressing lure of the verses...yet I'm drawn to this a bit. Old tune, but kinda fun to hear it again. Now I'm done for this century!
 Blackdalhia wrote:
the album Some Great Rewards was the first great album, the arrangements and sound mixing are fantastic, thanks Mister Alan Wilder (by the way if you like this, his solo band Recoil just released a new album Selected !)
I really couldn't relate to DM back then, but I appreciate their music now for some reason. It's a 5.

the album Some Great Rewards was the first great album, the arrangements and sound mixing are fantastic, thanks Mister Alan Wilder (by the way if you like this, his solo band Recoil just released a new album Selected !)
Happy to be a Buddhist.
brilliant chorus melody... without it the song would be a plodding bore.
This might seem like damming with faint praise, but one of the things I always loved about DM is their great sounds. Especially in the percussion section.
Always loved this song, I like the irony and thoughfulness in the lyrics and how it tells a story. It always makes me sad though, reminds me of feeling teenage angst, now it makes me think of my teen daughters.
I like this band, but they have much better songs than this.
This is so bad, bad, bad. I´m waiting for the votes from Germany! {#Crashcomp}
 scraig wrote:
This was the most depressing song I had ever heard in high school.
 And that's exactly why I loved it so much. 

So many here just love or hate this track, few lie in between.

I think it is a sign of good music - the wide range and disparity of comments from really good to really bad.  It is the humdrum and the mundane that so lulls everyone into a shameless level of lack of caring or passion. 

Keep on playing the music that generates such feelings.  Apart, of course, from the one's I don't like; they don't count in the above comment  :-)
I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours, but I think the guy next to me might have farted.

No wait, that lyic doesn't work... let's try it again.

The original album this song is on (Some Great Reward) is one of my all time favorites.  Deals with reality baby!!

Love the lyrics AND the band.  Overall rating 6.6??

Wow, RP is a tough crowd!!

This was the most depressing song I had ever heard in high school.
 ploba wrote:
why does this band get so much airtime?
Perhaps because they've been releasing consistently good music for the last 3 decades?

I recently pulled this album out again after years of collecting dust and I was knocked out by how good it it is. This is industrial/pop at it's best; never has the clash of iron on steel, the thud of the stamper, the hiss of the compressor, and the growl of the grinder sounded so melodic. {#Good-vibes} 

It's so nice now that there are so many other listening options when this drivel comes on RP.  pandora, last.fm, etc.

One of the worst tracks from an otherwise fabulous band.
I've never heard this track either.  Thanks!!
I hate this song and the band!
Cool Song that I've never heard before...

I just might have to listen to some more Depeche Mode in the future.  I don't think that I've ever heard any that I really liked before this...  And then you followed up w/ Crash Test Dummies - God Shuffled His Feet.  Very cool seque into a similar vibe...  Well done.

Among the many things this song means to me, it reminds me of when I was a teenager and my father used to get angry with me for singing "laughing" the way that Dave Gahan does in the song. Not that I was singing about "God having a sick sense of humor," or the fact that the lyrics talk about attempted suicide, but that I pronouncing the word "laughing" incorrectly (though I was merely singing it the way it is in the song). 
holy high school flashback!
I've always enjoyed the "People are People" album, but this is very fine.
maybe I'm too old for this one...
good to hear.   both songs.  thanks bill.
Saw them in the Moonlight Club, West Hampstead, 1978, a bit before their first single was released!  Liked them ever since.

 PisukeSorame wrote:
Bill, don't stop doing this...

Pink floyd,... Massive attack... and then you hit me with this great song from Depeche Mode.


Couldn't agree more! {#Smile}

I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this already (and I'm too lazy to look), but Martin Gore wrote this song after his sister attempted suicide.  It's classic 'stages of grief' stuff.
shine on you crazy diamond
blasphemous rumours
god suffled his feet

...is this the rick wright set?..

I hadn't heard thi before, and it is very good! I need to catch up with Depeche Mode.

And I agree: the mix this morning is going great! I want more!

Love Depeche Mode! Love this song in particular. Thanks so much, Bill!!!
{#Hearteyes}   {#Hearteyes}   {#Hearteyes}
Ok, guilty pleasure — I love Depeche Mode. I'm 35, and can remember sitting in my room when I was about 13 just listening to DM, Smiths, The Cure, etc. over and over again......... those were the days when boys still made girls mix tapes :)
Bill, don't stop doing this...

