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The Flaming Lips — Are You A Hypnotist??
Album: Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
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Total ratings: 2519

Released: 2002
Length: 4:39
Plays (last 30 days): 3
I had forgiven you for tricking me again
But I have been tricked again into forgiving you

What is this? Are you some kind of hypnotist?
Waving your powers around, the sun eclipse behind the cloud

I thought I recognized your face amongst all of those strangers
But I am the stranger now amongst all of the recognized

What is this? Are you some kind of hypnotist?
Waving your powers around, the sun eclipse behind the cloud
The sun eclipse behind the cloud
Comments (235)add comment
 Byronape wrote:

It's like watching a very complex movie, where the more you watch it, the more you catch about it.  Except generally 100x better in most cases. 

I've always felt that music has two extremes...  On one end, you have the sugar coated poppy stuff that takes no brain power to understand and enjoy (if you like that kind of thing).  On the other end you have music that takes a long time to understand and many years to truly appreciate.  The Flaming Lips are a very good example of the best of the latter.  It takes time to really soak in and once it does, it's like a throwing a light switch.  You just get it.

Of course, evolving tastes are always going to play a role as well.  Same with moods.  There have been bands that I heard in high school and hated that now I truly love.  There are also many bands that I loved in high school that now I can't stand. 

Music does not exist in a vacuum.  Everything about our lives at the moment of hearing flavor a song, making it slightly different for each person.  I love that about music, and it is also one of it's greatest shortcomings.

i'm down with this entire comment. thank you. 
 kcar wrote:

There used to be an RP member, rdo, whose very head would explode from reading your post. Don't miss him.

Maybe he exploded once too often 
 Byronape wrote:

It's like watching a very complex movie, where the more you watch it, the more you catch about it.  Except generally 100x better in most cases. 

I've always felt that music has two extremes...  On one end, you have the sugar coated poppy stuff that takes no brain power to understand and enjoy (if you like that kind of thing).  On the other end you have music that takes a long time to understand and many years to truly appreciate.  The Flaming Lips are a very good example of the best of the latter.  It takes time to really soak in and once it does, it's like a throwing a light switch.  You just get it.

Of course, evolving tastes are always going to play a role as well.  Same with moods.  There have been bands that I heard in high school and hated that now I truly love.  There are also many bands that I loved in high school that now I can't stand. 

Music does not exist in a vacuum.  Everything about our lives at the moment of hearing flavor a song, making it slightly different for each person.  I love that about music, and it is also one of it's greatest shortcomings.

There used to be an RP member, rdo, whose very head would explode from reading your post. Don't miss him.
Love those  liquidish drowning sounds
 Philipirata wrote:

Origin Oklahoma, really? I now have a more positive opinion of Oklahoma.

Visit sometime, that'll cure you.

 DW4554 wrote:

Truly inspired drumming!  Matt and/or Nicholas just nail it. 

Yeah, the drums on this song are fantastic.  It's actually Steven Drozd on drums for this song (and album).  Here is an excerpt from an interview (https://www.moderndrummer.com/... ) with him discussing the song a bit.

MD: How do you determine what to do with the drums for each song?

Steven: One of the great things about being in the Flaming Lips is that everyone cares about the drums just as much as I do. The drums are just as important as the lead vocal,
so we spend a lot of time figuring out what we’re going to do. We always have a drumkit setup, but I also like to program drums using Reason [computer software].

On “Are You A Hypnotist” [from Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots], there are six different drum things going on. There are three drumkits, a programmed drum machine, and two electronic drum parts that I played on a keyboard. There was no rhyme or reason for that. We just kept piling stuff on until we thought it sounded awesome. Thankfully, we’re not one of those bands that go in to the studio and knock out all the  drum parts and move on. Sometimes we’ll do all the tracking for the other instruments first and then do the drums.

Best synth pads ev'rrrr!
Truly inspired drumming!  Matt and/or Nicholas just nail it. 
something amazing from Oklahoma
 sfoster66 wrote:
While I certainly don't know these guys personally,  I'm fairly certain that they are into creating music as art and could give two rips if they are commercially recognized.  I think this album just happened to make a splash into the popular culture pool, but I doubt that it was their intent...

