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Album: In a Time Lapse
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Total ratings: 2909

Released: 2013
Length: 4:17
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Comments (148)add comment
 joejennings wrote:

So is your comment!  Learn how to use the "skip button". ...problem solved!  ...and spare us from your drivel!   
it is too stupid for that joe

 acferrad wrote:

this is such pithy shyte

Uncultured, simpleminded bum..!
 acferrad wrote:

this is such pithy shyte

So is your comment!  Learn how to use the "skip button". ...problem solved!  ...and spare us from your drivel!   
 DuncanC wrote:

I have meant to look up the terms hyperbole  and procrastination a million times, but never got around to looking up either.

LOL!  Too funny!   
 bruceandjenna wrote:

If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, don't exaggerate!

I have meant to look up the terms hyperbole  and procrastination a million times, but never got around to looking up either.
 Proclivities wrote:
Rock it, Ludo!

Life Life Life..........................................................
 xray38 wrote:

Good of you to take the time to post something negative, because we all need more negativity.

Why do you think its wrong for someone to not like a song? 
 Kaw wrote:

Ein Audi please 


this is such pithy shyte
had to turn away from the screen and just listen- Thanks RP
Somehow this song conjures up a memory of those old Bose radio commercials.
Modern day classic!
I really like this one! 😊 
 bruceandjenna wrote:

If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, don't exaggerate!

I never exaggerate but you always do!
I like to ponder sometimes Bill and Rebecca's thought process when stringing songs together.
My present ponder with Einaudi following Florence & The Machine is that Florence flits around on stage like she is listening to an Einaudi score.
 Ashloh wrote:

Oh please give us a break!
I must have heard this a million times now.
There just has to be other music out there, surely you don't really need to play the same stuff over and over? 

If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, don't exaggerate!
 Derecho wrote:

Looks like an Italian Larry David.

Italian Groucho.
Love this guy.....love his music!
 Proclivities wrote:
Rock it, Ludo!

In case anyone is interested, this is Helene Stanley in John Huston's classic Asphalt Jungle.
 tcseeley wrote:

Right Here! Right Now!

The Funk Soul Brother? 
Right Here! Right Now!
 agatem wrote:
i like this instrumental song , i like all the time
this sounds like it is for a movie soundtrack
When I have to walk to the computer to see who is making this beautiful music, you know you hit my heart. Thanks. 
The highs get really high making the transitions more enjoyable.
 Derecho wrote:
Looks like an Italian Larry David.

/Bernie sanders by the transitive property
 Tomasni wrote:
Rating only   7 from me  and going down  
Well, let me give it a 8 then
 Derecho wrote:
Looks like an Italian Larry David.

Nah more like Dr. Bunsen Honeydew - with eyeballs :)
 woodchuk wrote:

Come la ragazza, la vita e' bella, no?
 Proclivities wrote:
Rock it, Ludo!
Come la ragazza, la vita e' bella, no?
Moving to a 10 because it moves me to a happy place and isn’t that what a great song is supposed to do?
 Tomasni wrote:
Rating only   7 from me  and going down  
Good of you to take the time to post something negative, because we all need more negativity.
Looks like an Italian Larry David.
Rating only   7 from me  and going down  
This is a wonderful segue from The Be Good Tanyas. Great job!
This performance live in Amsterdam was an amazing experience I am most grateful for.

Nice enough song, albeit similar to his Divenire stuff. Bit of an "if the bike ain't broke" sort of guy?
Beautiful music, it's 1.05am here and it suits a cold November night. Bless you all at RP Thank you for playing such a great mix of music.
 Ashloh wrote:
Oh please give us a break!
I must have heard this a million times now.
There just has to be other music out there, surely you don't really need to play the same stuff over and over? 

Or just step up and use PSD since THE MAJORITY  of reviews like it. Spare us your {#Stop}drivel!
 Ashloh wrote:
Oh please give us a break!
I must have heard this a million times now.
There just has to be other music out there, surely you don't really need to play the same stuff over and over? 

Just listed to Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and thought the same. 
I couldn't agree more. 

Ashloh wrote:
Oh please give us a break!
I must have heard this a million times now.
There just has to be other music out there, surely you don't really need to play the same stuff over and over? 


Oh please give us a break!
I must have heard this a million times now.
There just has to be other music out there, surely you don't really need to play the same stuff over and over? 
Not bad but it does go on a bit, doesn't it?
i like this instrumental song , i like all the time
Everytime I hear this instrumental song "Life" by Ludovic Einaudi I have to stop what I'm doing and just listen. It has the best aspects of a wonderful film score, where you can almost picture the emotions....
gruß an Nana , sag Ihr ich hab sie sooo tooole lieb
 ecomaniac wrote:
This is getting as worn as Pachelbel's canon, I'm afraid.  As rich as the classical repertoire is, can't you find something new?

