System of a Down — Aerials

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Total ratings: 250
Length: 6:06
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (105)add comment
Hey you should play more from this artist, they're really good
definitely Faith No More inspired
Man, this is almost as bad
Led Zeplin
geez, what do they say -- if it's too loud you're too old?
I have heard their CD and this is the only one that appeals to my melodic sensibilities.....
Bill, you are killing me with this song...
I've seen an interview with these guys, they were the most embarrassing bunch I had to lay eyes upon on TV. I felt really bad for the girl who was asking them questions, as they simply ignored her or made fun of her throughout the show. It's sad to hear them here...

mongoose01ca wrote:
Hey, it's only a short hop from some Porcupine Tree songs to this, and PT is pretty popular 'round these parts...
Glad to hear this instead of BYOB, though!
Agree. You nailed it. Thought it was PT when it first came on.
Hey, it's only a short hop from some Porcupine Tree songs to this, and PT is pretty popular 'round these parts...
Glad to hear this instead of BYOB, though!
Holy guacamole!!! THIS is surprisingly bad!!!
Refreshing change ... keep it up Bill
Hey you critics it can't be all the same.
Some of us trying to stay awake
I saw these guys live last year and they put on one
of the best concerts I have seen in years.
These guys are great! Thanks for playing them. Play Chop Suey from this album or something off the more recent albums. They are unique among the great crop of metal bands. Singer's got a cool, unique voice and the arrangements are heavy, but not over-bearing.
They work in the RP mix. Good stuff.

Still a 3...
whaa? If I want to hear this crap I'll go to the mall or the gym. Really, Bill - why?
what the crap?!
Blech! If I wanted to hear this silly crap I'd simply tune into my local FM headbanger station.
Good to hear hard rock/Metal here. I have to admit that S/D were a pretty bizarre band live. And that voice can be a tad annoying...
There's eclectic.
Kite_Flyer wrote:
Unexpected here. Like it.
For sure...this is one of their songs I really like.
Wow, I never thought I'd here this here. This band is one of my guilty pleasures.
kenjismokum wrote:
why does this band even exist, they are great musicians but the dude's voice is all off key. that guy is the worst rock singer i've ever heard. god awful, a 1 for sure.
you are wrong, the singer has a unique rich voice, try and listen to other of their songs before saying that.

More S/D please.
Al_Koholic wrote:
Wow, a pleasant surprise to hear this here. More!
Edit: Cool, never heard this ending before, I like.
Yep, it's the well cool 
FluorideFreeMN wrote:
no no no!!
Not on RP please....
I agree. You can hear plenty of that on FM. No thanks Bill.
Wow, a pleasant surprise to hear this here. More!
no no no!!
Not on RP please....
why does this band even exist, they are great musicians but the dude's voice is all off key. that guy is the worst rock singer i've ever heard. god awful, a 1 for sure.

I LOVE that you left the tribal stuff at end of the song on here.
If you are going to play a System of a Down song, glad it's this one. I love this, reminds me of being a pissed off love-struck college student driving around in my "lightning fast" Toyota Tercel with the crappy speakers so loud, and getting laughed at at just about every light...good times.
Yeah it's great to hear from this racist punks.

great to hear a bit of system on RP!
Again, mixing it up! Thanks Bill! We're alive!
Unexpected here. Like it.
stratrjb wrote:
Faith No More,Offspring, Rush I second that, blow the dust off the speakers knock the knicknacks off the walls!
RUSH...!! well..I'll 3rd that. Though I know Rush never did much for Bill, I do hope he will give them another chance and play more sometime soon, cause it sure did something for me!
more system of a down, please
Painful, distorted, wonderful... who owns this Radio Paradise? WE DO! And I love the fact that I can listen to Beethoven and System Of A Down, or I can reach over and mute or change the channel! Fucking Awesome!