Some painters paint to sell their pictures, others just cover the canvas with the emotion that comes out of their brush... 

 itsme_bygolly wrote:

Don't redeem Oklahoma yet. True, lots of talented musicians but these guys had trouble finding gigs in Oklahoma. They weren't appreciated in their own home. Plus, as an initially a punk band they were especially despised by the natives, Oklahoma being so conservative.

I will however point out Oklahoma did make "Do You Realize" the state rock song.
 Philipirata wrote:

Origin Oklahoma, really? I now have a more positive opinion of Oklahoma.

Don't redeem Oklahoma yet. True, lots of talented musicians but these guys had trouble finding gigs in Oklahoma. They weren't appreciated in their own home. Plus, as an initially a punk band they were especially despised by the natives, Oklahoma being so conservative.
Origin Oklahoma, really? I now have a more positive opinion of Oklahoma.
Just saw these guys live in Royal Oak, MI last month...What a wonderfully magical experience that I will NEVER forget.  Took me 3 days just to come down from it (and I wasn't even trippin'!)  It is clear there is no one on earth who loves his job (or fans) more than Wayne Coyne.  Each one of the band members is talented in their own right but the band as a whole has one of those "sum of the parts" qualities, they bring the best out of each other...truly one to experience live, if you dig their recorded stuff, I highly recommend you seek out a live show.  You won't regret it.  PEACE!
 sdn wrote:

Wikipedia: “Associated acts… Miley Cyrus” 

… what …? 

Found this reference on the internet - don't know if it's true or not, as I'm not that motivated to check it out, but here it is nonetheless:

Two years after The Terror, The Flaming Lips would provide the backing band for Miley Cyrus on her Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Petz album.*******  

This album cover (as well as the song) reminds me of Earthbound.
(Shigesato Itoi)
Wikipedia: “Associated acts… Miley Cyrus” 

… what …? 
 rdo wrote:

Since this CD these guys took a nose dive into self indulgent noodling..they wrote themselves right out of the music scene.  Not one good song since this CD.  They were poised to be the next Radiohead.

While I certainly don't know these guys personally,  I'm fairly certain that they are into creating music as art and could give two rips if they are commercially recognized.  I think this album just happened to make a splash into the popular culture pool, but I doubt that it was their intent...

Some painters paint to sell their pictures, others just cover the canvas with the emotion that comes out of their brush... 
yep its a float above the couch set… Thanks BillG/Rebecca
Just the drum alone is worth a 9! 
Come on guys!!!
 zinzarin wrote:

Pompeii AM Gotterdammerung
 (among so many others) called and wants your hot take back.

Lips existed and experimented 2 years before Radiohead started doing music.
This is so good. Especially the drumming.
 rdo wrote:
Since this CD these guys took a nose dive into self indulgent noodling..they wrote themselves right out of the music scene.  Not one good song since this CD.  They were poised to be the next Radiohead.
Pompeii AM Gotterdammerung
 (among so many others) called and wants your hot take back.
This is all well and good, but when do we get to hear "She Don't Use Jelly"?
In the Frank Capra film "It's a Wonderful Life," George Bailey asks Clarence, after being shown an alternate reality, "what are you...a hypnotist?
I always wondered if the song title was inspired by that line...
 unclehud wrote:

WOW!  My RP screen opens with four panels displayed.  From left to right: player controls  and track history in the left panel, album info and lyrics next, comments in the third panel, and the Wikipedia page in the far right.

It's MUCH easier to see details and comment simultaneously.  [Although, BillG, my comment window can't be dragged around if it's obscuring something important.  I know, seriously first-world issue here.]

Wonder why yours is different, Laptopdog?

It's better now. I'm usually on my Android phone when I listen to RP. They've fixed a lot of glitches since this latest update. I still prefer the old app, but it's long gone, I suppose. Life goes on.
What perfect lyrics, right?
 moodfood wrote:
  love that killer drumming...  
 OMG I love drumming.

 justin4kick wrote:

 Laptopdog wrote:
I've pretty much given up on commenting on songs anymore since RP started their "new and improved" website. It used to be all I had to do to comment on a song was  to click on the little globe icon, which would open up the "old" website right on the same song and I could add my two cents worth.

But, now?! When I click on the globe icon, it just takes me to the old site's homepage, and since I guess we can no longer leave comments on the old site, I click on the link that opens the new site, then I have to figure out which button to click on for which page I want, which I usually choose Track Listings, and then another 4-part multiple question about whether to sync to this or that...then by that time, the song is over, and I have to scroll down the track listing to find that particular song, select it, scroll down, and FINALLY leave a comment.

