Rupert Hine — I Hang On To My Vertigo
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possibly the worst song I've ever heard. period.
Hmm. This was big hit back in the 80s. Didn't like it then, but now it brings some nice memories.
Seemingly unending.

Heehee, I got him mixed up with Rupert Holmes. For those of you wondering, I DO like pina coladas. 

Jack_Jefferson wrote:
Rupert Pupkin. Guess which movie and the actor that played Rupert.
Too easy- The King of Comedy, DeNiro. HEEEYYY LAAADDDYY!!!!
Is David Bowie performing under a new name and recreating the Berlin trilogy sound?
Hmmm. Rupert Hine makes a better producer than artist, methinks.
Rupert Pupkin. Guess which movie and the actor that played Rupert.