I know RP is eclectic, and so I suppose every type of music has some place here, but I had been happy up until now not to have been subjected to any heavy metal.
Sorry sir, but this is not even remotely metal.
What is it they say about a closed mind?
Saw them in concert at the Tabernacle in 2002. It was great.
YEAAAHHH!!! The full version!!! Hungawaaa hungawaaa...
THX, RP!!!

cactusmatador wrote:
I like RP a lot, but often find at the end of the day I am completely burned out on mellow music. Great to hear this, and yesterday Audioslave.
It would be great to hear something from Faith No More, or the Offspring, or maybe some old Rush.
Faith No More,Offspring, Rush I second that, blow the dust off the speakers knock the knicknacks off the walls!
Been listening to RP for 3 years and this is the first time I have asked What the ?
However, I am more than willing to keep listening as I have been introduced to so much stuff I wouldn't have heard otherwise.
I like RP a lot, but often find at the end of the day I am completely burned out on mellow music. Great to hear this, and yesterday Audioslave.
It would be great to hear something from Faith No More, or the Offspring, or maybe some old Rush.
Most excellent, nice to hear some heavy rock once in a while!

Fancy this being played on RP. But what I really want is to be fed lies from the tablecloth.
Just because the beat is a little harder, it still does have a message
yea, yea, yeah... everyone hates it because it's popular and new. I just think it's a bad song...
Man, I want more heavy rock played on RP - I know there are plenty here who'd like it.
Not all that's loud and heavy is bad.
More Big Wreck!!!
I love this song, and I am shocked, shocked I say!, that it is on RP. Kinda heavy for this station, but excellent nonetheless.
I'm not surprised that many gave this a barfo rating. It's probably not the usual cup of tea for many people. It's funny, though, like several commenters my intro to this band was also my teenage son. Speaking strictly from a musician's perspective SOAD is very high level stuff. Many of their songs are very political-they identify strongly with their Armenian heritage and it's easy to find middle eastern influences in their melodic and rhythmic approach-while other songs are just really bizarre to me.
They're an aquired taste, to be sure, but they are not without redeeming qualities.
Pleasantly surprised to hear this on RP. First heard this through my son and, though I'm not a fan of most of their music and don't like the current vocal styles, really liked this cut.
AphidA wrote:
This crap really sucks bad.
I didn't want to have to be the one to say it, but yah, this is loogan music.
ghrup1 wrote:
Good song, but can you wait until it is finished being overplayed on corporate radio before giving it regular play on RP. That way it will be more like "Hey I haven't heard this song in a couple of months" instead of "I heard this three times on the way into work".
Your comment is just as true today as it was four years ago.
Although this isn't my cup of tea, I'm glad that RP is eclectic enough to play it. A little Marilyn Manson, Tool, or SOAD is ok by me.
Steve wrote:
This is the type of crap my teenage sons enjoy - not me!
This is the stuff I enjoyed as a teenager (not very long ago)... and my dad did too!

WOW.. I'm surprised it's on rotation on this site.. really eclectic indeed!..needless to say this is one of the few songs I can stand to listen to from SOAD..
i kno some soad songs make no sense, like the aerials music video and chop suey, but i think i can grasp what they mean....
here's what chop suey means:
whoever wrote the song is beating his wife and having issues with her.
Wake up
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup) >put on makeup to hide that she
was beaten
Grab a brush and put a little
Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable >argument with husband&wife
You wanted to
I don't think you trust
In, my, self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
In, my, self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
Father, father, father, father
Father into your hands, >praying and asking god for help
I commend my spirit
Father into your hands
Why have you forsaken me
In your eyes forsaken me
In your thoughts forsaken me
In your heart forsaken, me oh
Trust in my self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
In my self righteous suicide
the video describes a mentally ill or retarded boy who sees trapezests as very interesting, while noone else cares. he sees life differently then everyone else...the song talks about the problems of our culture
this is all i got folks...if you disagree or agree, post it
if youve got more info, post it
steve wrote:
This is the type of crap my teenage sons enjoy - not me!
This is the kind of stuff MY teenage son enjoys... and so do I!

Thanks for playing a System of a Down song Bill

SOAD, like Tool, is credited as being one of the more intelligent of aggressive rock bands; supposedly they're quite shrewd at making political or sociological observations, but I sometimes doubt the validity of that claim, especially with lines like "Wake up! Why don't you put on a little makeup?" or "Eating seeds is a past-time activity". Really, I think that they're not as deep as people say they are. I remember talking to a hugely obsessed SOAD fan who was claiming how intelligent their lyrics were, so I asked what a song like Chop Suey was supposed to mean....He had no idea himself.
Nevertheless, ya gotta give credit to a band that mixes metal with Armenian folk music tradition
This crap really sucks bad. Might as well start playing other garbage like Marilyn Manson
This is the type of crap my teenage sons enjoy - not me!