Which I did because I love this song that much!
WOW!  My RP screen opens with four panels displayed.  From left to right: player controls  and track history in the left panel, album info and lyrics next, comments in the third panel, and the Wikipedia page in the far right.

It's MUCH easier to see details and comment simultaneously.  [Although, BillG, my comment window can't be dragged around if it's obscuring something important.  I know, seriously first-world issue here.]

Wonder why yours is different, Laptopdog?
  love that killer drumming...  
there is much better flaming lips that is 4 sure
 ziggytrix wrote:

... And if we can use Grammy awards as a metric of critical success then Radiohead still has it while TFL hasn't gotten their attention since the 00s. For whatever that's worth.
Perhaps, but you know better than to consider the Grammy Awards a metric of critical success.  Remember Debby Boone, Starland Vocal Band, or Christopher Cross?
Thank you for playing a *different* Flaming Lips song, finally.
 ncarus wrote:

Think you'll find that these guys were formed before the genius of Radiohead appeared a few years after ... and certainly released their debut album quite a few years before. Just saying! {#Cheesygrin}

I think RDO makes a good point. Like Radiohead they had a huge MTV/radio hit in the early 90s (She Don't Use Jelly & Creep respectively) and then established cult followings only to really blow up at the end of the 90s. And if we can use Grammy awards as a metric of critical success then Radiohead still has it while TFL hasn't gotten their attention since the 00s. For whatever that's worth.
I LOVE this song.
And it still sounds exactly like this in concert - saw them a couple weeks ago.  Awesome!!

I agree that their newer stuff is "noodling"... but the older songs are just so damn good!  I'll love them forever...
 Asa001 wrote:
This sound especially sounds so much like Radiohead if I hadn't seen the name of the song I would have immediately assumed that it was them... Except for the non-whining Wayne Coyne (sorry Thom!)


Not even close on any level.
This sound especially sounds so much like Radiohead if I hadn't seen the name of the song I would have immediately assumed that it was them... Except for the non-whining Wayne Coyne (sorry Thom!)

 Cynaera wrote:
Once again, romeotuma, you've said volumes in a few well-chosen words.  This is a really good song...

Miss you so much, Cynaera... everybody in my galactic presidential campaigns believes this song is good for the ears...

 rdo wrote:
Since this CD these guys took a nose dive into self indulgent noodling..they wrote themselves right out of the music scene.  Not one good song since this CD.  They were poised to be the next Radiohead.
Think you'll find that these guys were formed before the genius of Radiohead appeared a few years after ... and certainly released their debut album quite a few years before. Just saying! {#Cheesygrin}

 rdo wrote:
Since this CD these guys took a nose dive into self indulgent noodling..they wrote themselves right out of the music scene.  Not one good song since this CD.  They were poised to be the next Radiohead.
I really love At War With The Mystics, but everything after that is pretty much a dumpster fire, and the way they treated Klyph was shameful.

 marty88210 wrote:
Most excellent percussion work.

it's what carries the whole song. In fact the other parts don't really impress very much at all. And the thought also went through my head whether the drummer had any say in the mastering because the percussion gets quite a heavy handed treatment in it all. Ahh.. here come the Cure.. bliss. Great comparison. 
Worst concert ever, at least if you wanted to hear good music.
Most excellent percussion work.
F*****' Amazing album!!  {#Cheers}
Since this CD these guys took a nose dive into self indulgent noodling..they wrote themselves right out of the music scene.  Not one good song since this CD.  They were poised to be the next Radiohead.
Hey! It's our headliner on Saturday for the Gasparilla Music Festival in Tampa the first weekend in March.{#Sunny}
Sun, beer and the Lips -woohoo.
Yoshimi is their masterpiece.  Wonderful LP.

A LOT of their stuff is fantastic.
This just went up a point for me because the PSD brought me here and saved me from that Arcade Fire "Reflecktor" tripe.
 richlister wrote:

And you're back in the room...

Yeah but no but yeah but no:

Matt Lucas as Vicki Pollard

8 for the song, 10 for the album.

thanks for the blurb, from a former okie

UhlainOKC wrote:
Recently attended a luncheon here in OKC (home of the Lips) where Wayne was receiving a philanthropy award. After the event, had about a 10 minute conversation with him. He is genuinely a nice, interesting, down-to-earth, soulful guy. I'll admit I was star-struck at first, being a huge fan of the Lips, but I left feeling like a "friend". The man mows his own yard, people!
Definitely a fan of this song...and of the band. FSM bless the Flaming Lips :)   

I really dig their drummers playing.