I uploaded some of the best works from Bach but it got rejected. Odd to see 2Cellos, some cheesy classical covers of popular rock songs and Einaudi make it to the list. Or is the definition of eclectic corroding?
I'm always glad when I switch on RP, and something by Einaudi is playing.
 bheath wrote:
Wonderful story and wonderful of you to share that. 
This site has the great ability to propagate kindness through the discovery and love of music.
Lets hope that some commentators here will follow your lead, be more vulnerable and perhaps even a little less critical.
Best wishes from the Frozen North{#Biggrin} 

There are tears in my eyes from that beautiful story and how fine to meld over this fine classic song, I am humbled.
Wonderful story and wonderful of you to share that. 
This site has the great ability to propagate kindness through the discovery and love of music.
Lets hope that some commentators here will follow your lead, be more vulnerable and perhaps even a little less critical.
Best wishes from the Frozen North{#Biggrin} 
 WonderLizard wrote:
My best friend of 50+ years passed away last year. In his dotage he fell head over heels in love with a lovely, indeed stunning, young Italian girl. He and I habitually had spirited ourselves away from our women and our lives periodically to chill, talk, and too much toward the end reminisce. During our last trip, this after his cancer had been diagnosed, I decided one night that music was in order and played Einaudi's Devenire from my iPod. He looked up, "How did you know that's what I wanted?" Lucky guess. Turned out Einaudi was one of the mutual loves they bonded over. I can't hear Einaudi now without seeing him, forever jumbled in a tangle of emotions. Until the very end he never quite learned that you're never too old for love.


What a nice story.  I'm sorry your friend is gone.  So glad you got to share such beautiful music together near the end. 
My best friend of 50+ years passed away last year. In his dotage he fell head over heels in love with a lovely, indeed stunning, young Italian girl. He and I habitually had spirited ourselves away from our women and our lives periodically to chill, talk, and too much toward the end reminisce. During our last trip, this after his cancer had been diagnosed, I decided one night that music was in order and played Einaudi's Devenire from my iPod. He looked up, "How did you know that's what I wanted?" Lucky guess. Turned out Einaudi was one of the mutual loves they bonded over. I can't hear Einaudi now without seeing him, forever jumbled in a tangle of emotions. Until the very end he never quite learned that you're never too old for love.
 {#Dancingbanana_2}Proclivities wrote:
Rock it, Ludo!


Rock it, Ludo!
Mesmerizing and delicate. Thank you radio paradise. Greetings from Venezuela 
 bluecshells wrote:
Perspective.  Thank you for a wonderful selection of music this evening.

I agree!
Perspective.  Thank you for a wonderful selection of music this evening.
Instant 7 > 8
I would pratice some yoga listen this song. Relaxing, very nice
Nice relaxing music on a Friday afternoon.  Thanks for providing the chill pill. 
I laugh a lot when I read people saying "elevator music", and then gives a 10 punctuation to weird and trance songs. You suck. Ludovico is not the best composer in the world, but is fine and listennable.
 Arkady_Arkright wrote:
hanssachs wrote:
This only sounds good if you don't know anything about music ...

Arrogant twit...


Well played sir!
 walchenbach wrote:
Elevator music.

I'd happily be trapped in that elevator. For real lift music, try Brian Eno's ambient stuff  - this is more accurately described as minimalist, in the Philip Glass mould. As folk often say, less is more, and I've always thought that about Einaudi's work: it has a subtle complexity that comes out on repeated listens. It's also highly evocative of its subject. 9 from the entranced Nottingham jury. 
 TerryS wrote:
I used to play Ludo as a kid..

I used to play cops and robbers, but hey, to each his own.  :)

I used to play Ludo as a kid..
Once again lol no matter your tastes or likes and or  dislikes, out of 500 + reviews it gets a 7.+ rating so USE the PSD button and spare us your drivel! {#Nyah}
Spot on! {#Hungry}

rdo wrote:
"An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

 walchenbach wrote:
Elevator music.

I think that's the point. It's likely meant to be meditative/ambient music; he's not trying to emulate Parliament-Funkadelic.
Elevator music.
I for one can't get enough of this artist.
This is getting as worn as Pachelbel's canon, I'm afraid.  As rich as the classical repertoire is, can't you find something new?
Admittedly not for everyone, but when I read a particularly degrading comment and then see that user rate Radar Love a 10, I have to SMH {#No}.
I usually like this artist, but this one is a little too "Phillip Glass" for me (too tumultous).
"An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows." - Dwight D. Eisenhower
 Arkady_Arkright wrote:
hanssachs wrote:
This only sounds good if you don't know anything about music ...