More, please.
stratrjb wrote:
a pleasant surprise...
Agreed -- nice to see SOAD on here!
a pleasant surprise...
I'm really surprised to hear this song on RP, but I really like the CD "Toxicity." These guys are very unique in their melodic hardrock, the melodies being influenced by their Middle Eastern heritage. I like it!
Notelrac wrote:
I guess i don't know what is so "fluffy" about this song.
Its fun to hear something that's not so subdued. Thanks.
I find this song oddly catchy. I give it a 6.
However, i think this song borders on histrionics. Any more emoting my score slides down a few notches. I'm already unsure about the line, "Aerials, so up (breathy) *high*." It's so cheesy.
rcurrier: The comparison to the Scorpions is dead-on (to me, at least)! I totally can hear the Scorpions in this!
Last_DJ wrote:
NOOOOO! Please don't ever play this again, I would rather listen to the Partridge Family than this! 
Point Me in the Direction of Albuquerque totally rocks!

System of A Down (whatever the hell that means) might be the most masturbatory and annoying band of all time. Do I care that they like unusual time signatures? No. Their music, overall, completely BLOWS.
Please, never again.
agoston wrote:
more please
Yea, I know I shouldn't have been but I was surprised to hear this one! Good song!
more please
Originally Posted by ghrup1:
Good song, but can you wait until it is finished being overplayed on corporate radio before giving it regular play on RP. That way it will be more like "Hey I haven't heard this song in a couple of months" instead of "I heard this three times on the way into work".
amen to that, ghrul.

I personally like the sound of this song. Keep on playing the diversity of music that makes me keep \"loging on\".

terrible and uninteresting

NOOOOO! Please don\'t ever play this again, I would rather listen to the Partridge Family than this! 

I don\'t mind having \"heavier\" music on RP, but this just sounds like a bad Scorpions imitation. Why not play the original bands instead of the \"new\" retreads?
Gaaaaawd, I loathe this song.
I suppose that's mostly because this is so overplayed, and 'Toxicity' just didn't do anything for me.
Please back burner it for a few months, though, or years, won't make a difference to me :)
Originally Posted by dave22: umm...Can we leave all the heavy metal at home? All your Creeds, Alice in chains, soundgarden, and other macho-crap..just make it go away-pleeeeaaasssee
Are you serious? Is there anything to this other than equating "heavy metal" with "macho-crap"? Have you ever listened to AIC or Soundgarden? And while Creed isn't the best band there is (their debut album, while not earthshattering, is competent hard rock that is far better than their subsequent work), i have a hard time calling them particularly "macho".
If you want to talk about Pantera, or Slayer, or Cannibal Corpse, then maybe you have an argument; but i like to think we're slightly more evolved here than to pigeonhold a whole genre -- especially using such bizzarrely chosen examples.
I call this \"talent\" 

I\'m not necessarioly a big metal fan, but I do like these guys, and very happy to hear yet more variety from Radio Paradise.
(And um... having fun with that Quadraverb for all the station ID\'s?) ;)
Of the SOAD tracks that I\'ve heard, this one is the most pallatable. When I hear some of their other tracks, I wonder if the guys are serious or joking. It sounds so heavy and so operatic that it borders on comedy...

very surprised this made it on the set list - good music
A little heavier than the usual, but no complaints from me. Good stuff. Variety is what this place is about.
major respect to RP for being adeventurous enough to play some SOAD!
this is what i love about this place.

Unsettling video for this song 

Kicks ass 

Life is a waterfall
We're one in the river
And one again after the fall
Swimming through the void we hear the word
We lose ourselves but we find it all?
'Cause we are the ones that want to play
Always want to go but you never want to stay
And we are the ones that want to choose
Always want to play but you never want to lose
Aerials in the sky
When you lose small mind you free your life
Life is a waterfall
We drink from the river
Then we turn around and put up our walls
Swimming through the void we hear the word
We lose ourselves but we find it all?
'Cause we are the ones that want to play
Always want to go but you never want to stay
And we are the ones that want to choose
Always want to play but you never want to lose
Oh oh oh
Aerials in the sky
When you lose small mind you free your life
Aerials so up high
When you free your eyes eternal prize
Aerials in the sky
When you lose small mind you free your life
Aerials so up high
When you free your eyes eternal prize