And you're back in the room...
Recently attended a luncheon here in OKC (home of the Lips) where Wayne was receiving a philanthropy award. After the event, had about a 10 minute conversation with him. He is genuinely a nice, interesting, down-to-earth, soulful guy. I'll admit I was star-struck at first, being a huge fan of the Lips, but I left feeling like a "friend". The man mows his own yard, people!
Definitely a fan of this song...and of the band. FSM bless the Flaming Lips :)   
Great song from a great album!! {#Cheers}
No, I'm not a hypnotist, but if I were a subject of a hypnotist then I could easily be put under by this song. Feeling sleepy, so sleepy, my eyelids are growing heavier and heavier, the arms of Morpheus are claiming me... {#Sleep}
 Byronape wrote:

It's like watching a very complex movie, where the more you watch it, the more you catch about it.  Except generally 100x better in most cases. 

I've always felt that music has two extremes...  On one end, you have the sugar coated poppy stuff that takes no brain power to understand and enjoy (if you like that kind of thing).  On the other end you have music that takes a long time to understand and many years to truly appreciate.  The Flaming Lips are a very good example of the best of the latter.  It takes time to really soak in and once it does, it's like a throwing a light switch.  You just get it.

Of course, evolving tastes are always going to play a role as well.  Same with moods.  There have been bands that I heard in high school and hated that now I truly love.  There are also many bands that I loved in high school that now I can't stand. 

Music does not exist in a vacuum.  Everything about our lives at the moment of hearing flavor a song, making it slightly different for each person.  I love that about music, and it is also one of it's greatest shortcomings.


Well said!

Now, what other bands fall into the "latter" catagory?
 Sasha2001 wrote:
It took me 10 years to fall in love with this band. What else in this world other then nusic has such a complex maturation process?
It's like watching a very complex movie, where the more you watch it, the more you catch about it.  Except generally 100x better in most cases. 

I've always felt that music has two extremes...  On one end, you have the sugar coated poppy stuff that takes no brain power to understand and enjoy (if you like that kind of thing).  On the other end you have music that takes a long time to understand and many years to truly appreciate.  The Flaming Lips are a very good example of the best of the latter.  It takes time to really soak in and once it does, it's like a throwing a light switch.  You just get it.

Of course, evolving tastes are always going to play a role as well.  Same with moods.  There have been bands that I heard in high school and hated that now I truly love.  There are also many bands that I loved in high school that now I can't stand. 

Music does not exist in a vacuum.  Everything about our lives at the moment of hearing flavor a song, making it slightly different for each person.  I love that about music, and it is also one of it's greatest shortcomings.

 Stingray wrote:

Is this bad!

  Bad, as in good, right?

This is really good. I love the drumming.
 Sasha2001 wrote:
It took me 10 years to fall in love with this band. What else in this world other then nusic has such a complex maturation process?

 Poacher wrote:



Great song.

 Sasha2001 wrote:
It took me 10 years to fall in love with this band. What else in this world other then music has such a complex maturation process?
It took me 10 years to fall in love with this band. What else in this world other then nusic has such a complex maturation process?
It just doesn't get any better than this.

Sadly.  {#Frustrated} 
This is kinda quirky. I kinda like it.
If you ever thought discs mastered in 5.1 dolby were not any better than regular CDs this special issue disc in 5.1 is the convincer.

Do it. The Lips are still occasionally king.
 Zep wrote:
What is this?

Are you some kind of hypnotist?

 gabbadar wrote:
I'll take more Eels with my Flaming Lips, thank-you-please.
Yes, that was a nice set of 3 songs today too:

Paul Simon - Another Galaxy
Eels - Fresh Feeling
Flaming Lips - Are You A Hypnotist?


Is this bad!


Lusciously odd.  Me likey.
So very-very-very bad!
 Frater_Kork wrote:
Man, that drumming is pure Lips.

Even Charlie could do that!
Even me - if I tried!
The drumming on this is simply complex.
 fredriley wrote:

Well, if the rest of the album is like this number, the main challenge will be fighting off narcolepsy {#Sleep}


See the videos. " the fearless Freeks" among one. I think from 2005. You'll get to know them very well. Quite interesting to say the least!
 ziggytrix wrote:
Great song from a great (but challenging) album!

