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Morphine — Honey White
Album: Yes
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Total ratings: 808

Released: 1995
Length: 3:03
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Honey white, honey white
Honey white, made a deal for some angel food
Honey white, honey white
Everybody told her it was sweet and good, yeah

Oh honey (4x)

She said you'll see me later, yeah you'll see me later
Will you see me later seemed all too soon
And then he smiles, he knows honey's coming back
Honey's going to want some more angel food

Devil made of honey (4x)

She said you'll get me when I'm old and wizened
And not a day before that
The devil said honey it won't be that long
Besides I like to see you a little more fat
Yeah I like to see you a little more fat
You know I like to see you a little more fat

Honey white, honey white
Honey white, honey white
Tell me how is your angel food
Honey white, oh honey white
She says it's sweet and good

Honey white, honey white uh
Honey white, the sweetness starts to fade
Honey white, honey white
Thought you could get away

Poor honey (4x)
Comments (75)add comment
 joejennings wrote:

I started out with an EIGHT, & I'm working my way up!   Thanx RP!  

me too. always loved this one. next to dawna/buena it's probably  my fav. 

miss this outfit!
 joejennings wrote:

I started out with an EIGHT, & I'm working my way up!   Thanx RP!  

I Just bumped it up to a TEN!!  

 iloveradio wrote:

6.9 ? Really

I started out with an EIGHT, & I'm working my way up!   Thanx RP!  
6.9 ? Really
Morphine... Awesome!!
Nice segue from J.J. Cale - thanks! :)
Rockin!  Never heard this one by Morphine.  Love it.  Let's get up and dance, shall we?
 iTuner wrote:
God make that sax stop. Every one of their songs sounds the same.
Morphine without sax would just be aspirin. It's their essence. I love it myself, but could see how it could irritate the feck out of others.
God make that sax stop. Every one of their songs sounds the same.
 Foot wrote:
Morphine - easily one of the best bands to happen in the 1990's.  Their debut CD "Cure For Pain" an instant classic.

YES!  I first heard Buena hear on RP and went straight throught the Amazon link and bought a copy.  Have most of their stuff now.  Very original band - they aren't trying to sound like any other band, and no one sounds like them.  Too Cool.
RP = morphine.....NICE!
If nothing else, this band is instantly-identifiable because of the sax.  I like the song, and I'm still not sure why.  Then again, do I need a reason? It makes me smile, and with the kind of month I've had, I'll take a smile anytime! {#Dancingbanana}

rtb wrote:
"I like to see a little more fight"

I like to hear a little more quality. 
It helps a lot when you get the lyrics right.

"I like to see a little more fat"

Morphine - easily one of the best bands to happen in the 1990's.  Their debut CD "Cure For Pain" an instant classic.
 Tim_in_N_FL wrote:
It seems to me that one either is or is not a Morphine "fan." I am in the latter category.  Ugh...make it stop.  {#Puke}

Apparently, based on the comments!  I have to say I'm in the former.  These guys are (were, RIP) awesome.  Really wish I could have caught them before the singer/bass player died.
I have only recently dicovered Morphine and I am very happy I did, I must purchase some of their stuff soon for an upcoming road trip.  I have always been a fan of Saxs.
wferrier wrote:
Sounds like Garbage—not a bad thing.

comment needs a couple of minor edits: "G" changed to lowercase and the extraneous "not" removed {#Laughing}
Hardly,  they are so original it hurts.

alux wrote:
A gimmick band that is wearing increasingly thin...

I touched her honeyed ham...