Pink floyd,... Massive attack... and then you hit me with this great song from Depeche Mode.


 ploba wrote:
why does this band get so much airtime?
They have a distinct and immediately recognizable sound that many people like.
why does this band get so much airtime?
lwilkinson wrote:
Actually Atheism is the new religion. They preach (anti-God and intolerance for others), they file lawsuits to force their will on others when rational argument fails them, and they believe in ..... nothing. I personally find it quite comforting to believe that a Supreme Deity created mankind in his image instead of believing that we are an accident that was created in the messy dripping aftermath of dinosaur or monkey sex with no answers to the Big Four Questions; Who am I?
Where did I come from?
Why am I hear?
What happens to me when I die? Religions attempt to address the Big Four as best they can. Atheism doesn't address them at all
, instead falling back on Freud's Ego concept in controlling/not-controlling base impulses.
You're kidding. Simple logic answers them.

1) Whomever you choose to be.
2) See Darwin, who makes no claims about "messy dripping . . . dinosaur or monkey sex."
3) Because you evolved ears.
4) You rot. If you're fortunate, or work for it, or both, your works or life might be worth remembering, and in that sense you'll live on.

More seriously, your line "I personally find it quite comforting . . ." perfectly explains the origin and existence of all religious belief.

Ooops! Nip Slip. Better call the morality police.
ramette wrote:
this one sure brings back those teen angst memories.
oh boy, no kidding.
fredriley wrote:
My, who's a clever boy, then? As it happens, over this side of the Pond 'Chum' is a brand of dog food. Which seems pretty apposite in this present context... Funny how every board, no matter how innocuous, attracts trolls? Shame there's no killfile on this one...
Interesting how the post is considered a troll when it answered your original question. Since you, along with lwilkinson felt it necessary to bring the discussion into a religious debate, I hardly think a mere definition counts as "trolling". Which BTW, on this side of the pond means to:
Hunt for small, odorous, mythical creatures that typically dwell in caves. Traditionally, the hunting party is made up of frail, pale, dweebish humans with the primary bait being large bowls of Chum(tm).
Incidentally, despite the extremely scary album cover, this song is among DM's best.
sirrus wrote:
Merriam-Websters: (that CRAZY english dialect) Main Entry: chum Function: verb Inflected Form(s): chummed; chum·ming Date: 1857 transitive verb : to attract with chum intransitive verb : to throw chum overboard to attract fish IOW, lwilkinson succeeded.
My, who's a clever boy, then? As it happens, over this side of the Pond 'Chum' is a brand of dog food. Which seems pretty apposite in this present context... Funny how every board, no matter how innocuous, attracts trolls? Shame there's no killfile on this one...
Since the smart-asses didn't actually give a proper answer, "chum" as a noun in ths context is raw fish guts, parts, whatever, used as bait for other carnivorous fish, particularly sharks. The troll's post below certainly qualifies as chum in this context.
fredriley wrote:
"To chum" - not a verb I've come across before. What dialect's that from then, Chum?
Merriam-Websters: (that CRAZY english dialect) Main Entry: chum Function: verb Inflected Form(s): chummed; chum·ming Date: 1857 transitive verb : to attract with chum intransitive verb : to throw chum overboard to attract fish IOW, lwilkinson succeeded.
lwilkinson wrote:
I love it when I chum the waters
"To chum" - not a verb I've come across before. What dialect's that from then, Chum?
in a response to those who can't stay on topic (the music), who instead use a music forum to advance their politics
Whoah! Pot calling the kettle black, or what? You started the off-topic comments, Chum.
Can't wait for the next time this song comes into the play list so I can see what this batch of chum brings out.
Wind-up merchant, eh?
KMFDM! now i understand after hearing this and seeing that photo above.
funkaholic wrote:
Lame song from a lame band.
One of the best songs ever.
Lame song from a lame band.
fredriley wrote:
"Ferverancy"? Are you George Dubya in disguise? ;-)
Sorry mate, trying to spell correctly and put food on my family didn't seem to work out this time.
fredriley wrote:
You're so wrong in so many things that it would take pages to reply, and life just ain't long enough for that kind of argument on a radio station forum where folk rightly concentrate on the music. Still, you asked Qs, so here you go: Er, no. a) atheism isn't one philosophy or ideology, and b) it's not dependent on Freudian principles.