Arrogant twit...


Hi all,

I really don't get it when people say that this is not good music, there is a button for that,( if  you don't like it, it's called PSD), but other than that, for me this is just making my day!

From the east coast I just love this music

hanssachs wrote:
This only sounds good if you don't know anything about music ...

Arrogant twit...
The beginning reminded me of Jeff Beal - only with strings.
 hbs47 wrote:
Musical wallpaper. So teddies and has no soul.

That's a bit teddyist.
 hbs47 wrote:
Musical wallpaper. So teddies and has no soul.

This, followed by Radiohead!  From the insipid to the inspired. 
I love the eclecticism of RP, but Einaudi?  What's next, George Winston, Yanni, Kenny G, Chris Botti, John Tesh...?
I'm always mystified by the high ratings that Einaudi's musical twaddle gets from RP's generally discerning listeners.
So fab - he always catches my ear.

OK - I finally admit it: I like (Einaudi's best) songs - like this one!


Musical wallpaper. So tedious and has no soul.
 fredriley wrote:

Call me a happy ignoramus {#Nyah}. I think that this is i coglioni del cane, and I'm a big, big fan of Einaudi and his works. An immediate 8 from the minimalist, italophile Nottingham jury.

Agree. Ignorance is bliss for me as well.
Just the mood I'm in on a cold, snowy winter's morning. 
 hanssachs wrote:
This only sounds good if you don't know anything about music ...

Call me a happy ignoramus {#Nyah}. I think that this is i coglioni del cane, and I'm a big, big fan of Einaudi and his works. An immediate 8 from the minimalist, italophile Nottingham jury.
This only sounds good if you don't know anything about music ...
From a 6 to a 7.  
Some pretty sounds, to be sure, but at the end this just does not move me. Don't know why.
And the word, pablum, fits the music to me, too. 
 Proclivities wrote:

I agree that "pablum" is a good word, but it is an American colloquialism which Fred may not have heard or read before in The U.K. (as evidenced by his "WTF" query).  His mention of using "20th Century words" was probably referring to the notion of people using the Latin word "pabulum", and was not a demand for people here to limit their vocabularies.


Point taken. I guess I thought that "pablum" had spread farther afield and/or that fredriley's profession would have bumped him up against the word before now. 
 fredriley wrote:
And WTF is "pablum", and why can't folk use relatively modern (from the last century) English? {#Stupid}


 kcar wrote:

Because "pablum" is a perfectly good word. I thought you were a linguist working at a university...This may be a bit simplistic but I think a limited vocabulary contributes to limited thought. I get tired of "meh", "this blows", etc. 

As for anger towards some music and musicians here...perhaps listeners feel trapped into listening to something they don't like. If true, it makes the PSD button a truly great development. Did you all know that you can double and triple PSD if you hit a string of songs you don't want to hear? Wunnerful.  

I agree that "pablum" is a good word, but it is an American colloquialism which Fred may not have heard or read before in The U.K. (as evidenced by his "WTF" query).  His mention of using "20th Century words" was probably referring to the notion of people using the Latin word "pabulum", and was not a demand for people here to limit their vocabularies.
I like his music; saw him in person about 3 years ago. My friends said every song sounded the same. Oh well. In any case, as with any of the wonderful tunes on RP, simply click on PSD if you don't care for it. I think it's fine to post our likes and dislikes but to go on a rant about anything - that really is boring.
Sublime.  Like wordless poetry painting pictures on my mind.  Another beautiful album from a modern genius. 
 fredriley wrote:
What consistently amazes me is how such inoffensive music winds some RP folk up bigtime. I can see their veins bulging and steam come up out of their ears as they type their angry comments. Dislike of Einaudi I can understand, or even just plain boredom, but the burning hatred that appears on RP is staggering. What on earth is it about Einaudi that engenders such bile? At worst, his stuff is just background muzak.

And WTF is "pablum", and why can't folk use relatively modern (from the last century) English? {#Stupid}

Because "pablum" is a perfectly good word. I thought you were a linguist working at a university...This may be a bit simplistic but I think a limited vocabulary contributes to limited thought. I get tired of "meh", "this blows", etc. 