"I like to see a little more fight"

I like to hear a little more quality. 
A gimmick band that is wearing increasingly thin...
It seems to me that one either is or is not a Morphine "fan." I am in the latter category.  Ugh...make it stop.  {#Puke}
 kaybee wrote:
Such rude horns! 
Sweet as honey.

i like Morphine's slutty sax but this song is one of their weaker efforts. . . .
Such rude horns! 
Sounds like Garbage--not a bad thing.
This song rocks!
Yes. This one hooked me on Morphine, so to speak.
I like to see a little more fat.
Cool song
...best morphine i've heard...
Qliphah wrote:
Love this sound, such a poor rating tho boo! Who knew so many paradise listeners were deaf
This crap makes me wish I was deaf. Yeah yeah blah blah blah 'OldFrenchie you just don't get Morphine' blah blah pfffffft. Still crap.
RedGuitar wrote:
I read once where Sinead O'Connor smoked pot when she was writing, but never did so when performing. Perhaps it unlocks the ideas in creative individuals?
Wizzuvv_oz wrote:
I would suppose that if you combine the extremely wide variety of weed (feel free to chime in here, one of you guys in the Netherlands) with the really quite complex human brain, you could come up with at least six different ways pot might affect other people. If I were to speculate.
bokey wrote:
She is to weak of a live performer to do anything that would cause her to make more mistakes than she does naturally(from the few clips I have seen,which I assume is the cream).So in that regard she gets points for being a professional. Also her thing is more of a personal pouty show than a display of talent,so I imagine that pot makes her self conscious.
Hello? We have Morphine playing here and you three have veered so far off topic you must be smoking the fugowi yourselves!!
RedGuitar wrote:
I read once where Sinead O'Connor smoked pot when she was writing, but never did so when performing. Perhaps it unlocks the ideas in creative individuals?
She is to weak of a live performer to do anything that would cause her to make more mistakes than she does naturally(from the few clips I have seen,which I assume is the cream). So in that regard she gets points for being a professional. Also her thing is more of a personal pouty show than a display of talent,so I imagine that pot makes her self conscious.
Ok, this is a musically amazing day . . . I am actually enjoying the use of . . . several--at least two different that I can make out-- brass instruments, horns, in a song that I consider still the the category of rock!
What # for "THAT'S INTERESTING" ? I used 6
Morphine - Honey White 7:55 am - Big Head Todd & The Monsters - Moose Song -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7:47 am - Sonic Youth - Stones 7:43 am - The Frames - The Cost 7:39 am - Sixteen Horsepower - Hutterite Mile Killer set Bill! But how am I supposed to get any work done?
Fun song. Can't help but shake it when listening to this one.
I read once where Sinead O'Connor smoked pot when she was writing, but never did so when performing. Perhaps it unlocks the ideas in creative individuals?
ploafmaster wrote:
Ah yes..."Everybody does etc. so don't be upset when somebody does etc." That's a pretty weak statement....*snip* And I also really don't like the ol' "the drugs make them creative" idea you hinted at. It's a dangerous justification, whether it's true or not.
Sure the "everybody else" argument may be weak, but it makes more sense to try to help addicted individuals than to judge them. I also don't buy the notion that drugs make anyone creative or else our inner-city streets would be teeming with talent. It's more likely the other way around, where the creative and inquisitive mind may be more open to substance abuse and more susceptible to addiction. Creative people tend to be explorative and adventurous, and sadly that often includes dangerous or self-destructive activities.
bluematrix wrote:
hmmm, we all have our vices. plus have you considered that without the influence of mind altering substances he may not have created such powerful music?
Ah yes..."Everybody does etc. so don't be upset when somebody does etc." That's a pretty weak statement. It's fine to be upset with people telling lies, even though everybody does it. Lying has the potential to hurt folks, so there's nothing wrong with a general sense of indignation about lying. Addiction to a vice is no different. And I also really don't like the ol' "the drugs make them creative" idea you hinted at. It's a dangerous justification, whether it's true or not.
Love this sound, such a poor rating tho boo! Who knew so many paradise listeners were deaf
cattgirl813 wrote:
It pisses me off that they get addicted to it (or any other substance) in the first place.