8 -> 9
Well, if the rest of the album is like this number, the main challenge will be fighting off narcolepsy {#Sleep}
 ziggytrix wrote:
Great song from a great (but challenging) album!

8 -> 9
I just made the bump as well.

He must be a Hypnotist 'cause I am truly hypnotized. 

Just discovered the Flaming Lips and in particular this album, what a great listen!!!!
It was the cover art that caught my attention at first by the way...

Great song from a great (but challenging) album!

8 -> 9
I'm not a hypnotist but I play one on TV. But seriously folks, this is a good song....now someone please snap their fingers 3 times.
I love everything about this song, but that wonderful mellotron most of all
 romeotuma wrote:

This song is good for the ears...
Once again, romeotuma, you've said volumes in a few well-chosen words.  This is a really good song...{#Bounce}
Man, that drumming is pure Lips.
 Zep wrote:
What is this?


very talented musicians
What is this?

 tclodes wrote:
Drozd is a genius.
Absolutely!  Saw The Lips in 2007 at a free open air show at the University of Florida.  OUTSTANDING SHOW!
I love this CD...buy it!

My Flaming Morning Jacket

isn't it fab? 
I'll take more Eels with my Flaming Lips, thank-you-please.
 WebTech3 wrote:
Is it just me, or does anyone else picture Animal from the Muppet Show beating on those drums?

Didja ever see them in concert? Their tour drummer really does look like animal—right down to his furry rabbit suit. And he flails away like a madman ona comically small drum kit.

Is it just me, or does anyone else picture Animal from the Muppet Show beating on those drums?
GChevy410 wrote:
as mentioned before Ween, Radiohead, Cody, and to add to the list hello everyone, Pink Floyd? Grateful Dead? Jimi Hendrix? I know for sure Grateful Dead, but the others I am only pretty sure of.
Ween, I agree with. I'd say that Radiohead, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix all have more than one hit (though their hits are not often their best music). Grateful Dead may belong in this group too. I don't know Cody.
Drozd is a genius.
They don't seem to care that their drummer is over the top.

Their drummer Stephen Drozd is also the keyboard player, lead guitarist, musical arranger... etc. He is an absolute madman when it comes to musical energy and creativity Their tour drummer Klyph Scurlock is a tornado of drumming fury too (He frees up Drozd to play many different instruments during the live gigs).

Plus Klyph is a friend of my brothers girlfriend   heheheeh

LOVE love love
Gourd wrote:
Fantastic live band. They make you feel like you're part of the music, rather than just a mere listener. The best thing is that they are simply so charming in person. And filled with a sense of... joy? Fun? I don't know how to put it.
Definitely one of my top 5 concerts I've ever seen. Make you feel happy to be alive and kicking.
ziggytrix wrote:
I just can't believe this awesome band that I've recently been (re)introduced to is that same one that wrote that corny little pop song from way back when. Can anyone think of any other 1-hit wonder bands that have a body of work that completely blows away their 1 "hit" song?
as mentioned before Ween, Radiohead, Cody, and to add to the list hello everyone, Pink Floyd? Grateful Dead? Jimi Hendrix? I know for sure Grateful Dead, but the others I am only pretty sure of.
Gourd wrote:
Fantastic live band. They make you feel like you're part of the music, rather than just a mere listener. The best thing is that they are simply so charming in person. And filled with a sense of... joy? Fun? I don't know how to put it.

Very cool drumming !
The Flaming Lips For President!
Fantastic live band. They make you feel like you're part of the music, rather than just a mere listener. The best thing is that they are simply so charming in person. And filled with a sense of... joy? Fun? I don't know how to put it.
This is still my favorite album so far this decade....
ziggytrix wrote:
Can anyone think of any other 1-hit wonder bands that have a body of work that completely blows away their 1 "hit" song?
Radiohead. Cody
they're going to make this into a broadway show!
Saw them live Wednesday night -- oh my heavens, what an *amazing* show! Wayne was in top form -- just as charming as he possibly could've been. Lasers for everyone in the audience too... audience participation band are *the best*!
I love you, I was willing a Flaming Lips song on!
YEAH!!! I'm hip-mo-tized right now!!
This is a great song to end my day at work! Thanks, Bill.