As for anger towards some music and musicians here...perhaps listeners feel trapped into listening to something they don't like. If true, it makes the PSD button a truly great development. Did you all know that you can double and triple PSD if you hit a string of songs you don't want to hear? Wunnerful.  
Ein Audi please 

super luper off you go.....{#Sunny}
If I could play like this, you all could just kiss my ass!
 oldsaxon wrote:

I blame Yanni

I think Yanni could be blamed for a lot of what's wrong in the Universe these days.
One question I will ask Bill(God) when I meet him is: What's up with Ludovico Einaudi?
 Proclivities wrote:

It is odd that his music seems to make some people so angry.  A lot of his music seems to be composed to elicit some sort of meditative or serene response yet it ironically produces the opposite response — there is something interesting about that.  It's not the sort of music I would buy, but it doesn't bother me so much either, and I agree, that at its worst, it's background muzak - unless there are some subliminal messages to buy Fiats or San Pellegrino beverages buried in the mix.  
I was amused by gvan's comment though: "He should be named Quaaludovico."

* "Pablum" is a 20th Century word which originated in the 1930s; it is a fortified oatmeal/corn meal/farina-type of cereal for babies.  It's name came from the older, Latin word "pabulum".


I blame Yanni
I'd rather be listening to Vivaldi instead.
 fredriley wrote:
What consistently amazes me is how such inoffensive music winds some RP folk up bigtime. I can see their veins bulging and steam come up out of their ears as they type their angry comments. Dislike of Einaudi I can understand, or even just plain boredom, but the burning hatred that appears on RP is staggering. What on earth is it about Einaudi that engenders such bile? At worst, his stuff is just background muzak.

And WTF is "pablum", and why can't folk use relatively modern (from the last century) English? {#Stupid}

It is odd that his music seems to make some people so angry.  A lot of his music seems to be composed to elicit some sort of meditative or serene response yet it ironically produces the opposite response — there is something interesting about that.  It's not the sort of music I would buy, but it doesn't bother me so much either, and I agree, that at its worst, it's background muzak - unless there are some subliminal messages to buy Fiats or San Pellegrino beverages buried in the mix.  
I was amused by gvan's comment though: "He should be named Quaaludovico."

* "Pablum" is a 20th Century word which originated in the 1930s; it is a fortified oatmeal/corn meal/farina-type of cereal for babies.  It's name came from the older, Latin word "pabulum".


 helenofjoy wrote:

I agree with you completely.  What the heck happened to these people?

I've often wondered the same thing.  I grew up listening to classical music, maybe that has something to do with it?
 fredriley wrote:
What consistently amazes me is how such inoffensive music winds some RP folk up bigtime. I can see their veins bulging and steam come up out of their ears as they type their angry comments. Dislike of Einaudi I can understand, or even just plain boredom, but the burning hatred that appears on RP is staggering. What on earth is it about Einaudi that engenders such bile? At worst, his stuff is just background muzak.

And WTF is "pablum", and why can't folk use relatively modern (from the last century) English? {#Stupid}


I agree with you completely.  What the heck happened to these people?
What consistently amazes me is how such inoffensive music winds some RP folk up bigtime. I can see their veins bulging and steam come up out of their ears as they type their angry comments. Dislike of Einaudi I can understand, or even just plain boredom, but the burning hatred that appears on RP is staggering. What on earth is it about Einaudi that engenders such bile? At worst, his stuff is just background muzak.

And WTF is "pablum", and why can't folk use relatively modern (from the last century) English? {#Stupid}
Dont like
classical but love Einaudi - Brilliant
The same old Einaudi trick ... boring and unbearable. The guy is smart like a fox ...
OMG, how I hate this cheap imitation of classic music!
Although this might not suit everyone's musical palette, thanks to RP for again introducing us to the wider spectrum of music out there, even though it might lie outside of some listeners narrow groove
 gvan wrote:
He should be named Quaaludovico.

Good one! {#Yes}
 IndyDoug wrote:
If you have chills while listening to this musical master then you appreciate higher art forms that enlighten humanity. Godlike. J.S. Bach would approve.
If you have chills while listening to this musical master then you appreciate higher art forms that enlighten humanity. Godlike. J.S. Bach would approve.
 BrightonGuy wrote:
If this is as good as elevator music gets, I think I'll be taking the stairs..

hahaha {#Lol}
Something sounds familiar here..

9 plays in the last 30 days, yep that must be it. 
 Oh, thou art so critical. janpers wrote:
Unimaginative, Yanni-like (Yawn-i?) dozey drivel. Keyboard doodling any (overly self-esteemed) child would proudly present to Mommy for countless supportive superlatives and ego boosts. That's all fine for helping to encourage a young'un's budding musical talents and experimentations, but this is an adult audience so I prefer real talent. Lucky that I feel kindly today, giving it a 3.