hmmm, we all have our vices. plus have you considered that without the influence of mind altering substances he may not have created such powerful music?
It's just hit me that this (at least the sax part!) reminds me of the theme to Beverly Hills Cop ... and I mean that as a compliment!
brandog wrote:
It pisses me off that such great musicians have to overdose on heroin!
Correction: AMG says that Mark Sandman died of a heart attack. See the link at the top of this page.
brandog wrote:
It pisses me off that such great musicians have to overdose on heroin!
It pisses me off that they get addicted to it (or any other substance) in the first place.
brandog wrote:
It pisses me off that such great musicians have to overdose on heroin!
I don't think that's what happened to him. He had a heart attack on stage while performing.
Man this smokes! If you ever had the chance to see them live, you would have been blown away by the sax player. Alto and baritone sax being played at the same time? I mean, c'mon!!!
God I love this song!!!! I love Morhpine. What a great band.. So sexy...
Man I love their sound....fuzz sax rocks
Goddess, I want some angel food cake! Dammit, Mark, you weren't supposed to die so soon! What a hawt song!
Sounds just like a band I enjoyed in the past called the Bears. Is there a connection? Which came first? I believe they even had a song about honey . . . bears go figure. Its their morphine?
Dragonfly_Launch wrote:
Morphine is one of those bands that, well, if you don't get them, then I don't want to know you.
Hmmm...this concept of "getting" and "not getting" music is so ridiculous. What's to "get" about Morphine? And why, if I don't like them, do I somehow not "get" them? Do you presume to know what I do and do not understand about music? If your desire to relate to people is based on your common understanding of music, than I suppose I don't want to know you either.
Dragonfly_Launch wrote:
Morphine is one of those bands that, well, if you don't get them, then I don't want to know you.
What he said!
Definitely an acquired taste. Everytime you hear them, you know exactly who it is. I always like them, but them I am a sucker for Baritone sax.
mmm... impeccable..yess.. ScottN wrote:
Yeah, Mark Sandman was not always the impeccable lyricist!
fuh2 wrote:
Wouldve given it a 10 if it werent for that "like to see a little more fat" line.
Yeah, Mark Sandman was not always the impeccable lyricist!
And to think "The Night" was their most complex album. One can only imagine what more might have come from Mark.
one trick pony. their sound gets old quick.
Wouldve given it a 10 if it werent for that "like to see a little more fat" line.
Dragonfly_Launch wrote:
Morphine is one of those bands that, well, if you don't get them, then I don't want to know you.
one of my favorite bands and favorite albums of all time...
Morphine is one of those bands that, well, if you don't get them, then I don't want to know you.
mojoman wrote:
You had me worried there for a moment! I actually had morphine twice when I was injured while in the Marines. It doesn't give you a high a low but just a really cool sideways. Doesn't kill the pain, either; just makes you not care. "Jeez, my leg hurts like hell ... but that's cool!" Extremely addictive, too. Dangerous stuff.
A really cool sideways, kinda describes these guys. 8)
schweet! i saw these guys twice in boston - their hometown. that dude played an alto and barisax AT THE SAME TIME. they rocked!. his former band - treat her right - was pretty cool, too, only with harmonica.
Radiohead-head wrote:
God I miss Morphine....
You had me worried there for a moment! I actually had morphine twice when I was injured while in the Marines. It doesn't give you a high a low but just a really cool sideways. Doesn't kill the pain, either; just makes you not care. "Jeez, my leg hurts like hell ... but that's cool!" Extremely addictive, too. Dangerous stuff.
God I miss Morphine.... Had the pleasure to see them a few times....once in a venue with like 300 people on "Cure for Pain" tour..... Truly a tragedy to lose Mark Sandman...great slide bass player....amazing poet... "If I'm to blame so are you.....it was March 4th....1982" "Honey said you'll get me when I'm old and wisend and not a day before that....devil said it won't be that long...besides I like to see a little more fat...you know I'd like to see a little more fat...."
We'll never get Mark Sandman back... but RP helps every time they play a bit of his genius. There's always room for Morphine. "You know I'd like to see a little more fat..."
Ah yes...morphine...one of the few bands that could make me feel sexy and badass even while wearing bunny pajamas...something about that double bubble sax gets me every time. Cheers to you Sir Sandman
Dreary seduction never felt better!
The album title says it all!
I love those saxes!!!!!