I love it when I chum the waters in a response to those who can't stay on topic (the music), who instead use a music forum to advance their politics (bringing up atheistic attitudes in an attempt to criticize the lyrics of an otherwise excellent song but which sometimes delves into some level of spiritual belief as held by the song writer) and then watch as my brief interjection brings out more of the same critical attitudes from more, who then couch their comments to me in vaguely pedantic ideas. "I came from dust, I live for no reason except what I decide, and I go back to dust." Sounds like a nihilist attitude to me along with a need for those who espouse atheism to go back and re-read the existentialism that you referred me to (I come from nothing and decide for myself who and what I am), and then re-read Freud (I have an ego, an id and a superego and the lack of moral guidance creates neurosis if not properly guided to adulthood, thereby avoiding being stick in either parent or child "transational analysis") and then go back to re-read and understand the conflict between Kantian/Plato and Aristotle/Ayn Rand. Can't wait for the next time this song comes into the play list so I can see what this batch of chum brings out. Also, lighten up a little. For someone who claims to be so "tolerant" you seem to be a little tight-assed for a Wednesday. It's hump-day and Friday's almost here.
You're so wrong in so many things that it would take pages to reply, and life just ain't long enough for that kind of argument on a radio station forum where folk rightly concentrate on the music. Still, you asked Qs, so here you go: lwilkinson wrote:
Who am I?
Whoever you make yourself.
Where did I come from?
Why am I hear?
No reason at all. See Existentialism (click here)
What happens to me when I die?
Your body decomposes to the dust from which you came. You no longer exist. I hope that's helped. I'm available for personal consultation at reasonable rates :)
Atheism doesn't address them at all, instead falling back on Freud's Ego concept in controlling/not-controlling base impulses.
Er, no. a) atheism isn't one philosophy or ideology, and b) it's not dependent on Freudian principles.
jmk999 wrote:
...I am an atheist and I respect your right to believe. I hope you can understand why the erosion of the seperation of church and state scares the hell out of me...
Me too.
Atheism is not the new religion. Most - if not all - atheist activism is intended to prevent having others' beliefs imposed on those who see things differently. I am an atheist and I respect your right to believe. I hope you can understand why the erosion of the seperation of church and state scares the hell out of me. lwilkinson wrote:
Actually Atheism is the new religion. They preach (anti-God and intolerance for others), they file lawsuits to force their will on others when rational argument fails them, and they believe in ..... nothing. I personally find it quite comforting to believe that a Supreme Deity created mankind in his image instead of believing that we are an accident that was created in the messy dripping aftermath of dinosaur or monkey sex with no answers to the Big Four Questions; Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I hear? What happens to me when I die? Religions attempt to address the Big Four as best they can. Atheism doesn't address them at all, instead falling back on Freud's Ego concept in controlling/not-controlling base impulses.
lwilkinson wrote:
...I personally find it quite comforting to believe that a Supreme Deity created mankind in his image instead of believing that we are an accident that was created in the messy dripping aftermath of dinosaur or monkey sex...
Ok, I know we're off-topic here but anyway. It must be nice to just ignore the science that is inconvenient to your belief system. I guess it's comforting to go through life with blinders on. I prefer to find truth no matter what rock it happens to be hiding under.
I always liked these guys for the production work as much as anything. Interesting article in a recent issue of SoundOnSound ( (click here) - registration required) about the difficulties encountered in remixing their back catalog for the 5.1 format (dealing with obsolete-format sample discs, finding older synths and equipment in working condition etc that were needed in order to create the new 5.1 mixes).
Xeric wrote:
Actually Atheism is the new religion. They preach (anti-God and intolerance for others), they file lawsuits to force their will on others when rational argument fails them, and they believe in ..... nothing. I personally find it quite comforting to believe that a Supreme Deity created mankind in his image instead of believing that we are an accident that was created in the messy dripping aftermath of dinosaur or monkey sex with no answers to the Big Four Questions; Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I hear? What happens to me when I die? Religions attempt to address the Big Four as best they can. Atheism doesn't address them at all, instead falling back on Freud's Ego concept in controlling/not-controlling base impulses.